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Plot Journal (No comments please)


Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis
Scarlet Samurai Goes Down
A superheroine is manipulated into attending a clinic to improve her self confidence and to prepare her to handle defeat circumstances. I loved the way my partner used dramatic irony to establish the general vibe of the rp.

Himiko Ibara, better known as the Scarlet Samurai was fucked. Well, she was about to be fucked, if the three thugs who had her bound with handcuffs and had hung her handcuffs from a chain had their way, which they intended to have with her. How could this have happened?

The night started off as most did for her, with some light crime fighting and investigation. For almost a month now, she had been tracking a sex trafficking ring. She had gotten a tip about a warehouse on the docks, and she had hit pay dirt, as she was lead to where they were housing the women they were prostituting. She had managed to sneak in, and even freed several of the women there before anyone caught on.

Once she was discovered, three men engaged her in combat. Two wielded blades, just as she did. One man, the biggest of the three, was wearing some kind of claw weapon, with highly sharp points and some small canisters contained within.Didn’t pay him much mind, mistakenly assuming that he wasn’t going to be able to get close enough to her to actually hit her with it.

For a while she exchanged blows with the other two, keeping them at bay, even when they both came at her at once. Every now and then she parried the big man’s claws, not having any trouble from the thugs. She got into a deadlock with both of the sword wielders, their combined strength managing to match her own superhuman strength. While she worked to overcome them, she felt a powerful hit connect with her back, and small pinpricks injected something into her body.

Almost immediately she began feeling the effects of whatever he injected into her. She felt as though her body were going limp. Like, her limbs still worked, she just couldn’t control them. The three thugs got to work immediately, taking her twin katanas from her, placing some nearby handcuffs on her wrists. In this state she was rather easy to physically manipulate, with her unable to resist in the slightest, or even voice her dissent.

Two of them hung her up on the chain while the other began to operate it, raising her up to her tip toes, and then lowering her down to her hands and knees. Once there were satisfied with her moveability, they got to work, one from behind groping at her nice, C cup breasts, and the one in the front teasing her list through her panties.

“Hey, this stuff will wear off in thirty minutes, so let’s get busy. Do you guys want her on her hands and knees, or hanging high so you can get to her pussy and ass?” The crane operator called out to his comrades.
Liberty played his part.

The two different logistical workflows of the operation had been totally siloed per Liberty's explicit direction. He retained total deniability of the cat and mouse game his employer had played with Scarlet Samurai through cutouts and ignorant middle men. From his seat behind the one way mirror that fronted the warehouse's office he saw everything go down.

Scarlet's reticence to end her foes' lives.

The trio's trained teamwork.

An archaic drama of swords and warriors being played out in 2015.


Once their farce came to what would be his ally and fellow hero's dissolution he powered on his suit's active camouflage. Liberty faded into the background.

His advanced polymer tabi boots allowed him to run with the silence and balance of bare feet. As he sprinted with cat like grace, Liberty raised a small dart gun from the back of his belt and fired three times.

Each one hit its mark, dropping the trio of would be rapists to the ground and leaving a paralyzed superheroine.

She did certainly dress provocatively. While the two of them had never discussed it on their time working together in the Rescue Front he thought that it must have quenched some voyeuristic thirst. A small woman who possessed the strength the gracefully wield a katana in each hand was truly something to behold and, until now, unassailable.

Liberty's brown eyes stared coolly into Scarlet's remaining orb as he brusquely removed her from the chain to set her down leaning against a crate. The hero went about restraining her assailants, securing their weapons, returning her katanas to her possession and, when all else failed, appearing busy when she was finally able to move and speak of her own volition.

There was a drug he carried that counteracted the effects of most muscle relaxants and dissociatives, but he preferred to let Scarlet loll there. He'd rather let her have the time to stew on the fact that the second most senior member of the Rescue League had come to save her ass from a humiliating gang bang that she got herself into in the first place. Of course Liberty--the only normal human who could stand up to Strong Man in a fist fight, the man who planned and executed an escape from an Afghani prison while both blind and deaf--would be the one to. The one who checked up on the other heroes in the Front without letting them know, who gave equally oblique praises and criticisms for events he could not have been at but somehow knew intimately.

Once his teammate was able to get up off the ground and grip her katanas he spoke. "This is not the first time something like this has happened. We don't talk about it, but...

"Remember when the Spartan went on a three week vacation last year?" He let it sink in for a moment. The Spartan, one of their most hard headed, strongest and brazenly outspoken Front members had lost a fight. Badly. His retreat had begun a couple days after the battle and when he came back to the Front he was greeted with open arms, no questions and looked better than ever.

"It was not just R&R, Scarlet. When we found him with the Candy Man something similar had happened.

"I did not arrive in time.

"Afterwards I suggested a training center he attend to help should this issue arise again. It focuses on interrogation resistance, discipline, focus and mental fortitude."
She had a blank look on her face as her rapists discussed how their intended to violate her various orifices. She still had a blank look on her face as they passed out in quick succession, her painted lips parted ever so slightly. Her eye tried to follow the distant shadow of movement, but it took all of her concentration just to glance around the room. She tried to smile when Liberty made himself known to her, but her red lips were stuck in an “O.”

She tried to speak as well, but only moans and sighs could escape her lips. They sounded rather erotic, like she was experiencing some great pleasure as Liberty took her into his strong arms, placing her delicately against some crates while she waited for the toxin to fade away. She had hoped he would have something to counteract it, he always did in any other circumstance, but she assumed he was playing it safe, seeing as he could not possibly know what she had been injected with.

The thirty minutes her rapists claimed they had seemed to last forever. She supposed it would have felt even longer if she was stuffed full of cock for the duration. At least gave her a chance to think of something witty to say when she finally recovered.

“Well, I supposed you have rescued every member of the Rescue front at least once now.” She stated, after several false starts, “Are you ever going to call in some of these favors, or just hoard them for eternity?” She stood shakily, her limbs still struggling to obey her mind. She almost moved to give Liberty a hug, but stopped herself. He was a distant man. Even within the group setting of their superhero team, he seemed to work alone, set apart from the group. She suspected he wouldn’t welcome the contact, even if she craved a comforting touch at the moment.

“Thank you, for this. I don’t want to think about what would have happened had you not been the Liberty we all know to you be.” She admitted with a grateful smile. Her smile turned to a look of horror as he told her about the Spartan, and how he had not arrived in time.
“Can you tell me more about this training center?” She looked up at him, vulnerably.

A week later Himiko had her bag packed as she took a private jet to the remote island located in the South Pacific.

“We touched down in thirty,” Came the voice of the captain over the intercom.

The island was a lush emerald adrift in the sea, defined by a mountainous interior with enough space to hike for months before the entire island had been explored. Thick white clouds hung over it, clustered to the nearest sign of life, while a runway next to a series of white warehouses dominated the rest of the island from their elevation.

Upon closer approach it became apparent that there was a network of buildings near the runway extending up on the mountains and, potentially, into them. It was hard to notice them until landing time neared as they were all painted dark green, all the better to blend in with their surroundings.

The island itself had an oppressive, wet heat. The runway was vacant, with an electric golf cart and a note left for the visitor.

We happen to be a little understaffed right now. Follow the road (there's only one) and enter the first building on the left.
- Dr. G----

In the manner of doctors everywhere this one had a totally illegible signature.

The road was a mile long, paved with concrete, and on each side was a ditch with the tree line behind it. Wind funneled down the road, providing a constant pleasant breeze in counterpoint to the heat. When the road reached what could have passed for a populated area the street was deserted, the buildings looked more or less unoccupied, except for one.
The first on the left.

Lights were on in the windows and a note had been tacked to the front door.

This one.Good job!
- Dr. G----

Inside the building everything was well lit and modern, in a pleasant foyer that managed to combine both the hominess of a house with the professional presence of a doctor's office. The waiting area had been tossed aside for a living room, in which a man was sitting in a chair. He looked relatively young and wore black from head to toe--his full brogue dress shoes, the light linen trousers, the silk t-shirt and even the choker around his neck.

"Hello, Scarlet Samurai. I'm Dr. Goode, I'll be your mentor while you're at the Center." The young doctor made eye contact with Scarlet and smiled, his toxic green orbs flashing.

She followed the instructions left for her at the runway, as the pilot unloaded some supplies and refueled himself for the trip back home. It was worrisome that there was no one else around. She had signed up for the course entirely on Liberty’s advice, doing very little research about it herself. Of course, there was no reason to distrust Liberty, and she was quite sure he had put in the work to learn everything he could about this place, as was his way of operating.

She was glad she had dressed casually comfortable for her first day at the center. Her white tank top was sticking to her skin as it were, and her denim shorts left her long lean legs cool, as she traveled along the sultry island. Her long black hair was slicked back into a high ponytail, and she was glad she had declined to wear makeup, given the heat, letting her natural features shine through this day.

She was shocked at what she saw of the doctor, expecting some older man, someone with experience under this belt. The young man who in charge of her training was hardly older than she was, and handsome, if she were being honest with herself. He was nearly a foot taller than her, and she could sense the slender musculature that made up his figure under his clothing. He was the kind of man she would have dated, if her life as a super powered vigilante had left any time for such pursuits.

“It is a pleasure Dr. Goode,” She extended her hand professionally, giving a firm handshake that did not hint at the true strength within her. “But please, call me Himiko. Liberty vouched for your integrity, but I would prefer that no one else I interact with while here know my alias.”
“Will we start right away, or do I have time to fresh up?”

