The price of hunting... [Kaybee x Sesshi]


Feb 9, 2015
California, soon to be Oregon
"THE ALLIANCE ARE HERE!" One of the Ogrimmar grunts yelled as they ran into the city. "Get those portals open men! We need to summon the rest of the force!" A commander yelled to the mages. Portals of all colors that showed the places of where they were connected to could be seen. Forsaken, Taruen, Trolls, Pandaren, Goblins, and even the Blood Elves started pouring out of the portals as each one was armed and ready for war. The Alliance had come yet again and this time the war was brought to their main home, Ogrimmar.

On the other side of the portal inside of Silvermoon City...

Himeko Sunsorrow stands there in line waiting to go through the portal when suddenly dark portals start opening up all around the city. "DEMONS!!! Demons are pouring out of the portals!" One of the Silvermoon guards screamed as the powerful smell of the fel and demons began to fill the air with it's heaviness. Himeko looked around and saw some cloaked figures and couldn't help but yell at them, "Hey! Just what the hell do you think you're doing?!" as she then started chasing after them with her spirit beast Tosho, a large snow leopard.

She managed to keep up with them till they made it to the dark forests of the Ghost Lands. There they all split up leaving Himeko to only follow one, but to her one was enough for now. She didn't know who or what she was chasing just that the cloaked figure was Alliance or something else, but definitely not Horde though. Just as she finally managed to catch up she saw it was too late, yet another portal was open this time the fel was stronger than when she was in the city. No, this was happened when one got too close to a demon's portal.
Lilita's eyes flared green with fel energy as she worked with the portal. She had no time to create a ritual circle, no space, but the bindings on a doomguard were a part of the spell itself and while preparation strengthened those bindings she could reinforce them on her own. Her other summons and pets were down for the count, expended in the assault on Silvermoon, a doomguard was all she could manage with her other resources exhausted.

Unfortunate then, that the faith she held in the strength of her own magicks would prove to be misplaced...

The demon stepped forth, a hulking red-skinned behemoth who looked down at her with a snarl. It flexed, and Lilita felt it exert pressure on the wards, felt them bend as she poured power back against it. "Kill her!" She screamed, hoping to distract the demon with the promise of slaughter as she sensed another life approach, but while the demon's eyes flicked towards Himeko for a brief moment, they snapped back to the draenei a moment later and with a casual -almost contemptuous- ease, Lilita felt the bonds snap. The demon freeing itself in an instant of effort before lunging towards her.

She was not the least agile mage by a long shot, but she was no warrior, and she moved too slowly to stop the great blade from piercing straight through her in one smooth motion. Her mouth went slack, gurgling as pain exploded through her body, mercifully short lived as the demon twisted the sword, snapping her spine and removing all agony below her stomach.

The black specter of death that rushed up to meet her as she slid off the blade and to the ground with a wet thump took the rest of the pain away, released into death.

Then the demon turned its eyes on the Blood Elf and -after a long moment of consideration, stuck it's sword into the ground. "Felblood... Curious..." Its voice was a bass rumble, and Himeko would be able to feel the power in it before the demon reached out for her. "I think I will make you mine."
Himeko couldn't believe what she just saw, the fact that a demon turned against its master and killed her! She stood there frozen in terror as she watched the demon turn back to her and as if thinking of what to do with her. The demon stuck the sword into ground before speaking to her this time. True she felt the power within the demon and questioned if she could even survive whatever was to come.

As the demon reached out for her and she could hear some of the guards coming to see what was going on. Closing her eyes she tried to think of being somewhere safe but deep down she knew this demon had plans for her. Why else would they spare her and kill the one who summoned them?
If the demon heard the approaching guards it paid them no mind as it wrapped its massive fingers around Himeko's waist. He seemed almost pleased that she did not try to run, though that interest seemed just as quickly to turn to disdain as he felt her trembling fear at his presence. He set her back down before him, and kept pushing, intending to drive the blood elf to her knees while he worked at his massive loincloth, pushing the heavy folds aside to reveal a massive bulging cock that was already hardening in anticipation.

