Heya Puddin' [ Bear & InitiateInspiration ]



Heya Puddin'


[size=-2]It was the opportunity of a lifetime. A chance to expand and finally get a chance to work with the patients that would one day be hers when she was able to get her way through college and get her degree. Until then, she may as well be just a pup tagging along at her father’s heels, holding onto his coattails as he whisked her through the hallways. The opportunity of a lifetime. She had waited for years to be able to even be allowed inside of Arkham, much less to be allowed anywhere near the patients. It had taken so much convincing for the man to even sway, but this past year she had needled and pushed and prodded until he could take no more.

The man had warned her about the type of people that he worked with on a daily basis - the scum of the earth, the whole lot of them. Her father’s sympathetic heart had been hardened from years of dealing with the criminally insane. He had put his everything into the work he’d done there only for the world to once again cut the funding and once again turn their back on the people that were imprisoned inside of the asylum. These people had taken the lives of others in horrible and unthinkable fashions, had tortured and raped, played games with the minds of others… And yet here they were, being examined like animals in captivity.

“Harleen, remember, these people aren’t safe. They’re in here for a reason. All of them are here for a reason.” Her father had repeated these words over and over again like a mantra to her, trying to burn the words into her brain so that it would be impossible for her to forget, even if she got paired with one of the more manipulative. No, he wouldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t be so irresponsible as to let it happen. He had already chosen her patient, a dangerous man but on the softer side of the spectrum. He was a man that was feeble in body and growing even more feeble in mind as he got older, but still someone that would be interesting to her inquisitive young mind.

As her father parked the car, his face was heavy and his movements slow, as if he really didn’t want to leave the safety of the vehicle and didn’t want to take his daughter to the hell that was his work place. “Are you… Sure that this is what you want?” He asked, staring at the steering wheel instead of her face. At seventeen she had retained so much of the innocence in her face of a girl younger than herself, still so much a child at heart that he couldn’t bear to think of taking her into the lion’s den, even at her behest. She didn’t truly know what she was getting into, couldn’t possibly understand even though she had read the books and looked at the case files.

“Yes, daddy,” She offered him a soft smile to assure him, though it only set his heart to racing once again, “I’ve read the files. I can handle him.” Her father couldn’t help but let out another resigned noise, rubbing at his eyes as they exited the car and he lead her into the asylum. The place had seen its better days, the cut in funding resulting in a cut of the better staff members that had required the higher paying salaries. What was left was a motley crew of people that essentially could have manned any low-class hospital, not nearly secure enough to work a place such as Arkham. But it was the best that they could do with what they had. He had already begged for more funding twice and been turned down.

He lead her to the room that she would be spending a majority of her time in, a simple room that had minimal decorations - a large table in the center had two chair on opposite sides, and a small painting from a local artist that had been donated. “Just… Wait here. I have to do my rounds. An orderly will bring him to you.” He pat his hand on her shoulder, attempting to quell her nerves and his own.

Harleen took one of the seats that was vacant, laying her case files on her ‘patient’ out on the table in front of her. She had looked them over until she could almost recite them from memory - Casey Jones, fifty-seven year old man from Gotham, diagnosed with severe paranoid schizophrenia. He had attacked his wife and children while suffering from a delusion and had been remitted to Arkham to carry out his sentence. He was medicated now and mostly harmless, a man that had made a mistake that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

She had just shut the files when there was a soft tap at the door, a tired-looking orderly poking his head in, “Ms. Quinzel?” He pushed the door open, “Got ya psycho for you.” Her brows furrowed a bit as the man drug in someone that was quite obviously not Casey Jones - no, this was someone else. “That’s n--” She stopped herself from making possibly the biggest mistake ever. No, this wasn’t Jones. She had heard of this man before. “Thank you.” She amended herself, smiling nervously at the orderly. This was her chance to prove her father wrong. This was her chance to prove herself as a young psychologist. This man’s mistake was the only way she would ever come in contact with the worst of the worst -- the Joker.[/size]
Twelve. That's what they gave him. Twelve life sentences, all to be served consecutively. They'd tried for the death penalty. But you can't put someone to death when they're criminally insane, can you? They said that he didn't know what he was doing. That he didn't even know the difference between right and wrong. So instead they just locked him up and hoped that the world would forget about him. They hoped that he'd rot in his cage till there was nothing left but a shell of the Clown Prince of Crime. But they were so wrong.

They called him The Joker, but truth was, he was a man with no name. A man with no identity. He was more like a force of nature. A being that could bend the world to his whim. Shape it to his imagination. And oh what an imagination it was.

