RP: Arkham Asylum: Doctor Online [ Horror_Show & cabowabo ]


Feb 15, 2010

Riley Eliza Shaw was a twenty-one-year-old young female who was now a patient at Elizabeth Arkham Asylum after experience psychosis after a going through traumatic experiences. Riley was unfortunately the daughter of one of Gotham’s Mobsters. He had run things a little differently, very through, very clean, very business oriented. He gave his clients second chances and if things couldn’t be resolves then he took measures accordingly. Her father had specialized in the distribution of illegalized things, drugs, money, anything important. That was until a villain named Black Mask had kidnapped her with several other relatives of other mobsters and kept them captive for over a month.

Batman had came to her rescue, she had never been happier to see the hero who she had followed over the years. The dark knight of gotham. Upon being returned home, her father was murdered in front of her. The dark knight himself could do nothing in time but only keep the young girl in safety. The last thing she remembered was grabbing a gun to do something ill-rational and had blacked out and woke up in the asylum.


Upon waking up strapped to a gurney in isolation, only dressed in white t-shirt and bright orange scrub bottoms. She had a bracelet on her wrist saying her name and a barcode to scan but her arms and wrist were restrained. She had been informed she had tried to kill herself. They had her diagnosed with PTSD at the current moment. They informed her that she would be on watch for 48 hours and then would be released into a normal patient room. This was to ensure her own safety.

She thought she had heard whispers between the staff of giving her IV liquids that she would be under the care of doctor Johnathan crane, that he had requested the case soon as she was admitted.


Thank you for calling 1-800-SUICIDE
If you wish to self terminate by electric shock - press one
For termination by overdose - press two
If you would like to make a reservation at the end of our drowning pool - please press three
For termination by hanging - please press four
For death by self inflicting gunshot - press five
To speak to a representative, stay online
If you don't wish to die - please hang up now
Jonathan Crane stood outside the padded room cell of Riley Shaw with a vanilla folder in his hand. He whispered softly to himself as he paced, trying to learn every detail about his new patient. "Quite a surprise" he said to his assistant who stood beside of him. "A month in captivity by The Black Mask and then rescued by Batman. Poor thing must have been scared to death." He stepped to the door and peered into the door at the beautiful girl inside. He was caught off guard, never had he found himself drawn to such a beautiful soul before. "She is" he stuttered, searching for the words as he wrestled with a new feeling inside of him. Maybe it was lust, maybe it was something else but he was drawn to this young woman. He quickly shut the vanilla folder and handed it to his assistant. "I need to meet with her as soon as possible. Have the warden bring her to my office." Jonathan turned to walk up the hallway toward his office was haste, in his mind he was preparing.

He sat at his desk, taking a deep breath before he slid open his desk. He stared at who he truly was, the mask which defined him and made him one of the most feared men in Gotham City. He debated what his next move would be as he waited for Miss Shaw to be brought to him. Time passed in a moment until his door opened and she was lead into the room. Jonathan was snapped from a trance as he stared up at her once again. "Ah yes, thank you for bringing Miss Shaw to my office." Jonathan smiled as he stared at Riley. "You may leave now; I do not believe someone suffering from post-traumatic stress will be any issue." Jonathan watched as they lead Riley to a seat and left the room. He locked the door behind them before he turned and stared at Riley.

"So Miss Shaw, allow me to introduce myself" Jonathan told her as he stepped around his desk and took a seat. "I understand you met the Batman, you must be grateful he saved your life." Jonathan opened his drawer again, and stared at his mask. He was torn, he wanted to find out more about her and only when people were under great distress did they show their true selves. "Tell me something Miss Shaw, what are you truly scared of?" He asked as he took hold of his mask. "Who are you truly?" He slipped the mask on and turned to face her for an instinct. The Scarecrow, the master of fear within Gotham now stared at her. "What are you scared of Miss Shaw?" He asked before he held his hand up and blasted her face with his fear toxin.
Riley was taken out of her restraints and her IV’s were taken out as she was lead by two orderlies up to Doctor Johnathon’s Crane office. She was guided to sit down in a rather comfortable leather recliner in front of his mahogany wood desk. The room was very cozy, very luxurious and she let her eyes glance over all of his certifications and degree’s on the wall. She noticed the older male with such sharp features, a strong jawline, even in his suit she could see how small framed he was himself.

He went to sit behind his desk and she noticed oddly every weird movement he made. She felt very uneasy and sat there shifting in the seat, her hands were folded over each other in her lap. He introduced himself. Then he proceeded to talk and randomly pulled out a weird sack that was a scarecrow mask and put it over his head. She made a weird face confused. He asked what made her scared. He held up his hand with some sort of device and before she could run, gas was blasted into her face. It smelled funny and she gasped out coughing.

“What the fuck are you doing!” She coughed in a ragged breath, her vision got blurry as her eyes dilated. She started to feel her adrenaline sky rocketing, making her body shake uncontrollably. She felt nauseated and her head was pounding. She cried out as the gas was making his mask more terrifying than it actually was. She stumbled out of the leather chair and tripped falling on her behind breathing heavily. She crawled backwards trying to pick herself up and was able to use the wall to get on her knees but the door was locked as she was crying. She leaned over coughing, gagging. She had no fears, everything she loved had been taken away from her, her family was long gone and she was left abandoned. Her only fear was fear itself so she wouldn’t react quite like his other patients, just psychically. She started throwing up. By this point she was hyperventilating.
"Interesting" Crane said as he watched the reaction she had. He was so use to people going nuts, losing their minds and crying for help. She was so different, she shared the same reaction as only one before her, The Joker. "Strange, you do not seem to react to my little gas." He said as he stepped back, allowing her to vomit. He slowly removed his mask and tossed it into the desk again, shutting the door with his leg. "Do you fear nothing? Are you so broken that you have nothing left to fear?" He was even more drawn to her than ever. She was so different and beautiful. He took a bottle of water from his personal fridge and opened it.

He knelt beside of her, acting as if nothing at all had happened and she was texting wildly. "Please breath slowly and drink" he said softly as he pulled her into a seating position and held her. "Please, try to calm down and breath." He said while moving the bottle to her lips. "It will be fine real soon." He turned to the door and opened it. "Can I get a medic in here please! We are having a tiny issue." He looked back to her and brushed the bar from her face. "Now now, it will all be ok" he whispered in a caring manor.
Riley was desperately trying to keep her grip on reality but was having a hard time breathing from vomiting. She felt the older gentlemen pull her into a seating positon. He felt her gently holding her. He encouraged her to drink from a bottle of water. She shakily grabbed the bottle and struggled but got most of it down her. He had opened the door a few nurses came in. Two of them were bent down quickly checking her over as she violently shook in the doctors arms.
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