As ever, Scarlet Samurai moved with a liquid grace that left him impressed and duly worried. In the simplest of actions she had perfectly measured a firm grip for a woman of her approximate build, her small fingers folding so neatly into his own. "Of course, Himiko.

"At the Center we take client confidentiality seriously. Our reputation speaks for itself: we have none." The young doctor beamed at Himiko, perfectly confident. He was thinking of the last time they met in battle as their hands disentangled, his middle finger softly counted coup across the soft inside of her wrist. Scarlet Samurai had taken the pommel of her katana and slammed in the side of the head right as he was about strike one of his foes.

Just hard enough to blow out the pupil in his left eye socket. It was only by dint of his hair wrapped aroun his head inside that armored reflective helmet that he escaped a bone shards splintering into his brain.

"We will start right away. You'll find there is no freshening up on the island," he said, cool as a cucumber, unimpeded by sweat in the apparently unairconditioned building. The doctor turned on his heel and lazily crooked a finger for his patient to follow. He had to, because now he knew.

He had always wondered. The eye.If the patch was affectation, hid technology or if the sigil itself held wyrd sway. In the heat of combat he had never gotten the opportunity to reach for out but now, he knew--

Marred beauty.

Dr. Goode lead her through the house with a sense of authority and ease, his long, knotted hair gently swaying left to right. The next room's interior was a strange mish-mash of Spanish Revival and certified sterile laboratory. The walls were pristine and white, the floor hard wood and room itself quite open.

Except for a clusters of medical equipment attached to what looked similar to exercise machines if somewhat more menacing. A gurney was set up next to a desk with a computer, which Dr. Goode motioned her towards. He opened the desk, removed a box and opened it. "During your time here we are going to be continually monitoring your physiological responses. This will enable us to take a bioinformatic approach to your training. They need to be applied and calibrated, and they are required to be flushed with the skin.

"If you would disrobe, we will begin. Do you have any questions?" He had already removed one palm sized sensor pad from the box and was expectantly waiting, as though Himiko had no option.

She hesitated for only a moment when he told her to disrobe; glancing around the room for somewhere she could find some privacy. The open floor plan of the room did not afford her any, and she supposed it didn’t matter much. He was a doctor, of course, this was purely professional, or so she told herself. Still she walked a short distance to the wall, with her back towards him.

She took a deep breath before pulling her tank top over her head, her skin shiny with a light layer of sweat. Under her shirt she wore a white soft cup bra, that held supported her ample chest nicely. Folding the shirt neatly, she placed it on a nearby surface. She slipped out of her sandals, nudging them against the wall before unbuttoning her shorts, and working them down her hips. She had on a matching pair of white panties, which sat high on her hips, leaving plenty of the soft curve of her as to peak out from underneath. Once again, she folded her jeans, placing them on the pile of clothes neatly, as if she were trying to buy herself some time. Sighing softly, she reached her arms around her back, unhooking her bra and placing it with the rest of her clothes, before stepping out of her underwear.

Turning to face him in her completely nude state, a small blush crawled over her face. She supposed this would be easier if her doctor wasn’t so attractive, feeling like there would be a cooler air of objectively if she did not see him as a man, but a professional. Her body was completely hairless, aside from the long locks on her head, and in mostly good shape, save a few scars that revealed her status of a crime fighter. The newest of which was a circular mark on her right hip, courtesy of her nemesis, and one of his high powered arcane rays. Her breasts bounced which each step her took, but she took no measures to cover herself.

“Should I lie down? She asked finally, motioning to the gurney. She tried to keep a casual posture, as though she had no shame in being nude before him. She lied down now, keeping her legs closed together, in a manner she hoped wasn’t obviously concealing herself form him.

There were many times in life where Dr. Goode had question whether or not he was dreaming: frequently when he was dreaming, occasionally when he fled into one of the surreal could-have-been shadow realities to escape Scarlet Samurai and right now when he watched Himiko turn around and slowly, carefully take her clothes off. He had expected some fight, some balking, instead of the resignation he saw as she searched for somewhere to get naked without the long haired doctor watching.

Instead she turned her back.

Goode watched with fascination as her back muscles worked, slowly revealed when she peeled off her tank top. That almond skin with muscles smoothly pulling, flexing, relaxing, shaking side-to-side. He glanced down at himself and, thankful that she had turned her back, quickly shoved his hand down his pants and rearranged himself so that his physiological reaction wasn't as noteworthy. When he removed his hand from around his member her back was still turned and she was pushing her shorts off, athletic rear hypnotic in its movement.

Every movement was insight into a work of beauty. The whirling blade dervish's facade had been stripped away--Himiko, he thought, relishing her real name--and now she was just a little thing. A little thing who did as she was told, without complaint, and even!

His breath caught in his throat when she reached back and removed her bra, and then he thought his heart might explode when she worked her cute white panties down her athletic ass. Before he turned around Dr. Goode straightened his jet silt button-up, making sure it fell over and concealed the tell tale bulge that revealed his cock jutting from hem and pushed straight up against his belly. Like most men he had years of experience concealing the fact so his face was cool and detached as when she turned around.

A masterwork of composure in his opinion. He idly flicked a loose strand of hair back as he nodded, allowing that yes, she could lie on the gurney.

"There are a few of these pads to place against your body." He held up first pad and gently pushed his fox fingered hand beneath her head, gently lifting her head while he held the first pad against the back of her neck. At first it didn't feel like much except cloth, then it tingled as he slowly rubbed the pad onto the back of her neck before the tingling finally faded and she could feel his fingers rubbing back and forth against her neck where it seemed moments ago the pad had been. "Each sensors passes information to your nerve endings, simulating my touch against your neck."

He carefully removed his hand from beneath her head and neck, gently setting it back down on the table. He removed another palm sized pad from the box and carefully moved her left arm out, "And this one is going on your rib cage, Himiko. Let me know if you feel any discomfort..." As he rubbed the sensor into place his palm brushed against the side of her breast, seemingly accidentally, yet at the same time a steadied, measured caress.

You're touching Scarlet Samurai's boob right now, the twelve year old inside of his head said excitedly, all but bouncing around the inside of his skull. "The next is going to go on the small of your back, so roll over." He explained as his hand finally left the patch, his caresses translating through the palm sized sensor and into her soft flesh.

She appreciated the absolute professionalism Dr. Goode demonstrated as made her way to him, his eyes not ever leaving hers. Even as he worked on her, his gaze was always directed to the task, not gaping at her in the slightest. This of course reinforced the notion that she should follow his instructions, because he was doing this for her benefit. Once she finished the train course, she would be better for it.

She helped him as much as she could from her position, lifting her head as he applied the patch to the back of her neck. She moaned into her closed mouth as the pad tingled into his skin. Until she could no longer feel it at all, just his fingers on her bare skin.

“These are incredible,” She commented as he explained simply how it worked. “What vital information is it collecting?” Now he was moving her arm explaining this next one would sit on her ribcage. She nodded and lifted her arm over her head, giving him unfettered access to that area, her breasts forming a flatten teardrop shape as her arm was raised. She silently gasped as his brushed against her breast, looking up at him only to find apologetic eyes. Obviously an accident.

Liberty sent her here to regain her confidence after her near rape. It was unlikely and counterintuitive that he might send her somewhere where the doctor took advantage of his position to molest her.

“Right, she acknowledged his request, adjusting her position so she was on her side, facing away from him., the curved silhouette of body greatly exaggerated now. “How many more should I expect?” She asked, keeping still otherwise. “Will I be provided a paper gown once these are in place? Or will I be able to change back into my clothes?”

"Very good question, Himiko," Dr. Goode approvingly hummed, pressing a sensor into the small of her back just above the cleft of her rear. Sometime between the sensor tingling and his fingers insistently pressing against a knot in the small of his patient's back his other hand ended up folded over her hip, carefully holding her in place as the pad connected with her skin. "Each of the pads is a sensor. In some ways this a misnomer, in that each pad is in fact composed of billions of differentiated sensors. While your skin temperature and conductivity, blood oxygenation, vector and other individual quanta are measured each pad is specifically calibrated to leverage placement."

Once the knot was released Goode moved his quick fingers to the back of Himiko's neck, reassuringly squeezing, "This one--and do not forget, there is material here--helps measure electrical activity as it passes through your nervous system, giving deeper insight into your physical state."

Next his hand pressed against the pad on her rib cage, fingers gently moving her arm forward at the elbow to gain access. "Here we gain more finely grained insight into your cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, core temperature and other data."

Dr. Goode returned his attention to the pad at the small of her back. "Here we have a really interesting effect," the doctor's inner nerd began to shine through his voice and bright green eyes, intently looking at his patient, "where because of advances in technology we can image your internal organs based off data inputs of the other two thoracic sensor clusters.

"There is one more pad left, Himiko," he said, moving to press his fingertips against the inside of her left knee, applying pressure in what was more guidance than force. "We're going to be measuring your femoral artery, peripheral nervous and gives particular insight into kinesiology."

Realizing he had drowned his nemesis in a flood of jargon he said, "Everything we can, basically. These will be on your body for your stay at the Center and, if you'd like, beyond them. Once I've applied the final sensor we will quickly calibrate them, you will don athletic clothing we have selected for you and we will take baseline physical readings."
She listened politely as he told her about the pads, and how each one served a different purpose. And while he might have been spouting jargon, she got the gist of what he was talking about. She wasn’t an idiot, after all.

So, the one on her neck measured her nervous system, her brain basically. Made sense. The one on her rib cage was her heart and lungs and temperature. Also made sense. The one on her back was…CAT scan?Ultrasound? Something like that, maybe she could ask him to explain it better in the future. And the last one.