They thought that the cage they'd put him in would hold him. But they didn't realize that the cage would not hold him. It would be his new playground. And everyone within it his new playthings. The guards. The prisoners. The warden. Everyone was his. There was nothing that went on within these walls that HE did not hear about. No, not a thing. So when he heard that Doctor Quinzel was bringing his dear, sweet Harleen to evaluate Mr. Jones, how could he not have a little fun?

He'd met Casey Jones in the mess hall and confronted him. He asked nicely if Mr. Jones wouldn't mind giving up his appointment with the young girl. But poor Mr. Jones, he wasn't much in the way of brains. He thought it was a good idea to deny the Joker his request. And so, that night, Mr. Jones found himself with a permanent smile carved on his face, as well as a new opening in his throat for him to breathe through. Such a happy guy didn't need a therapy session, did he?

When she arrived in the room the door quickly shut, and the Joker just smiled at the young girl. She looked so proper and professional. Just like her father. He smiled wide at her as he leaned back in his seat. "Little Ms. Quinzel I presume." He said with a grin that looked like the cat that had just eaten the canary. "Please, have a seat. Make yourself comfortable." He said with such confidence. "I hear you wanted to evaluate one of the nuts here at the Asylum. Is that right my dear?" He asked as his eyes seemed to burn holes as he gazed into her. As if the man could peer into her soul.

[size=-2]From the moment that the orderly closed the door and left the room to be just the two of them again, her skin was crawling. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins in a mix of excitement and fear, her arms hugging the case files to her chest in a subconscious way of protecting herself against the man that had most certainly performed so many villainous and violent acts against his fellow man. Her father had warned her to stay away from him, far far away, but that only made her more interested in him. He wasn’t some old man that had made mistakes years ago when unmedicated. He was a lunatic, plain and simple.

Harleen did her best to straighten herself up as much as possible, crossing the room in her best impression of ‘calm, cool, and collected’ as she could, setting her case files down onto the table in between them and shuffling them as if she had all the time in the world. She couldn’t stop her hands from shaking, though, and couldn’t help the queasy feeling in her gut that was making her feel on the edge of tossing up her breakfast from this morning.

“Mister J,” She cleared her throat gently and offered him her best ‘professional smile,’ “We do not call our patients here at Arkham ‘nuts’... We prefer to use words that are deemed more appropriate - mentally unstable, for one.” Harleen crossed her fingers through each other and set them on her papers, staring at them as if they were the most interesting thing in the world suddenly, “Now, you were not the patient that I was… Intended to speak with, but I’m sure that we can speak and maybe I can offer you some help with what you’re dealing with.”

Her eyes were shy but curious when they lifted again, meeting his though she hesitated, “Tell me -- do you know why you’re here?”[/size]
He could smell it on her like she'd been rolling around in shit. The fear, the excitement, the adrenaline. That cocktail was powerful. If she hugged that case file any harder it would burst into a million pieces. It was like she was using it as a shield. But it would not protect her. No, not from him. Not that she needed protection. Not yet at least. No, she was his new toy, and The Joker wanted to play. He'd missed having fun. These walls, sure, he could find ways to amuse himself within them, but there was nothing like a brand new toy to get the blood flowing. And she was certainly brand new. An innocent, pure, untainted little thing. She had no idea the things he could do to her.

He watched as she tried desperately to put on a professional demeanor and get herself together, but he knew that it was a near impossible task. He'd gotten under her skin the moment she entered the room. He crawled around just under her top layer, and she could feel it.

When she finally spoke again he grinned even wider. "We don't? And what do we call them Ms. Quinzel? Loons? Freaks? Crazies? Bonkers? Oh, I know! BANANAS! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He cackled out as he leaned back in his seat and began kicking his feet. He was certainly enjoying himself. "Mentally unstable? What about unstabley mental?" He asked as he leaned forward glaring into her eyes. "I don't think mentally unstable really applies to me though. I'm more....mentally volatile. Like a barrel of explosives waiting for that little catalyst to set it off. So make it go BOOOOOOOOM!" His arms flailed in the air as he nearly fell back in his seat mimicing the explosion.

When she said that they can speak and she could offer him some help he got serious, but the smile never left his face. "Oh oh oh. You want to heeeeelp me? Alright, alright. Please Doctor. Have a seat. Let's chat." He said as he pretended to straighten his non-existent tie and sit up straight in his seat. He placed his hands flat on the table, acting like he was interested in what she was ready to ask him.

"Sure, I know why I'm here. I'm here because your society thinks that they can cage me up. They think they can lock me up behind these walls and throw away the key. They think that by me being in here they're somehow safe and secure. It's like a warm safety blanket letting them sleep soundly at night." He said with a playful smirk. "Now what about you Ms. Quinzel. Tell me...do you know why YoOooOooOOoooOOOoU'RE here?" He asked as he leaned forward closer to her from across the table.

