Yu-Gi-Oh! New Genesis (Grave x Gear)

True Grave

Jun 30, 2010
Where The Fight Takes Me
Scott Young, age 18, was leaving his apartment to head for the local card shop. He stood at an even six feet and had an athletic build. His brown hair rustled in the slight breeze, and his blue eyes scanned the sidewalk ahead of him, staying alert to his surroundings. He had recently moved to Manhattan and was interested to see what the Big Apple had to offer. He had recently discovered the card shop that had a community of people who played Duel Monsters, and had even won local tournaments running out of the shop with his Heraldic Beast deck. However, Duel Monsters itself had recently taken a hit.

The main headquarters in Japan had been attacked by a mysterious organization that had left no trace of itself. The only proof that it even had been an organization was that the headquarters had been attacked with synchronized explosions set off in unison. The attack had been at night so that no one was killed, but the group had seriously hindered the supply of cards by their actions. Until repairs were done, only a single copy of each card in existence was available. As such, online sales of cards had been ended, and the only hope of finding a newly-printed card was in a pack. Scott had completed his Heraldic Beast deck except for one card, Number C69: Heraldry Crest of Horror, and now that card was going to be difficult to find.

As Scott strolled into the card shop, he was greeted by several local players who lived in the immediate area. He approached the counter and gave some money to the proprietor, who gave him three of the packs he had researched Heraldry Crest of Horror to be in. He sat down at a table and opened the first pack, which had several cards he did not have but not the one he needed. Scott opened the second pack and again there was no luck. He turned his attention to the last pack, trying not to get his hopes up. As he looked through the cards, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Right there was Heraldry Crest of Horror, the exact card he needed. He reached down and opened the dueling container that was on his belt, pulling out a deck that was protected by green sleeves. Scott placed it in a sleeve and then looked proudly at his completed deck. Tossing the packages, he pocketed the cards he had bought and left the card shop, planning to practice with it some before he tested it in a real duel. As he walked down the sidewalk, however, he suddenly felt himself being pushed into an alley. In the alley behind his apartment complex, he was knocked down and looking up at a mysterious robed figure.

The figure pointed at him with menacing posture.
"Give me Number C69: Heraldry Crest of Horror!" the figure demanded in a robotically altered voice.
Scott was completely stunned by the request. How could anyone have known he had that card when he had just pulled it randomly from a pack less than five minutes ago? And what was up with this weirdo anyway? Not sticking around to find out, Scott got to his feet and began running toward the other side of the alley, where he could escape back to the street and get help. Unperturbed, the robed figure reached into a sleeve and pressed a button, which created an invisible wall at both exits using emitters this person had placed there hours earlier.

Scott ran face first into the barrier, knocking himself down and getting back up quickly in confusion. He turned as the robed figure came around the other side of the alley.
"Who are you? Why are you doing this?!"
"Just give me the card and you will be free to go."
Scott thought about it, but decided that he shouldn't give up a card just because some nutcase asked for it.

"No, I'm not giving you the card! If you want it, come take it from me, but I'll put up a fight!"
The robed figure cocked their head to the side.
"In that case, I'll duel you for it."
The person reached into their robe and pulled out a duel disc before tossing it to Scott, who was barely able to catch it in time. At the same time, the robed person produced their own disc, which was dark blue and resting on a covered arm. Scott put his on and placed his deck inside, seeing it show 8000 life points and make some electronic humming sounds.

Scott was still not fully understanding what was going on, but he knew that he had to duel his way out of this. If he could win against this mysterious opponent, he would be let go and keep his card. If he lost, he would lose the only copy of this card available. Scott put fear and doubt out of his mind to focus on the duel. His Heraldic Beast deck had not let him down yet, and he hoped it would win him this most unusual duel. Taking a deep breath, he drew his first hand as the opponent was drawing theirs.
Aria sat down inside of the card shop watching people go in and out of the store. As she leaned back into her chair she thought about how lucky she was to get Number 87: Queen of the Night in some random card pack. She usually bought most of her cards online but unfortunately once the main building for the card game was attacked most of the sellers online disappeared. So she started to buy card packs even thought she doubted that she would get any interesting cards.

