Do you know what is hard? Finding a partner, for your biggest cravings. We all go through it. It's as if the fates see what we really want and tend to keep us waiting for long periods before anyone truly shows interest, by that point though you lost interest in your craving. And not to mention, perhaps the partner ditches you the second they get what they want? Outch, but that's life sometimes. However, it doesn't have to be this way. I am going to start doing something different. For now on, Any partner that contacts me for anything I am looking for will be rewarded with their own cravings they really want. I personally don't mind playing multiple role plays at once, or multiple characters. And if both our cravings can be incorporated into one rp, then all that much better! The point is, I hope to create an incentive for partners to help fulfill my biggest cravings. And by extension, this gives me the incentive to fulfill theirs! I have always been an extra mile kind of guy. So let me go that extra mile for you, so you can for me.
Lay it on me: Whatever your craving, no matter how mundane, foul, complicated, specific or weird it is. I will do it. ^^ . Story based, Smut, mix, all A OK with me. Want me to be your love triangle? Sure! Your reverse Harem! Absolutely
. As long as you also do my own craving of your choice, I can do whatever. XD > I am a literate, multiple paragraph kind of writer. I can write 2 or 3, or way more if you want me to!
The Options: Here are some options of what my biggest cravings are. All are fan based however, so sorry if none here is up to your liking.
1: (M)ass Effect (Little play on words, ha ha.) : I love the Mass Effect franchise and would love to play opposite of one or even more of the games sexy ladies. I also have, for the loooongest time, always just simply craved to play opposite Aria. I just love her attitude
XD .
2: Marvel: I dont have any specific ideas but I would love to play against possibly, Black Widow, Black Cat, She Hulk or Rogue. ^^
3: Suicide Squad: After watching the film, this became one of my biggest Cravings! I would love doing a Suicide Squad role play! I have so many girls I would love to play against! For this I am more then willing to fulfill a GM/Narrator role to keep the plot going, characters rotating and the rp fresh.
Girls I would be interested in having within the squad: All of them are options for you to pick and play. I dont want people to play all of them lol, just one or two of your choice.
And of coarse:
4: Vixens of Gotham: My biggest craving for last. I adore the Batman comics, especially the villians! And would love to play a OC Robin, against any one of the three Vixens of Gotham City. Poison Ivy, Catwomen and or Harley Quin. Maybe even all three? Regardless, aside from Suicide Squad this is my biggest craving.
5: My last big craving is for the MOBA Smite. I would love to play against a Hel, Athena, Aphrodite. Especially a Bellona! Watch the to hell and back trailer and you will know why! She is hot and awesome.
Lay it on me: Whatever your craving, no matter how mundane, foul, complicated, specific or weird it is. I will do it. ^^ . Story based, Smut, mix, all A OK with me. Want me to be your love triangle? Sure! Your reverse Harem! Absolutely
The Options: Here are some options of what my biggest cravings are. All are fan based however, so sorry if none here is up to your liking.
1: (M)ass Effect (Little play on words, ha ha.) : I love the Mass Effect franchise and would love to play opposite of one or even more of the games sexy ladies. I also have, for the loooongest time, always just simply craved to play opposite Aria. I just love her attitude
2: Marvel: I dont have any specific ideas but I would love to play against possibly, Black Widow, Black Cat, She Hulk or Rogue. ^^
3: Suicide Squad: After watching the film, this became one of my biggest Cravings! I would love doing a Suicide Squad role play! I have so many girls I would love to play against! For this I am more then willing to fulfill a GM/Narrator role to keep the plot going, characters rotating and the rp fresh.
Girls I would be interested in having within the squad: All of them are options for you to pick and play. I dont want people to play all of them lol, just one or two of your choice.

And of coarse:

4: Vixens of Gotham: My biggest craving for last. I adore the Batman comics, especially the villians! And would love to play a OC Robin, against any one of the three Vixens of Gotham City. Poison Ivy, Catwomen and or Harley Quin. Maybe even all three? Regardless, aside from Suicide Squad this is my biggest craving.
5: My last big craving is for the MOBA Smite. I would love to play against a Hel, Athena, Aphrodite. Especially a Bellona! Watch the to hell and back trailer and you will know why! She is hot and awesome.