[size=-2]The voice of reason that spoke inside every normal person’s head finally decided to put its word in on the situation - ‘You’re in over your head, Harleen. You need to leave the room and let the real professionals deal with him. You need to get out.’ She really should have listened to this voice that was tickling through the back of her mind and raising the hairs on her neck with all the hard earned instincts that a girl like her ought to have. She had promised her father that she would be safe and that she would play things by the books… But there was another piece of her, a harder part of her that wouldn’t let this go over so easy. No, she couldn’t walk away from this, even for the sake of her safety. Her pride was at stake here.

She forced herself to try and remain cool as the man did his best to get beneath her skin, his manic motions and wild gestures only symptoms of the overall absolute lunacy that was his mind. His thoughts were shambles, but she tried to remind herself of the one thing her father had always told her about this man - Yes, he was crazy. But he was crazy like a fox.

Instead of letting his gestures make her feel unsafe, she did her best to put her mind to watching every tick, every move, and catch every word that fell out of his mouth. And even though he was crazy, he was absolutely right. He wasn’t merely mentally unstable - he was mentally volatile. He was gasoline just waiting for a spark, so eager to be near a flame that he could almost taste it. He was reckless in how badly he wanted to explode, how much he just wanted to damage and hurt everything around him.

She made a mental note of something else, as well - his sense of superiority. He didn’t just believe that he would be let out. He knew down to the very core of his being that his stay in Arkham was only temporary and that he wouldn’t be here until the day he died.

Harleen did her best to at least look calmer than what she felt, because her heart was still racing in her chest and adrenaline still being pumped into her veins from the close proximity to sheer insanity. “We both know why I’m here, Mister J.” She did her best to deflect, offering him the small, professional smile that she had practiced so many times before.

“Twelve life sentences.” She stated the fact plainly, “But you still believe that you’re getting out.” She was just stating what he had made quite obvious. He didn’t think that any place could contain him. “How do you think that will happen?” This was out of curiosity more than anything else. She had heard horrible stories about him and she was curious just how far gone he truly was. Sure, he had killed people, but there were so many out there that had done that. What made him so special?[/size]
His movements and actions may have been manic, but one thing remained constant. His eye contact with her. He never broke it. Never faltered. He gazed into her eyes as if peering down into her soul. Seeing what lie beneath the mask she wore. She was trying so HARD to be something she wasn't. Trying so HARD to hide her fascination with him. But he saw it all. He ate it up. Relished in it. Even her little pet name for him 'Mister J' was a form of adoration that she was subconsciously projecting onto him. "Mister J? I like that. It makes me feel important. Makes me feel special. Say it again for me, pretty please." He said as he leaned forward, reaching his hand out and gently touching her cheek. His touch was soft and sweet, seemingly luring her deeper into his gaze.

He didn't answer her question though. Not yet at least. Shaking his head he just smiled at her. "Not yet Harleen. Wait...no...if I get a fun little nickname, I'm going to give you one." He said with a laugh, an excited look on his face. "Harleen, god, sounds so boring. Harleen....Harleen...Harleen..." He tapped his chin pensively as he thought about what he was going to call her. "Got it!" He then exclaimed with excitement and a youthful playfulness on his face. "Harley! Harley Quinn!" He said as he jumped happily in his seat. "Now tell me my pretty little Harley. What are YOU doing here in Arkham? What are you reeeeeeeally doing here?" He asked as he leaned in closer to her. "Because the way I look at it, seeing you all dressed in your fancy professional clothes, looking so sterile and clean, you my dear look like the real prisoner." He said with a cocky smirk on his face.

Leaning back in his seat he ran his fingers through his bright green hair. That smile almost brightening up the room. "Now now my little Harley. I can't give away all my secrets, can I?" The way he said "my little Harley" there was almost a possessiveness in his voice. A sense of ownership to her.

[size=-2]Talking to him like he was a patient wasn’t going to get her anywhere and that much was becoming blatantly more obvious to her. She had tried to extend him the least bit of courtesy she could by still treating him with respect - her insistence on calling him Mister J had been as close to being respectful as she could without knowing his real name. But that was fine, she knew his game and the gears in her brain were working slowly to get a plan in effect. Her thoughts were scrambled by his hand, which she hadn’t expected. He was a criminal with a nightmarish violent background so tenderness wasn’t something she had expected from him.

It was almost… A romantic touch. Stop it, Harleen. That was the mind of a hormonal young adult talking, not the mind of a young professional. She composed herself, but her mask had slipped horribly. He couldn’t possibly have known the cold, clinical life that she had lead at home, couldn’t possibly know the psychology behind her own upbringing that lead her to desire attention and adoration from someone - anyone, really. He couldn’t know. It was just a random chance.

