Endure and Survive (MasukiRyser x RoleplayMaster)

Aug 13, 2016

[DISCLAIMER: This story is set three years after the events of the Last Of Us making Ellie 17 years old.]

Ellie had hoped for some semblance of relief when she reached San Fransisco. She hoped she could move through the city quietly, peacefully and quickly. But no. Another city, another abandoned Quarantine Zone, another gang of assholes.

The Young Woman vaulted into the nearby window, bullets flying over her head, she had to act fast, she was running low on options. She pulled out her 9mm and turned to face the Hunters as they chased after her.

She pulled the trigger, watching his head pop like a melon, before executing his buddy in the same fashion, but more were coming. Her finger pressed tightly on the trigger again and 'click'.

'Oh shit.' Empty. Her last rounds gone. Had she been smart, she would have kept track of her ammo and avoided this mess. It was too late now, she had to run. These Assholes had her partner and there was no way she'd get her back without gunning them down. To buy herself precious time she lit the rag of a Molotov Cocktail and threw it, covering the entrance in flames before sprinting out of there, down a dimly lit hallway.

Scavenging whatever she could find on the way to safety, she escaped from the Hunters' sight, finding a room way out of their patrol routes to rest. Closing the door quietly she walked slowly to the window, staring out longingly with a desperate glare.

"Emma..." Her fingers traced over the glass and she let out a defeated sigh. "Where are you?"

Ellie fell back onto a soft and comfortable bed, letting her eyes flutter shut, clutching the switchblade in her hand before slowly drifting off to sleep.
Curtis smirked to himself, watching the teenager enter the nearby abandoned building. He had been watching her for a few hours, ever since he captured another pretty girl. This one seemed a lot duller in her beauty, yet her fiery attitude attracted him to her for some reason. Knowing he needed this girl for his collection, he waited for exactly twelve minutes before entering the building, convinced that she was still inside and now relaxed.

What he found was an extremely relaxed girl, so relaxed indeed that she was asleep. Smiling at the switchblade, he slowly slipped it from her grasp, as anyone asleep could not properly hold a weapon. Sliding it in his pocket, Curtis pulled out a plastic bag and slipped it over the girl's head, suffocating her. Sitting on her body, his weight was enough to prevent her moving, his knees on her shoulders pinning her down. When she eventually passed out from lack of air, Ellie was taken from this building into Curtis' own home. Wrists tied behind her back, the unconscious Ellie would remain that way for another hour.

When she eventually awoke, she would find two strange things. The first was an aching ass hole, which was also strangely wet. The second was her friend, Emma Watson, naked and on her stomach. She also had her hands behind her back, and with a face full of semen. Both girls were naked and alone, tied up in a cell with no way to escape.
It took Ellie hours to finally awaken, and when she did her body (paticularly her dripping wet ass) ached like hell. She felt the cold dirty floor against her bare vulnerable body, she tried to push herself up in order to look around, but she found that she was tied up, unable to properly move.

'What the hell?' She thought to herself.

It was only when she heard Emma's sobbing, and she saw her lying bare and naked, completely immobile that she knew.

'Oh god no.'

Yet again she was locked in a dam
It took Ellie hours to finally awaken, and when she did her body (paticularly her dripping wet ass) ached like hell. She felt the cold dirty floor against her bare vulnerable body, she tried to push herself up in order to look around, but she found that she was tied up, unable to properly move.

'What the hell?' She thought to herself.

It was only when she heard Emma's sobbing, and she saw her lying bare and naked, completely immobile that she knew.

'Oh god no.'

Yet again she was locked in a damp small cell, just like that awful winter years ago, but this time it was far worse. She wasn't stupid. She knew she had been violated, and she knew this was not the end.

"Emma.." Ellie whispered, trying to grab her attention.

"Ellie?!" Emma shrieked, her voice filled with horror, the poor woman still sobbing her heart out. "Oh god no..." she murmured. "He got you too."

"...Yeah." Ellie nodded, gulping nervously. This was bad. "Listen..we're getting out of this...okay? This...prick won't kill us. We can escape, you have to trust me, okay?'

