A Certain Kind of Predator [Updated Info]

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Aug 14, 2016
Please Read The Text Below This Headliner BEFORE Moving On

  • I will NOT rp with a character less than 18 years of age. My own characters are often between the ages of 21 and 25. This is my personal preference and what I feel most comfortable with writing. I ask that this be respected. This stands for ALL RPS. Not just this particular prompt.

  • Please, absolutely no one liners! I am searching for a partner who is capable of writing a well thought out paragraph; 8-12 sentences. I know this will probably limit the number of takers I receive for this prompt however I am simply tired of placing large sums of effort into a post and receiving very little in response time after time. I understand everyone has their off days and writer's block occurs. But this has become a constantly reoccurring thing. I know sometimes I can overwhelm my partner with the amount of information I place into a single post...but PLEASE, if my post overwhelms you then TELL ME. I promise I will not bite! I will be more than happy to break it down and or rewrite it to make things a little easier so the experience can be enjoyable for the both of us.

  • Please do not hound me for a response. If it has been more than 2 days since I have either responded or sent you a message detailing that I am working on responding, by all means you may send me a pm asking what is up. I ask that you please understand I work 40+ hours a week and have other responsibilities outside of work as well. Generally speaking my preferred response time is one post every other day. Meaning I have 24 hours to respond then my partner has 24 hours. In other words one post is made every day by one person. If I have extra time I might be able to make multiple responses to an rp, especially if we are at a point where events are fast moving and no huge sums of detail are required.

  • For ALL rps I would like for them to be 1 on 1 unless otherwise stated, and to be conducted either through PM or the Semi-Public Board Please.

  • I only rp in third person perspective. I would very much appreciate if my partner does the same, this stands for ALL RPs.

  • This particular 'searching for' thread will be the ONLY ONE of it's kind posted by me with the use of a FEMALE CHARACTER. I normally play male characters. [[side note, I am female in real life however I personally prefer to play males in rp. Only once in a great while do I have the urge to play as a female character]]

  • The female character specified in this thread was created for use in a specific rp scenario and therefore Will NOT be used elsewhere so PLEASE DO NOT ASK to rp with her outside of the scenario to be listed further below.

  • In regard to the above statement while this particular character is for a specific scenario use only, this however DOES NOT MEAN I will say no to others who wish to give the listed scenario a shot themselves. Frankly I most welcome it! I LOVE to see how different people approach the same setting prompt! It's very interesting and also helps me to continue improving as a writer.

The Scenario

WARNING! The following scenario prompt contains the following materials:

Possible Vampirism Acts
Vore [oral only! and possible Micro, size difference or same size depending upon partner's preference]
Sexual Situations and Scenes
Non-Human/Meta Human Characters
Use of Foul Language [[not going to lie my character has a bit of a potty mouth]]

Death of NPC Characters [[*up for discussion as to who plays them]]

Possible Death and Resurrection/Reanimation/Reformation of MY Character MIGHT be perma-death of my character depending upon how my partner feels about this and how the rp itself goes.

What all of this adds up to is the notion of I am searching for someone who is willing to play as a Predatory Blue Beetle from Young Justice. Obviously the character would be aged up from 16 to 18 if not older depending upon what my partner feels most comfortable with. Depending upon the age chosen for Blue by my partner will directly effect the age of my own character.

I have always been a fan of the Blue Beetle character but found myself most interested in the version portrayed in the second season of Young Justice. My twisted little mind took things down a darker road and began thinking:

"what if the reason The Reach constantly referred to Earthlings as 'meat' pertained to the fact they were intending on harvesting the humans at some point as a food source after extracting the Meta Genes for their own military resources to create more powerful Scarab Warriors? They had a plan set in motion to effectively drug the entire plant through the food and drinks manufactured at Lex Corp. including an agent which would make those who ingested it docile. To quote The Ambassador "they would be unable to fight back". In other words, lambs to the slaughter.