Eventually her time thinking about Queen of the Night was interrupted when a brown haired boy sat down on the other side of the table. So she started watching the boy open his pack of cards. She snickered quietly as he opened to first two card packs only to get lackluster cards. "Guess not everyone is as lucky as.... Damn I guess some people are," She muttered quietly as he opened the third card pack then leave.

Aria sighed then slowly stood up and walked out of the card shop. "Well guess it's time to piss off Soma." As she walked to Soma's house a hooded figure start to follow her. Once Ari heard footsteps slowly get louder she started to walk faster to keep the distance between them. As her pace slowly increased she started laughing nervously as she thought about how lucky she was just a few moments ago.

Soma sighed loudly as his doorbell rang every few seconds. He was trying to ignore it since it woke him up but after a few minutes of the same ringing noise he realized it probably wasn't going to stop so he got out of his bed and walked towards his window and looked down at a hooded figure at his doorstep. Then started to laugh as he thought about how this situation looked like some pathetic horror movie. "Wow what cliche."

For a few moments Soma watched the figure, hoping that the person would leave. Eventually he realized that this person wouldn't leave until he talked to them. So he walked downstairs then to his door and opened it.

"Well you're annoying."
"Just give me Number C5: Chaos Chimera Dragon."
Soma started to laugh, he was surprised this guy thought he was going to give something to some who annoyed him.

"I'm sorry but I don't do things for people who annoy me."
"Then we fight for it."
The hooded figure suddenly turned around and walked a few yards away then turned around and grabbed a black duel disc hidden in their robes and threw it at Soma. He caught the duel disc then attached it to his right arm as he watched to hooded duelist do the same with another duel disc previously hidden in their robes.

"Well I guess I'll just keep the duel disc as a trophy for when I win." He said confidently as he drew his five cards.
Scott took a look at his first and liked what he was seeing. He had gotten two Kagetokages, Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena, Storming Mirror Force, and Heraldry Record. With this hand, he could easily Xyz on his first turn and have two back row counters to his opponent's moves. The Constellar Xyz Hunter was a little less enthused with their hand, having gotten Solemn Strike, Book of Moon, Ring of Destruction, Fiendish Chain, and Constellar Kaus. If nothing else, they could stall until they got another Constellar to go for the Pleiades-Ptolemy M7 combo that often signaled the defeat of their opponent. The Constellar Xyz Hunter knew that if they could keep monsters out of Scott's Graveyard, they could easily crush this Heraldic Beast deck and take Heraldry Crest of Horror.

"I'll go first," they said.
Since new rules prevented the drawing of a card on the first turn, Constellar Xyz Hunter went straight into Main Phase One.
"I'll start by setting four cards."
They set four cards in the backrow, and a light began showing on the duel disk. Four large cards appeared between them with great realism.

Scott was shocked, having never seen holographically projected cards in real life. Whoever this was had technology that fans had been wanting for years, that was for sure.
"I'll also summon Constellar Kaus."
They placed the card in the front row, and a constellation appeared in the sky. After a moment, a figure appeared from it and came down to the field, looking like a strange horse-like creature. A box next to it revealed that it had an ATK of 1800 and a DEF of 700.

"I end my turn. Attack me if you dare."
Scott smiled.
"Oh, I dare all right."
He drew the top card from his deck, which turned out to be a second Storming Mirror Force. Preparing himself for how awesome this was about to be, he began his turn.