"Service me..." That low voice again, washing hot over her. "I offer you survival if you will do as I say."
She knew that she had no chance of living if she angered the demon, so she fell to her knees and began begging for him to spare her. "I'll do anything you say as long as you don't kill me!" The power the demon had was overwhelming to say the least. She could almost feel the fel practically taking over her mind as she bowed before the demon and brought her face closer to his cock. The guards were getting closer but she didn't care, she just wanted whatever the demon had to offer her.

"I hope you keep to your words demon..." She whispered as she let her tongue slide out of her mouth to started licking at the massive shaft. She could feel the energy from just touching this demon like this, but so far he had been keeping his word to her.
The light in Himeko's eyes would brighten as the Fel energies began to flow into her from the demon's presence. He reached one massive hand down, taking his own cock by the base and stroking while she licked at his shaft, encouraging a huge bead of fel-laced pre-cum to bead at the tip of the monstrous manhood.

"Drink it..." He rumbled, focusing on her, staring down and exerting not just the innate corrupting power of his self but the dominant presence behind it. "Worship it..." Fel power, his cock, for the purposes of this stage of corruption the two were one and the same, though which one she held closer to her heart would likely determine how powerful a demon Himeko would eventually become. After all, if she could only serve cock rather than worshiping power, she would likely never rise beyond a simple succubus...

Though his focus was on the blood elf as she began to submit to his presence, the demon stretched out one hand, a wall of felfire springing up as the guards began to approach. "You may watch-" He rumbled to them impassively "-but do not interfere mortals." He did not intend to let them live afterwards, but they were perfectly welcome to a show if they wished, and it was quite a show indeed, watching the slender Blood-Elven girl service his hulking demonic form...
"Yes... M-Master." She replied as she began lapping up the fel-pre. The moment her tongue touched it she could feel the fel entering her body and starting to slowly corrupt her. "Don't give into this foul demon Himeko!" One of the guards yelled. "He is only lying to you!" Another replied. "Silence! I have made up my mind... I will service this demon in exchange for my safety. I am done with this war and tired of never winning! Let the demons come, I could care less now at this point!" Himeko snapped back at them, before turning back to her new demon master.

"I'm sorry for their rudeness, master... Nnnn... My body is growing so hot right now..." She moaned as she went back to caressing and licking the demons massive cock. She was starting to accept this new life, but she knew she had to in order to survive. "My body belongs to you my master." She says as she begins stripping for him. Once she had removed her armor she stood there completely nude and then looked up at him to see if he approved. "Like what you see?"
The demon raised an eyebrow at her bold statements, and grinned at her even bolder strip-show as the green glow in her eyes flared bright with the influx of sympathetic power. He took her in one hand around the waist, lifting her while he beckoned the guards mockingly. "See what true power is..."

His voice lowered, for her ears alone as he turned her around, forcing her to face her kin as he placed her womanhood at the head of his shaft. "Accept the fel into your body, take of power offered, and become more than you were." He began to push, forcing her downwards with pressure, slowly stretching her open to accept his demonic cock, raising his voice again. "Watch as she is reborn..." The fel was pulsing through Himeko now, and a faint tracery of lines were beginning to decorate her skin, colouring her in stripes of glowing green, like tattoos.
As she accepted the fel she could feel her body growing hotter than before while her eyes now had the aurora of a demon. As this was her first time with anyone she did scream loudly, but not of pain, of pleasure. It was as if the fel numbed the pain and replaced it with pure bliss. The guards couldn't believe what they were seeing and all they could do was just stare and watch as one of their own kin became a demon, or at least half demon for now.

Himeko could feel a sharp pain in her forehead as two large horns started growing outwards and then curled around. Her horns were similar to that of The Betrayer but were black and lined with the green feel that was now flowing into her wanting body. Panting heavily she stares at the guards with her nearly glossed over eyes. "Master... Nnnn... May I have the pleasure of killing them please?" She asked in a seductive voice as her body shook and twitched in pleasure from her orgasm starting to build up.

