Revving the Harley [RoleplayMaster x Greenbriar]


Jun 26, 2013
Curtis looked down at the handcuffs, chaining his wrists and ankles together during the ride to Arkham. It was absolute bullshit that he was being put with the crazies in that asylum, all because he defaced the property of corrupt government officials. Well... defacing might be a tame word for it, especially considering the flesh-eating acid he put in one guy's car air conditioner. It wasn't enough to kill or seriously harm, just enough to scare and some minor permanent damage. But that was no reason for him to go to Arkham Asylum, right?

Curtis Smith was a seventeen, almost eighteen year old boy with a prowess for liquids of the dangerous variety. Anything that went boom made the boy smile, and if it was made by him, a full on grin would appear. But with talents like his, he hadn't gone to the 'dark side', not yet at least. That's why his victims were always the corrupt ones, the guys that were in the pocket of Two Face or Cobblepot. Those guys could afford to be put down a peg or ten, who cares?

Beside the handcuffed criminal sat two larger men, assault rifles in hand, They watched him intently, ensuring that he had no magic tricks to get out of their grasp. But he knew that this would be his life from now on, he didn't have friends in high places to get him out of a mess like this.

Feeling quite hungry, the topic of food soon entered his mind. "What kind of food do they have at Arkha-" The boy was cut off by a hard slam as something hit the armoured car, sending it across the road into a nearby building. The brick wall seemed stronger than armoured car as the metallic vehicle crumbled. The mere hit alone seemed to kill the guards that had been sitting across from him, but it still injured Curtis greatly. The last thing he saw before he fell unconscious was the van's back doors being ripped off, revealing a few thugs standing behind a woman. This woman did not have any distinguishable features - likely due to his blurring vision - but she seemed colourful.
Cuffed and chained to a bench in the heart of a crumpled police van now rolled over on its side, to say the teenage boy in his plain orange prison outfit and the blurred, woozy expression was impressive would be grossly charitable. Yet there was something about that crazy little half-smile in his mug shots that caught her eye - not to mention that flesh eating acid gag! That one was worthy of Mista J!

Harley Quinn paused at the thought, sniffed, then let out a peal of laughter as she sprang into the back of the van and swung her special striped Louisville Slugger around into the back of the head of one corpse that was looking at her funny. "Hey Lewis, come give me a hand? " The bloody bat rose once again, and came down with vicious force to snap open Curtis' chains where they attached to the seat. The boy slumped to the ground, but between them Lewis and Roscoe soon had him slung between their shoulders.

In the distance police sirens wailed, and Harley led her posse away from the van and the big rig half mounting it. They all bundled into a white-rimmed sedan and tore off down the back streets with their prize.

When he finally woke, Curtis would find he'd been laid out on a medical gurney in one corner of a warehouse. There was a red-and-black blanket laid over him to keep him warm, both sides rolled in beneath him like a semi-criminal sausage. A flickering light hung low overhead, and on the next gurney over Harley sat, kicking her heels as she stared at the wall over his head and chewed her gum. Half-outside the light circle a third gurney sat, but by the bleeding hole in his head that guy had seen better days.

Once she saw he was awake, Harley thrust out a hand and beamed at the prone boy. "Hey, how are ya Curtis? Thanks for comin' by!"
Groaning in pain as he awoke, Curtis was somewhere unfamiliar. 'My first day in prison and I'm already in unfamiliar territory.' he thought to himself, forgetting the car crash that had happened hours earlier. Struggling to get up, he felt pain beyond belief. It seemed like he hadn't been looked at medically yet, just left to rest on this gurney. Broken hand, dislocated foot... and he could swear he had something in his shoulder. "Help." he called weakly, looking around.

The place was dark and not furnished much, and did not seem to be of high quality. He knew that Arkham Asylum would not get too much government funding, but this was ridiculous. His eyes finally landed on Harley, and everything came back to him. "You... You broke me out?" He asked softly, his eyes struggling to focus on hers; his broken glasses rested on a side table nearby.

"Do you have a doctor or something?" He replied, as he was asked how he was. "My entire right side is in pain." he said softly, raising his left (and non-dominant) hand to shake hers, since his right was broken. "What am I doing here? Where is here?"
Harley shook his hand enthusiastically, oblivious to any look of pain on his face. "Of course I did!" She flashed another bright smile, "I couldn't have my best guy doin' time in the hole now, could I?" She nudges his (left) side with her elbow, leans over and wrenches out the plexiglass shard embedded in his shoulder. "Anyway, hang tight fer a sec and keep some pressure on that. My boys are out getting someone to look atcha, but they won't be too long."

