Trial of the Swallow (MellowYellow X Battle K-Road)

Aug 12, 2016
U-S-A!! U-S-A!!
"And the winner is... The Kyokugen Bombshell, Yuri Sakazaki!"

Yuri didn't need to hear the announcer. With the way that guy hit the ground, she knew she had won. She fanned herself with her gi, turned to the audience, and gave them a big thumbs up as the referee handed her the trophy.

Shortly after the match, Yuri was in front of the arena. An advertisement next to her said, "Meet Yuri Sakazaki herself! Free autographs!" Yuri was having herself a grand ol' time: signing pictures, taking new ones, and even taking the time to give her dad's dojo a few plugs here and there. Sure, there were a few rowdier fans, but nothing she couldn't handle.
Those that knew Chie Satonaka knew there were three things she loved above all else: Meat in all its myriad forms, supporting Yukiko and, of course, martial arts. Whether it was in the form of movies, manga or live competitions, she had a love of the sport. And with Summer up, and Inaba's killer dealt with, she had seen no harm in going to attend a tournament. This one had been particularly exciting to watch.

The athletic brunette had been expecting Yuri to win, and sure enough she hadn't been let down. But simply watching and cheering wasn't enough, and Chie wanted to have something to remember the event by. Thus she had stood in line for what felt like twenty minutes, edging closer and closer to the victor until she was actually face to face with the attractive martial artist. The sight of her so close made Chie blush uncontrollably.

"H-hey Sazaki-san! You were amazing today!" Chie gushed, before holding out a picture for the victor to sign.
The compliment made Yuri smile. Sure, she heard a lot of them, but that didn't diminish their value. Yuri responded with "Thanks!" before taking the picture and following up with a, "So, who am I making this out to? Someone back home, or the cutie right in front of me?" She gave Chie a little tap on the nose.

Yuri was used to being a little on the flirty side. When you fight certain people, like Benimaru for example, you learn how to exploit their weaknesses. But this... This was different. Something about the girl in front of her piqued her interest.
"E-eh?" Did Yuri just call her a cutie? Chie felt a little stunned, feeling as if she'd turned into a statue for a few seconds there. Not that she minded. Chie had never really been sure on just what the heck her own orientation was, and it seemed to change like the phases of the moon. Sometimes she'd see a guy and get a little hung up, then the next day she'd have Yukiko or Rise on the brain for most of the day.

"Oh!" Chie said, realising she'd almost frozen in place. "O-oh, t-to me please! It's Chie by the way!" she said, laughing awkwardly while she scratched the back of her head. She'd already felt nervous simply making this approach and now she was feeling silly too.
With a nod, Yuri put down her name on the photo, along with a "To Chie" next to it. After handing back the photo, Yuri turned to the cameraman. "Hey, you mind taking a picture of me and Chie here?" The cameraman, whom had witnessed the spectacle with the two women, had turned beet red. "Uh, y-yeah. Sure, Sakazaki-sama." He tried to look professional.

Yuri turned back to Chie, and held out her hand. "Well?"
Wow, this day just kept getting better. Not only was she getting an autograph from the famed fighting heroine, but she was getting a picture with her too! Yuri was even cooler than Chie had thought. "Sure!" she happily chirped, taking Yuri's hand. She allowed herself to be pulled in, unaware of the modest jiggle it caused in her bust, still safe inside her lime green tank top. "R-ready when you are," she happily said.
The cameraman got into position, with Yuri flashing her world-famous peace sign/wink combo for the picture, only...


"Aw, damn! The camera's shot!" The camera man turns back towards the line, "Sorry guys, no more pictures. Camera just broke on me."

Yuri relaxed herself, turning back to Chie. "Well, that was unexpected. Still, you're gonna need something other than my autograph..." After thinking to herself for a moment, Yuri snapped her fingers, "I got it, wanna hang out with me for a bit? I got some time to kill before Ryo picks me up!"
"Dang!" Chie cursed under her breath. Just her rotten luck for the camera to give out like that.

However she once more found herself disarmed, looking at her idol in a mix of surprise, eagerness and worry. "Oh, well uh... I mean if you'd be happy spending time with a fan, then uh... s-sure! I didn't have anything else planned today, ehehe." She scratched her neck, grinning sheepishly over at Yuri. "Ah, w-well lead on I guess," she said, ignoring some of the envious looks that she was getting.
Yuri led the young girl back into the dojo, as the line dispersed behind her. During the build-up to the tournament, she requested a room for herself to stay in, a room that she was now leading Chie to.

Was she really going to do this? Yuri thought to herself as the door to her temporary room slid open. Any second thoughts were erased with a deep breath, however. "So... Got any ideas on what you want to do? Play a game, do a little sparring, me..." She made sure to slip that last one in with a wink. No going back, now.
Chie had followed after Yuri at an impressive speed, her toned legs practically set to skipping with how giddy she felt. Something like this, it was admittedly not what she was used to. Even hanging out with an idol like Rise didn't quite excite Chie as this opportunity did. "Ah... ahaha, wow," Chie said as she followed Yuri into her home for the event, scanning her eyes around the area. She almost didn't hear Yuri at first.