Emma sniffled, forcing a nervous smile and rolling over to turn to her friend. "A-Alright..."
"Escape? No no no... Why would you want to escape? We can have so much fun together!" A male voice called. Not that they had been able to see well from their positions, but a man was standing by an open doorway. As he walked closer to the cell, they would be able to see his face. One long scar ran from above his left eye to below the right side of his mouth, going over his nose and through his lip. Rectangular glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, piercing blue eyes staring from girl to girl.

"Now, as you may have been able to gather, I'm in charge. I say something, and you do it. From your hushed conversation, I gather that your name is Ellie?" He asked, not expecting a reply. "Oh, and I already knew your friend. I knew her from those Harry Potter films she made. Let's just say I showed her my wand and made some magic." He grinned.

Bending down to Emma, he gripped her by the cable ties that held her wrists together, dragging her closer to her friend, so their faces were inches apart. "Now, Ellie. Emma has been learning for the last few hours to do what I ask. You do it, you get rewarded. Don't do it, and you get punished. Time for you to learn. I... accidentally made a mess of Emma's face. While I think that she looks good like that, I do suppose that she needs a bit of clean up. With your tongue, I want you to clean up Emma's face completely." He instructed. As if a little boy, the man that could be no older than 22 sat down beside the two girls, legs crossed and face smiling expectantly.
Ellie's eyes were filled with nothing but burning hate for this...monster. Her freckled fair features had turned rosy red, and she rolled over to look up at him.

"Ellie..." Emma watched in concern, she knew if Ellie did anything there would be pay, and knew that Ellie wasn't one to take this kind of abuse, the girls had to accept that this was their fate, at least for a while.

But Ellie didn't listen.

Defiant, she spat at the man's feet, though her spirit was rebellious, her body lay before him vulnerable and beaten. "Fuck you, Creep." She scowled before showing off the faded bite on her wrist. "I'm infected...and now so are you. We're both gonna die and i am not doing a single goddamn thing you ask."
Sighing softly, he stood up and walked behind Ellie. Emma would have a good view of his actions from her position, but Ellie would have no clue what was to come. "Emma already told me about that." He smiled, his belt slowly sliding out of his jeans. "And I know how it works. It won't kill me." He replied, the thick leather band slapping down hard on Ellie's ass cheeks. "That first one is for lying to me." Curtis informed the girl, slapping her ass twice more. "Those were for not following orders." he added. Three more slaps came down, resulting in six hard slaps of the leather against her ass. It now had one deep red line across her ass cheeks from where the belt hit, with it turning slightly blue from it already bruising.

"Now... Follow my request and clean the semen off. If not, I will do it again." He warned her. It was then that he paused in thought, before moving around behind Emma instead. She seemed like the weaker of the two and the easiest to break. Not only that, but Ellie looked to care a lot for her. "Actually, change of plans. Clean the face, or I will do what I just did to you, to Emma here." He smiled. It wasn't even an evil smile, but one full of joy.
She cried out repeatedly from the smacks to her ass, cries perhaps arousing her captor more, it was a disgusting thought. With eyes filled with painful angry tears she nodded, shuffling closer to Emma and closing her eyes. Her tongue traced against her cheek, lapping up the cum that covered her face, it's taste was bitter and repulsive but she had to keep going. She tasted Emma's tears and snot mixed with Curtis's seed, and she nearly gagged, but she couldn't falter, she was determined to keep her friend safe.

Emma meanwhile tried to keep quiet, desperate to move her mind away from the degrading situation at hand. It wasn't her first encounter with a situation like this, but they never got easier, seeing her friend in tears, forced to swallow the man's foul juices. It was humiliating.
Smiling as Ellie finally complied, the belt was returned around her captor's waist, watching the girl get to work. The sight of her tongue on the girl's face was definitely arousing, and he got hard just watching. "Good job." He applauded Ellie when he was done, grabbing an item on a shelf behind Ellie. Not that she could tell, but it was a small battery-operated vibrator that Curtis had managed to find. It had been fixed up and somehow became stronger than it was intended for, but that was beside the point. Soon, a penetration could be felt in Ellie's pussy, and the vibration began. It was deep enough that it would not slide out no matter how much Ellie tried to squirm.