She sat up again and kicked her heels restlessly, then leaned over to inspect his glasses. Apart from the starred cracks on the right lens, it didn't look to be in too bad shape and she leaned over to fit them back onto his face with a small flourish and a quirk to her rosy lips. "There! Much better. Sometimes you just look at a thing and you can tell there's somethin' outta place in how things should be. Like your face without these glasses, or you running around Gotham on your own."

Harley straightens, blonde pigtails bouncing as she claps with excitement. "And what fun you've been having! The acid in the cop's car, that lawyer's second home and the delivery van and I hear Ozzie is still squawking about the graffiti at his Club's grand opening. Classy! That's what I like about you." She grins enthusiastically and elbows him again - and the door across the room swings wide to admit a beam of light, two of her gang and a pair of paramedics with their hands tied behind their back. "Med call!"
Groaning in pain as the plexiglass was wrenched from his shoulder, the boy tried to focus on Harley now instead of his shoulder. It was then that he noticed that she had a nice rack. Yep, her rack was amazing, full of weapons and firearms. Oh, and her breasts were nice too. Hearing that medical help was coming soon, the young criminal sighed in relief.

By the sound of it, this woman had been watching him and his actions quite closely and for quite a long time, especially considering the graffiti had been several months old. "So... Why am I here?" He asked. She seemed to be a fan of his work, considering her excitement and willingness to help him escape and get medical help, but nothing quite added up.

It was then that the medical staff entered, tied up and mouths gagged. It took him a lot of effort not to look horrified at what was happening to them. As they were released, the two paramedics began to look over him, fixing up his ankle, bandaging his hand, and stitching up his shoulder.
The paramedics seemed a little jumpy about the whole experience, what with having their ambulance jacked after a bogus 911 call. Still, they settled down nicely with an actual patient to tend to. Roscoe hardly had to threaten them with his revolver at all, though he did anyway. He was direct like that, and Harley smiled to herself as she watched the interplay between the trio.

If Harley had a weakness, it was trying to keep still. And the Joker. And thinking before acting. And plans. But keeping still was definitely up there, and she was bored of sticking to her gurney and sprang to her feet, pacing carefully down the crack in the floor tiles until he speaks. "Why bring ya here?" She slides up onto the gurney by his head, and draws her fingers through his hair. "Because you've got something I want, Curtis, something we can use in the gang." She smiles down at him then, completely unconcerned by the outsiders in the room.

"You're a planner, y'see? All your tricks and strikes and attacks, all that time it was just you - right? So you had to pick your moment, work out all your risks and then think on yer feet. There's plenty of improvs around in Gotham these days, but hardly any planners." She gives him a direct look from her big baby blues, a mischievous smile playing around her lips. "So... whatcha say, Curtis? Want to come and join the crew?"
Feeling the weight fall slightly by his head, Curtis soon felt gentle fingers softly running through his hair. It felt good, and made him a little sleepy. It definitely helped soothe him through all the pain he was feeling, and assisted in making him ignore everyone but Harley. He had no clue if this was her intent, or something else entirely.

When he was told that he had something she wanted, he tensed. She was going to steal from him? Or was that why the paramedics were here - were they going to take some of his organs? Thankfully she elaborated quickly, saying how she wanted him in this crew.

"Yeah, it was all me. I have a reason behind the attacks too, so I want to ask. What is it that your crew does? Who do you target and why? Convince me to join your group, and I would happily join." He told Harley. He knew he wasn't in the best position to be asking things of her, but it didn't seem like pain would come to him.
"Why does anyone do anything?" The pale-skinned blonde shrugged and glanced around at her crew, and the paramedics. "Aren't you guys done yet?" she demanded, though in truth they were doing a fairly quick job about bracing his hand and securing his foot in the best position for recovery. She turned back to her impromptu interviewee and flipped her hair over her fingers. Focus, Harley!

"To get rich? Well, rich-ish. To take things we want, from people who don't deserve them. To make a name for ourselves and get some respect. Fear? Well, fear is nice and all..." again she draws her fingers through his hair. "But mostly, it's about having fun." She flashes him a white grin, the imps of madness dancing in her eyes.

"How 'bout you? Why do you do what you do, so well?" She improvises a little cha-cha dance move, and begins a leisurely spin around the room. She's paying attention; she is! She just hopes they can work something out. She hates making mistakes, like the disappointment with the last guy.
"I do it because the people I target are corrupt. People like Harvey Dent or Oswald Cobblepot pay them off to let off their thugs. These men should be behind bars, but even the cops are on their payroll. I don't do it to seek fame and fortune." He answered Harley, his eyes following her erratic movements.