"We're going to be measuring your femoral artery, peripheral nervous and gives particular insight into kinesiology."

Femoral artery? She knew that meant, and his fingers on her knee confirmed her suspicions. That was on the upper inside of her thigh, precariously close to… She blushed heavily now, shifting a little on the table. She could feel her core tightening, his fingers on her knee sending lightning through her body. Which, if she had understood correctly, he could detect with the pad on her neck.

“That last pad. If you are measuring along the femoral artery, that means my thighs, right? So I need to give you access to my thighs?” She asked, essential twice, hoping she was mistaken, but knowing deep down she wasn’t. Her breathing quicken, her heart raced, which he could tell because of the pad on her ribs. And the pad on her neck would detect her increased anxiety, or so she thought and the one on her back…okay, she still wasn’t sure about that one.

He is a professional. She reminded herself, looking up into his unusual green eyes, breathtaking in their vibrancy. Liberty recommended this place to me. Liberty was a good guy, and he was only looking out for the best interest of the team as a whole. She took a deep breath and spread her knees outward, her pink slit ever so slightly exposed now. If he tried to open her thighs wider, she would only resist for a moment.

Liberty had been right when he coolly multiplied his payment by a factor of a hundred. The man had stared his own face in Hierophant's mirror helmet and explained, succinctly and bluntly, what his retainer meant. Full access to the Rescue Front and--more importantly--full access to the red kensai. While Hierophant had approached Liberty on a whim he had not expected the infamously pragmatic hero to take him up on it.

Until the moment Himiko nervously spread her legs for him, revealing a flash of her vibrant pink pussy, he had been somewhat concerned that this was a trap. She would never do this for Hierophant, though. The undercover villain considered how close he had been before when they fought and all that stood between him and her sex were those lacy panties, a blatant taunt. Dr. Goode slid his left hand beneath Himiko's topmost knee and pulled upwards while he grabbed the final pad. He insisted past her token resistance until her legs were spread wide.

He kept his eyes focused on the woman's face as he pressed the fabric against the inside of her left thigh, the side of his hand barely an inch away from her pink lips. The doctor rubbed in the same methodical fashion he had with each of the other pads, past where the sensors had begun sending information to her nervous system. "Just a moment more, Himiko, and we're going to calibrate the pads. I'm going to have you roll over onto your back for that."

Her thigh was hot, pressed against his chest and the side of his flat stomach. He canted his body so that his still throbbing erection wouldn't rub against her leg, hidden beneath his button-up as it was. His silk shirt softly susurrus across her skin as he held her leg up. "There we go, that should be good." He removed his hand from her leg, nearly brushing against her bare mound in the process.

"Now turn over onto your back, take a deep breathe and relax," he commanded his patient as he walked around his desk to open his laptop, clever fingers quickly flying across the keyboard. "We will get this show on the road in just a moment..."

With his face down, staring at the computer while he went through menus, entered credentials and thought deeply about what he was doing.

Scarlet fucking Samurai just opened her quivering little legs for me. I could nearly smell her getting wet, the little slut... He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, gnawing on it while he thought about how well this was going. She had already placed so much trust in him--he could have saved hundreds of thousands in cash, priceless favors and relationships, so much face in the community if he had just done this years ago!

"You may feel a tingle..." He tapped enter and looked up at the naked heroine on the gurney while the pads serially cycled through a preset series of calibration measures. Each pad was checked sequentially, starting with her neck and culminating with her thigh.

The first calibration sent a sensation of spreading warmth through each pad. The sensation lasted for half a minute before shifting to cold, and then eliciting a strange sensation of induced pleasure. Each pad felt like a caress, one that spread beyond to the area surrounding the sensor.

His bright eyes flicked back and forth between his patient and the screen, full of professional focus.

She followed his directions, keeping her face as serene as possible through out, but unable to avoid blushing as his hand caressed her thigh, so close to her slit. She flinched as his almost brushed against her pelvis, biting her lower lip in some combination of fear and arousal.

Now it was time to turn back to her back, and since he was done applying the sensor, she didn’t see any problem with closing her legs. She did as he asked, breathing in long rhythmic fashion, calming her body almost perfectly. For added measure, she closed her eye, giving in to utter relaxation.

First she felt some warmth on her neck and back. Like the sun coming out on a cloudy day, and hitting your back for the first time. It grew more intense, like that first stream of a hot shower and then like pressing a heating pad against a sore muscle. It reached that point where it would hurt if it got any hotter, before dialing down again. Back to shower, to warm day and to normal. And then even colder, like a pleasant breeze on a hot day. Colder still, like a cool shower one would take to wake one up in the morning, and finally like a strong blizzard wind when the snow had piled up high.

The sudden sensation of hot to cold was a bit disorienting. The only frame of reference she had was alternating form hot to cold when one was suffering from an injury. Still very little could have prepared her for what came next.

With her eye closed, she could imagine a hand coming around to caress her skin. Along her neck, like a gentle neck rub, that spread out over her shoulders and down her back. She sighed as she felt an invisible force massaging her tenderly running fingers along her bare skin. It ended as quickly as it began, with the same pattern repeating on her ribs once more. Hot then cold then hands on her waist, moving up like the gentle stroke of a lover, until she was sure it felt like a hand cupping her breast. She moaned now, growing warmer without the aid of the sensors.

“Is it supposed to feel like that?” She said with a gasp, as the feeling along her chest began to dissipate. It occurred to her she was being somewhat vague. “It felt like I was being touched.” And the pattern was beginning on her back now, going the way one might expect. After the cold sensation passed, she could feel the phantom hand, tracing down her spine, sending shivers through her body and eliciting a quick gasp. Then it could be felt brushing against the softness of her ass, squeezing so slightly before dispersing.

She was trying to stay calm, but her body was growing hot now, hotter than the sultry island heat. The same cycle resumed on her thigh, with each part coming off more intense, because of the sensitivity of the surrounding area. The heat felt like her body burning form the inside out, craving the touch of a lover. Even as the sensor stopped sending that sensation, her body maintained a similar temperature. The cold brought a loud cry from her lips, as though a teasing lover had rubbed ice of over her delicate flesh.

And then the pleasure began. Like a lovers hands, rubbing her thighs, opening them up to gain admission to her molten core. Fingers danced along her slit, and the tips were just threatening to breach her sex. She was breathing hard, despite her attempts to keep calm. A musky scent was filling the room, undeniable proof that she was getting quite aroused.
The doctor bit his tongue, hard. His toes curled in his dress shoes as he slowly focused on the pain in his mouth over the absolutely entrancing display. Each glance down to watch the display was a victory in self control, vibrant eyes staring down into a well of information.

Goode through back to his fit of pique after the humiliation she dealt him in their last encounter; capturing a high value minion he regarded as more of a colleague than employee, one of the longest running in his gang of con artists, physicists and strong men. He had decided to tweak the calibration process. He had intentionally cranked up the field of effect for each patch's transmission. The carbon nanotubes that transmitted information to her nerves had indelibly and painlessly anchored the patches to her flesh and in the process infiltrated her nervous system. With their help he could control sensation over nontrivial swathes of her body, eliciting fascinating responses like the one in front of him.

"Yes, Himiko, that is confirming the pressure response," he answered in an upbeat monotone, as though totally unaware of her mewling. The blush that spread across her face, eye tightly shut next to her mysterious black eye patch. He watched it with a certain amount of intrigue, toying with the idea of hypothetically removing it one day and licking the gnarled pit of scar tissue he assumed was there.

The display showed her core temperature raising as the calibration sequence moved down her body, electrical flow along her peripheral nervous system intensifying as endorphins began flooding her brain. Her loud cry brought his rapt attention, pushing him over a precarious line he had been walking. His cock began to leak beads of clear precum, rolling down his hard shaft and beading at the hem of his trousers. He suppressed a shiver when Himiko's knees slightly parted, her musky, warm scent hitting his nostrils full force.

Dr. Goode pushed a few loose strands of long black hair as he purposefully strode around the desk, putting a hand on his patient's naked shoulder. The feel of her muscle moving, chest expanding and the sheer heat of her suffusing his palm was like something out of a wet dream. His face was composed, "Do you need anything?"

“Are we almost done? I think I need a break,” she admitted, running her fingers through her own hair. It was damp with sweat, and more than the natural heat of the humid air. “Maybe a glass of cold water?” She sighed as his hand rested on her shoulder overwhelmed by sensations, so much that she had to look and physically see that it was there.

She wasn’t sure what else she was supposed to say. That I don’t date a lot given my profession. That it has been awhile since I have had a pleasure sexual encounter. The last guy she had been with was a torrid affair with fellow hero Quick Shot, but he performed about as well as his name would have suggested. There wasn’t anything the good Dr. Goode could do for, not really. It’s not like she could ask him to fuck her brains out.

“Is my response to this stimuli overstated? Or was this the intended outcome for this test?” She asked, beginning to be able to calm down. She sat up now and closed her legs, her face a deep crimson at her lustful display. She had to wonder if her frustrated sex life was to blame for this excessive display, or if Dr. Goode intended to get this result out of her.

“What can you tell me about the next part of the calibration. I recall earlier you explained that I would be given something to wear, and would exercise. So that more baseline could be taken. Could you elaborate on that?” Of course now she looked around the room, at the various equipment available in here. She could identify analogous equipment that one might find common setting, and she tried to mentally evaluate how each one worked.

Himiko's composure was impressive. Dr. Goode dragged his fingers from her sweat slicked shoulders and returned to the laptop on his desk, closing out the calibration procedure and turning his attention to his mentee and victim. "That was not the intended outcome for the test," he baldly lied as he headed towards the lab sink.

