Magic and Technology MalfrostxApplepoisoneer

The light that poured in from the massive tower windows was a deep, rich blue. The clouds were heavy, perhaps waiting to rain. No sound disturbed the air, leaving Raven to relax into the cushions of the couch, allowing her whole body to become numb and light, until it lifted off the fabric. She breathed in the rare tranquility of the living space she shared with her fellow titans and could finally relax.
Cyborg was listening to some music as he walked up stairs from the garage. He had been working on yet another project of his and didn't realize that most of the other Titans had gone out for the evening. He was covered in grease and oil as he walked into the kitchen to fix himself some food.

"Dang, am I hungry! Time to cook me up some grub!" He announced to just himself, or so he thought as he walked into the kitchen and started grabbing every last piece of meat he could find to make himself a meat lovers pizza. He didn't realize Raven was trying to relax in the living room as he turned the music on his external speakers up louder.
Raven grunted a little in both surprise and frustration. She'd been under the impression that Cyborg had gone out with the others, but she supposed she hadn't really looked around to confirm. Sighing, she decided that she'd go back to her room, but first she thought a little more tea would be nice.

Silently, she floated into the kitchen to heat up a little more water. The sound of the music blaring out of the speakers was almost too much to handle and she held a hand to her head. "Can you hear yourself think, Cyborg?" She asked, half-joking and half-angrily.
Cyborg remained blissfully unaware of Raven until she made her presence known by speaking. He had been much too preoccupied preparing his pizza to notice her. When she spoke, he jump in the air, startled as his music stopped.

He turned around to face Raven, laughing as he rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed. "Sorry, Rae. I thought you had gone out with the you want me to make you something for dinner?" He asked the girl with a grin as he turned his attention back to preparing his pizza as he waited for her answer.
A faint smile played at the corners of her lips. At the thought and sight of food, her stomach made an answer for her. "That sounds nice. I think I kind of... forgot to eat today." It was her turn to be embarrassed. One would think that she would be more on top of that sort of thing, but the truth was, from time to time, she would forget to eat until it became physically difficult for her to put it off any longer.
Cyborg heard Raven's stomach growl and her chuckled. "Well, what do you want then? Unless you want to down this awesome and amazing meat lovers pizza here, I'll have to make you something separate." Cyborg asked her as he put the pizza in the oven.

"I don't mind though...especially since it's you, Rae..." Cyborg blushed as he stepped forward and gently kissed Raven on the forehead. They had just started a relationship with each other not too long ago and it was still a secret from the other Titans. They didn't get many moments to be alone like this. "Hey...I thought it was suppose to be "Kiss the Chief" and not the other way around!" Cyborg laughed as he teased Raven, giving her a playful wink.
Raven chuckled a little and shook her head at his joke. But never the less, she stood on her toes and kissed him back. "You don't have to do anything special for me. I'd be fine with a slice of that pizza." She nsniffed the air. "It already smells wonderful, and it hasn't even finished yet."
Cyborg blushed as Raven kissed him, his teenage hormones starting to get the better of him. "Well, while we wait for it to about I have some of you." He winked again as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest. His lips pressed firmly against her own as his tongue lashed at her lips and sought to gain entry to her mouth as he felt her breasts mold against his chest and his hand groped at her firm ass under her leotard.
While she knew that he had to be careful, it was hard for Raven to put the breaks on her feelings. She felt herself slipping into his embrace. The room around them slowly drifted away, and she was lost in his touch, like meditating within his circle. And although it seemed strange, it was the best way she could think of to keep herself from losing complete control of her passions.
Cyborg could feel Raven leaning into the embrace while at the same time fighting to stay in control. He withdrew from the kiss and gently kissed her forehead again. "Should I stop or..." Cyborg asked, concern clearly in his voice. While his hormones were indeed raging, he would never force anything on Raven, he cared for her too much to do that
His voice seemed to be coming from a million miles away, and the only thing she knew immediately was that he'd broken the kiss. Raven caught her breath and looked up at him. "Maybe we could... just curl up on the couch for a while?" She offered the suggestion with what passed for puppy-dog eyes in Raven's case.
Cyborg grinned as he picked Raven up with one arm and pulled her against his chest. "Of course, Rae. We can totally do that." He kissed he cheek and then pulled the pizza out of the oven. With Raven in one hand and pizza in the other, he walked towards the living room. He set the pizza down on the table and then laid down on the couch with Raven, pulling her into his chest as he pulled off a slice of pizza and moved it towards Raven's mouth. "Say, ahhhh." He teased her with a grin.
"Don't do that." She laughed, turning her head slightly She wasn't sure what it was, but being fed had always made her feel uncomfortable. She knew he was trying to be cute, and in a way, it was, but she couldn't quite get over the feeling it gave her. Still smiling her tiny, contented smile, she took her own slice of pizza from the platter and ate of it. "This is great though. Thank you."
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