"M-M-MONSTERS!!!!" The captain yelled as he began rushing towards the demon and Himeko. "Y-Yeah!" Yelled the rest as they too joined into try and slay the demon master and his new pet. Unknowing of their inevitable fates.
The demon growled in pleasure as the tight little blood elf's cunt wrapped around his cock, watching with a broadening grin as her aura warped before his eyes and her body twisted, horns curling from her forehead as the demonic magic subsumed her old self and began to transform her. "Too little too late mortals..."

Though he left her impaled on his cock he released the hand around her waist, allowing Himeko to move as she wished. "Kill the men, capture the women..." It was slim odds that every one of them would be suitable for demonhood but even if they could not serve as new demons they could serve as slaves and concubines. No reason to let their bodies go to waste after all...
She reached for her bow and the moment she touched it the fel wrapped around it and warped it into a bow made of pure fel. No need for arrows seeing as she could just summon fel arrows now. She aimed only at the men and then called to her pet to keep the women at bay. "The Legion comes for us all, but do not resist for they offer power and eternal pleasure.~" Himeko cooed at the women as Tosho brought them in closer to Himeko and her master.

"Embrace the fel like I have... Become one with the... Nnnn... The Legion..." She moaned as her orgasm took hold over her, spilling her fel-green cum over the demon's cock.
A simpler creature like the pet needed no direct contact as the demon's aura alone was enough to corrupt it's less complicated mind, and while it might have resisted his commands, it would quite happily take commands from its corrupted mistress. "Good boy." The demon rumbled, a wry note in it's bass voice as it reached down an patted it's head with one massive taloned hand, green fire flaring at his palm and sinking into the creature's forehead as he did so, twisting it even further as fel filled it.

"Let none of them escape..." He ordered, then beckoned the women closer as he held Himeko atop his cock, smiling as she spasmed and came around him. "Clean up after her." He ordered the assembled women, a couple of them had been guards, the rest had simply been bystanders, but he beckoned them close commanding to lick up the fel juices that were currently running from the converted blood elf down his shaft as he continued to fuck her.
Tosho had been bound to Himeko since her birth to it was natural for hime to obey her no matter what. Seeing as Himeko did not fear the demon and his corruption, neither did he. He however became one with the fel and his body morphed into something more demonic. The black spots shifted into fel markings like Himeko's, while his once gorgeous white fur fell off and was replaced with scales. Leaving his eyes that once had a icy blue glow to them now had a light green fel glow, while demonic spikes grew out of his shoulders and legs. With two tiny horns now resting on his forehead as the transformation completed.

Tosho nodded to the demon and did just that, made sure none of the women escaped. He skulked back and forth and some tried to escape but was stopped immediately. No sooner had the women finally all gathered around the corrupted blood elf and the demon they began to start lapping up all the fel juices that flowed from Himeko's dripping cunt.

Himeko moaned in pleasure as her master continued to fuck her over and over, causing her to cum several times before the night would even finish. Yes, she had very much so sold her soul to the demon the moment she accepted his offer. But she did not care anymore, to her she was finally free from all the suffering the wars between the two factions caused and free to serve someone willing to give her what she needed, the fel and the power. With that she would continue to serve him and turn anyone into his plaything for him. Should he want it.
The doomlord could not hep but laugh as one by one, the women succumbed, whether through fear or lust, he ruled them now, and they knew it intimately.

He pointed to one of the guardswomen, a particularly persistent one who'd tried to run twice and even now glared up at him. She had the makings of a demon as well, but needed to be taught submission first... With Tosho's transformation a mental link had been established, and he made use of it now, ordering the pet to topple the woman and mount her. The others wouldn't run any more anyways, not now that they had all drunk of Himeko's tainted arousal.

Secure in his position, the demon took the corrupted blood elf by the legs and began to fuck her in earnest, slamming his cock into her in a rough, powerful rhythm of thrusts. Unlike a mortal man, he had no need to stop for more than a moment after cumming once, and with every load of fel seed into her body Himeko would be tainted more and more. He fucked her through the night, pausing only long enough to let the other women gathered around them suck his cum out of her and share it amongst themselves after each load.