"I'll start by setting three cards."
He set both copies of Storming Mirror Force and Heraldry Record on his back row, which caused holographic face-down cards to appear on his side of the field.
"I'll now summon Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena in attack mode."
He placed the card in his front row, which caused a blue dragon-like creature to appear on the field with a box next to it saying 1700 ATK and 1100 DEF.
"Since I Normal Summoned a Level 4 monster, I can Special Summon Kagetokage from my hand."
He set the card in his front row, which caused a shadowy lizard with glowing red eyes to appear next to Amphisbaena, having a box with 1100 ATK and 1500 DEF next to him.

Scott beamed, ready for the exciting part when he summoned a holographic Xyz monster.
"With two Level Four monsters on my field, I will overlay them for Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch in defense position!"
Amphisbaena turned into a glowing blue ball while Kagetokage turned into a glowing green ball before the two came together in a blinding flash of white light. When the light subsided, a floating tower with a ring around it was on his field, having a box that had 2200 ATK and 2200 DEF next to it.
"That is so cool!" Scott exclaimed, temporarily distracted from the duel by the awesomeness of seeing a monster he used regularly brought to life before his eyes.
"I'm afraid that you won't be able to enjoy it for long," Constellar Xyz Hunter said.

"What do you mean?!"
Constellar Xyz Hunter flipped one of her back row cards face-up.
"I counter your Xyz Summon of Heraldry Patriarch by activating Solemn Strike! By paying 1500 of my own life points, I can negate the summon of your monster and destroy it."
A figure rose from the card, looking like the Christian deity known as God. Constellar Xyz Hunter winced as 1500 life points were drained, the energy rising into the sky and forming a lightning bolt that struck Heraldry Patriarch and disintegrated it.

Scott moved his card to the Graveyard, but despite the awe of such an awesome display of power, he never lost his smile.
"That's fine, because by doing so, you just triggered one of Heraldry Patriarch's effects. When Heraldry Patriarch is sent to the Graveyard, I can send two Heraldic Beast monsters from my Deck to my Graveyard."
Wondering if he could imagine the cards he wanted to stick out of his deck for him to grab, he imagined Heraldic Beast Leo and Heraldic Beast Unicorn doing so. To his delight, they stuck out for him to grab. Scott grabbed them to continue his turn.

"I'm going to send Heraldic Beast Leo to the Graveyard, which allows me to add one Heraldic Beast monster from my Deck to my hand, with the caveats that it can't be another Leo and I cannot use Leo's effect again this turn."
He dropped Leo into the Graveyard and willed Amphisbaena to stick out of his deck so that he could add it to his hand, planning to use it with Kagetokage for another Xyz summon on his next turn.
"I'm also going to send Heraldic Beast Unicorn."
He dropped it into the Graveyard.
"By banishing Unicorn from my Graveyard, I can target one Psychic-Type Xyz monster in my Graveyard and Special Summon it to the field, but I can only use Unicorn's effect once per turn and the monster's effects on the field are negated."
Unicorn disappeared from his Graveyard and he Special Summoned Heraldry Patriarch back to the field in Defense position.

Constellar Xyz Hunter flipped up another of her back row cards.
"I will counter your Special Summoning of Heraldry Patriarch from the Graveyard by activating the card Ring of Destruction. It allows me to target Patriarch and destroy it by taking damage to my Life Points equal to is ATK, in this case, 2200."
Heraldry Patriarch exploded, and Constellar Xyz Hunter dropped to one knee due to the damage of 2200 Life Points being subtracted on the body.
"Now I can inflict the same amount of damage onto you, Scott."
Scott felt like he had been punched in the stomach as 2200 Life Points were subtracted from him, but was not focused too much on that aspect.

"Very well, but since you destroyed Heraldry Patriarch again, I get to send two Heraldic Beast monsters from my Deck to my Graveyard again."
He pulled Heraldic Beast Unicorn and Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle from his deck and dropped them into the Graveyard. He unfortunately could not use Unicorn to bring Heraldry Patriarch back this turn, but that would come on his next turn. Without a monster he was vulnerable to a direct attack, but at least he had Storming Mirror Force to fall back on if he needed it. Scott was out of moves for this turn, but had at least two plays on his next turn, so he was doing fine.
"I end my turn, so it's your go."

