New Threat (Zell and Rei)


Dec 9, 2012
Rion lean back on his char as we try to relax, though it was a bit hard to with his armor on. Being on Omega was no walk in the park, there is many people who would back stabe you in an ally and take everything you have. Having armor and a few guns at hand came in handy to push away most of the scum that lurk around in every corner. "You think this Little Demon will show?" Kaless have asked as he said just across the table from were Rion was at. The Turian have been keeping an eye out sense they came to this bar, for both when they are waiting on and making sure no one have any bright ideas to attack them. Though there is some laws here but this is the home of many outlaws, crime lords and other like them so anything can happen.

Both of them were here because they were to met some one that went by the name Little Demon. Nick told them that who ever this Demon is have hacked into their ship's systems only to deliver a message to them. The person in question was impressed how the Black Star handle their last mission and wish to join them. Nick, who is the teams best computer expert and highly skilled hacker himself but even he was surpirsed that some one was able to get pass his security systems. They were told to meet at this bar, the Golden Tea Pot. They arrived about ten minutes early and have waited for that long so far. "If anything Kaless we are on time, if this Demon doesn't show in about thridy minutes we will leave. For now lets just relax.
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