MONSTERS AND MECHS, OH MY! [ craving pacific rim & mass effect - f x m ]

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Sep 5, 2015

CURRENT CRAVINGS : Pacific Rim ( oc x oc, Mako x Raleigh ), Mass Effect Andromeda ( Ryder x Jaal/Liam, Drack x Lexi, Shepard x Thane, oc x oc )

I'm not going to list off any definite plot that I want to do with these fandom cravings; that's something that I want to discuss with my partner(s) when we're deciding on pairings and all that goodie stuff!​

Let me make this short and sweet; we're all here on BlueMoon to find that next sweet stick to cure our cravings, and I'm no different. While story/plot is still a very important part to any roleplays, the main focus should be eventually erotic at some point; it completely depends on the pairing and story, but that's the main gist of anything that is started with me. As for my F-list, it's listed down below in my signature; feel free to come at me with questions/inquiries!

If it's not apparent already, I am a literate roleplayer and would like my partner(s) to be literate as well. What I'm looking for in a partner is simple:

- BE LITERATE : Generally know where your punctuation go, capitalize what words need to be, and use spellcheck - it's your best friend, seriously. I'm no grammar nazi, but don't be leaving glaring OBVIOUS mistakes everywhere. I would like the length of posts in this roleplay to be around a meaty 2-3 paragraphs. 4-5 even for introductions. Nothing under 1 paragraph, and DEFINITELY no one-liners.

- BE DETAILED : I want graphic descriptions, incorporating literally more than just one sense at a time when we both write. This does not mean I want to be reading a ten paragraph essay on how great an orgasm feels (fuck no), but don't just write like "and he came" and end it right there. How is he feeling? Is he exhausted? Panting? Hot all over? Along with that, I love, LOVE it when my partners describe what their character's cock is like; how long, thick, bulbous, and etc is it? The more details you give me, the more I'll give back. It's a reciprocal relationship, so let's just satisfy each other, yeah?

- BE POLITE : I have no hard feelings when people drop off since I do it as well. However, I do have a problem when people think it's in their fucking born-right to be a prick to my face and DEMAND things from me; I'm not your slutty bitch (even if my CHARACTER might be to your CHARACTER). You wouldn't treat a random person on the street or your friend rudely, would you? Just use common courtesy with me, and everything will be a-ok.

- BE SPECIFIC : When you contact me (via PM, please), tell me what you're specifically interested in. If you have an idea of a plot already, great! If you have a f-list to compare with mine, even better! Don't just come to me with a "hi, i like ur idea, let's rp" or else I will ignore you. Otherwise, if you at least have a somewhat vague idea of what YOU want, I will reply back to you and will work with you on what we can do; I tend to split plotting 50/50 between myself and my partner, so please throw in your fair weight into plotting, so it'll be just that much more satisfying when we actually do roleplay.

might[/i] be currently open to discussing/playing in them. Unless there's an asterisk next to it, take it as just playing OC characters in the verse. As it stands, the list will keep on growing as long as I can remember all of the fandoms that I'm currently interested in roleplaying!]
Pacific Rim*
Dragon Age*
Fire Emblem*
One Punch Man
Until Dawn*
Marvel Cinematic Universe*
Mass Effect*

Lastly but probably most importantly, I won't hound you if you do decide any roleplay you do with me for you and you don't want to do it any more with me. I won't be left with any hurt feelings and any of that nonsense; we're all adults here on Bluemoon (or should be), and life will simply go on.
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