"What it looked like is that there was a combination of apparent nerve density on your side and poor signal-to-noise ratio on our side," he explained as he ran water under his fingers from the facet. He calmly waited until the liquid was chilly enough to sate her thirst before filling a clear plastic cup with it. "Due to the calibration test that's been resolved."

Dr. Goode handed the cup to her, "You can find clothing in that island," he pointed to a floating desk with drawers filling the space between its legs. The only clothing available were gray cotton workout shorts with a pink fringe and string and a tight gray top, similarly pink fringed. Without breaking stride he made his way to a cluster of machinery.

It was once a treadmill. Since the device had been overbuilt and secured in place, ready for the kind of depredations a super could be subjected to subject exercise equipment to. Fully hardened it was a hulking black thing, shiny as a beetle's scarab and covered with reinforced black. The tracks the treadmill's belt sat on were shiny and new, freshly serviced and gleaming. Clustered around the treadmill were a variety of displays that were currently blank. Upon inspection it became obvious that there were meant for graphs and collecting information about speed, weight, force.

Most of the other equipment that Himiko could recognize was exercise gear that had been extensively ruggedized and augmented to deal with the stresses of super fitness. The rest seemed a mixture of lab equipment, secure storage and boxey office printer sized machines that hummed and cryptically blinked.

The villain took a few deep breathes through his nose as he flicked the monster treadmill on. He turned around to face Himiko once she had finished dressing, "Start us off with a jog and then build to your maximum sprint."

He spouted more jargon at her now, as he tried to explain what happened. She definitely wasn’t following any of this. She was more sensitive than he expected? The sensor was turned up too high? At least they were testing it now, so these sorts of kinks could be ironed out.

“Thank you,” She told him gratefully as he brought her water, bring her eye up to his now. He didn’t seem to be judging her for getting wet during a routine physical assessment, and that made her feel much better. She drank down the cup in one gulp, reveling in the cool water quenching her thirst. A little bit dribbled down her chin as she sought relief from the fire that threatened to engulf her loins.

While his back was to her, she watched him move, wondering if there was something familiar about him. Nothing concrete really, just some vague notion that this wasn’t there first interaction. Once her course was over, she would have to ask Liberty what he know about the guy. But for now, she was going to have to get her head out of the gutter.

She knew one way to fight against the desire that was looming over her. Heirophant, and her utter hatred of him, ought to be a good way to get her mind away from thought of letting Dr. Goode pin her down on the gurney and fill her with cock. She could imagine Hierophant’s reaction if he knew she was at a place like this. If he knew that a recent fearful encounter had sent into what was pretty much therapy, he would use it against her.

Constantly taunting her with intimidations, things he would do to her. He wouldn’t even do it out of lust, just pure hatred for her. He seemed to enjoy provoking her, captivating her energy and attention. She had often considered their relationship to be similar to that of a petulant child, behaving badly knowing that his mother would not ignore him.
It was only because Liberty had promised her to keep on eye on her nemesis, and she could even consider this retreat. Liberty was more than capable, and she was glad to have someone so dedicated on her team.

She went over to the island as he suggested, and pulled out the clothes provided for her. She slipped them on, finding the gray fitness top clung tightly to her breasts and the shorts equally tight over her ass. She was dressed now, but it didn’t feel much like being dressed, given how these clothes fit. Still Dr Goode hadn’t gaped at her while she was nude, so she doubted this would be any different or worse.

She was impressed with the craftsmanship of the equipment he had, rivaling the kinds of things had at Rescue Front Headquarters. She stepped up on the treadmill, starting slow, as he asked, with a mild jog. Her breasts bounced as she moved, jiggling in connection with her spend. She ran faster, matching the speeds of male Olympians without yet breaking a sweat. She wasn’t the fastest member of Rescue front, between Strong Man and Quick Shot, but she was impressive none the less, reaching speeds of thirty miles per hour as she pushed herself to her limits.

It was absolutely fascinating to record Himiko's performance. Not being one given to keeping people in captivity and studying them, particularly not superhumans, Dr. Goode had never run a person through a set of physicals like this. He had never seen a woman's legs nearly blur as she ran, nostrils flaring to suck in air as she hit her peak speed. For his part the good doctor was merely collecting data, watching his all but nude mentee establish her continuum of aptitude.

"Fascinating, just, absolutely, fascinating," he said as Himiko stepped off the treadmill.

Next he had her done on a bench press. While it was more or less normal in that one could use to press, the bench itself was made out of concrete with a thick memory foam pad on top. The weight was a hydraulic press, each side of the bar set over the bench anchored into a large triangular box housing a complicated assortment of gears and weights. The upshot of the heavy machinery was a variable weight bench press that could move north of forty ton mark.

"Please get into a press position. The resistance is starting at one hundred pounds and will rise by ten pounds for each rep until you hit your fail point. Once that occurs please signal," he smoothly explained as his fox fingers flew over the touch screen interface on the side of the device. He looked down at Himiko, her little arms, her compact body. After she had stepped off the treadmill he could see the tight shorts pressing against her sex, her cleft ever so slightly visible through them. Especially now, with her feet on either side of the bench.

"Is there anything I should be aware of concerning your extraordinary abilities?" He asked in the same kind of tone your doctor uses when asking about whether or not you've smoked crystal meth and how many people you've had unprotected sex with.

“My powers aren’t too impressive overall. Super strength, super speed and super stamina. My max running speed is only a little faster than the fastest men alive, but I can maintain that speed for far longer than they can. To wit, my current marathon time is 50 minutes and 37 second, almost two and a half times faster than the current human record holder. Last I had checked I could lift three thousand pounds.”

She explained all this as she worked through the first thousand pounds on the weights, hardly straining at all in that time. After thirty minutes time, doing ten reps a minutes, she was starting to hit the wall. Grunting and straining against the extra weight, her muscles clenching tightly,well-defined under her soft skin. Five more minutes of exertion before she topped off at 3180 pounds.

“I…can’t. I can’t…go…anymore,” She panted out her breasts heaving heavily during her last rep. She lied there on the bench, limply. Her arms hung down at her sides and touched the floor, her knees were no longer bent, but relaxed, still spread wide open for him, as though the workout had dulled her modesty.

“What’s wrong Scarlet? Can’t you move anymore?” Came the taunting, electronic monotone. Scarlet, clenched the wound on her hip slightly concerning he had managed to land the ray, and that it was hurting her this much. She had retreated just a bit, taking the fight to where she could better defend herself, especially one handed. A hallway way, where his minions would have to bottleneck through to get to her. She was striking down her foes well enough, enough to know this was too easy. A shadow passed alongside her, devoid of its master, but she knew what meant.

“Right behind you ̶“ Came the voice, but she already knew. Her elbow caught him in the throat. A wide slashing twist had the last of his minions down, and him on her feet, with a katana poking his chest.

“You’d do better if you could learn to shut up.”

“What is next?” She asked the doctor, once her vigor had returned.

"Uh... Huh." Dr. Goode narrowed his eyes, berating himself for never thinking of it before.

Her fucking endurance is unbelievable! He marveled at the way she smoothly sailed through an exercise that would kill even an Olympian athlete. Her control only began to waver after she had transitioned from the one ton to one point five. With graphs automatically notated with comparisons to normal human behavior it quickly became apparent that on paper a petite woman bench pressing a Prius didn't sound as impressive as it was. That she kept on lifting that Prius for a full minute and a half before needing to stop was all the more impressive.

It was no wonder he had never beaten her in a straight one-on-one. In the days before she held her legs open for him on a memory foam pad he had almost always needed to resort to misdirection to land a blow, like the distraction of six other selves running screaming, threatening, cajoling, begging.

This time there would be no Hierophant illusions muddying the waters. Just this Dr. Goode, and his rebranded minions.

"Come with me. We are segueing into open handed, close quarters combat." He walked to a door in the open laboratory space. On the other side was a fifteen by thirty foot room. Every inch of the floor was covered in heavy rubber padding, as well as the walls up to five feet on a side. The padding was red and the wall above the sign egg shell color as the rest of the house.

More pertinent to Himiko's attention was a group of three men. Two were in their early twenties and one, the most confident of the three, was in his mid thirtires. They each wore a paramilitary uniform: khakis, black t-shirts and laced up combat boots. Each obviously focused on physical training given their bulging muscles. "These gentleman are proficient grapplers. You will alternate your sparring exercise between each of the three until you or all three hit a point of failure."

Dr. Goode made a sweeping motion, "Go easy on them, Himiko. They are mere mortals in the presence of your glory." He crooked a finger at the trio and they made their way forward.

The oldest put out a thick, calloused hand to shake Himiko's, "Sergeant Brenner." The two younger men in their early twenties nodded and introduced themselves as Privates Brown and Stone. The former was thick with muscle like corded muscle wrapping down his arms and the latter so dark skinned skin his eyes were pearls set in his face.

"Whenever you're ready you may begin, starting with one of the Privates and then the Sergeant."
Himiko nodded to each of the men, shaking Brenner’s hand with the same measured strength she had shown earlier. The privates were probably a year to two younger than she was, and all towered over her, with one hundredand fifty to two hundred pounds on her slight frame. Still, unless they were fellow super humans or Liberty, she knew they didn’t stand a chance.

Himiko took up a jujitsu stance, with her right hand open and extended out in front of her, left hand open, but bend at the elbow and kept close to her chest. Her right leg stepped forward, legs slightly more than shoulder width apart to give her a strong support. She nodded to signal the first private to engage.