"I... If you're doing this to hurt innocents, or just to be rich and powerful, then I'm not in. But if you're doing this to make a positive change on Gotham City, because no one other than the Batman seem to want that, then I will help you." He didn't exactly know this woman, so if he knew she had been the right-hand woman of the Joker, he might not have been so eager to join in. But Harley seemed like a nice girl, so what was the worst that could happen?
"Innocents?" She actually giggled. "Well, I'm not running around tryin' to save them like Batman always seems to be doing. Just gets ya old and tired and sad - there will always be people hurtin', and you can't make everyone happy. But as fer hurtin' them? There isn't a lot of innocence going around around the rich and powerful in this city - and don't get me started about Ozzie and Harvey!" She dimpled at him, then drooped easily against the side of a pile of crates.

Mostly she doesn't hit 'Innocents' because they don't have anything she wants, but the boy with the floppy brown hair doesn't need to know that. He has cute eyes though - they get all steely when he tries to do stern. "Maybe we k'n hit the same people for a while, the ones that are rich enough to have nice things and corrupt enough to deserve losin' em?" There - she can compromise, even it's awfully boring sometimes.

Or she could just kill him, but it seemed like such a waste. She likes a guy with a spine.
Curtis nodded and with a weak smile, he offered her his left hand for her to shake. "Okay then, I think we have a deal." He told her, waiting for her to shake his hand. "So what parts do you handle and what do I handle? Is it like you choose the target and I choose how to get them? Or something else?" He asked.

The paramedics looked at him, waiting for the conversation to stop for a moment so they could tell him what was going on. Being handed two crutches, he was told that he could walk around with them if he is careful, and to keep off his ankle for a few days. His hand would take a few weeks to heal, and the stitches could be removed around the same time that his hand would be fixed.

Slowly standing with the crutches, he glanced at Harley. "So, want to give me the tour?"
Harley smiled broadly, planted her elbows on the edge of the gurney and shook his hand with her left. "Yeah, looks like!" She kept shaking it as she continued, and the paramedics began to look a little awkward standing over to one side. "I have a couple-a fun targets in mind, sure. Cute people, exciting times; I'd love ta hear your take on how to get to 'em. Not just safe, but style, yeah?"

But first she had some house-keeping to do, and spun back to face the medics with her arms spread wide. "Thanks so much, guys! You've been a huge help," she hugged the taller one and planted a kiss on his cheek, then rose en pointe to step quickly over to the second. "At this rate my boy Curtis will be up and about in no time!" It's slightly her fault he was injured like this, but she chose not to focus on that. A big kiss to the other medic's cheek, leaving firm rosy lip-prints and she turned away with a peal of laughter. "Ten outta ten, would kidnap again!"

One hand on each of their shoulders, she slammed their heads together with a sickening thud and let them drop to the floor in a heap. "Take them back to their ambulance and dump it near the docks, yeah?" She blew a kiss as her loyal trio began hauling the limp bodies out of the warehouse, turned back to her guest and shrugged with an ingenious expression. "What? They're doctors, right? They'll be fine once they wake up with all those bandages an' stuff. Anyway, come step into my parlour!"

As their company finally left the warehouse, she twinkled at Curtis and danced across to a big light switch. With a flick of her finger rows after row of lights blazed to life, revealing... well not all that much really. Just piles of boxes and the area with the three gurneys by the door, the two of them and the crutches. She offered him one crutch (and her arm) with a playful smile, "So, shall we?"
His eyes followed the seemingly crazy woman as she kissed both the doctors, finding himself a little jealous that he did not get a kiss. Even after they got knocked unconscious, Curtis found himself looking at Harley's lips as she spoke, wondering how a kiss from her would feel.

Standing slowly, Curtis took Harley's arm and one of the crutches, letting her slowly escort him around the premises. "Is this all you have?" he asked, looking around the empty warehouse. "Wow, we have a lot of work to do." He sighed, but looked back at Harley. "It's no trouble though, we're just a little behind what I thought." He assured her. "Before we get our targets, we need resources; men, weapons, vehicles. My specialty is with dangerous chemicals, so better try stealing some of that too." he suggested, looking around the place. It really was not much at all.

"What contacts do you have? Either to supply more men, or borrow resources to help get our own men. We shouldn't try to owe many favours if we can help it." he added, his mind already going to work.
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