"I'll be back in an hour with some food." Curtis said, leaving the moaning girl with her older friend, shutting the door behind him.
Ellie gasped and moaned aloud feeling an intense wave of pain and pleasure inside her. "Oh fuck!" She whimpered aloud, trying desperately to squeeze the device out of her cunt, but to no avail. "Ngh...Mn...M-Motherfuck-Ah!" She cried out, scratching at the ground, she had never felt anything quite like this.

Emma lie down, frozen in horror watching her friend spasm and struggle.

The lips of Ellie's vagina grew wet, dripping with feminine juices, she felt something drawing near and then finally for the first time she came, squirting cum from her vagina and screaming aloud in a high pitched voice. As the hour passed, she grew more tired, overwhelmed by the intense brutal pleasure forced upon her.
When Curtis returned an hour later, he found an amazingly erotic sight. Seeing the puddle of Ellie's juices between her thighs, he knew the toy worked well. Dropping his bag nearby, he approached Ellie and removed the device from her pussy... only to make it enter her ass instead. Before he was done with Ellie, she would feel herself flipped over onto her back, an uncomfortable position considering the position of her hands.

"Emma. Your friend did well to clean you off, now it is time to return the favour." The man commented, once again dragging her by the wrists. When she was dropped once more, her face was between Ellie's legs, her thighs glistening from her numerous orgasms. "Lick her clean. If you do a good job, then you'll be fed." He promised. Sitting nearby, Curtis watched while eating from a can of beans that he recently opened. His life was great.
"Aghh! N-n..No!" Ellie cried out in defiance as she felt the toy's brutal assault of her anus, there was no pleasure there, only pain rippling through her already sore body. "N-Ngh..no..no.." she was so close to begging, for pleading with her captor but she couldn't, she was just too proud.

Emma meanwhile did not wish to suffer, she was tired and hungry, and hopefully if she did her job Ellie would be free. She buried her face into Ellie's hairy vulva, of course there wasn't a lot of manuever room for hygiene in the apocalypse. She lapped up every last drop of cum she saw, from her pussy lips to her glistening thighs, even the gooey puddle on the floor between her legs. Emma was far more enthusiastic than Ellie had been, she knew better than to struggle so often.

Emma's soft tongue gave Ellie some distraction, some relief. She couldn't deny how good it felt, especially contrasted with the sharp pain inside her ass.

Once Emma was done she rolled over, looking up at Curtis with big innocent pleading eyes.
Looking down at Emma's innocent eyes made the captor smile. Leaning down, he stole a small kiss from the bound celebrity, before walking off and returning with two dog bowls. Emptying baked beans into both of them, he offered them to the two girls, ensuring they were in a decent enough position to start eating.

From Ellie's bent over position, it was easy for him to remove the toy. He did give it back to Ellie's soaked cunt though, feeling the fiery girl needed something to sedate her. Pleasure also worked better to make girls submit rather than pain.

When the girls were finished, the bowls were filled with water for them to drink. They were not washed out beforehand though, so some baked bean after taste still remained.

Watching Ellie squirm on the ground finally was enough to make Curtis horny. "Emma. I want you to come here and give me a lap dance. You should be able to stand with a bit of effort." The man asked. Despite the request for a lapdance, he was removing his clothes, so the dance would involve a lot of skin contact.
Ellie squirmed in her current position, trying to resist and protect Emma. But all her words just broke down into whimpers as she felt the toy ravage her virgin cunt.

Emma, with a small and nervous nod, managed to stand, then walking towards Curtis before sitting down on his lap. With tears gently falling she teasingly shook her posterior around his crotch, rubbing her ass against the head of his dick, she was eager to please, for she knew that was the only way to keep his wrath at bay. She looked over to see Ellie staring up at her as both girls sobbed, Emma too busy focusing on the job at hand. She pressed her small breasts to her captor's face, inviting him in, sitting down on his lap.
Sighing happily as the celebrity's ass rubbed along his cock, his prick managed to slide between her ass cheeks quite often, allowing for mutual stimulation. It was not long until Emma turned, giving him access to her breasts which he happily took advantage of, his skilled mouth going to work on her breasts. It was really good, despite the situation she was in.

