- Joined
- Aug 29, 2009
I figured it was time for me to make one of these, so here goes.
Why does Oreo Roleplay so much? You ask...
A little over three years ago I developed an problem called Meniere's Disease. There is a tiny canal in my ear that fills with too much liquid. This in turn completely destroys my sense of balance and, WHOOPS down falls Oreo, retching her guts out for hours on end. Praise the powers that be it doesn't happen everyday that badly, but most every day I am nauseous and dizzy enough to not want to move. Woot!! Two years ago I discovered the Internet, and the wonderful world of RP. I have an escape from the reality of whirling like a dervish, every minute of every day. Did I mention the bonus of my ear roaring like I'm standing next to a generator 24/7?
What? You want to know what it feels like? Man you're sicker than me.... But if you really want to know, spin around in your office chair for 20 - 30 seconds. Stop quick, and pay attention to the room still spinning. Feel your eyes jerking in their sockets? There you go, then. Welcome to my brain.
Yes I've heard of all the different treatments, but most are for allergy triggered Meniere's, mine is not. The only option open to me is disabling my ears, but that means being deaf.
I am so NOT going there!
Since in real life I can no longer have caffeine, my next best love is virtual coffee and CHOCOLATE. You want to win my heart, bring me chocolate. It is still fun to look at the stuff and pretend.
Sometimes when it is bad I don't respond quick. Most days I have to concentrate really hard to write my posts. So for those of you wondering what is taking me a day or three to answer your post, now you know. This is an advance warning. If I don't show up here 'at all' for a day or two, I am writhing in agony or dead. Nothing else would drag me away.
I'm pretty much used to dealing with the problem. I don't need any 'I'm so sorry for you' replies here! This is most definitely not to garner sympathy. I'm a strong willed woman, who loves life, and I always take the outlook that tomorrow will be better. To all my RP partners, *huggles and thanks* for helping me get through each and every day with asmile *huge grin* on my face. I hate whining (crying only makes things worse) and prefer to look for things to make me happy. RP does that, my great escape.
This is just to let you know, I am not ignoring you. If I take a while to get to our RP, it's because I simply can't at the moment.
You want to know about Oreo? If you're bored continue reading. If you're not bored, plan to be. First, I'm eclectic, I like the best of everything and don't limit myself by genres. I began writing in RP's about 15 months ago, and have been steadily (I hope) growing in my ability to play and write effectively. My favorite hobbies are backpacking, fishing, camping and cooking, (obviously when I am not writing.)
My life philosophy: I believe in unconditional love. Unfortunately, the average person is programmed from birth to love only conditionally. Consequently, they grow up feeling that they have to earn any love that they get. Earn it by their good behavior, by agreeing to let someone else have their way, by giving someone what they want, or simply by just being "nice". This, of course, only breeds a circular kind of unprogressive conformity. Since the impression is built deeply within us that we must "please" our parents or our playmates or anyone else, for that matter, in order to be loved, we come to expect others to be able to "please" us if they want our love. This deep-seated attitude makes it humanly impossible for us to love anyone who disagrees with us or believes differently or acts differently from the way we think they should. Because all people not only need to be loved but also need to love, this often leads us in frantic efforts to manipulate people. To try to change them. To make them over into what we want them to be so that then we can love them. Thus we see people everywhere trying to change, manipulate, dominate and control each other. Until we stop this behavior in ourselves, we will never learn how to love unconditionally. I choose to accept people how they are; to love them for who they are, no questions asked.
My Favorite Poem:
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
~ William Ernest Henley
Music: I like it all, if it's done well. My all time favorite song? I can't choose. It's a toss-up of Don McLean's~ American Pie, Harry Chapin's~ There Only Was One Choice & Cat's in the Cradle, Rick Wakeman's~ Journey to the Center of the Earth and Triumvirat's~ Spartacus. Favorite Album, Avantasia: The Tower/ or Harry Chapin's 'Dance Band on the Titanic'. I love all the oldies, country, rock, pop, classics, the list is endless. I only like slow dancing and of all things---Polka.
Literature: I prefer fantasy, scifi, historically correct novels and biographies. I've read almost all of James Michener's works. I loved Sacajawea by Anna L. Waldo. James Alexander Thomas'~ Follow the River had me riveted to my chair. Other authors in my top ten picks, Tolkien, MCcAffrey, Stephen R Donaldson's Thomas Covenant series, Asimov's Foundation, Zelazny~Amber Chronicles, Frank Herbert's Dune, Piers Anthony (for fun). If it's scifi I've probably read it and loved it.
Movies: Gotta go first place with historical war movies, Braveheart, Tobruk, Midway, Iwo Jima, Gallipoli, Bridge on the River Kwai, We Were Soldiers, Patton and any others of that nature. Not too crazy about slapstick comedy, I'm more into dry humor. My favorite romance movie is between Groundhog Day, The Princess Bride, and The Con. Can't get enough Scifi and action adventure. We have a big 72" projection tv (If I could get one bigger on my income I'd have it), so watch most movies at home from my ever increasing dvd collection.
Favorite TV shows? Stargate, Babylon5, Star Trek, Alien Nation. End of story.
Why does Oreo Roleplay so much? You ask...