How lucky he, to have a foolish warlock summon him into such fortuitous circumstances. With so many eager sluts to be tainted, he could have his own kingdom in a matter of days! He grinned wolfishly at Himeko, moaning wantonly atop his cock, her skin starting to darken and her fel features becoming more pronounced after having corrupted seed poured into her for the past few hours. "I believe I will make you my queen..."
Tosho leaped into the air without hesitation and pounced ontop of the woman and then with his new massive claws began tearing the armor into shreds as if they were paper and then stuck his fel infused cock into her. With each thrust that Tosho made the more the guardswoman screams of pain and terror turned into moans of pleasure as she too began to feel the corruption take ahold of her.

There was nothing that could stop the doomlord now in his conquest over this area. And with Himeko by his side, it was inevitable now. Each time he came inside her and filled her with his tainted seed, the more like a demon she began to look. She still looked like an elf, but you can tell that she was now clearly a demon now. Her corrupted tail wrapped around the balls of the demon and began massaging them and coaxing more and more of the fel into her.

"I live to serve you my lord." She replies as she nuzzles her head against his sturdy chest.
The demon groaned softly, sharp fangs nibbling at one pointed ear as her new tail's ministrations encouraged yet another release from him, flooding Himeko's womb with still more tainted cum. The transformation had gone beautifully, and the creature writhing and moaning atop his cock now was hardly an elf any longer as the fel had taken every part of her, body and mind. He had expended much of his power to manage this, and while he conserved by ensuring that the taint was spread over the many women he had now enslaved, it was still an impressive amount of energy, and it would take time or effort to recharge himself fully.

The results were impressive at least, besides Himeko the guardswoman was starting to show physical signs of demonic corruption as well. She was not yet anywhere near the full demoness the blood elf had become but bearing similar horns, claws, and glowing fel-green markings swirling across her once-fair skin. Additionally, the women who had been forced to drink his and Himeko's mingled juices as they dripped from her pussy down his shaft had been tainted in mind by the second-hand energies, though none of their bodies were changing yet.

Balls drained into Himeko once more, Kizedax lifted his new queen off his cock, admiring the way her cunt closed tightly back up to keep his cum inside her despite how much her inner walls had been forced to stretch to accommodate his manhood at first. "We march into the village." He rumbled to his assembled sluts. "Bring all of the women and children to me, you may do as you wish with the men but you are to make sure that none of them leave. Understood?" Some of the women still had the willpower to resist and twist his orders, but a direct order like that would be difficult to circumvent...
After her master finished filling her with his tainted seed she breathed heavily as she looked at her arms and felt around her body, she was no longer a elf. She was another demon and a powerful one at that. Deep down inside of her she regretted her decision but she knew there was no turning back now, so instead of disobeying him she nodded as she pulled herself off of his massive cock and landed on the ground with a delicate flip in the air before landing on her new hoofed and clawed feet.

"You heard your king! Go to the village now and gather the other women and children! I shall deal with the men personally. Come Tosho we hunt again as anew!" She yelled in her new demonic tongue and most of the new sluts were more than willing to obey but the others and the guardswoman were still resisting. Himeko walked over to the guardswoman and pulled her in close, forcing her tongue down her throat to spread the taint further into her body before breaking loose and then slapping her to the ground. "Now get going sluts!" She roared as she ran into the village with the rest of them.
As his new servants rushed the village, Kizedax paused, looking down at the guardswoman he'd given to Tosho's lusts as she gasped, sputtering as Himeko let go of her and moved ahead into the village. Despite all the corruption that had been pumped into her, the pleasure she'd clearly taken in it and the visible signs of fel taint the woman was still resisting it's influence, fighting to retain her own mind.

Grinning, he picked the woman up, carrying her in one hand as he marched into the village behind the others.
[Picture is as shown for her except for the blindfold.]

Eraedia Shadowsong had been the general for the Horde and as such her willpower was much stronger than that of Himeko's. For her death would have been far greater than to be turned into a slave of the Legion. But she knew that death would not be granted for her here. As he lifted her into his hand she tried to strugle but even her new demonic powers were no match to Kizedax. "Release me you foul demon!" She screamed as she tried clawing at him to get him to release her, but failing hard in the end.

