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The Cuckold


Nov 5, 2013
A place in Wales that you can't pronounce
‘Hello, luv, did you have a good day at w-‘

Paula got no further as her husband’s slap cut off her words. Her ears rang as she felt her cheek burn.

Her husband, Ken, flung his bag onto the table and stormed out of the kitchen. His footsteps echoed as he stomped up the stairs and the ceiling shook as he slammed the door of his den.

A couple of hours later, she stood on the landing and called out to him.

‘Supper’s ready, if you feel like eating.’

They ate in silence, chewing each mouthful for as long as possible to avoid having to speak to each other.

With his meal finally consumed, Ken pushed his plate aside and glared at her accusingly.

‘How did you find out?’ Paula asked as casually as she could.

‘Jan,’ he replied, ‘that friend of your with the big tits and nipples you could hang your washing on.’

‘I don’t believe it,’ Paula protested. ‘Jan would never tell you something like that.’

‘She didn’t. I just popped into that new place for a coffee on the way home. She came in with a friend. They didn’t notice me and sat a couple of tables away. I didn’t take any notice until I heard them mention my name.’

Paula hung her head.

‘I’m so sorry. I’d never have wanted you to find out like this.’

Ken finally broke the silence that followed.

‘How long?’ he asked.

‘Only a couple of months.’

‘If I ever meet the guy, I’ll punch his lights out.’ Ken’s fist slammed into the table, rattling the dirty dishes.

‘Please don’t do that, Ken.’ Paula’s face was etched with concern. ‘I don’t want you getting into a fight and anyway he’s bigger than you are.’

‘You don’t need to rub it in. Jan was laughing about it,’ Ken snorted. ‘About me,’ he added.

‘Now, luv, that’s not true,’ Paula tried to reassure him. ‘You know you are big enough for me.’

Ken went silent again.

‘When was the last time?’ he asked, trying to make it sound like it didn’t matter.

‘Last Friday, in the afternoon.’

‘Friday? So you mean when we, when I, you mean he’d already been there.’

Paula nodded and hung her head.

‘But,’ her husband protested, ‘how could you? You know Friday is our night.’

Paula reached out and touched his arm. He didn’t pull it away.

‘That’s just it, luv. Our night. The night when we fuck. It’s become routine. The same day, the same foreplay, pressing the buttons we always press and then it’s over. At least with M-, at least there wasn’t any routine. It was spontaneous, even if it wasn’t as good as our Friday night sessions,’ she added with a hopeful tone.

Evenings that were normally spent in companionable silence were spent in sullen silence watching TV. She gave him a head start for the bathroom and followed after laying the table for breakfast and putting out the lights.

The bedroom was in darkness when she slid into bed beside him. Her hand was reaching out in reconciliation, when Ken grabbed her and rolled on top of her, thrusting his cock inside her, deep and hard, pummelling her as his fingers twisted around her hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck to his teeth.

The next morning, he took her as was leaning over the sink, pushing up her dress with one hand and pulling her panties down with the other.

She had just finished stacking the dishwasher when her phone rang.

‘Hi, Paula, it’s Jan. How’s it going?’

‘Couldn’t be better,’ Paula replied.

‘Tell me,’ her friend prompted. She did, in detail.

‘WOW, this is hot, you mustn’t make me finger myself at work, the boss will notice.’

‘It’s all thanks to you,’ Paula told her.

‘Anything to help a friend,’ Jan replied. ‘Nikki and I wondered if he’d heard us. He didn’t show any reaction, even when we were almost shouting. Let’s just hope it lasts, that’s all I can say.’

‘It wouldn’t go on like this,’ Paula admitted realistically, ‘but then I wouldn’t want that. Just a bit of variety, that’s all I need. And if he gets boring again, you and Nikki will just have to meet up for another coffee.’

Paula sank into the sofa with a coffee. Men were so easy to manipulate, which was just as well, because she wouldn’t really want an affair. Now, what was it that Ken had said about Jan and her nipples? That gave her an idea. Low cut blouse, push up bra, and make sure her nipples were perky when he got home. See what reaction that provoked.
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