What this has to do with Blue is simple enough. What if during the time he was under the Reach's Control he was given food made from humans, and after the Reach was sent packing, what if the sudden lack of this unknown sustenance [to Blue at least] caused a chain reaction and lead to him becoming more violent and eventually predatory? The longer the Scarab remains upon his spine the more it continues to integrate itself with the human host, Jamie. What if the Scarab's own needs began to exceed what it's host can provide, leading both of them into a spiraling, sped up fusion as two become one based off the ever insatiable need to feed?

In order to live Blue must hunt what was once his fellow man, something he desperately keeps secret from the rest of the Team and League all the while as he continues spending more and more time 'armored up' as he looses the form of Jamie Reyes to become one with the Scarab.

However my partner wishes to portray Blue in this state entirely up to them. Personally though I always pictured him as being a crafty if not playful Predator, his victims only realizing their fate long after its too late for them to do anything but scream.

This rp would take some time, more of a longer term style thing as we'd spend some time building up the story and evolution of the plot.

The purpose of my character in all of this is simple. She's a scientist and lucky for Blue she's more than willing to help him with this new obstacle, in more ways than one. I picture the two meeting via Blue stalking her for his next kill. How she manages to not die upon this first encounter is open for discussion but just to throw a few ideas out there in the mean time; perhaps she manages to knock him out of his hunting haze or the hunt is interrupted by a character I will NPC, whom gets in the way and ends up being killed instead. Either way my female will be a meta-human as I picture some of her methods with helping Blue requiring the fact she has some kind of special abilities.

At some point I can see her out of pure [and rather stupidly insane] curiosity wanting to know what it's like to be devoured. Or perhaps Blue DOES actually manage to munch her upon their first meeting only to have her resurrected self coming after him wanting some answers and this is where the plot starts. Either way Blue could snap her up as many times as he wants but she's not going to die for good [[least not right off the bat, we can have her die as a means to end the story when we grow tired of it or feel its time to end it]]

How Blue goes about munching people is open for my partner to decide. Whether they wish to give him an ability/tool/weapon which reduces the size of a human to something small enough to swallow whole, grant him a larger form to do as such, or have him simple be able to straight up eat something the same size as himself...totally up to my partner.^^

Beyond this its an open book and I am more than up for allowing the story to take shape of its own will and lead us in any direction it pleases. Whether these two develop any romance or how they go about keeping this a continued secret from the Team and the League, how it effects certain missions, so on and so forth.

The short version of this being: Someone willing to play as a human-munching [least 18 year old] Blue Beetle from Young Justice...he encounters my girl and after a near miss on her part of getting eaten by him [[or perhaps he does manage to snap her up and she comes back to life and seeks him out]] she instead takes extreme interest in Blue and offers to help him with this newfound obstacle/requirement any way she can and beyond that everything else is open with the plot/story.


Age: Will be between 18 and 25 depending up the age my partner picks for Blue

Gender: Female
Species: Meta-Human
Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Scientist-Researcher into genetics [human and animal], bio-mechanics, xeno-technology/biology/culture.

Body Build: Tall, leanly athletic, very flexible/agile, quick reflexes. Spends whatever time she isn't working or researching working out and training her body aside from her mind. Boarders between size B and C cup breasts.

Height: 6ft 6in
Weight: 220 pounds

Eye Color: Stormy Blue-Gray
Hair Color: Ebony Black and very long. Often kept back in a pony tail with shoulder length sides and somewhat unruly bangs.

Skin Complexion: Fair

Distinctive Markings: Large set of scars running diagonally down the front of her torso from the right shoulder to ending just above her left hip. During an intern-ship for her original biology/zoology major she was attacked and nearly killed by 1500 pound bear her senior technician said was fully sedated. The beast nearly succeeded in eviscerating her leaving behind four massive goring's in the wake of its claws. Her meta-gene activated at this time, barely keeping her alive.

Distinctive, large, black ink and elaborate tribal tattoo on her back in the form of massive wings branching off what looks to be a sword drawn down the entire length of her spine.


Temporary Shape Shifting- can take the form of any being for up to 2 hours at a time provided she acquires a sample of DNA first.