She let out a brief sigh and leaned back in her chair, consciously attempting to get some distance between the two of them because the air was getting thick, almost hard for her to breathe. Her arms crossed over her chest slowly and she chewed her lip at the corner a bit. “Alright,” She nodded, mostly to herself. He wanted to play a game, he wanted to try and break her down and turn the tables on her so that she was the one that was the victim. His ploy wasn’t subtle in the least bit, but what else would you expect from a mind like his? “Alright,” She said again, “How about we make a deal, Mister J?”

Harleen crossed her legs, keeping up her professional pose in at least a small amount, “All it would take for me to leave this room and never come back is just one mention of the ‘clerical error’ that was made today that caused Mister Jones to not be in this room with me… Now, I could conveniently mistake you for Mister Jones because,” She let out a small laugh here, almost a playful giggle, Silly me, I’m just seventeen… Or I could walk out right now and fix the mistake so that you go back to your regularly scheduled appointments with a real professional… All I’m asking for is you answer my questions… Does that sound like a deal… Mister J?” She leaned forward now, a smirk on her face. This was at least one regard in which she had the upper hand.[/size]
He could see the way his touch affected her. The way she needed it. The way her mask slipped for the moment. She seemed to crave the attention, and it made his grin grow wider. Perhaps her dear daddy wasn't giving her the attention she needed, or craved. Seeing that mask lip even for a moment made him hungry for more. He knew that she'd continue to feed that hunger.

Watching, he noticed how she was suddenly trying to regain control again. Control she'd lost when she felt his touch. When she offered to make a deal with him he smiled wide and nodded his head. "Oh, a deal? I like deals and I like games. So sure, let's make a deal Harley!" He said with a laugh.

When she crossed her legs, he couldn't help but glance down, seeing more of that gorgeous, soft, pale skin. His eyes scanning over the revealed flesh before running back up to her face. When she made her offer he nodded his head. "Now now, isn't that an interesting proposition? Seems like it gives you all the control, doesn't it? But there are a few things that could happen here Harley." He said as he moved up off of his seat. Slowly the man began sliding across the table, moving onto all fours.

He looked like an animal stalking his prey as he moved closer and closer to her. "One, I take your deal, and we sit here and I answer question after boring question till...till..till my head just explodes." He said with a laugh, getting even closer to her. Soon his face was practically in her face as he glared into her eyes. "Two, I could pretend like you have power that we both know you don't have. Besides, you need to be here. You want to be here. You and I both know you could interview some boring inmate anywhere, or...or you could have fun with me." He said with a smile. Then leaning in a little more, he whispered into her ear. "Or, the guards can fake a riot, and your daddy dearest might have a little accident. Wouldn't that be sad?" He whispered into her ear before gently licking her earlobe. "Now, what do you prefer?" He asked in a soft, calm, sinister tone.

Just when she thought that she had thought her way through his clever maze and found herself on the upper hand, it seemed that all she had done was add fuel to his fire. She not only gave him the satisfaction of continuously being called ‘Mister J,’ she had given him the satisfaction of watching her squirm. Harleen did her best not to move as he quite literally crawled onto the table like a beast, his eyes hungry on her as if she were a terrified rabbit and he a fox ready to pounce.

Where she had previously not moved because she wanted to show that she wasn’t afraid, she was now genuinely too terrified to make a move. The air in the room was suddenly thicker than she felt she could breathe and his words hung in it, slow for her brain to process and harder still for her to manage a response. He was playing tricks with her mind, she was sure, but he was so much more an expert than she could ever be. He had played this game far longer than she, and he had come to play it as the god he was.

Manipulation for him was as easy as letting out a held breath, though Harleen found that currently near impossible.

He was so close she could feel his breath on her cheek, her tongue wetting her lips nervously as he closed the space between them further still. Goosebumps rose on her skin and she fought a shiver as his breath now tickled at her ear, his whispered threat in deep contrast to the softness of his touch, his tongue tickling its way up her earlobe. A new sensation now, one completely unexpected and unwarranted given the circumstances - excitement. But not the excitement like what she had felt in her chest when pulling up to Arkham, but its darker cousin, an excitement that stirred between her legs and made a knot form in her belly.

Fear and excitement mixed, lending bravery to her paralyzed soul. She gathered what courage she had, her head tilting towards his so that her lips were against his ear. Her heart was beating so hard and so fast that she could scarcely draw a breath, but youth gave one reckless abandon, “What kinda fun ya got in mind, Mister J?” She couldn’t believe the words that came too easy, only a slight hesitation before her lips touched the edge of his ear, the knot in her stomach clenching as her lips pulled back at last second to deliver not a kiss but a soft bite.[/size]
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