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One world Many Creatures (DeviantAngel-Himeko)


Seeker of all things fun.
Sep 2, 2013
The sun was beaming down on a beautiful Friday morning as Minka parked her pick up truck in the field and got out. She had jet black hair, her nose pierced and her nails were painted black, she looked as your typical goth but her clothing would confuse those who thought that. She wore a pair of skinny jeans and tennis shoes as well as a spaghetti strap tank top with a white bra under. The tank top was pink so the bra color didn't show much. She had on a white leather jacket over her tank top as she grabbed her wallet and slid it into her bra. Her phone was slid into her back pocket before heading to the flea market just down the trail. It was a massive place that sold a little bit of everything. While walking into a crowd Minka pulled her hair long black hair into a ponytail then began her navigation through the plethora of different humans, humanoids and creatures. The Centaurs were a sight to see with their massive size and the fairies flying around was mesmerizing.

"I love these places." Minka tells herself as she walks up to a stand with sunglasses. "Ooo, I need a pair of these." She tells the vendor before buying a pair of aviators, they were silver in color and covered Minka's piercing green eyes. "Now to find what I need." Minka looks around, scanning the area before laying her eyes on a magic stand. After bumping through the crowd she finally walks up to the stand where a quite lovely Elf was standing. "Hey there, how are you?" She asks as Minka rests her hands on the stand, her eyes scanning what was offered and the prices that came with them. "Do you so happen to have some powdered Bog Blossom?" She asks while laying her eyes back on the Elf vendor.
RE: One world Many Creatures

Illan Dawnsorrow had been pretty busy all day at her decent sized stall. From forgotten spell books to ancient artifacts she sold it all. Granted for her spell books she took time to make copies of them herself so that there was plenty to go around while keeping the original copy. It was just a way of life for her though, she enjoyed her job and enjoyed her work she put into the items she personally crafted herself. Not a single item she made was the same, that way it was unique.

Most of the time she'd just do customary work for her customers and each day she always had something new to put out. As she finished with a customer who had bought one of her personal hand made swords she then turned to the woman who caught her attention. "I'm doing great today and you? Also I just picked some this morning so it could be fresh, but I do have some powder made, though it's not much. If you'd like to wait till tomorrow I could give you more at a half off bargain price for being a new customer!" She said cheerfully as she smiled at the woman.
Minka nod her head as she looked around the stand then back to the Elf. "I'm doing just fine. I just got here so my day is just beginning. As for the Bog Blossom I can certainly wait until tomorrow for something fresh. I'm working on a new spell so fresh is definitely the way to go." Minka continued to look around the stand and her eyes fell upon a silver necklace with a silver cross hanging from the chain. "I bet you don't have a bunch of vampires interested in pieces like that." The raven haired woman points out the necklace and laughs. Though the war has ended between the Lycans and Vampires there was still tension and hatred between the two groups. "I do need a small block of silver, do you have that?" It was common that most people who dealt in magic also dealt in black smith work. The idea of magic was the same as a blacksmith, creating something from odds and ends and the end result being fantastic.
Illan laughed at that and nodded. "You bet yer sweet ass they don't buy those. But I do keep a good stock of them for crafting weapons so help yourself." She said as she reached down and grabbed a box of silver blocks of all sizes. "That'll be 30 gems each for the small ones, 45 gems for the medium ones, and 60 gems for the large ones." She said with her hands together as she smiled happily at the woman.