Meanwhile Himeko gathered up all the men and began enchanting them one at a time, and twisting them into demons as she filled them with the fel that empowered her. But oddly when they were turned into demons their genders almost fully changed, leaving them as futa Shiverras. Fine warriors they would make. Himeko thought as she watched her pet killing those who resisted.
"Leave some of them unturned and alive." Kizedax rumbled as he strode into town to find Himeko converting the men and women within one by one, though he nodded in approval at the changes made to the bodies of the turned men. Men were more difficult to turn in some ways and so he had simply planned to kill them or leave them for his fel sluts to have whatever fun they wished but this turned them into not just powerful warriors but breeders as well that would -in time- be strong and capable.

While he had brought much energy with him though, it was growing diluted as it spread throughout the town, and so the reason he asked for the men and children was in order to replenish that energy. Still carrying Eraedia in one hand, he motioned with his other hand to some of the new soldiers. "Drag them into the centre of the square." he ordered, letting them do so while he knelt and began to shear the smooth stone surface of the town's center with a single claw, scratching a runic circle into it that glowed faintly with fel-green light. It took time, but only once the circle was done did Kizedax carry his captive into the centre of the circle, motioning to his newly-turned soldiers to hold the last dozen unturned townsfolk over the circle.

He took a seat in the centre of the circle, then reached out with the fel, channeling his own power to the power in Eraedia's body as he gave the order, motioning to the first of the unturned townsfolk. "Kill him." She would not want to he knew, and she had the willpower to resist, especially when such a thing was against her very nature, to murder those she had sworn to protect, but he intended to force her. Regardless of her mind's motions, he used the connection with the fel inside her to force her to move, puppeting her body while she watched, forcing her hands to do the deed.

And when it was done, Kizedax pointed to the next -a young girl-, and raised his hand, ready to puppet Eraedia again should she resist.

"Kill her."

And again, and again, one by one, around the circle, the blood activating the master runes inscribed within, sacrifices to ensure the success of a ritual that would open a portal to the twisting nether, allowing fel magic to spill into Azeroth and rejuvenate him, with the nice side effect of hastening the corruption of every living being in the town as it flowed.

Whether she moved willingly at the end or whether he had to force her to slit the throat of the final sacrifice, Kizedax then ordered Eraedia to come to him as the circle began to blaze with green light, pushing her to the ground in the centre as the fel began to spill forth and pushing his cock into her with a roar as a column of corrupting felfire shot up from beneath them, rushing through them and into the sky above.
"As you command my lord." Himeko replied as she called Tosho back and had him herd the rest she left unchanged to be sacrificed to her master. "Your souls will feed our lord and with it new life to breath! But trust me, your lives will not be in vain! With your sacrifice you shall help bring new life into this world and will also help us rebuild this city anew!" Himeko yelled in a booming voice for the new recruits to hear as the townsfolk were sacrificed one by one by the hands of the general.

Eraedia screamed as she was forced to slaughter the remaining townsfolk. "You monster!" She cried as she killed another child this time. The more she killed the more she could feel the loss of her sanity starting to slip away. As the ground below her began to glow with the energies of the fel began to spread from the portal she was the more that blood was spelt the stronger the portal grew. The buildings turned into what seemed like demonic citadels with fel green spikes growing out of them. Some of the buildings became uprooted and began floating in the sky. Fel crystals floated around each building and everyone who had been turned, were now full demons.

No matter how hard she tried to resist her body wouldn't listen to her, the mental strain was hard on her as she was then faced with the last one standing. Her arms moved so effortlessly as she brought her blade to the man's throat and with a swift movement, slit his throat. The moment his limp body hit the ground her body moved towards the monster who forced her body to do what she just did. He pinned her down and the moment his cock filled her ample cunt she could feel the change starting to deepen now, corrupting her further and as their bodies became engulfed in felflames she noticed her once beautiful smooth skin was starting to "melt" off as demonic scales replaced her entire body. The markings glowed brightly as she felt herself slowly losing conscious from all the stress.
Kizedax grinned down at her, not just impressed by the pleasant tightness of her womanhood but at her continued defiance, though he knew that her sanity might be shattered if she held out too much longer. Nonetheless he grasped at her breasts, pinching her nipples cruelly hard in an effort to keep her awake. He didn't just want her to turn, he wanted her aware of her every last atrocity as she did so, every change, every moment of surrender, and every instant of suffering as her old self witnessed the new.

