The Big Top Bang, a Skullgirls fandom RP. (Ban the Game and ColorWheelY)


Dumb Jackoff Junkie
Dec 9, 2014
Cerebella was one of the leading stars in Cirque des Cartes, possibly the number one circus in all of show biz. With her buxom hour-glass figure and a low-cut, tight fitting orange and black dress featuring an entirely too short skirt on her wide hips that showed off and emphasized each curve of Cerebella's body, her looks alone drew just as many eyes as her acts. Despite only being eighteen her body had swelled with sexual womanhood and she wasn't afraid to show it off. Often perched on her green-haired head could be found the hat and living weapon, Vice-Versa. A rather odd piece of apparel, it features a skull face with long, straight horns raising up from it, and two gigantic muscular arms each nearly as big as a small person with hands to match sprouting from either side. Black diamonds ran along the orange arms of the hat. Vice-versa could be controlled by Cerebella's mind and was capable of fantastic feats of strength, which Cerebella utilized in her circus performances, often on a tightwire. Along with her best-friend, roommate and acrobat, Feng, the strongman Hubrecht, Taliesin the musician, Cerebella's stage rival and prop magician Beatrix, and the animal tamer and de facto leader of the troupe, the cold Regina, they put on some of the greatest shows in the Canopy Kingdom. However, today, the troupe would be gaining a new member.

Cerebella couldn't help but be a bit excited. It was rare that someone was let into their circle. It also meant the person getting hired had a chance to be scouted as a strong-arm for the Medici Mafia, a publicly unknown fact about being in Cirque des Cartes that even some members of the circus, such as Hubrecht who was simply too good natured for mafia work, didn't know about. In all likelyhood Cerebella would be asked to give her own opinion on the newcomer as a possible future agent, or if they should be left to only the performance world. Cerebella and the entire crew except their leader Regina had gathered in their gym. It was a wide, open affair, with one entire wall completely covered in mirrors. In various sections of the rooms were springboards, tight-wires, scattered props, weight-lifting equipment, and just about anything else one would need for circus training.

Cerebella looked to Feng, wishing to converse while they waited. "Hey, you think the rookie is gonna be a guy or a girl?" Cerebella asked Feng. "I don't know, everything was kept under wraps about the person until the announcement that we were getting a new member was made."

"I bet you hope it's some hot hunk, don't you Feng?" Cerebella teased her friend.

"What? No," Feng only shook her head at her friend. "As long as they perform well I don't care."

"Figures you'd give such a boring response."

"Oh, shut it, Cerabella."

In response Cerebella playfully stuck out her tongue at her friend. Suddenly the large heavy doors into the gym made a loud clank. They were being opened, and in walked Regina dressed in her usual ring-leader regalia. Beside her was a small, slim teen with blue eyes, dark hair, and a red highlight in her bangs. As the two stepped forward in front of everyone Cerebella took an open and unashamed look at the newcomer. She took in every bit of the girl with her elevator eyes, looking her over top to bottom and back. Cerebella found her kind of cute. Her slim figure wasn't that far off from Feng's but this new girl appeared to have more fire in her eyes. Regina addressed the troupe in a flat, matter-of-fact voice.

"This is your new teammate and comrade, Ryuko. She juggles, mostly swords. You will all be expected to help with her training, and work her own skills into your acts. Cerebella, you're to start with her. Get her stamina up and run her through the ropes to see what she can do."

Cerebella smiled at Ryuko. Cerebella leaned forward and outstretched an arm to offer a hand shake, knowingly showing off her cleavage to Ryuko even by bending forward just a bit. Cerebella, with a wide, beaming smile on her face, looked the new girl right in the eyes, wondering if Ryuko would glance down like a lot of people did to look at her large bosom. "Hey there! I'm Cerebella, nice to meet yah," she said, with a playful wink.
A youthful teenage girl walked down to the streets of downtown Canopy Kingdom with nothing but a jumbo sized guitar case and a strange red and black sailor uniform. This girl was Ryuko Matoi the Canopy Vagabond, the guitar case drifter. In her sights was the Cirque des Cartes, a thought to be haven for the wild and talented. Of course, she wasn't here looking for a seat at the show. She had a meeting with the ringleader Regina to finally join the performers at the Cirque. Regina put her through a lot of interviewing and private auditions but it looks like it was finally enough.

"Ryuko," spoke a voice seemingly from no one. "Why are we going to this place again? I thought you had your fun at the circus."

"Ha, yeah right. You think I sat through all of Regina's crap for nothing? I'm ready for my big break in show business. The chance to perform at the grand Cirque Des Cartes is something I can't pass up!"

"I have a bad feeling about this place, Ryuko."

"Yeah and maybe when you stop being a useless parasite maybe you'll get to decide where we go."

"You know I hate it when you call me that."

"Fine, 'My loyal set of clothes'. Is that better Senketsu?"


Later on, Ryuko met up with Regina and they headed to the training gym at Regina's pacing. Once the heavy doors swung open, Ryuko saw the entire Cirque des Cartes cast all standing around and looking at her expectently. The two stepped forward as Ryuko felt a dozen eyes appraising her and Regina spoke in that same cold, authoritative tone she always did.

"This is your new teammate and comrade, Ryuko. She juggles, mostly swords. You will all be expected to help with her training, and work her own skills into your acts. Cerebella, you're to start with her. Get her stamina up and run her through the ropes to see what she can do."

Ryuko, glanced at Regina wondering if she was telling the truth. She'd be working with Cerebella? Probably the biggest Smash Hit at the Cirque Des Cartes? She quickly looked back to try to keep her cool, eyeing Cerebella herself as the wide hipped woman quickly closed the gap. As Cerebella leaned forward to offer her hand, Ryuko couldn't help but look down Cerebella's top for a moment before returning the handshake. Ryuko had a fairly sizeable bust despite her frame and was used to the reputation of being the largest chested girl in her circles, but Cerebella's bulging cleavage easily outclassed hers, intimidating Ryuko a bit. She gave a firm handshake as she spoke, "Nice to meet you too. Ryuko Matoi. I already knew who you were and saw your work the first time I came here but-" She reached back to pull the guitar case to her side and clicked the first latch. "How about I get a chance to show you mine now?"
Cerebella couldn't help but let her smile grow as Ryuko gave in to the impulse to look at her chest. It ultimately was a trivial matter, but Cerebella was a showoff by nature, even with her body. She rested her hands on her hips, and cocked her hips to one side, "Well, well, aren't you eager to go? But this really is as good a time as any, isn't it?" Cerebella really didn't know what to expect. Having been told Ryuko was a sword juggler, it seemed odd the girl would use a guitar case for carrying them. Or maybe there really was a guitar in there? Either way, she'd know soon. "Alright girl, let's see what you got." Behind Cerebella came various bits of affirmative from the rest of the troupe, all eager to see what their newest member could do.
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