Private Brown stepped into her space and threw a right jab. Himiko’s left snaked out to grab the blow, while her right hand connected with his chin in an open palm strike from below. She stepped into his body now, pulling her captive arm over her and flipped him down on the floor, over her back.

Private Stone was next, leading with a powerful left hook. Himiko sidestepped out of the way, clutching the wrist that missed her. She pulled his arm, taking him off balance before hitting a quick palm strike right on his shoulder joint, knocking him to the floor.

Private Brown was up again, waiting for her to strike first this time. Himiko fakes with her left, seizing the hand that came up to block her blow. Her right came next, connecting with his face, and then again at the elbow. She tossed him down by that arm now and completed the maneuver with a strong strike to the chest while he was on the ground.

Stone came back with a powerful right hook. Himiko’s right hand caught his wrist, while her left assaulted the elbow. With both hands, she bent both joints inward, pulling her opponent close. A strong knee to his gut had him doubled over, and she bent over to pull him over by his knees.

Brenner came at her now, lunging with his left. Himiko smacked it away from her with her own left. Brenner followed up with a right, which Himiko ducked under flawlessly. She came up with a right kick to his midsection, followed immediately with a left kick to his shoulder, which he only just blocked. She pulled his right wrist closer to her now, and struck his neck with a left-handed chop, sending him down.

Each strike Himiko made exert just enough strength to complete her action, never more than necessary. Her body adapted to kinetic information she received form her surrounding, making adjustments on the fly to optimize her performance. Mostly she relied on speed to evade and counter her opponents, utilizing only a tenth of her power.

There was always a beautiful economy of motion when Himiko fought. Even when he was behind his helmet Goode was impressed by the way every movement appeared planned three steps in advanced, planned and executed. The event that got Scarlet Samurai to the Center had underlined a weakness that Liberty had only been too happy to point out upon his retainer's deposit: the heroine faltered under concerted attack. Albeit the teamwork had to be solid and the opponents highly skilled, normal humans could take her down.

This exercise was just confirming the doctor's hypothesis concerning her independent martial prowess. In the end it was the three staffers who tapped out, and in the order they had fought the doctor. First Brown, nursing a shoulder from a well executed throw. Then Stone, limping when he landed funny from a trip.Finally Brenner with two black eyes where he landed face first into the matted floor.

Each filed out of the room, shaking Himiko's hand and thanking her for her superior demonstration of fighting ability.

"That was quite impressive, Himiko. I take it you had some trainer?" The doctor asked when the exercise had wrapped up, leading her back through the lab space and onto the building's deck. Since her arrival in the building two wicker chairs had materialized along with a bottle of gin, two cocktail glasses, a small cooler of ice and cold tonic on a small glass table between the two seats.

He dunked each glass into the cooler for a generous helping of ice before pouring out each drink, heavy on the tonic and light on the gin. Afterwards he plopped down in a chair in the sweltering heat, looking up at the blue sky. "I wanted to give you a toast. You've done wonderfully so far and I look forward to our time together at the Center. I think you will make an apt pupil."

“I trained in jujitsu before I had even developed my super powers,” She admitted to him, taking a seat. “It’s an ideal style for someone of my frame. It uses an opponent’s momentum against them, and attacks joints to keep them off balance. It allows an unarmed practitioner to do combat against armed and armored combatants, safely and effectively. I was actually ranked third in the world in the women’s lightweight division when I was 15. Afterwards I started developing super human abilities, and I stopped competing, out of fairness. “ She told him, almost surprising herself with the amount of information she was giving out. Was she bragging? Was she trying to impress him? Perhaps slightly, she didn’t often get a chance to relish in her accomplishments.

She watched him carefully as he poured the drinks, the somewhat casual nature of interaction. It was hard to let herself be comfortable around him like this, given how much of her he had already seen. How much of her he had already touched, as he applied the sensors. Not too mention her own lingering arousal, and attraction to the man.

“Thank you, Dr. Goode. I look forward to completing the training course and coming out of this with more tools and resources to utilize in the future.” She took a polite sip of the drink, keeping her eye on him.

“Liberty gave me a basic overview of what it is you do here, but I was hoping you could elaborate further. What methodologies will you utilize to improve my mental fortitude and interrogation resistance? How will my focus and discipline was developed in ways that will benefit my… profession?”
Third in the world, Dr. Goode thought, appreciatively nodded. He chuckled at 'lightweight,' considering the three soldiers she had trounced over and over again in the sparring room and the time she dropped him through a table. More than that he was again struck by her openness. Name, biographical history--he would have a field day tracking down information about her friends and family. Still, he wanted to know about that mysterious eye patch of her, so perfectly bisecting her face.

Too soon. Too soon to pull it down and kiss, to press his lips against the bridge of her nose and whisper her beauty, to have her clutching at his shoulders in quiet hunger while he tongued her empty socket.

He took a sip of his drink, relishing the ice cold water that ran past his tongue and sluiced down his throat. Though still he appeared totally unaffected by the heat, having yet to bead one sweat droplet, it was utterly refreshing.

"Typically we focus on enhancing client stamina. In your profession in particular great strides can be made coaching around fatigue, both physical and mental. However you have a banner level of endurance, even among those of your powered peers we've studied." He leaned back, green eyes glancing up at the sky's darkening hue.

"That being said we tailor each regime to our client's particular needs. Yours, is going to be more mental than physical. I am going to put you into situations of controlled chaos, I am going to make you confront yourself and I am going to teach you that what is at first glance a loss is a victory behind a facade." With his short speech done he drained his glass and poured himself another.

"I am going to push you to the edge of your comfort zones and beyond. So far you have the makings of an absolute diamond, Himiko. I've... I'm not going to lie," the day's events had weighed on the doctor in a curious manner, "I've been always been a fan of a certain member of the Rescue Front. It's an absolute delight to work on making you more fully performing in adverse situations."

In a way he had always been Scarlet's biggest fan. He had studied her techniques, the particular justice driven interests that caught her attention and fruitlessly searched for substance based weaknesses. There never seemed to be a lever to pull and he was left thinking about a dancing devil, a flurry of blades and loose crimson sleeves. A secret concealed in a beautiful face.

She listened to his explanation, which was both more information about the program, and incredibly vague. She still didn’t what he was going to do specifically to “making [her] more fully performing in adverse situations.” Was he going to draw on the experiences that lead her to seek out his services? She shuddered at the thought, as buried memories bubbles towards the surface.

“Where are you going, girl?” Some punks had called form the steps of the train station, while they passed around a bottle of cheap booze and a couple cigarettes. She kept her eyes forward and walked around their rambunctious display.

“Are you deaf bitch?” The same one called out, as his friends laughed. She stood at the far side of the tracks, willing the train to come faster. One audacious man made his way over to her, two of his friend following a few stapes behind.

“Hey slut! If you want to use our train station, it’s a 2,000 yen. Or you can blow me.” He threatened, his friends snickering behind him. He came up to where she was standing now, just a few feet away from her. She was alone in the station now, and she was going to have to defend herself, if she didn’t want to be robbed and raped. She took position, open palms extended away from her body.

“This stupid slut thinks she can fight us off?” The leader laughed, until the palm of her hand hit his chin, causing him to bite his tongue and stumble backwards. A shorter, skinnier friend of his rushed her, trying to tackle her down, but she sidestepped well, and tripped him with her ankle. His bigger friend made his attempt now, throwing a heavy haymaker her way. She grabbed at his wrist, as she had so often practiced in training, but the sheer strength and force of his blow was greater than she could defend against. He connected the hit, knocking her down against the nearby walls.

The leader stepped up now, pulling a switchblade from his pocket. The sharp gleam of his weapon was threatening her with its implications, as blood drooled down his chin. She tried to defend as he brought it up to her, catching his wrist in her hand once more. It was now a contest of strength, as both tried to gain control of the weapon. A kick to her gut from his buddy distracted her enough to lose the dispute. The last thing her right eye saw was the gleam of the knife as it sunk into the soft flesh, and the pain that radiating through her body.

“Holy shit dude, I think you killed her!” One called, as the train was pulling up. The three took off into a sprint, as the tiny girl shrieked in utter agony, her bloodcurdling cry echoing through the empty station.

She shuddered as the memory played out in her head, finished her drink, to push down the darkness threatening to unnerve her. It was working, somewhat, in conjunction with the kind words from Dr. Goode, as he professed admiration for her. She looked down into the empty glass, letting a slight ruby cross her face.

He was in many ways, a man she could see herself dating. He was smart, and pretty successful in his career. He was good looking, and in great shape with those smoldering green eyes that seemed to see into her soul. And he already knew about her alter ego, and was seemingly fine, with it, which was probably the biggest obstacle to any relationship she would want to pursue. Of course, nothing could happen between them while she was under his care, but maybe once she completed the program.
Bad Luck
A woman is sent to a futuristic hell hole prison to be raped and abused to cover up the horrific secret she discovered.

Being the center of attention always appeals to my vanity, and the tender budding relationship between my main character and her roommate was a nice change of pace to the violent abuse she was constantly facing. Clearly, I have a couple favorite names I tend to recycle, so if I did pick this one back up, I'd pick a different name for my character.

Even as humanity stepped into the new age of space travel, it seemed the need for social restraint still remained. One would think the infinite possibilities of space would give humanity a means to better itself, but as history had proven... Where there is a market, there will always be a sub market. Interstellar order ushered in interstellar crime. And to accommodate such a thing a prison was made. Only instead of littering some population with a maximum security place, this prison was constructed as close to the sun as possible.

