Gotham's New Criminals (XxBeautifulNightmarexX & Rskde)


Aug 2, 2015
In transit
They call him Techno, only because of his abilities around technology. Of course, this is the reason the Joker himself picks him to be part of his crew. He sits in the back of a van, a small convoy of three vans approaches 'Belle Reve Penitentiary', a black inked facility in the middle of nowhere for special criminals like the one they are here to save; Harley Quinn.

His real name is Ryan Fuentes, though the only people who know that is him and the Joker of course, the Pyschopath that currently sits across the van from him. The stare this madman is giving him makes him hold the rifle he had been given closer to his chest. He feels a shiver going down his spine, he pulls his mask down over his face, making him look like a clown of course. The mask hides a pair of electric blue eyes, but it still shows off his jet black hair, which he had been trying to keep under control but from the mess it is currently in, that had obviously not been working.

The vans screech to a halt outside of the facility, several guards at the front gate glare at the vehicles, but are quickly taken out by the crew from one of the other vans, who had driven off into the distance, a sniper spotter crew inside to keep a lookout for police and guards on the outside.

The Joker stands and looks down at him. "Alright.. Electric boy!" He says enthusiastically. He reaches down and takes Ryan's chin in his hand, forcing him to look up at him. "You work your magic." He says before taking a deep breath. "You get me my Harley and you get your money, go!" He nearly screams, causing Ryan to jump out of his seat and scramble out of the van.

Ryan wasn't exactly enthusiastic about working with the Joker, he had heard horror stories about what had happened to other crews the Joker had gathered, hell, the Joker had killed people for looking at Harley Quinn, something he would have to do to get this job done. He raises a hand towards the facility, its lights force the stars above them out of view. Suddenly the stars are visible again as the power to the facility shuts down.

The rest of the crew gets out of the van and rushes the facility, the silence of the night is interrupted by loud gunfire, the guards inside of the jail stand no chance as the Joker and his crew break through the facility by storm. Ryan approaches a cell, a pale woman inside who looked still asleep though he doubted the gunfire would allow for a peaceful sleep. He presses his hand against the gate, the auto lock on it sparking before the door opens.

He approaches the woman, shaking her and grabbing her by her arm to help her stand, the Joker approaches and shoves Ryan away from her. "My Harley!" He exclaims.
Meanwhile Joker and his crew were getting Harley back Batman stood on top of the roof with a woman who was wearing purple and Black, she had called herself the black rose thanks to her powers with plants as she had looked over at the man as she had grinned. "Lets have some fun" She said as she had soon jumped down as she had landed on the ground with ease.

This black rose had smiled as she had started to kick some of the criminals butts as she had pulled out her purple rose and had turned it into a whip with thorns as it started to cut the guys as she was hitting them making them pass out as she was working her way toward the Joker, Harley and the new criminal as she had grinned.

This was not her first rodeo at all she had been helping batman for quite some time and the city of Gotham loved her very much as she had soon kicked the door down. "Well how lovely a reunion, to bad it won;t last long" She said as she had looked at Harley and Joker.
Techno quickly recovers from the Joker shoving him away, the three of them watch as Batman and a new sidekick as it seems, enters the room that had once been Harley's prison. "Ohhhhh! The Batman!" Joker says with a maniacal laugh. "Do your thing, electric boy." He says with a dismissive wave.

Techno raises a shaky hand, falling to one knee as the Batman would suddenly find himself without working electronics, the gadgets on his suit sparking up and nearly exploding, though Techno didn't have enough energy left to blow him up. The Joker starts to jump up and down, clapping his hands. "Looks like we've clipped the Bat's wings, eh?" He says before giving another insanely loud and annoying laugh.

Techno braces himself against the cage, trying to control his breathing, his knees feel weak and he overall feels tired from such excessive usage of his abilities. A helicopter flies over them, a line drops down and the Joker and Harley both grab it, they soar off, leaving Techno standing there in front of the Batman and this new girl.

"Fucking really?" He yells at the helicopter as it flies away. He looks back at the two, pulling off his mask to reveal his face, his eyes almost glowing in the dark. He reaches down to his boot, sliding out a Bowie knife that had been tucked in an ankle sheath. He looks the two heroes nervously. "Get out of my way!" He yells to them, taking a step forward, his gun still in his other hand, though he doubts with his weakened condition he would be able to withstand the recoil.
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