At this point in the duel, Scott had 5800 Life Points left, while his opponent had 4300 left. Constellar Xyz Hunter drew Honest, which was a very useful card with a Light monster on the field but not currently usable because Scott did not have a monster on his field. With no other move, they went into the Battle Phase.
"Constellar Kaus will attack you directly!"
Scott could have countered the attack by using Storming Mirror Force to send Kaus back to the hand, but felt it was not worth it for just one Normal Summoned monster with ATK that was decent but not high. Kaus moved forward and not Scott on his ass with a direct attack that subtracted 1800 Life Points from him.

"I end my turn."
Constellar Xyz Hunter was still comfortable with how things were going. They had Honest, Fiendish Chain, and Book of Moon to counter monster summoning and attacks. If they got a Constellar monster on their next turn, their plan would be in even better shape than before. Scott was holding his own, as expected of a local champion, but the Xyz Hunters had a goal they were working toward, and that made them more determined to win than average duelists. With any Constellar monster on the next turn, they could press the advantage and go for victory.

Scott drew his next card and was happy to see Advanced Heraldry Art, a spell card that provided an instant Xyz summon.
"I will start by banishing Unicorn from my Graveyard to Special Summon Heraldry Patriarch to the field in Defense position."
Unicorn disappeared from his Graveyard and he placed Patriarch on the field.
"Next I will normal summon Amphisbaena and Special Summon Kagetokage from the hand."
He placed the monsters on the field.
"With two Level 4 monsters on the field, I overlay them for Number 39: Utopia."

After a blinding flash of light, a humanoid warrior with gold and white coloring was hovering there wielding two swords, a box with 2500 ATK and 2000 DEF right next to him.
"But wait, that's not all. Using Utopia as an Xyz Material, I overlay for Number S39: Utopia the Lightning."
One blinding flash of light later, a more aggressive looking Utopia with a lightning-like aura stood there with the same ATK and DEF. Constellar Xyz Hunter hurriedly flipped up a face-down card.
"I counter with Fiendish Chain, so that Utopia the Lightning's effects are negated and it cannot attack!"

Strange symbols and an occult lantern appeared before chains shot out to wrap around Utopia the Lightning. Scott was not perturbed, as he still had one more play.
"Since I'm still in Main Phase One, I activate the card Advanced Heraldry Art."
He placed the card on the field.
"This allows me to target two Heraldic Beast monsters in my Graveyard and Special Summon them to the field, and afterwards, I am required to Xyz Summon a monster using only those monsters from the Graveyard. I will Special Summon Heraldic Beast Leo and Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle in attack position."

Both cards appeared on the field, and Scott smiled once more.
"With two Level 4 Heraldic Beast monsters on my field, I overlay them for Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage!"
Leo turned into a golden ball and Twin-Headed Eagle into a crimson one, and the two came together in a blinding flash of light. When the light dimmed, a horse creature with wild hair stood there. Constellar Xyz Hunter flipped their last card face-up.
"I counter with Book of Moon, which flips Genom-Heritage into face-down defense position."

Scott flipped Genom-Heritage, so that there was a sideways set card on the field.
"I end my turn, then."
Scott was now happy to have three Xyz monsters on his field, even if Utopia the Lightning was currently unusable for the most part. With Genom-Heritage, he could now copy an Xyz monster and gain its ATK and abilities, as well as still having Storming Mirror Force and Heraldry Patriarch. He was in a good position to go for game on his next turn. All he needed was for things to not go too badly on the next turn.

At this point in the duel, Scott was down to half Life Points at 4000, while his opponent was sitting barely ahead at 4300. Constellar Xyz Hunter drew a card, which was a second Honest. It was definitely not a card they were looking for, but it would do for what they needed.
"I summon Honest in attack mode."
They placed the card and an angel-like monster appeared on the field.
"I will now overlay to summon Constellar Omega."