A wonder planet simply known as Infernus. Tempratures on the planet's rust getting well above five hundred degrees. A perfect place to keep unwanted citizens of the universe. All prisoners confined to an underground prison, any issues or serious offenses met with exilement to the planet's surface. Truly an effect means of containment. And it is here on Infernus that a rather unfortunate event was to occur. A maximum security prison for the universe's worst and most troubled individuals. A male prison that had seen not a single female in well over three hundred years. That was all to change due to an unfortunate serious of events.

Vice Admiral Agustus Kellertin has been known to have quite the unique taste. One of the five main leader's of the universe a lot of stress was focused towards more carnal pursuits. Unfortunately for many that was targeted towards children. And most of all unfortunate for whoever was unlucky enough to come upon such acts. So what was the man to do when someone snuck into his residence, camera in hand trying to get blackmail photos of him with a child? Well of course sending this person to Infernus was the first thing that came to his mind. And the fact that she was a woman only made things that much better. A place where she would be tortured, raped, used, abused, and kept away from the public till the day she died.... it was full proof.

So now the little sneaky bitch was on a one way ticket to Infernus, the ship coming in the dead of night where it was only one hundred degrees or so. A piece of the crust opening to allow the ship to enter, it closing above.Infernus's new prisoner was quickly taken from her induced sleep, grabbed by both arms by two large guards. She was restrained of course, wrists brought together, feet connected. After a series of rooms and elevator rides she would be brought to a large white room, a series of white tables formed in a line, obviously the processing room. To the left was a tiled section, where she most likely would be cleaned. A single man sat at the middle table, dressed in surprisingly the same color of white as the room was. His head cleanly shaven, his eyes behind a pair of glasses.At the moment he was going over a case file, a class of some sort of alcoholic beverage to his side.

“Welcome to Infernus.” He stated, eyes still on the files. The guards quick to push the new prisoner against the table, taking her hand restraints and placing them at a small opening on the table. A latch quick to come up and connect her hand restraints to the table so she couldn't pull away. Her feet soon being kicked apart for similar latches to connect to her ankles. Forcing her to stay in a bent over position. “We have to check for contraband first, you would be surprised at what people try to sneak in here.” The bald man added, finally raising his eyes to look at the woman.

The sound of clothing being ripped quickly echoed in the room. Whatever she was wearing was being ripped off. Her undergarments met a same fate, the sound dying off once her ass and sex were exposed. The sharp chill of the room dancing along her exposed flesh as one of the guards made a sort of funny gesture by putting some gloves on and allowing it to snap against his wrist like some doctor. This of course was followed by fingers pressing against her pussy. At first a really interesting means of arousal, rubbing against her slit, pressing against her clit. But there was a job to do so the man would push two fingers into her, spreading her folds apart as he tried to “look” for contraband.

Auriana Lancaster had always been something of a firebrand. Always advocating for the oppressed and downtrodden, the woman was well known for her social work. Those in power did not fight fair, however, so neither did she, finding no problem in exhorting low-level bureaucrats to enact small changes. She need more though, and when she got a hot tip about one of the leaders of the military branch, she couldn’t resist investigating. Many tried to warn her about poking the hornet’s nest, but she was ready to kick the damned thing down.

That was why she was sneaking around the admiral’s mansion that night. She wasn’t sure exactly what she was supposed to look for- the tip only said deviant sexual acts- But she was ready, with camera in hand. Of course, finding the admiral in the act of molestation was beyond what she could have imagined, and she wasn’t satisfied in merely recording the incident for the world to see. No she had to help the young girl, and that would prove to be her undoing.

She was subdued by Kellertin’s personal guards and drugged, unconscious for longer than she could have known. When she awoke, she didn’t even remember what had happened, what she had seen, or what she tried to do. Only the girl’s face was burned into her mind, no context to make sense of. It was the first thing that came to mind as she came to, the ding of the elevator bell bringing her back to consciousness.

She felt herself being dragged through some kind of facility, as her eyes were still a blur of white. It didn’t take long for her senses to return to her, as white walls and tables began to distinguish themselves from one another, men in white uniforms came into focus. One standing before spoke to her, Welcoming her to the hell that would be her new home. Infernus she thought she heard him say. That couldn’t be right, Infernus is an uninhabited planet. That was knowledge shared by the vast majority of the citizens of the universe. Only a select few knew of the existence of a prison on the burning rock, and for good reason. The prisoners sent here never leave, and were never heard from again. Mostly it was used for criminal who were too well connected to be held in ordinary prisons, mob bosses, drug lords, charismatic leaders of death cults and the like. Criminals who might be able to summon outside resources to escape.

Auriana had no clue what kind of place Infernus was, but she would soon find out, as she was bent over and strapped down to the table. The leggings and sweat shirt she wore were torn from her body viciously, before she truly understood what was happening. The rip of her bra and panties was as loud as it was brief, and there she was, her lower body on display for the men in the room. Trapped between the table and her body was the remnants of her shirt and bra, leaving her breasts covered for the time being.

“What are you doing?” She screamed in a begging tone as she heard the snap of the glove, squirming against her bindings. It was pointless, she was tightly secured but still she fought until she felt strong hands holding her ass still. Fingers brushed against the lips of her slit, teasing her clit cruelly before pulling her pussy open. She cried out as the two thick fingers entered her, reaching deep inside. They scraped her inner walls, feeling every inch of her most invasively. Finally, the tips of his fingers reached her cervix, and they pressed against that barrier painfully, eliciting a groan of discomfort from her.

“Hmmm...” The guard who was searching her vagina let out a puzzled sigh, as if he was expecting something. His fingers wiggling a little in some faux attempt to find contraband.Turning inside of her a few times before he would pull them out.“Nope, nothing in that hole.” He said, snickering a little as another guard snickered as well. The warden still seated in front of her just watched, his eyes fixed on her face as his guards continued with the examination.

“Truly appalling crimes.” The warden stated, even tsking the woman a few times as he sat there. “Conspiracy to enact universal rebellion, the trafficking of children for both organ harvesting and prostitution.... Who would of thought the mother of such a vast organization was so young.” He added, smirking as he recited what he had just went over. Obviously fake documents to solidify her as a prisoner. The guard between her legs had kept his fingers inside of her though, working them in and out in a sort of amused manner. “Would you hurry up? It's not every day we get ladies here.” The other guard said to the other, obviously knowing what was to come, or at least what was expected.

“Yeah yeah, put your dick back in your pants...” The other guard said before he pulled his fingers out from Auriana's pussy. His hand moving up from her pussy to her puckered little asshole, pushing his index finger against her rosebud.First a playful promise, the next not so nice. He pushed hard with his finger, popping it right into her anus. But even with the roughness there was obvious resistance, the guard slowly moving his finger back and forth to work her anal cavity, to loosen it up so he could “search” further in.

“From this day till the day you die you will be known as prisoner Three Forty Seven. Your time here will be back breaking and hard. Keeping this prison up and running at one hundred and ten percent is a twenty four hour job. Prisoner's earn better meals and extra free time by performing their duties at maximum efficiency. After your inspection and processing your duties here on Infernus will be determined. Failure to comply with your duties will result in solitary, punishment, and as I am sure you are beginning to realize... A rather lack of dignity?” The Warden stated, smirking as the guard got his index finger all the way inside of her anus, turning it slowly before starting to try and work a second finger in.

“That…That’s not true!” She cried out through gasps and groans, the fingers pushing inside her making it difficult to communicate. She heard the other guard admonishing the one invading her body, and what he said stuck with her. She was starting to put the pieces together and understand what kind of place she had been sent to.

Not everyday we get ladies here.

So, this wasn’t a women’s prison. Why was she here then? She knew she lost some memories, but not enough to explain how she got here. There was no trial, no arrest, nothing. She must have been sent here to cover up whatever she found at the Admiral’s residence. He was a sufficiently powerful man, he could make that happen, if he desired.

The guards were bickering over her now, as she felt his fingers leave her pussy. There wasn’t much moisture there, not much to collect on his fingers as they left her pussy. Certainly not much lubrication as a single finger pushed into the tight ring of muscles that made up her ass. She squealed the finger was forced into her, her sphincter squeezing him tightly. While his fingers had been uncomfortable in her pussy, there hadn’t been much pain. She wasn’t a virgin, so fingers inside of her wasn’t something new or strange. Unpleasant to be stripped and forcefully prodded, but not painful.

Her ass, on the other hand, was untouched until this moment, as his thick finger pushed in and out of her with malice. She wiggled away from the offending digit, but he did not relent, forcing into her deeper. If she could relax it would be easier, but the deeper he went, the harder it was to relax. She was making more noises now, discomfort evident from her tone.

“You would punish me with sexual assault? She question with a shriek as his finger was completely inside her now. “You…you can’t…can’t…stop!” She was breathing hard, trying to get a grip on the pain she was feeling. A second finger was forced into the already too small opening and that caused her to nearly jump up, if she hadn’t been secured so tightly. Bruises were forming on her wrists and ankles as she fought this humiliation.

“HA! You hear that, she says I can't stop!” The guard playing with her anus stated proudly, the other laughing as he watched. Her words being molded and take out of context to fit the situation. Her pleasure and her demands meant nothing to these men, more then content to do their jobs but most importantly enjoy themselves. And punishment by sexual assault would be an understatement, something that Auriana would soon come to realize.

