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Kakes Requests

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Aug 3, 2016
    • e4WpmNe.jpg

                      • Hello all, I’m happy to see you decided to stop by and take a look!

                        I am new to BMR, obviously, but I’ve been roleplaying for over a decade now on another site. A bit about me as a roleplayer (since I don’t have samples here):

                        The most important parts of a roleplay to me are honesty and communication. Honesty because I don’t want to rope you into something you’re not interested in and then have it die because of that. And I don’t want you to feel pressured into something because I like it or think it’s a good idea. Please tell me the truth. I am incredibly hard to offend. Especially in these cases. I want us both to enjoy the roleplay and have a great time. It doesn’t work if one person gets everything they want and the other person gets nothing they want. Communicate with me. Tell me your ideas. Tell me what you’re looking for. Let’s figure out something perfect for both of us. But please don’t be offended if I tell you no, either.

                        I generally write 1k word posts. Do I need to write that much? No. I just tend to do it after doing this so long. If you’re posting less that is totally okay with me and I can work with it. Mirroring is something I’m good at.

                        I love full, well rounded characters. If your character wouldn’t work as a person in the real world, I’m sorry but I’ll have to pass. I’m more than happy to help you if you ask (I’m really not mean, I promise) but I need realistic characters. I’ve worked very hard on character creation over the years. I make all kinds of personalities, backgrounds, etc. I’m not set in one role. I either already have, or can create, a character for most any situation as long as I’m interested. However, I want them to be my character. I am all for input. Input and collaboration is great. I welcome it. But I don’t really like being pushed into your ideal character. I’m a person too and I have my own needs and goals for the roleplay. I also need intelligent characters. I know that makes me sound elitist but I have a hard time with that.

                        I prefer real faces over anime and all of my characters who I use repeatedly have real faces. Anime is fine, I’ve done it before, but I prefer real. It’s easier for me to get into the roleplay that way. Also, it would be nice to specify if you would rather the model I use not have tattoos or piercings. If you don’t like them that’s totally cool! Just let me know.

                        I will also double. Or triple. Or whatever we need. I play males and females but I do have a preference to playing women. It’s just easier since that’s what I am. I believe I can convincingly play males but they are not my best. I also tend to lose some interest if I’m only playing a male. As far as sexuality I will play F/M, F// and occasionally M// if you can really convince me.

                        My writing style may differ from what you’re used to. I haven’t really delved deep into the forums here yet but what I have seen is a bit different than what I do. I will not break third person. If you’re looking for a first or second person roleplay I am probably not the person for you. But my style is that I write as my character. Therefore my word choice and usage will change depending on what kind of character I am playing and what their thought processes would be. I know a lot of roleplays use italics for thoughts but I tend to just put thoughts into my sentences. Not in a way that makes it unreadable. Example:

                        “Please put your pants back on,” the article was shoved against the man’s chest with a coquettish smile as Kira moved to sit on the opposite bed, leaning back on her elbows with her legs crossed. She didn’t add on “because your body is now disgusting me,” as it would have been rude. He quickly complied, like the good boy he really was. It made Kira want to laugh at how much he obeyed her. Most men at least pretended like they had their freewill intact around her. That was much more attractive than just falling all over themselves in front of her feet. Her foot tapped to the song that was still playing her head— it was scary how even after so many centuries on earth she was able to remember such inane things like song lyrics she’d only heard once. If something stuck out, it stuck out. That was that.

                        Second example to show change in style:

                        Even Numbers looked really bad. Jules couldn’t see a lot of him at any given time but what she had seen was not good. Unconsciously she poked the baggie with her tongue. This didn’t look like AIDS but the thought still popped up. How much did she know about it, anyway? She knew the used, shared needles bit of course. Any sixth grader could tell you that shit. Maybe even younger nowadays. But what were all the symptoms? Jules knew a few but what if she was missing some? It could be that he really did have it and now she might as well have infested herself on purpose. The logical part of her that said it was definitely transferred through blood was being ignored. She had lived all these fucking years without catching anything permanent— how many times had she gone down on guys without making them wrap it up? Girls too for that matter. The worst thing she’d ever caught was chlamydia and that was years ago. Not even something that wasn’t easily solved and forgotten. She was careful to never share needles with other junkies, to force tattoo artists to open new needles in front of her in their sketchy ass shops, to keep her body away from people who looked sick or ended up having sores. And now what? She was just going to catch the deadly STD because she decided offhand that Even Numbers didn’t look sick and dying? Fuck, she could be really stupid.