Honest turned into a gold orb and Constellar Kaus turned into a white orb, and the two came together in a flash of light. When the light subsided, a strange colorful creature that looked metallic appeared, along with a box that said 2400 ATK and 500 DEF.
"I will now detach Honest so that all Constellar monsters I currently control are unaffected by Spell and Trap effects this turn."
When Honest was detached, Scott flipped up Heraldry Record.
"I will counter that by activating Heraldry Record, which says that if you activate an effect by detaching an Xyz Material, I can negate the effect and destroy the monster."
A blue jewel and pink jewel appeared, and together, they fired yellow and blue lasers that destroyed Constellar Omega.

Constellar Xyz Hunter seemed shaken as they dropped Omega in the Graveyard. With no monsters or back row to protect themselves, the duel was lost. They could not believe they had failed, being defeated by their prey. Still, even if they lost the duel, they would not lose their pride. They would take the defeat and avenge it with the time came for a rematch.
"I end my turn."

Scott drew a card which turned out to be Heraldic Beast Aberconway. Proceeding to Main Phase One, he flipped up Heraldic King Genom-Heritage and switched Heraldry Patriarch to attack position. With no front or back row, he was about to win the duel with a direct attack from both monsters. The only impediment to that would be if the one card in the opponent's hand turned out to be a Battle Fader.
"I will attack directly with Herladry Patriarch."
Using a laser from the tower in the middle, Constellar Xyz Hunter was knocked down while 2200 points of damage were subtracted from their Life Points, leaving them with 2100 Life Points.

Scott looked at Heraldic King Genom-Heritage.
"Genom-Heritage, attack for game."
Genom-Heritage charged at Constellar Xyz Hunter, butting them so that they hit the wall and their Life Points were drained down to zero. The duel was over, and Scott had won. The hologram cards went away, and Scott put his cards away. Scott looked down at the robed figure with sympathy.

"You may be a complete weirdo, but you dueled fairly and did not back down even when you knew you would lose. You may have lost the duel, but you won my respect."
He turned around and saw that the barriers had gone down.
"Well, that's a relief."
When Scott turned around, though, he was alarmed to see that the Constellar Xyz Hunter had disappeared without a trace. He waited a few minutes for an ambush attack, but it never came.

Scott shrugged and looked down at the duel disk.
"Well, I guess they don't want this back. I'll keep it, then."
Scott began walking down the street to his apartment, hoping that by this time tomorrow it would just be a funny story to tell the guys down at the card shop. When he opened the door, however, he was surprised when someone came running out of the front door of his apartment. At first he feared it was Constellar Xyz Hunter trying to ambush him at home, but the person he saw was wearing a business suit and not a cloak and hood.

It was a woman standing at 5'9" with blonde hair in a ponytail and wearing a smart business suit. She had a badge on her hip but he could not read what it said.
"Come on, Scott, we have to go."
"What? Who are you? How do you know my name?"

Scott was starting to get tired of all the random people just showing up in his life right now.
"There's no time for that. Another duelist is being attacked like you just were. Come on!"
Scott began following her, wondering what was going on. They went a few blocks and ended up outside someone's house where a duel was going on.

Scott was surprised to see a hooded duelist again, but this one had a different build from Constellar Xyz Hunter so he knew it was not them.
"Do you know that boy who is dueling?" the woman he was with asked him.
"Yeah, his name is Soma. I don't really know him but I've seen him around the card shop a few times."
"Well, I hope he knows what he's doing."
The two stood there on the sidelines to watch the duel, Scott curious to see how this would play out and what kind of deck and dueling skills Soma had.
Soma smiled as he looked down at the cards he drew even though he he wouldn't be able to summon any of his stronger monsters. He got two the Phantom Knights of shadow veil, the Phantom Knights of ancient cloak, Phantom Knights' sword, and Kagemucha Knight. Unfortunately his opponent had similar luck. The other duelist had managed to draw Ghostrick warwolf, Ghostrick specter, swords of concealing light, Ghostrick mary, and Ghostrick ghoul.