“What would you have me do for a criminal such as yourself?” The warden asked, pulling a few photos out from the file he had and tossing them in front of Auriana. None of them actually were pictures of her committing crimes, just horrid pictures of mutilated children. “I'm sick just looking at the monster that could allow such things to befall children.” The Warden added, playing into this sort of forged reality. He was given very specific instructions to this whole ordeal, the type of drugs she was given, the sort of mental fog that could be manipulated into truth. The Warden wasn't sure how long it would take for her to believe the lies, hell she might not ever. But it wasn't like she didn't have time now. She had the rest of her life here Infernus.

The Warden would stand up, the guard who was enjoying his “work” quick to pull his fingers out of her and step away. The other guard following in toe to let the Warden come around the table. The sound of a belt being unbuckled followed by the unzipping of pants only told Auriana what was about to unfold. “I must say though, for a child trafficking anarchist, you are quite ravishing.” The Warden stated, his voice directly behind her before she felt a warm and thick cock against her butt cheeks. Resting just along the crack as he pressed himself against her. His pants were still up, having just pulled his cock out to carry out the first of many sexual acts to come for her.

What protests she had, what strains of physical might she mustered, none of it would change her current situation. The Warden pushing down to run the head of his member along her ass crack, down between her legs and up again her slit. Taking a few seconds to enjoy the warmth and thrill of the moment before pressing the head of his cock against her folds.Pushing slowly, almost teasingly into her pussy.Though she probably was in no mood to be teased. The Warden slipping in, bareback and all to fill her pussy with his cock.The man only stopping once he was fully inside of her, his hips pressing to her ass.

“Don't you worry.” The Warden suddenly said, leaning down so his lips would be right next to her ear. “I am going to make sure you enjoy your stay. Because we definitely are going to enjoy it as well.” He added, pulling back so he could thrust all the way inside of her again. His hips now smacking against her ass loudly, the sound of their contact echoing a little in the room as he started to violate her in her oh so vulnerable position.

She thought she would be sick when she saw the pictures the warden laid out in front of her. She forced herself to look at them though, searching for the little girl whose face was etched into her brain. No sign of her. That was something of a small relief, if only she could remember where she had seen it and why she couldn’t let it go.

She cried out, winced in pain from her ass being stretched open for inspection. It didn’t last much longer, as she felt the fingers pulled out. She took a moment to breath, still feeling an ache there where she had been violated. It seemed she wasn’t done being violated, as the warden stood behind her now, taking down his pants, rubbing his manhood against her.

“Don’t…don’t,” She pleaded as the hardness of his cock traced the curve of her ass. She bucked against her bondage, but she wasn’t going anywhere. Whatever juices had formed inside her from being fingered before collected on his cock as the tip parted her lips. She knew it wasn’t enough to prevent this from being painful. It wouldn’t burn or tear, but the tightness would be unbearable, at least for her. Slowly he inched inside her, splitting her slit on his member, her walls clenching her tightly as he pushed into her.

Once he hit her cervix, he was still for a moment, her body providing a stopping point for his incursion into her. He stretched her a bit more, pushing his hips against her fleshy ass, the head elongating the tender obstacle. He whispered tauntingly into her ear, she body shivering from the skeeviness of it all. Then he was fucking her, his full strength and length thrusting past her snugness, spreading her open with each potent impalement. She was cry and screaming now, her voice echoing in the same way the clashing of their hips did. She begged him to stop, to slow down, to give her a moment to breath.

This was definitely a treat. The Warden of course was a married man, frequently leaving Infernus to go back home to his family. Though the time he spent here spanned from weeks to even months. It was always nice to have a refresher. His guards on the other hand went six months to a year without returning home, the prospects of some actual pussy definitely exciting the two guards that were watching this boss go balls deep into this woman. Word hadn't exactly gotten around yet of the new addition to Infernus, but once could definitely bet on it that once other guards learned about the female inmate... That they would probably cash in on their authority around the prison. And the prisoners... Oh man, some having been here for most of their lives now. And as much as getting blowjobs or fucking other prisoner's in the ass... Nothing was a good as the real thing.

The Warden continued to ravage Auriana. The way she begged only making the man fuck her faster. A part of the man liked his job, liked punishing and making criminals submit in ways they had never thought possible. He was never one to sexually humiliate the inmates, so this prospect of a female prisoner, this chance to explore new territory definitely had the man teeming with possibilities. The moment getting the better of him and in no more then a minute of this rough furious fucking did the Warden start to cum, filling Auriana with his hot seed. The Warden groaning into her ear even, up till the last spurt of his cum before he moved back. The man pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping his cock clean before tossing the cloth onto the table. Getting himself stuffed back in his pants before zipping up and buckling. “Once you guys are done with inspections I want her sanitized, cleaned, and in proper attire.” The Warden added, leaving Auriana and the guards.

This time the guard that had just stood there for what had been happening had moved up behind the woman. His pants already open and his cock out. Not much time to rest Auriana was quickly filled again, the man's cock a little smaller but definitely intruding into her pussy. Sloppy seconds was better then nothing at all. And besides there was now an effective lubricant. The guard quick to pick up the pace, fucking Auriana into the table. “Hey, radio Timmy and Greg. I know they would want to get in on this!” The guard fucking Auriana stated quickly, groaning as he continued to violate her. The other was quick to pull on his radio, telling the others to come to the inspection room if they wanted to get their dick wet. A message intended for two had pretty much brought ten, and before long Auriana had eleven other guards waiting for their turn. This was going to be a very long inspection...

The warden didn’t last much longer as he pumped into her, but it felt like forever, an uncountable number of strokes. She was sighing and grunting, her body bouncing against the table she was strapped to, her ass red from him slamming into it. It was one last deep thrust that crashed into her cervix caused to her jerk and convulse in pain, her pussy tightening to milk him as he shot deep inside her. It came out in hot spurt and she felt it filling her, seeping out as he pulled out of her, flowing down her thighs.

Before she even procressed the warden coming inside her without any protection, another guard was already behind her, the familiar sound of a belt unbuckling, pants being unzipped. His hands were on her hip and he pushed into her without a word or warning. It wasn’t as painful as the warden fucking her, her pussy loosened ever so slightly and full of slick and slimy semen. Once stroke had his whole cock shoved into her, and a sloshy sound was made each time he pushed into her. She grunted each time he pumped her, that vocalization her only means of respite at this time.

She was hopefully she would be done soon, seeing as the one only one guard left to rape her in here. Those hopes were dashed by the guard calling his friends over the radio, and further demolished when she saw 10 men enter the room, their eyes hungry for her body. “No” she begged now, as one man pounded her with all his might, on the verge of his own release. “There is no way you all could fuck me!” she pleaded as the man behind hammered into her relentlessly, her body bucking in rhythm with him. He shoved his length inside her and released his seed within, pulling out his cock covered in her juices and two different men’s cum. It spilled out of her this time, the load more than her cunt cold take.

She would her snickering coming from behind her when she said hat there was no way that they all could fuck her. One guard laughing even before responding. “Ha, don't you worry we will definitely try to find a way.” He stated, others laughing as well as the second guy to fuck Auriana moved back. The sight of her strapped down with cum spilling out was a sight to see, especially for all these men that had gone well over a few months with any actual play time. Just like before the next guard would come up to her, belt undone, pants unzipped. His cock quick to slip into her well fucked and creamed pussy.

And true to one of the guard's words they would try to fuck her. Each and everyone. Some would grab her by the back of her hair and pull back as they rammed into her. Other's would push down to force her face into the table. Even though this was a horrible situation at least they were fucking her pussy. Well that lasted until about the eighth guy.

Auriana's pussy was drenched in cum, anytime she spasmed or let out a noise the guards would laugh and insult her for sounding like a whore. Coming up for his turn the eighth guard was ready to go, looking at her well fucked pussy before looking up to her ass. An idea coming to his mind as he quickly pushed his cock into her. Getting it nice and wet with so many different loads of cum he would pull out after a few seconds, only to bring the tip of his cock to Auriana's asshole.

A wicked smirk on his face he would start to push, harder and harder till the head of his cock popped past her rosebud. With the initial resistance out of the way the guard would begin to push, getting inch after inch of his cock into her awaiting ass till her butt cheeks were pressed to his flesh. They were so red and sore from so many people, but they would just get worse as the guard pulled back to thrust again. He wasn't the biggest guy around, but anything invading one's ass would feel big if it wasn't constantly worked.

By the third guy there wasn’t any more pain as he thrust into her, her pussy well worn, excess cum spilling out her, providing plenty of lubricant for each man to enjoy. By the fifth guy she was sore again, swollen from being used so much by some many cocks. Her wrists burned from the handcuffs, and her ankles were bruising too as she struggled feebly against her rapists. By the seventh man she was resigned to her fate, sobbing softly as he fucked her and filled her with his cum.

The eight man started the same as any of the others, thrusting into her throbbing womanhood, filling her with his length from the first stroke. He took a few more strokes, stirring up the cum that had been deposited into her cunt already. He pulled all the way out and she was too worn to question it until she felt him pushing against her ass.

“No, not there!” She screamed struggling with renewed vigor. Her wriggling did little to prevent the inevitable, as he held her down in place to penetrate her virgin hole. She shrieked as he by passed that barrier, the head of his cock pulsing within the tight opening. He didn’t feel so big when he was fucking her cunt, and she was becoming something of an expert in that area. Within her ass, the hole that had barely accepted two finger inside, was being forced open with cock. He was well lubed so it didn’t burn as he pushed his length into her, but the lube made it slippery, pushing him deeper than she was ready to take. The slickness of his cock overcame of the tightness of her ass, and before long, she was impaled anally.

