Overly specific demon x human request (FxF)

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Aug 16, 2016
Hello all!

Normally I shy away from deciding a lot of things about characters before the RP starts, and a few times I had started to write this out I just deleted it because I didn’t want to sound like I can’t be flexible. However, I have a character I created stuck in my head, and she just won’t leave!

So, here’s a bio for that character, and at the end there are two suggestions for plots. Both are FxF, and at the moment I do not want to use this character for MxF at all. I do have some requests for anyone who is interested as well, so please:


> Be willing to put some time into planning, I don't do instant starts
> Never control my character or decide things about her past
> Write in good english, 2-4 decent size paragraphs per post
> Be willing to use either PM or thread, as those are all I use

Meeting Lilim

A demon from another realm, Lilim is nearly eight hundred years old as best she can tell, and has not visited the human world in at least a few centuries. This is because can only be present on earth when she has been summoned by and bound to a human host, which in Lilim’s specific case, is achieved when a human wears a necklace which was once imbued with her power. Only one such necklace exists, and it has been lost for hundreds of years… until now.


Unlike many other demons, Lilim has no real desire to cause harm or suffering, though she certainlt has a mile-wide mischievous streak. Her extreme age has not caused her to mature a great deal, and she often enjoys quite physical humour that others view as crass as well as easily becoming bored of most things. Her dislike of being bored goes so far that if she finds a way to get what she wants, she will seek to find a different way the next time so as to avoid repetition.

In truth, the Lilim is an imp, not particularly powerful and generally looked down upon by other demons. However, her behaviour has caused many humans who have summoned her to assume that she is a succubus. With her nearly insatiable libido, sexual attraction to humans, and love of depraved acts – it’s easy to see why.

Physical appearance

Being an imp, Lilim is only three feet tall and has a shade of skin that most closely resembles that of a red cherry, without the shine. For the most part her skin is without pattern, however around her wrists and shins Lilim has a swirling pattern of black lines which almost resemble tribal tattoos. These grow ever smaller and more dense as they get closer to her hand and feet, with the very tips of her fingers and toes looking almost entirely black unless very close up. The dark shade of ebony matches the midnight black of her long straight hair almost exactly.

In contrast to her short stature, Lilim has a rather curvaceous build with slightly thick thighs, an ample backside and a pair of breasts that wouldn’t look out of place on a woman twice her size. If being judged by human standards, she’d have been said to have a top-heavy hourglass figure that many would have been jealous of. Facially she is very attractive as well, though somewhat alien with a slim and slightly up-turned nose, full pouty lips and bright golden eyes.

As if the tone of her skin and not quite human face would allow you to forget, the two short stubby horns that protruded from her forehead would remind anyone that Lilim was not of their kind. Furthermore a slim tail as thick as a thumb and just shy of two feet long, finishing in a flat, widened tip completes her inhuman appearance.

Powers and abilities:

As a lowly class of demon, Lilim does not possess a great deal of power, being physically no stronger than an average human, nor possessed of any real ability to use magic. She does however have a great deal of control over her own body, and the nature of the bond she shares with the human who summons her allows some small benefit to her. Lilim is able to:

> Change her size – as a whole, or individual body parts. As she gets taller, she gets slimmer.
> Become invisible – but the human she is bonded to is still able to see her faintly
> Swap her female genitals for male ones at will
> Mimic perfectly the voice of the person she is bonded to
> Doesn’t have to eat or drink to survive – though she can become drunk from alcohol
> Cannot be injured by the person she is bonded to – nor can she injure that person
> Can sense where the person she is bonded to is – and if they try, that person can sense Lilim


Plot idea #1 – Modern, mostly smut.

A young woman acquires a necklace (details tbc) and in the privacy of her own home, tries it on. This happens to be the necklace that Lilim is bound to, and the newly summoned demon delights in the fact that she has a new human plaything. The young woman is less than thrilled to have a demon she can’t get rid of with her constantly, and has no intentions of following any of the creatures perverted requests or suggestions. Lilim, not liking to use force and prohibited by the way she is bound, instead tricks, coerces and blackmails her human toy into obedience.

Plot idea #2 - Fantasy, with more plot.

The fact that demons exist is widely accepted – so is the fact that anyone who associates with them must be evil, and should therefore be punished severely. Your character acquires Lilim’s necklace, and summons her quite by accident. Desperate to get rid of the demon before she is found out, she sets out on a quest to find a way to rid herself of the creature, avoiding punishment. Lilim of course, has no intentions of making it easy, and still intends to enjoy the experience as best she can.
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