The Essence of Time (Malfrost x Fistful)


Jun 17, 2014
Harry had a splitting headache and ringing in his ears as he slowly began to open his eyes. He was trying to remember what had happen and why he was feeling like this. He remembered that Luna had invited Harry and Hermione out for tea, saying she had developed a new spell she wanted to try. After a brisk drink, he remembered Luna utterly the incantation and...that was all he could remember. He couldn't even remember what type of spell she said it was as rays of light began to hit his irises, causing his headache to simply become even more unbearable.

He let out a groan as his vision slowly but surely came into focus...he was in a lovely field somewhere...the grass was green in the flowers and trees were in the early bloom of spring, but he didn't recognize his surroundings as he slowly began to stand up. He looked around him...he didn't feel like he was in England anymore, something about the climate and feel of his just didn't feel English. What he did recognize however as he grasped his head to try and make the headache go away were the two people lying next to him.

"Luna...Hermione...wake up you two...are you alright? Please tell me you are alright." Harry fell to his knees and began to shake both of them, hoping they would respond, hoping they weren't dead and were still alive. They were two of his best friends and he didn't even want to think about losing either of them as he waited for them to react to his shaking and his strained voice.
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