He pumped into her roughly, adding little pricks of pain as his hand trailed over her body, ghosting his talons against what was left of her softer skin, twisting her nipples, teasing the tip of one claw against her clit. Any injury would be healed by the felfire as it changed her, so he had no fear of inadvertently doing more harm than good with this treatment. In the end, it would all blur into pleasure as he fucked her full of fel power...

Around them the green fire was flowing from the center of the square, cementing and enhancing the changes of the townsfolk, encouraging them to take of each other as they wished. The already-broken ones would comply eagerly, quickly descending the remainder of the town into an orgy that would suck in any of those still resisting the fel influence in and fuck them until they couldn't think any more. A carnal celebration by the light of the fel ritual to desecrate this town in the name of this new demonic conquest of Azeroth.
Eraedia's sanity had been slowly stripped from her bit by bit, piece by piece as the demon continued to ravage her body and torment her mind, body, and soul. She knew it would time and in the end, she would lose, just like everyone else here had. She had thought she was stronger, but in truth she was. Just not strong enough to continue to resist anymore, however... "Please.... Stop...." She begged one last time as the demon came inside of her again, this time releasing more of his fel-corrupted seed deep into her body. "I... I can't... Resist any... Anymore..." She moaned as she slowly started accepting the demon and his 'gifts' he gave to her.

Meanwhile in Silvermoon...

Illan Dawnfang was in Silvermoon trying to fight and keep the demons at bay. While Sinvious Sunsorrow commanded the remaining death knight warriors to help with the west. The two were both siblings to Himeko and Chikane Dawnsorrow, their half sister and also coven leader of the Warlocks in Silvermoon. Chikane could feel the massive power surge coming from where Himeko had last been seen, in the Ghost Lands. "Illian! Sin! I've got a bad feeling about this! This was too easy for them to get here, there's just more pouring through these portals and have been getting worse since that massive power surge hit Tranquillen Village." She shouted as one of the demons tried to attack her, but her Shiverra and Succubus minions kept her protected. Yes she was a rare sort, she could control multiple demons at once, however it came at a heavy cost, her soul.

Yes, she was slowly turning into a demon the more she used her abilities to control even the two she had out now. "We need to abandon our posts here then and head out there!" Sinvious said as she jumped over to her half sister. Chikane nodded and Illan then followed suit. "Well, lets go see what's happened to our little sister and what sort of trouble she's caused this time." Illan said as she started leading the way to where Himeko was currently. The moment they got to the edge of the forest they noticed the trees were all dead and the ground was covered in fel. "It is as I feared it be." Said a strange voice from behind them. "Jin'taru please don't scare us like that!" Illan said as a tall male Troll shaman appeared before them. Jin'taru was Himeko's adopted father and also the one who took care of her. "Da spirits, dey say bad tings be a happen in dere... So be careful..." He warned as he got on his flying mount before heading back to Orgrimmar through the portal.

[Sorry for the late reply, but I really wanted to put work in this post. ^^;;]
Were it not for the ritual corrupting this strong-willed woman would have brought Kizedax' energy reserves dangerously low but in the midst of this fel power he could have gone on for hours, pumping load after load of corrupted cum into her womb. "Yesss..." His voice rumbled over the roar of flame and power, reverberating in her mind. "Give in to me, join the legion..." He slowed slightly, giving her body a chance to recover, enhancing the pleasure. "It feels good to serve as a warrior-slut..." He leered down at her panting form, laughed as she writhed in ecstasy on his demonic cock.

While Kizedax made good his conquest of the once-proud guardswoman, the Futanari Shiverra and Succubi the townsfolk had become moved towards the edges of the village, securing it under demonic control and -as the others arrived- spotting them quickly. They watched from the buildings, eager for a chance to sink their claws and cocks into these new arrivals, to show them the power that came from fel, but they were held back by that instinctive respect for the greater power among them in the form of Himeko. "Shall we attack mistress? May we take them?"
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