One Side of a Shadow~

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Aug 17, 2016
Utahlkin' About Me Mother?!
Now, brave the Depths of a Shadow~

Alrighty then. First ever thread. Let's see where all these shenanigans go.

First things first, please take the time to read through all of this post. This is "me", my requests, and desires, in a nutshell, so I'd enjoy it if you had the decency to peruse it all~

Now for a Little About the Shadow:

I'm 20 years old, and a college student, so sometimes I get rather busy. That being said, I try my damnedest to get at least one reply to all of my partners each day. As it happens, I usually have short stretches of time during the day, where I reply consistantly, and if my partners happen to be on simultaneously; we may get through several posts together. It's just the best of experiences when that happens on a particularly wonderful roleplay ^w^ .

I have six years of roleplaying experience. That being said, the length, and quality of my posts comes completely out of my enthusiasm for the roleplay in question. If I like you as a partner, or the roleplay in particular(usually one-and-the-same-happenstance), I can write all the way up to somewhere around multi-para. I think the most I've done is about five paragraphs. However, I tend to write a single paragraph, or match my partners, most of the time. Almost never will I write much more than my partner; you get-out what you put-in. Please note if you plan to leave for longer than a week, however~

One of the most important things to note, if you want to RP with me, is to make a good first impression. Surprise me. Tell me a little about yourself. Tell me why I should take the time out of my day to play with you. Tell me a joke. Poke at something funny. Show me what a unique individual you are. More than likely, if you skip past any of this(I don't require an essay on yourself), I will just delete your PM. If you can't put in the effort to show me what makes you, YOU, then there's no sense in showing me what makes your character, themself.

The Most Important Things to Note:

  • Eins!
    Please PM me, replies to this post will most likely be ignored. Additionally, I roleplay mainly in PM's, but can be convinced to play about in a thread... but only if I like you >.> . Additionally, I ask for fairly literate partners, who can write, at the very least, a paragraph. Quality over quantity, however~
  • Zwei!
    I absolutely, positively, will not so much as contemplate a roleplay with anyone who lacks a sense of humour, and/or emotions. Crack jokes with me! Use your horrible(or good) puns! Have fun with it all, and let's be friends! That doesn't mean you have to Skype me, or give me your phone number; I just want a fun experience happening to include positive energy from both sides of this spectrum~ So, don't be a Downer, and take some Joy!(Yes, I'm a nerd. No, I don't want to roleplay We Happy Few.)
  • Drei!
    I can play quite literally anything, or at least... I think I can. Be it Monsters, Humanoids, or anything in-between, I can take a crack at it! Male, female, futa; I've played, and am comfortable with them all.
  • Vier!
    I'm very accepting of ideas, and I love to build roleplays with my partners; thusly, do not PM your specific, to-the-word thought-out roleplay, specifically playing through your kinks and desires. I will just completely ignore your PM. Additionally, I despise super-cliche pairings and plots. Let's make it interesting and fun; not something that's been done a few million billion times, on the simplest of scales!
  • Funf!
    Playing off from that last note; I enjoy a wide vareity of settings, except for cliche modern. I WILL NOT play a completely normal, modern settings. If we adapt, and include non-realisticst things, or combine it with a Fantasy touch or two, etc, then that's fine. But a strictly "normal", cliche modern roleplay... No. I do greatly enjoy Fantasy, however, and will hop on any interesting idea that comes my way from that.
  • Sechs!
    I'm absolutely horrible at making my own plots. It will be a wonder if there is ever a plot section that comes up here. Thusly, come with a creative mind, or vague ideas, hopefully crafted together from what semblance you can gather here. I greatly enjoy brainstorming plots and ideas with someone interested, and thus, will very rarely agree to your specifically thought-out plot, that I just fill a role in; unless it is very open-ended.
  • Sieben!
    If, at any time, you feel a roleplay has grown stale, please tell me. We can always revamp it, make a new one, or part our seperate ways respectfully if need be. I want an RP to be fun for both of us, and if you just drop the roleplay without a word, it truly kills one's muse...

Definite "No's".

  • Scat
  • Vore
  • Gore
  • Snuff
  • Watersports
  • Heavy Humiliation
  • Bimboification
  • Heavy BDSM or Bondage.(Light is fine)


  • Bestiality~ Wether it be monsters, beasts, or other things!
    ----On a Note, here, I especially like intelligent creatures. Just because you're playing some hulking monster, such as a Minotaur, or the the like, does not mean it is stupid as fuck. Creatures also don't home in on a womanhood like a heat-seaking rocket; so if they're not intelligent enough, play it off to their instincts, or something along those lines. Additionally, unique phalli, knots, and all the like are especially enjoyed!
  • Cumshots
  • Rough Sex(on occasion)
  • Gangbangs
  • Just about anything else, if it's iffy, make sure to ask~

Alrighty, now that all of that is out of the way, I guess I can post my general "wants" ahead. Not too much in this category, but it's a start, I suppose~ The more asterisks(*), the more it is requested! Do note, that some of these, I would enjoy playing too, so mind the words!

All Aboard the General "Wanting" Traaaaaaiiiiin!

Monster Girls!~*****
Mmmph. I love me some Monster Girls. Of the MonsterGirl Encyclopedia vareity. Whether I play them, and you a strapping male or futa, or vice-verse, Monster Girls are a fun way to spice up any roleplay.
There's the stereotyical route of adventurers setting out into the world, coming across an MG that claims them as their own. We can implement MG's in a modern setting, such as Monster Musume(no, I wont play for that fandom), and let shenanigans abound. Anyway you go, it's sure to be a lewd, sultry ride.

Fuuuuuun with family! Pretty self-explanatory, and popular at that. Granted, needs to be combined with other elements and ideas to make it interesting; a cliche, normal pairing, is just too bland.

Dark Souls!~**
Also pretty self-explanatory, for fans of the series. This will probably be based around Dark Souls 2, or 3, or even an alternate land, if you would enjoying DMing.

Could include bestiality with the various beasts and the like--of which I'd rather enjoy straying away from the overly-disgusting ones(I know this seems redundant, considering it's Dark Souls, but use your brain)-- or a relationship between two kindred adventurers, and the shenanigans that abound between them.

(I'm going to hate all the PMs I get for this, most likely, buuuuut...)Overwatch!~****

Now, this does not mean Iwant to play the ship-pairings, or any of that. I want to play some of the female characters, in various, to-be-determined settings and scenarios. Will *probably* be canon-universe, to open more possibilities, and will probably involve the girls in lewd, sultry acts. Mercy in a gangbang, or bukkake? Tracer or D.Va getting her holes pounded by animals? Windowmaker taken advantage of, after one of her mines backfires? All sounds like fun to me~

And, I believe that is it for now. So, until we meet again~
After a hiatus, I return, although with a lack of muse. Care to refresh me?

~Also, a Bump, *NOT* for Trump.

In case you're rather political, and, for some reason, reading my bumps; Garfield for president. Screw 'em both; I don't care.
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