"I'll set one monster then end my turn."
The Ghostrick user set a card single card face down then suddenly a face down card with a shadowy figure appeared in front of her. Soma frowned slightly as he looked at the face down card. Even though he was impressed by hologram he was that his opponent only set a monster.
"Yup I'm definately keeping this duel disc when I win."

As Soma drew another card he turn his head slightly to look at a women with blonde hair and Scott.
"Oh look an audience gets to see me crush you. Anyway I summon the phantom Knights of ancient cloak, and since I just summoned a level three monster I special summon Kagemucha knight."
He placed ancient cloak, and Kagemucha knight on his frontrow then watched as a tattered cloak with a blue head and the knight suddenly appear in front of him.
"Now for the fun part. I xyz summon Dante, traveler of the burning abyss."
Suddenly ancient cloak turned into a purple orb while Kagemucha knight turned into a yellow orb then the two collided with a burst of white light. Once the light disappeared it revealed silver haired man and a small box besides him that said 1000 ATK/2500 DEF.

"And now I activates its effect to send three cards to the graveyard to increase his attack to 2500."
Soma place the top three cards of his deck: Phantom Knights' spear, the phantom Knights of fragile armor, and mathematician into his graveyard.
"Then I attack your face down monster with Dante."
As Dante attacked the shadowy figure emerging from the face down card it suddenly changed into werewolf before it was destroyed.
"Since Ghostrick warwolf was destroyed I get to special summon Ghostrick Spector face down, draw one card due to its effect and by discarding Ghostrick Mary I can special summon a Ghostrick doll in face down defense position from my deck."
The Ghostrick user drew a card and set two cards face down in her frontrow then watched as two shadowy figures appeared from the cards.
"Note to self show no mercy, anyway since Dante attack this turn he goes into defense position. Now I set three cards face down and I end my turn." Soma changed Dante to defense position then wait for his opponent's turn to end.

She drew her card then smiled.
"I summon tour guide from the underworld then special summon Ghostrick Frank with tour guide's effect."
Then suddenly a red haired woman and a mummy appeared.
"Now since I have Ghostrick Mummy I can normal summon or summon a Ghostrick ghoul so I'll set then xyz summon Ghostrick Alucard."
As cartoonish ghoul appeared infront of her Ghostrick Mummy and tour guide transformed into purple orbs then crash into each with a sudden burst of white light. When the light faded away it revealed a pale skinned vampire.
"Then I'll summon Ghostrick Angel of mischief."
Ghostrick Alucard quickly transformed into another purple then collide with the other two orbs that were floating around Alucard. Then with a flash of light a pink haired angel appeared.
Soma smiled as he looked down at the cards he drew even though he he wouldn't be able to summon any of his stronger monsters. He got two the Phantom Knights of shadow veil, the Phantom Knights of ancient cloak, Phantom Knights' sword, and Kagemucha Knight. Unfortunately his opponent had similar luck. The other duelist had managed to draw Ghostrick warwolf, Ghostrick stein, swords of concealing light, Ghostrick mary, and Ghostrick witch.

"I'll set one monster then end my turn."
The Ghostrick user set a card single card face down then suddenly a face down card with a shadowy figure appeared in front of her. Soma frowned slightly as he looked at the face down card. Even though he was impressed by hologram he was that his opponent only set a monster.
"Yup I'm definately keeping this duel disc when I win."