"Eh?" Chie blinked and looked over to Yuri. "W-what ah, what do you mean?" the young martial artist asked.
"You heard me, cutie!" Once again, Yuri tapped Chie on the nose. "You and I, we're gonna be alone in here for quite some time. We can do something boring, or..." Yuri undid the belt to her gi, revealing her undershirt to the girl in the green jacket. The undershirt hugged her form quite well, and would allow anyone to get a good look at her body if it weren't for the gi. "...We can do something exciting!"
"Whoa!" Was this for real? She could see the outline of Yuri's bosom, the perky orbs that she had a strong urge to stuff her face between. "S-sure, I'd be down for that," Chie said, inadvertently forgetting entirely about her own little surprise. She was quick to slip off her tank top and then tossed her pink bra aside, leaving Yuri a chance to see her own perky bust and the faint outline of her abs. Seemed Chie also kept in great shape.

"But uh... j-just so you know, I've never even done this before." Chie felt herself steadily getting hard in her excitement.
Yuri ignored Chie's "warning." Instead, she stepped closer to the young woman, and planted a kiss firmly on Chie's lips. Her hands moved in quickly, groping at Chie's breasts as her tongue slipped in between her lips. It appeared as if behind Yuri's playful demeanor, there hid a quiet perversion that was now rearing it's adorable head.
"Eep!" Chie squeaked, feeling their lips connect in a new and entirely exciting way for her. Kissing girls was something she'd always thought of doing but never got the opportunity. Worth the wait. She welcomed Yuri's tongue and battled it out as best she could, her own motions quite swift and eager despite a lack of experience. Her strong hands came to rest on Yuri's hips, gently stroking up and down her sides.
Yuri wrapped her arms around Chie's athletic body, holding her closer as her tongue did some battling of it's own. As she let out a, "Mmh~," Miss Sakazaki shifted her weight slightly, allowing herself to slowly fall onto the bed behind her, with Chie on top. It was at this moment that she felt a little something extra that Chie was packing. This didn't alienate the martial artist. Hell, it just made her more eager.
Chie's arms wobbled and waved at her sides as she fought for balance, only to find herself being pulled down, landing atop Yuri on the bed with a creaking of the springs. The brunette's blush intensified and she glanced down to the large bulge outllined in her dark bike pants. "A-ahaha... I uh... well, I can explain that." Chie had always been a little bit of a tomboy, and it seemed this was the source of it.
Yuri smiled, "Don't bother!" She reached down and rubbed Chie's bulge, before slipping the tip of her finger into the brunette's shorts, and pulled them down slightly. Not enough to take them off, but enough to show off a little bit of Chie's cock. "I'd rather wait to hear the explanation. After all, we're kind of in the middle of something?"
Chie blinked in shock. "Uh... o-okay," she replied, her surprise evident from her tone. Not that she was complaining, she was just shocked at how cool Yuri was. How many other chicks would be into this sort of thing? Regardless the toned brunette removed her shorts and tossed them aside, breathing a sigh of relief now that the pressure was off her considerable cock. "Whoof. Been a while since this thing saw any action... how do you want to start?"
Yuri slipped off her leggings and panties as Chie took off her shorts, also taking the opportunity to slip off her undershirt. Now, the only clothes she had on were her headband and her gloves. "How 'bout a little extra foreplay? You ever get a blowjob?"
Yuri sure was forward. Shameless, even, not that Chie minded. She could feel herself getting engrossed, and knew full well that she wouldn't be able to back down from this. "Nope. Never," the tomboy explained, managing an awkward shrug. "Outside of me, you're the first person to even see this thing," Chie explained.
"A virgin, huh? You're pretty lucky to have a babe like yours truly as your first time." Yuri smirked, before dropping to her knees in front of her young lover. "You like me down here, Chie?"
Chie smiled faintly. "I'll admit, I'm pretty excited. But also a liiiitle concerned I might screw up." Not that Yuri seemed interested in any concerns, when she so swiftly lowered herself down until she was eye level with the impressive futa cock. "Ah... s-sure. I mean, I've never done this before, but you seem to know your stuff."
"Yep, I've had plenty of practice with King and Mai!" Yuri licked her lips, before wrapping them around Chie's rather large member. She twirled her tongue around the head, before pushing the cock down into her throat. With little resistance, Yuri's lips reached the base of Chie's dick.
"F-for real?" she replied, thinking on the mental image of Yuri having fun with the famed blonde and brunette fighters as she was with Chie now. Though, something told her that King and Mai didn't quite have cocks like she did. Chie settled into this routine with a content sigh, savouring how Yuri seemed to take every inch.
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