A little over three years ago I developed an problem called Meniere's Disease. There is a tiny canal in my ear that fills with too much liquid. This in turn completely destroys my sense of balance and, WHOOPS down falls Oreo, retching her guts out for hours on end. Praise the powers that be it doesn't happen everyday that badly, but most every day I am nauseous and dizzy enough to not want to move. Woot!! Two years ago I discovered the Internet, and the wonderful world of RP. I have an escape from the reality of whirling like a dervish, every minute of every day. Did I mention the bonus of my ear roaring like I'm standing next to a generator 24/7?
What? You want to know what it feels like? Man you're sicker than me.... But if you really want to know, spin around in your office chair for 20 - 30 seconds. Stop quick, and pay attention to the room still spinning. Feel your eyes jerking in their sockets? There you go, then. Welcome to my brain.
Yes I've heard of all the different treatments, but most are for allergy triggered Meniere's, mine is not. The only option open to me is disabling my ears, but that means being deaf.
I am so NOT going there!
Since in real life I can no longer have caffeine, my next best love is virtual coffee and CHOCOLATE. You want to win my heart, bring me chocolate. It is still fun to look at the stuff and pretend.
Sometimes when it is bad I don't respond quick. Most days I have to concentrate really hard to write my posts. So for those of you wondering what is taking me a day or three to answer your post, now you know. This is an advance warning. If I don't show up here 'at all' for a day or two, I am writhing in agony or dead. Nothing else would drag me away.
I'm pretty much used to dealing with the problem. I don't need any 'I'm so sorry for you' replies here! This is most definitely not to garner sympathy. I'm a strong willed woman, who loves life, and I always take the outlook that tomorrow will be better. To all my RP partners, *huggles and thanks* for helping me get through each and every day with a
This is just to let you know, I am not ignoring you. If I take a while to get to our RP, it's because I simply can't at the moment.
My muse is as fickle as they come.
She leaves without a moments notice.
At other times she leans against my back, whispering in my ear,
and my fingers fair strain to keep up with her whims.
I have a large collection of RP's going at the moment, and it may take me three or more days to post.
Then there is real life that offers it's own interludes.
I will endeavor to post as often as possible.
I would rather wait to give you my finest effort, than force a post containing drivel.

My muse is as fickle as they come.
She leaves without a moments notice.
At other times she leans against my back, whispering in my ear,
and my fingers fair strain to keep up with her whims.
I have a large collection of RP's going at the moment, and it may take me three or more days to post.
Then there is real life that offers it's own interludes.
I will endeavor to post as often as possible.
I would rather wait to give you my finest effort, than force a post containing drivel.
You want to know about Oreo? If you're bored continue reading. If you're not bored, plan to be. First, I'm eclectic, I like the best of everything and don't limit myself by genres. I began writing in RP's about 15 months ago, and have been steadily (I hope) growing in my ability to play and write effectively. My favorite hobbies are backpacking, fishing, camping and cooking, (obviously when I am not writing.)
My life philosophy: I believe in unconditional love. Unfortunately, the average person is programmed from birth to love only conditionally. Consequently, they grow up feeling that they have to earn any love that they get. Earn it by their good behavior, by agreeing to let someone else have their way, by giving someone what they want, or simply by just being "nice". This, of course, only breeds a circular kind of unprogressive conformity. Since the impression is built deeply within us that we must "please" our parents or our playmates or anyone else, for that matter, in order to be loved, we come to expect others to be able to "please" us if they want our love. This deep-seated attitude makes it humanly impossible for us to love anyone who disagrees with us or believes differently or acts differently from the way we think they should. Because all people not only need to be loved but also need to love, this often leads us in frantic efforts to manipulate people. To try to change them. To make them over into what we want them to be so that then we can love them. Thus we see people everywhere trying to change, manipulate, dominate and control each other. Until we stop this behavior in ourselves, we will never learn how to love unconditionally. I choose to accept people how they are; to love them for who they are, no questions asked.
My Favorite Poem:
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
~ William Ernest Henley
Music: I like it all, if it's done well. My all time favorite song? I can't choose. It's a toss-up of Don McLean's~ American Pie, Harry Chapin's~ There Only Was One Choice & Cat's in the Cradle, Rick Wakeman's~ Journey to the Center of the Earth and Triumvirat's~ Spartacus. Favorite Album, Avantasia: The Tower/ or Harry Chapin's 'Dance Band on the Titanic'. I love all the oldies, country, rock, pop, classics, the list is endless. I only like slow dancing and of all things---Polka.
Literature: I prefer fantasy, scifi, historically correct novels and biographies. I've read almost all of James Michener's works. I loved Sacajawea by Anna L. Waldo. James Alexander Thomas'~ Follow the River had me riveted to my chair. Other authors in my top ten picks, Tolkien, MCcAffrey, Stephen R Donaldson's Thomas Covenant series, Asimov's Foundation, Zelazny~Amber Chronicles, Frank Herbert's Dune, Piers Anthony (for fun). If it's scifi I've probably read it and loved it.
Movies: Gotta go first place with historical war movies, Braveheart, Tobruk, Midway, Iwo Jima, Gallipoli, Bridge on the River Kwai, We Were Soldiers, Patton and any others of that nature. Not too crazy about slapstick comedy, I'm more into dry humor. My favorite romance movie is between Groundhog Day, The Princess Bride, and The Con. Can't get enough Scifi and action adventure. We have a big 72" projection tv (If I could get one bigger on my income I'd have it), so watch most movies at home from my ever increasing dvd collection.
Favorite TV shows? Stargate, Babylon5, Star Trek, Alien Nation. End of story.