                        I hope that makes it clear. I tried explaining in actual words to someone and it just sounded like an absolute mess and horror to work with. I figured this would be a better approach. So, that is my style. It will change slightly but I will always use correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Unless it’s in speech and my character doesn’t care about that. Then I won’t. I do have a habit of using short sentences, which is probably obvious by now. Some that are not technically full sentences. If this bothers you then I am probably not a good fit for you. I care about becoming the character more than I really care about describing a chair or wallpaper too.

                        Post graphics. I prefer graphics because my old site used them. I can make you some if you don't have any but it is not a must have. I understand it’s not really done here and that is fine! I can adjust.

                        Now, I have noticed in my short time here that smut is super heavy. The site I came from didn’t allow that in forums at all so it’s kind of a…surprise for me. I am not opposed to writing smut. I’ve done it in the past but not a ton so I may not be that great. Fair warning. But I’m not going to just write smut with you. That’s not why I roleplay. If I wanted sex I’d go have sex. Or watch porn. Or read erotica. The choices are plenty. I do not mind writing sex but I want plot please. I am far more story based than smut based. It says so in my f-list. Which you can see if you’re interested in roleplaying with me. I don’t mind showing you. I know we’re all adults here. I appreciate that. But I’m not looking for that. I want a story and when sex comes up, as it usually will, then awesome. We’ll go from there. But I’m not the type to have my character suddenly fall in love with yours or decide they simply have to fuck them! For no reason. Within the first two posts of the roleplay. Like I said, I’m not against smut. I just want an actual plot too.

                        And I know the Dom/sub thing is also super big here. I’m totally cool with that. But I will not play some wilting flower of a woman who can’t think for herself and has no personality. Or is entirely too nice and therefore also has no personality (in my eyes). I have found over the years that whenever I make an incredibly nice girl without some sort of spice or issue I cannot play them long term. Something in my brain turns off and I can’t do it. Yes, I can make sweet girls, but no, they will not be passive, mindless wonders. I apologize if that’s what you’re looking for. But back to the actual relationship part. I love power play. This extends to my characters for the most part. If you don’t want to be challenged I can make it happen if I like the plot but, I mean, I prefer not to. This is not to say I will only do Dom/sub relationships, either. I’m more on the vanilla side of things if we’re being honest but I have no issues with that kind of relationship as long as I think it fits the characters and plot we’re working with.

                        I do not have any current well developed plots I’m craving. I know, I’m horrible. I’m going to work on that. I promise. But for now here’s a small sampling of I’m into in case it gets something going in your brain:

                        • Film Noir
                        • Horror
                        • AHS (pre-freakshow)
                        • Psycho/Bates Motel
                        • Vampires, werewolves etc.
                        • Anti-heroes (think Deadpool but not superheroes per se)
                        • Sons of Anarchy
                        • Penny Dreadful
                        • The paranormal
                        • Drug addicts/alcoholics
                        • 1950’s
                        • Ancient Egypt
                        • Romance
                        • Mental Illness
                        • Apocalyptic
                        • Writing prompts
                        • Native American
                        • Psychological drama
                        • Fight Club
                        • Anything Chuck Palahniuk
                        • Jack the Ripper
                        • Writers/Poets
                        • Song-based plots

                        If you’ve read this entire massive long thing, thank you for coming this far. I have a feeling some of you might be saying “Who is this bitch? She’s new and she’s telling us what to do! Who does she think she is?” I really am not trying to be disrespectful or rude. I’m not. I may talk a bit more bluntly but I’m not trying to offend. And I’m not trying to tell you what to do, either. I just think honesty is the most important part of a roleplay and if I get everything out then you know exactly what I like and don’t. If you don’t fit it or I don’t fit what you want that is completely okay. I’m not saying you’re a bad person or a horrible roleplayer. At all. I want to find some likeminded adults who I can roleplay with. That’s it. I can’t even tell you how much of a lady boner I already have just from being around people in my age group. From what I can tell you all are wonderful people. I promise I am also a halfway okay person. Most the time.

                        If you’re interested? Still? Wow. Hey there, friend. Let’s talk. You can PM me any time.
    • iYeGW0L.jpg

                      • This is where my plots will go when I start being a real adult and put them down.

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