When Soma drew his card then looked down at the card to see rank up.magic astral force. He briefly wondered if he should use it this turn but he decided that he would have a little fun with the other duelist before doing anything big. While Soma though about what he would do this turn he heard his name being mentioned so his head slightly to look at a women with blonde hair and Scott, a person he had seen a few times at the card shop.
"Oh look an audience gets to see me crush you. Anyway I summon the phantom Knights of ancient cloak, and since I just summoned a level three monster I special summon Kagemucha knight."
He placed ancient cloak, and Kagemucha knight on his frontrow then watched as a tattered cloak with a blue head and the knight suddenly appear in front of him.
"Now for the fun part. I xyz summon Dante, traveler of the burning abyss."
Suddenly ancient cloak turned into a purple orb while Kagemucha knight turned into a yellow orb then the two collided with a burst of white light. Once the light disappeared it revealed silver haired man and a small box besides him that said 1000 ATK/2500 DEF.

"And now I activates its effect to send three cards to the graveyard to increase his attack to 2500."
Soma place the top three cards of his deck: Phantom Knights' spear, the phantom Knights of ragged gloves, and the Phantom knights of silent boots into his graveyard.
"Then I attack your face down monster with Dante."
As Dante attacked the shadowy figure emerging from the face down card it suddenly changed into werewolf before it was destroyed.
"Since Ghostrick warwolf was destroyed I can special summon a Ghostrick doll in face down defense position from my deck by discarding Ghostrick Mary."
The Ghostrick set a card face down in her frontrow then watched as a face down card with an shadowy figure appeared infront of her.
"Note to self show no mercy, anyway since Dante attacked this turn he goes into defense position. Now I set three cards face down and I end my turn." Soma changed Dante to defense position then wait for his opponent's turn to end.

She drew her card then smiled when she saw that it was tour guide demo the underworld.
"I will summon tour guide from the underworld then special summon Ghostrick Frank with tour guide's effect."
A red haired women and a large mummy appeared.
"Now since I have Ghostrick Mummy I can summon a Ghostrick monster in addition to my previous summon so I'll set Ghostrick witch then xyz summon Ghostrick Alucard."
As Ghostrick witch appeared infront of her Ghostrick Mummy and tour guide transformed into purple orbs then crash into each with a sudden burst of white light. When the light faded away it revealed a pale skinned vampire and a box that had 1800 ATK/1600 DEf written on it.

"I'll make your xyz monster into face down defense position with Ghostrick witch's effect. Then destroy it with Alucard's effect."
"Hmm before that I'll activate the phantom of shadow veil on Dante so he gains 600 attack."
Soma's xyz monster suddenly transformed into anunidentifiable shadowy figure then one of Ghostrick Alucard's xyz materials disappeared and then Ghostrick Alucard destroyed Dante by ripping the shadowy figure apart with his claws.
"And lastly I'll attack you directly with Ghostrick Alucard then with Ghostrick witch."
"Sorry but I'm not going to play with you any more so I activate the effects of the two shadow veils in my graveyard to summon them in defense position."
Two phantoms riding horses appeared infront of Soma.
"Then I'll attack both them."
"I activate the effect of phantom Knights' sword to target one of my phantom Knights then send phantom's sword to the grave to prevent its destruction. Then I'll banish Phantom Knights' spear to prevent the destruction of my other shadow veil."
Soma smiled as he watched the sword and the spear being destroyed by his opponent's monster.
"Then I'll set Ghostrick witch with her effect and I end my turn."

"I want to play with you a bit but you had to have Ghostricks so now I can't just stall until I feel like crushing you."
Soma drew another card and sighed.
"I'll banish ancient cloak so I can search my deck for a the phantom Knights card. So I chose the phantom knights of cloven helm."
Suddenly the card stuck out of his deck. Soma smiled as he grabbed the card.
"Wow this thing is great. Well back this duel. Now I'll banish the phantom Knights of
silent boots to search for a phantom Knights spell or trap card.
Once the card was banished rank up magic launch of the phantom Knights stuck out of his deck.