[Okay sorry if this maybe a creepy thing but just roll with it, I can't help but have the happy mask salesman playing in my head atm while doing this part! xDDDD]
Minka leaned down and took a long look at the silver blocks. After deciding what all she needed to make with it she decides to grab one of the large blocks. "I will take a large on. I have some rings to make out of the jewels that I unearthed a while back." When Illan said Gems it got a little laugh out of Minka. "I don't usually carry gems on me, so do you take cash or perhaps a debit card?" She asks since her skinny jeans didn't exactly have enough room to carry a bag of gems. "But if you want gems I can get some, of course." She adds as she stands back up straight. Minka being the outspoken and not giving a shit type of person didn't put much thought into it when she put on the skinny jeans, cause to anyone that paid attention would notice that there was an outline of a rod starting at her waist and going down her leg. "How much all together?" She asks while trying to count up her bill.
Laughing playfully she nodded. "Sorry just had to make a little joke." She said as she walked over to the cash register. "Debit or credit?" She asked as she added the the total up while looking down to notice said bulge there. Blushing a bit she did a fake cough as she turned her eyes away and told her the total. "For you, um... Lets see here... Yes for you that'll be $80 in total." She finished as she looked at the woman.
Minka nod her head as she pulled her wallet out of her bra and then pulled her debit card out of her wallet. "It's going to be debit." She tells the woman before handing her the card. Of course with Minka being a Lycan she is hyper observant and saw that Illan was looking at the outline of her member. Though most women with her condition tries to hide their cocks with either tucking them in or with magic, Minka was proud of her huge rod. She has met a lot of women who had small cocks but Minka was the only one she knew of that had such a large one. "So what time should I come tomorrow for the Bog Blossom?" She asks while putting her hands on the counter top and leaning forward a little, her tank top falling just a little to give the woman a little view of cleavage.
"Debit it is." She said as she the swiped the card. "Enter your passcode please." She finished as the woman was now leaning over the counter a bit, causing Illan to notice her cleavage. "Umm... It should be ready by the afternoon." She replies as she bags up the customer's purchase. "I say come back around one and it'll all be ready for you." She said as she handed the woman her bag. She couldn't help it but get a little flustered with the woman exposing herself, or so to say, but she was use to seeing oddities in this place and most were good to look at, like this woman for example. Sighing to herself she handed the card back to the woman and nodded. "See you tomorrow." She said as another customer walked up asking for the enchanted shield he had ordered from her last week.
Minka nod her head before stepping to the side as the other customer walked over. "Alright. I will be back tomorrow, see you then." After putting her card away she grabs the block of silver and heads on her way. The raven haired woman had plenty of items to pick up. When she was all finished Minka decided to go home but made note that she needed to come back. At her house she decided to use the silver she bought and made herself a magical whole finger ring. It took a little trial and error but once she had the right spell the ring became enchanted and was ready to use. With a few white diamonds and a couple rubies, the ring was ready to use.

When Minka arrives back to the market the next morning she parks her truck and steps out wearing a pair of short jean shorts, her cock tucked between her legs and a tank top, black that came down just above her pierced belly button. Her hair was still in a ponytail and her nose ring was made of silver. Once back at the stand Minka stands and rings the bell since no one was there. "Anybody here?" She calls out as she looks around, her right middle finger having the new ring she made last night.
That night Illan hung the almost dry herbs out to dry more so they'd be ready for the next day. She then got to work on some custom swords a few customers requested. With her skill in blacksmithing and magic it was a piece of cake to get the work done for the night. Though when she looked at her clock she then realized it was way past midnight and the sun would be rising soon. So sleep would have to come later as she yawned and got herself ready for work.

Once at work she got out of her truck and started lifting her bags in the air with her magic as she then closed up the bed of the truck and then headed off for work with her bags floating next to her. As soon as she got to her stall she sat up her wares and then sat down in her chair. It was a slow morning with not much activity so she decided to put up a sign saying "Out to lunch will be back soon." So she could go nap in her tent for a while. After awhile she heard the bell go off and she woke up and headed out of her tent to tend to her customer. "Ah yes, sorry about that. Didn't get any sleep last night and ended up dozing off in the back. I have your herbs right here ma'am." She said as she handed Minka the herbs. "Anything else you need? I have new wares than yesterday if you'd like to take a peek." She asked as she smiled happily.
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