- Joined
- Mar 7, 2015
If you could not tell, I am a really big fan of DC Comics but also the superheroine roleplay genre. I enjoy tons of different kinks and so forth within my roleplays but am very specific about what I want in each play. Before we get to the stories I have in mind, I will discuss everything I enjoy and what I am looking for.
In a perfect world, someone will play the heroines and allow me to play the villains, villainesses and the rest of the world around them. I feel my strongest suit as a partner is to tell a really great story. My idea is broad, and will encompass many roleplays into one big story. Almost every story will also evolve more than just a single enemy though focus will be on one specifically.
I am not against playing the heroines but really want to follow the stories I have developed and would request whomever played with me to do just that. I can lay out a pretty good guideline for them to go by. I am needy, I understand this and it may make me difficult but I can be a lot of fun if you are willing to take the chance.
Now, for the things I enjoy within my roleplays...
The heroines I current have planned stories for are...
[img=250x400]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a4/61/30/a461305bcaec6e2c50a47e327998bad6.jpg[/img] [img=250x400]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ff/60/ed/ff60ed0addf34372f82d4ff8c60358a2.jpg[/img] [img=250x400]https://fanartexhibit.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/batgirl_bvs.jpg[/img][img=250x400]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/t/56e058f4c6fc08396fcac005/1457543417539/stunning-female-aquaman-cosplay[/img]
[img=250x400]http://heromorph.com/heromorph2/uploads/photos4/3406.jpg[/img][img=250x400]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/5d/3a/825d3aabb7b9bb7d7c7f990eb0b3c4c9.jpg[/img] [img=250x400]http://img10.deviantart.net/ac41/i/2014/341/7/1/arrow_cosplay_2__it_s_raining_neon__by_deyayend-d88zryf.jpg[/img][img=250x400]http://img09.deviantart.net/6b71/i/2009/122/5/a/mary_marvel_____shazam___by_jimcorrigan.jpg[/img]
If you are interested, please message me. I would be happy to share any and all ideas I have with you. I prefer to start from the very beginning, each character's origin story.
In a perfect world, someone will play the heroines and allow me to play the villains, villainesses and the rest of the world around them. I feel my strongest suit as a partner is to tell a really great story. My idea is broad, and will encompass many roleplays into one big story. Almost every story will also evolve more than just a single enemy though focus will be on one specifically.
I am not against playing the heroines but really want to follow the stories I have developed and would request whomever played with me to do just that. I can lay out a pretty good guideline for them to go by. I am needy, I understand this and it may make me difficult but I can be a lot of fun if you are willing to take the chance.
Now, for the things I enjoy within my roleplays...
- Story driven plots
- Serial roleplays
- Multiple paragraph posts
- All types of sex: Romance, Rape, Seduction, Bondage, etc...
- Gang Bangs
- Risk of pregnancy
- Violance and realism
- Honest to character roleplayers
- Heroine wins in the end, unless otherwise planned.
- Characters played as heroine and alter ego
The heroines I current have planned stories for are...
[img=250x400]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a4/61/30/a461305bcaec6e2c50a47e327998bad6.jpg[/img] [img=250x400]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ff/60/ed/ff60ed0addf34372f82d4ff8c60358a2.jpg[/img] [img=250x400]https://fanartexhibit.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/batgirl_bvs.jpg[/img][img=250x400]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/t/56e058f4c6fc08396fcac005/1457543417539/stunning-female-aquaman-cosplay[/img]
[img=250x400]http://heromorph.com/heromorph2/uploads/photos4/3406.jpg[/img][img=250x400]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/5d/3a/825d3aabb7b9bb7d7c7f990eb0b3c4c9.jpg[/img] [img=250x400]http://img10.deviantart.net/ac41/i/2014/341/7/1/arrow_cosplay_2__it_s_raining_neon__by_deyayend-d88zryf.jpg[/img][img=250x400]http://img09.deviantart.net/6b71/i/2009/122/5/a/mary_marvel_____shazam___by_jimcorrigan.jpg[/img]
If you are interested, please message me. I would be happy to share any and all ideas I have with you. I prefer to start from the very beginning, each character's origin story.