"Then I'll special summon silent boots with it's effect then banish phantom Knights' sword to special summon ragged gloves from my grave."
When he place the two cards on his frontrow a phantom wearing a giant gloves and a phantom wearing torn clothes appeared.
"Now I xyz summon dark rebellion xyz dragon and the phantom Knights of break sword."
All four of monsters transformed into xyz material then collided with a white light. As the light faded away it reveal a black dragon, a phantom in a suit of armor that held a giant sword that rode a metallic horse and two boxes that showed both monsters' attack. The box besides dark rebellion xyz dragon had 2500ATK/2000DEF while the box besides break sword was 3000ATK/1000DEF.

"I guess I should tell you that sincebreak sword was xyz summoned with ragged gloves it gained 1000 attack when it was summon. But that doesn't matter because I'm going to destroy break sword and your face down Ghostrick Doll."
Break sword cut one of the face down monster's in half then slowly faded away as its armor and sword started to rust.
"And now since it was destroyed it can summon two phantom Knights with the same level in my grave and increase their levels by one. What happens next should be obvious."
When Break sword finally disappeared two phantom appeared in it place then transformed into two purple spheres then collided with burst of light. Once the light faded away another Dark rebellion xyz dragon and a box with that said 3500ATK/2000DEf appeared.
"Now I activate oni-gami combo on my stronger dragon so that it can attack twice this turn by getting rid of xyz material. Then I'll use Astral force on the other dragon to summon Number C5: chaos chimera dragon."
The xyz monster quickly transformed into a purple orb then collided with the other two xyz material that had spun around the dragon and created a burst of light. When the light disappeared a giant serpent like dragon that flew above the two duelist and a box that said 3000ATK/0DEF.

The Ghostrick duelist sighed then started to walk away from Soma. She already knew that monster's effect so she decided to give up to avoid any pain from the monster's attacks.
"Hmm I forfeit."
"Aww opponent who know when to give up aren't fun. Oh well I guess it didn't matter since you use that annoying archetype anyway."
Soma frown childishly as he watch the Ghostrick duelist walk away.
Once he couldn't see the other duelist he turned around to face the two spectators.
"So why the hell are you two here?"
Scott watched as Soma dueled against the cloaked figure. It was a Phantom Knight deck against a Ghostrick deck, an interesting face-off. Phantom Knight was one of the new archetypes that he did not know much about or have much experience with, but he knew Ghostrick quite well. If Soma was in a pinks duel, he could only hope he knew what he was doing. As the duel progressed, Soma displayed solid dueling skill and forced the Ghostrick Xyz Hunter into a corner. Soma's opponent was not as courageous as Constellar Xyz Hunter, and quit the duel rather than lose by having their Life Points depleted down to zero.

As the Ghostrick Xyz Hunter began walking away, the government agent woman by Scott's side took off after them.
"Hey, you! Stop right there!"
The two began running down the street until the cloaked figure jumped into an alley. While Scott did not know who this woman was, it was clear that she was after the cloaked figures. His thoughts were interrupted by Soma asking him a question.

"I honestly don't know why I'm here," Scott replied with a shrug.
He nodded in the direction that the woman had run off in.
"When I was walking home from the card shop, I got jumped by some cloaked weirdo that forced me into a pinks duel for my Heraldry Crest of Horror. Then, as if that weirdness wasn't enough, I found this woman in my apartment when I went home. Somehow she knew you were in a duel and we came here as quickly as we could. Your guess is as good as mine for what it all means, though."

All of a sudden, the woman came rushing back, looking frantic.
"I have another duelist battling against one of these Xyz Hunters. You two, come with me!"
Scott shrugged and looked at Soma.
"See what I mean?"
He turned around and raced off after the woman, wondering what was going on with duelists being targeted all of a sudden.

When the woman stopped, Scott recognized the girl being targeted as someone named Aria. She was a younger duelist that hung out at the card shop, and like Soma, he didn't know her that well. Come to think of it, he remembered Soma and Aria being friends.
"Do you know this duelist, Scott?"
"Yeah, her name's Aria, someone who hangs out at the dueling shop. I hope she wins this, otherwise, she could be in real trouble."
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