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*smooths mustache nervously*

Rudolph Quin

Mistaken for some sort of scoundrel
Aug 2, 2009
here are some things I've done. Some are old and some are new.

I drew this in ballpoint pen while looking through the Doctor Suess book Oh, the Places You'll Go. Just from sight and no pencil first.

My ex. Drew this at work(we were both employees at a video rental place) when she came in all pouty one day.

You know that dog in that one part of the Animatrix, where it's like off to the side and eating it's shadow? Yeah, I was fascinated by that image but couldn't find it anywhere on the internet. So, I paused the film right at that moment in the movie and sat there and drew my own picture of it.


I'm a big fan of The Killers and I love the music video for Mr. Brightside.

More of my ex girlfriend.

Drew this after seeing the Matrix for the first time.
I doodle in church because that jenk is boring, yo. These are all just chicken scratch.

Jester girl.

A lady with arms in her back like wings.


Been fascinated by stitches lately. Tearing people apart and putting them back together again.
Use to try to morph the human body with those of animals and especially liked doing cats. These are old.




Some crazy dude. *shrug*
In highschool my friends and I were so not cool and stuff. But anyways, we sat together at lunch and we called our table the "Ghetto of the lunchroom" because the tables nearby were dominated by what might be considered "bad neighborhood"--loud, obnoxious people who would pick on us and throw things at us from time to time. I made a comic about it freshman year, but was too shy to include myself.



Gwen and Greg use to be really into Yugi-oh cards. Greg would always forget to bring his to school, but when he did, Gwen got intense about the matches they had. The one girl is goth and she liked psychology. She always had an explanation for stuff, but she'd get long winded and use terms none of us understood, much to her constant frustration.
It's all good, but I adored the fourth picture. Did you make a rematch for the comic?
Oreo said:
It's all good, but I adored the fourth picture. Did you make a rematch for the comic?
Thank you. No, those two pages were the only ones I made. Kinda lost the feel for it, I guess. =/
Your "some crazy dude" is incredibly attractive. *purrs*

I would like to do an art trade with you sometime soon. I adore your comical style a lot. :)
dramamine213 said:
Your "some crazy dude" is incredibly attractive. *purrs*

I would like to do an art trade with you sometime soon. I adore your comical style a lot. :)

Thank you. Sure. Just tell me when. ;-)
Been looking at Aubrey Beardsley's stuff lately. Drew these at work on break. Pure ballpoint pen and a little bit of pencil for color in the one. Oh and sharpie marker too...

Been drawing this girl lately... Just an idea for a character I guess...

The idea behind this one is that she's angry about something... and then...she punches herself in the face and it like collapses inward... and then she pulls the folds apart with her fingers and her face is transformed like a monster's... I don't know... *rubs mustache nervously*


Kinda lovesick...


Please do not ask about the creature in the bottom...


Misha Hiroki said:
=D What's with the creature at the bottom!?
You're so naughty! :-x

I don't know, it's just some sort of monster that ended up being freaky lookin'. =/
Yeah, BB, she kinda does. ^_^

Alright drew some twisted stuff tonight. Was looking through my SIL's yoga book and thinking "What if you had to stay in that position?" and I imagined a scenario where that would be true. And...things just evolved from there. ^_^;




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