Temporary Xeno Shifting- can mix and match any DNA's she has acquired to transform herself into anything she desires. From beasts of myth to alien monstrosities.

Regeneration- can regrow any lost limb or damaged organ through hyper stimulation of the stem cells in her bone marrow. Severity of the damage depends on how long the process takes. Currently has no known limits.

Hyper Healing- wounds NOT resulting in loose of limb or organ failure can heal in anywhere from seconds to minutes. Uses up a fair amount of energy though.

Hyper Senses- no where near the strength of some of the League members such as Superman or WonderWoman...her senses are more on an animal level. A nose as keen as a blood hound and eyes as good as an owl's at night with the sharpness of a hawk's during the day, etc. all of this stems from the mixing of her own genetics with those of different animal's she has acquired.

Slower Aging Rate- thanks to the regeneration and hyper healing she now ages at 1/5 the rate of a normal human. This also helps with her keeping herself in shape.

Disease and Illness Resistant- thanks to her altered genetics she is far more resistant against all known human and animal diseases. Xeno-diseases remain to be seen.

Other abilities might continue emerge as she continues to practice with abilities but so far it remains to be seen.

Weaknesses- Regeneration and Hyper Healing Abilities require a lot of energy use and leave her in a weakened state making her an easier target. They cannot be used constantly either otherwise she would burn out her metabolic rate/thyroid and die. She needs to take precautions with these. Using these abilities will cause her iron and sugar levels to crash. She needs to replenish these asap or risk a passing out cold if not right into a coma like state until she can be given medical attention to reverse the effects.

Blood Lust steams from the over use of any beast forms. It can manifest itself regardless of if she is in human form or not, leading to violent outbursts if not the accidental death of someone. This can also occur if she shifts to a beast form while enraged, the animal mentality takes over and she goes feral until she is either knocked out or runs it out of her system.

If she stays in a form over two hours she runs the risk of being stuck in that form forever.

Having hyper senses means she is also extra sensitive to different stimuli. She has learned to 'mute' these abilities when needed to make herself less vulnerable but that doesn't mean she's overcome the weakness entirely, especially if she is caught off guard.


In-case you are wondering why I wish to engage in this particular rp its for the simplicity's sake of curiosity. If there is one thing I love doing aside from giving new things a whirl as a writer, it's taking a pre-existing character and giving them a spin down a path other people might not think of. I enjoy the odd and strange and I LOVE to experiment and play around with unique ideas and notions. I've always enjoyed monster movies and monster style characters such as werewolves, dragons, and especially intelligent predators. It makes for an interesting story as you never really know what to expect from these kinds of characters. Or you think you do only for them to surprise you in the end. While yes there are plenty of stories of werewolves munching humans out there for example and a fair amount detailing the often violent loss of humanity and regret with the transformation to and from beast form in regards to the their actions....

How often do you see a story where the monster is on a 'level moral ground' For example, if the werewolf is in control of their actions while a beast and they choose to target a criminal to rip to shreds instead of an innocent person...does that still make them a monster? It begins to blur the line between what is seen as 'good' and 'evil' when an action typically associated with 'evil' actually does good. [[I love mind fucks can't you tell?]]

In this scenario concerning Blue, I'd really love to dive into the psychological aspects behind this new requirement and how it plays into his character development through use of my own character. She accepts him and does not shun him for what he has become, what is nor what he's done...even to her. She views him on a different ground, not judging him by human standards. He's a sentient being and therefore deserves the respect of one. But he's also a predator and probably a very dangerous one at that. Yet she does not call him a monster. She understands its a necessity for him to survive at this point and he's only doing what is basically his nature now.

If this little bit of information helps make this scenario seem a little less "out there" and "freaky" I truly hope this helps wash away any doubts or shadowing reserves some people might have.

Vore is a kink yes, but I prefer it with actual reason, story, and meaning behind it. Not just some random sense of domination or degradation...or some means for one character to get off on the action. If it's going to be done it's going to be done well and with an actual force behind it.

Shoot me a PM if you are interested!^^
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