My Happy Lil' Request Thread. :-)

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Jun 28, 2016
Hey hi hello! I hope you're doing well on the fine morning/afternoon/evening or anything in between.

My name is Breezy.
No, that isn't my real name, (in case you are wondering.) I chose to keep my real name secret on the internet, so you can just call me Breezy, Bree, B, or any other nickname you decide to come up with. :)
I'm nineteen years old, and I've been roleplaying for a while. I started at about twelve or thirteen with fantasy roleplay on a little thing called IMVU, and then when I was sixteen I discovered forums and moved more into the real life genre. As for erotica, I didn't get into that until I was about fifteen.
As for my ~sexuality~, I don't really know. I guess I would have to identify with pansexual. Sometimes I like boys, sometimes I like girls. Maybe I'm more of a sapiosexual; who knows? I just like people.

As for roleplay, I like to have a good balance between the storyline and the sexy stuff. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Usually I like a 40/60 balance, but it depends on the plot, really.)
For kinks: I'm pretty open, I love dom/sub relationships. I always play submissive.
Under no circumstances will I involve watersports, vore, unrealistic proportions, or torture in my roleplays. It's a personal preference, please respect that.
I love dom/sub relationships. I always play submissive.
BDSM is okay, but only mildly.
Incest is a maybe. It's very situational.

Enough of that nitty gritty stuff, yeah? Why don't I throw some plots at you.
Not all of these plots are my original ideas, credit goes to the original authors on those that aren't mine.
Note: If you message me with a plot idea that I am tired of or am doing a lot of, I will politely decline.

MC = My Character; YC = Your Character
( My plots are described with male pronouns, but that can certainly be changed to suit you. )

!!!☞Brother's Best Friend/Best Friend's Brother☜!!!
This one is pretty self explanatory. It's alway been one of my favorites because I had a real life experience like this. I prefer it to start as a hateful relationship b/t MC and YC, and eventually evolve into something romantic. I like to focus more on the plot with this one, because of the conflict of the brother or the best friend not finding out.

Grade Saver
Surprise! Cliche Teacher x Student plot. Who woulda guessed, right?? In this pairing I prefer to play the student (as this is usually the submissive role.) This is a very open plotline. It can be high school or college. MC could be looking for a way to boost her grade, or YC could take an interest in their new student and seek out some sort of relationship with her, whether it's romantic or purely sexual is up to you. I've never been to big on massive age gaps, so this would probably have a 10 year age gap at the most.
Partners in Crime
(I took this from a website and would be willing to play either role. :) )

Muse A, a tenacious crime boss, is frustrated by yet another news headline about a big crime bust in the city which has ties to their own illicit operations. It seems that the mayor’s been making good on his promise to eradicate crime as of late (probably because he’s looking to run for Senator in the upcoming elections) and that ultimately spells trouble for Muse A. It’s only a matter of time before someone from the Mayor’s camp comes sniffing around Muse A’s nightclub, which operates as a front for their money laundering, but Muse A wants the Mayor dealt with before that happens. As fate would have it, Muse A isn’t the only one who wants the Mayor gone.

Muse B, the Mayor’s child, sees right through the tele-prompted speeches, contrived family photo ops, and the empty promises of a crime-free city. Muse B has seen and heard their father conducting his own illegal practices and knows firsthand that the Mayor is not a good man. Muse B has lost all respect for their corrupt father and only feels disdain and fear toward him. It’s by coincidence that Muse B enters Muse A’s nightclub after a volatile confrontation with their father, but it isn’t a coincidence when Muse A recognizes Muse B and invites them to the VIP area to talk. In this secluded area of the club, Muse B spills all of their concerns to Muse A and Muse A offers protection in exchange for information. Muse B agrees to spy on their father for Muse A with the understanding that, at the opportune moment, Muse A will get rid of the Mayor.
!!!☞Parent Trap☜!!!
My character is spending the holidays alone this year. (( We can decide if it's Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, or whatever we're feeling at the time)) When she goes to the store to pick up a few things, she runs into your character(who happens to be her ex)'s parents! It just so happens that they're heading up to their vacation home ( Cabin on the lake, beach house, ski lodge, whatever is applicable) to celebrate the holiday! They invite her along, insisting that she comes, and that your character will be thrilled to see her. So, after she drives out to meet them that night, it becomes clear that she was the last person that your character expected to see at the door. Turns out, your character's parents are trying to get our characters back together. What happens next? Are they destined to be together, or will they fight the whole time, only YOU can decide!!! (and me of course, this is a two person endeavor.)
!!!☞They're just Girls.☜!!!
Another plot I took from a website; based on one of my favorite songs, Girls by The 1975.

Muse A is young and naïve, always looking for trouble. They finally find it with Muse B, an older, cooler type that they encounter somewhere they have no business being with their fake ID. Muse B is attracted to Muse A on a physical level, but once Muse A’s age reveals itself, Muse B lays down the harsh truth: they’re not interested in anything beyond a one night stand and they’re definitely not what Muse A needs (and vice versa). Reluctant to let the opportunity to be with Muse B slip away, Muse A convinces Muse B to take them home. Lust clouds Muse B’s judgment and they let Muse A spend the night. In the heat of the moment, when the chemistry is so obviously there, Muse B says all the things Muse A wants to hear. Once it’s all over, however, Muse B’s attitude toward Muse A hasn’t changed–but Muse A doesn’t believe it’s a hopeless cause. Much to Muse B’s dismay, Muse A starts coming around to their place, hanging with their friends, finding little ways to push into their life in the hopes of showing Muse B how good they’d be together despite their difference in age. Muse B insists that their relationship will never be; yet Muse B can’t help sending mixed signals when they continue to fall into bed with Muse A.

These are just a few plots that I'm craving right now. I will add to it as time goes on, but I just wanted to get something out there for now.
Feel free to message me with your own ideas as well!

Thanks for taking the time to read!

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