Eventually, Curtis had her turn around and rubbed the head of his cock against her pussy lips, inviting her to sit down on his cock and ride him, all while she faced her friend.
Ellie's face was covered with tears and snot, crying like a desperate child...In fact she felt like little more than that, she looked around, searching for something to help her get out of the situation, but there was nothing. When she saw that man put his length inside her friend she broke into a primal frenzy, struggling desperately to loosen the restraints no matter how long it took, her nails tearing at the bindings as she wriggled with all her might.

Emma meanwhile was just as helpless, bouncing up and down on the man's dick, letting loose occasional moans that blended in with her sobs. Closing her eyes, picturing that she was somewhere else, with someone else, so the sobbing gradually stopped and she coiled her legs around him just moaning and grunting in pain.
The more Ellie wriggled, the worse it got, as the vibrator lodged itself deeper inside her, causing more convulsions of both pleasure and pain.

Glad to hear Emma stop sobbing, his hands moved to her hips, guiding her to move in circular motions, then alternating between that and bouncing up and down. A hand soon moved to her breast, gripping it and rubbing his thumb over her nipple, bringing even more pleasure to the girl being fucked against her will. It was not long later that he eventually ejaculated, filling her cunt with his seed. "Now, go sit on your friend's face to get cleaned up." The celebrity was instructed.
"Y-Yes...sir." She got up and shamefully shambled over to the cell, cum dripping out of her bruised pussy and onto the floor, both his and her own juices mixing on the floor.

Ellie meanwhile was still wriggling, hell bent on getting out of this godawful predicament, Emma stood in front of her, looking aside. She knew Ellie wouldn't be able to cope, and she couldn't really blame her so she looked at her pleadingly, which...she didn't notice, just tearing at her bindings and screaming in defiance wildly.
Sighing softly as he stood, he saw the predicament that Emma was in. The belt was pulled out from his waist and before either girl realised what he was doing, the leather connected hard against the back of Emma's left knee; he didn't want to ruin her ass as it was such a nice thing to look at. He knew it wasn't Emma's fault, but to punish Ellie, he had to punish Emma. He didn't like that, but that was what had to happen. "Hurry up."
Emma screamed in pain and fell onto her knees, Ellie screaming out in response "Emma!" Ellie's gaze moved up to the man and she closed her eyes tight, becoming still before then looking at him again and screaming out her repressed rage. ''Fine! Fucking fine...!" She winced at the thought of what was become and closed her eyes, mouth open and ready for...'cleaning duty.'

Emma got to her feet and limped over before settling herself down, sitting on Ellie's face. It wasn't the first time the two had been intimate, it was after all lonely in the Apocalyptic USA, and both Women had their certain needs, but this was entirely different, both were held against their will, like puppets for a child's amusement.

Ellie gagged as Curtis' cum poured from inside Emma, mixed of course with her own. Emma jiggled her hips and squeezed out the seed, hoping to get it out as quickly as possible "It'll be over soon." Emma whispered, hoping she could deliver some semblance of comfort to her partner.
Smirking at Ellie and Emma, seeing his cum dribble over Ellie's lips, Curtis walked off to find something else to have fun with. Eventually finding some duct tape, Curtis used these as waxing strips, roughly ripping the pubic hair from Ellie's snatch, then doing the same for Emma. "You're welcome." he smirked, before using one more piece of tape over her pussy to ensure that the vibrator would not slip out. Using one of the hairy pieces of tape covered in Ellie's pubic hair, her mouth was taped shut, forced to lay in silence with pubic hair in her mouth and a strong vibrator in her pussy.

Emma on the other hand as laid down on the other side of the room, though obviously would be able to get up and walk over to her if she desired once he left. Giving Emma's nipples a small pinch as he left the room, the door was shut and locked behind him.
Ellie coughed and gagged, tasting the sweaty cum covered strands of her pubic hair, tears streaming down her cheeks as she slammed her head against the bars, Meanwhile Emma's desire to escape grew futile, she didn't see much reason to attempt to get away, the consequences would be...just too unbareable to imagine. "Please." Emma said. "Just be good."

Ellie heard none of it, she screamed through her gag and slammed her head into the bars once again.
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