He pulled nearly all the way out, just to drive it back into her depth, a malicious act that caused her to scream. He did that a few more times, stretching her out quickly and painfully. All the other guards seemed to enjoy of sounds of her voice growing raw, the unyielding bawling as her hole was ripped open. It seems the tightness of her ass was too much for him to stand, combined with how long it had been since he had a release, and he came within a few moment of starting his hard, raw fucking. The steamy seed seared her tender anus, and he pulled out of her quickly to let the next man have his turn, this time with semen seeping from both holes.

Seeing how someone took the step to go for a different hole the remaining guards decided to try it as well. Auriana being subjected to four more guards who favored the back road. Once all twelve guards had had their way with Auriana they were rather content, talking normally about families back home or what they would have for dinner tonight. Guards leaving till just the two original guards were left. Fun aside they still had a job to do.

“Alright let's go, any trouble out of you and we will do that again.” The guard that had fingered her stated with a smirk, dressed back up properly. The man unlatching her restraints from the table. The other guard came over to actually undo the restraints on her wrists and ankles, though both had batons at hand to keep her in line. If she could walk didn't really matter to the two, waiting for her to get up. If she didn't then they would just carry her, the group walking over to an open tiled area that had drains on the floor. Auriana being deposited against the way before the two guards stepped back.

There would be a rush of air before two mechanical arms came out form the tile wall beside Auriana. What fragments of clothing she had would quickly get picked off by the arms, followed by nozzles coming out of them to shoot water at her body. Cold chilly water meant to clean her, which actually did it's job with how messy her legs and lower holes had become. Powder being shot off from a separate part of the arms, some sort of disinfectant. It all happened so fast, one arm continuing to shoot cold ass water at her, another producing some sort of brush to scrub. The bristles rough and coarse, not enough to hurt but definitely enough to irritate.

Once she had been cleaned the arms retracted, one of the guards having a uniform with her new prisoner number on it. “Put these on.” He stated, throwing the clothing at her. The floor was still wet, so once the clothing landed in front of her they would get a little wet as well. Just cause they fucked her didn't mean they cared. She was a prisoner after all. The two waiting for her to comply before continuing. They had a medical scan and then she would officially be in the system. Heavens knows what would happen then.

Only after another cock in her ass had defiled her, had she stopped screaming. She was stretched out by that point, and pretty numb to the constant pumping in and out of her body. She stank of cum and sweat and her legs were covered in hard dry seed.
She let out a sigh of relief as her hands and feet were released from the binding. The tattered remains of her shirt and bra slid down the table as she was moved from it, falling into the puddle of cum that dripped out of her holes. She could see red marks forming on her wrists, a small amount of dried blood there.

Walking wasn’t an option for her, her pelvis swollen from overuse and her legs asleep from the constant pounding against the table. She didn’t resist as they dragged her to the shower area. She gasped as the cold water sprayed her, but overall she found it cool and comforting. It numbed the sore muscles and reduced imflammation. She cringed as the brushed scrubbed her, but after getting raped thirteen times in a row, it was hardly painful. Truthfully, even being scrubbed raw and pink wasn’t enough to make her feel clean, she supposed she would never feel clean again.

She dressed quickly in the beige khakis they provided. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, and fit her well without sexualizing her any. She appreciated being able to be dressed, even if it made little difference to those who had already seen her body and fucked her ragged. She was definitely feeling more subdued after their treatment of her, and she did not want to provoke another round of that.

“Walk this way.” One of the guards stated, pointing with his baton towards the other side of the room where a single door was. The group of three making their way over. Once they got to the door it would automatically open, one guard in front and one guard in back. Pretty much sandwichingAuriana between the two. Though they definitely wanted to instead of that line up that just happened. But they couldn't spend all their time fooling around with her. They weren't paid for nothing after all.

The walk was surprisingly long, made even worse by no doubt Auriana's soreness. Anytime she slacked or started to move slower the guard behind her would be sure to nudge her with the baton. Never full on striking her but the threat was always there. The trio finally coming to another elevator, a ride further into the planet's crust that she would be well awake for. Once the three of them were in the elevator would begin to descend.

“You're being very compliant. That's good.” One of the guards stated with a smirk, his attention on her as the elevator continued to drop. “I think she understands what will happen if she acts out again.” The other stated, she did nothing wrong but hey. That wasn't why she was here now. Both guards looking at each other for a moment before grinning a little. As if they could read each others minds.

“Tell you what prisoner. Why don't you squat down and give the both of us some attention. We won't force ourselves on your cunt or ass again if you do a good enough job with your mouth. What do you say?” One spoke up, smirking as the other nodded. More interested to see if she would comply or not. If she didn't they definitely would make her life that much harder, if it could get any harder then what it was now.

She walked as quickly as her legs could take her, which wasn’t always as fast as her guard liked. The walk seemed to take forever, and she was grateful once the elevator came into sight, knowing she would be afforded a moment’s rest. She stepped in between them, unable to help feeling quite confined in the tight space. Neither of them were touching her but they would be if another tried to board.

The descent had just begun when she felt their eyes upon her again, full of lust and callousness. She didn’t look at him as he made the indecent proposal, not until he finished with his threat to rape her if she didn’t please them. Her eyes open wide in horror, as her body still ached from her recent violation. There was no doubt in her mind they were serious about using her.

She didn’t say a word, going down to her knees as they requested. She unzipped the guards pants and pulled out his cock, still stinking of the stench of he and countless other men, and played with it a bit, running her soft fingers over it. Once it was hard enough to get in her mouth, she used her hands to pull out the other guards cock, jerking her off while she sucked one down.

She took the one in her mouth to about half way down, slow long sucked. Her tongue played along his shaft, teasing the bulge where his seed would emerge. After a few minutes, she switched to the other guard, licking the head of his cock and tracing his veins over until she reached the base of his length. She kept up this pattern, sucking one cock, stroking another, switching each one every few minutes. Before long she lost track of which was which, or what she had done to one or the other.

Despite the rough shower she just had, she felt so dirty, sucking two men off at once, their filthy cocked covered in cum and abuse dished out to her. She felt tears streaming down her cheeks as she took one into her throat, not some much from lack of air as from shame. What would happen to her if they didn’t cum before they reached their destination?

“I got to admit this job just got a whole lot better.” One of the guards said with a smirk, the other laughing with a smile on his face. He in full agreeance as the two stood there with their cocks out and a surprisingly obedient Auriana kneeling before them. Though why it was a surprise was really the question, she had just made it through a thirteen man fuck line, no doubt she didn't want to do that again. And obviously from her lack of violent action or intent she was definitely no criminal, or at least the kind of criminal that these guards were used too.

“Ahhh fucking hell!” One of the guards shouted, hand coming down on the top of Auriana's head when she deep throated his cock. Truth be told he wasn't expecting her to do this and was cumming within seconds of this new treatment. His hand gripping roughly at her red hair. She could feel his cock pulsate in her throat, not letting up for a second until he was finished cumming. He would let go of her head once he was done, letting her cough or pant for air the best she could before the other guard would actually grab her by the sides of the head.

“No no, finish your task.” He said, and with that he brought his cock to her lips. Taking the opportunity as she panted to thrust his cock into her mouth, and right back into her throat. With her head securely in place between his hands the guard was soon thrusting, face fucking the poor woman for the final hole to be used and abused. Much like the other guard it didn't take long before the last would succumb to Auriana's throat, she getting a taste of a second load by the time it was all done.

Both guards would move back in position in front and behind her, cocks back in their pants. The elevator would come to a stop and the doors would open, they leading Auriana forwards. And then she would get the first glimpse of her new home. A large circular room comprised of cells along the walls. There were three levels, walk ways protruding out from under each. There looked to be a good ninety cells, and as the three passed the first floors worth Auriana could see that there were two beds to cell. Beds across from one another, a toilet in the back of the cell.No privacy.And every cell they passed the prisoners watched wide eyed to see a woman.

“Holy shit we got some pussy!” Someone shouted, this of course getting almost everyone to move up and next to the steel bars to hoot and holler. “What sort of fuck up got her here?!” “I'm not complaining look at that ass!” “Fuck man I can't wait to go balls deep inside that little bitch!!!” The shouting was endless, the guards paying no heed to it. Anyone that tried to reach out at Auriana would quickly get a baton to the forearm, the first few who tried getting their arms broken. And the obvious lack of caring from the guards showed her just how injuries went around this prison. Even though the prisoners were mostly human, Auriana could see a handful of different kinds of aliens as well. Humanoid in nature they still held the same lust filled stare as any human. Up the stairs the three went, going all the way to the third level before making a right, walking right to the end to the last cell.

One of the guards requesting the cell to be opened over the radio, moments later the steel bars slid open and Auriana was practically shoved in. Those bars sliding back into place behind her before the guards left. “See you next time sweet cheeks.” One added, smirking as he waved. What Auriana had in front of her was very much the same as the other cells. Two small beds hanging from the sides of the walls opposite to one another, a toilet with toilet paper in the back. The only thing that wasn't a complete copy was the man sitting on one of the beds, eyes fixed on Auriana.

Closer look she would see that he wasn't relaxing there, but restrained. His hands bound together by a large metal device, resembling medieval pillory from Earth. They were linked to two protrusions coming from the wall, metallic arms of some kind that kept the man from moving from his seated position. His feet were even connected by similar restraints, though those weren't connected to the wall. The man more shocked then anything else to see a woman in his cell, his mouth shut though not wanting to say a word. What was he to say? Hello? She was dressed in the same clothing he was in, making her a prisoner. What the hell was this all about now? The number 001 on his shirt.

She gagged as the first guard forced her passed her limits, more of a physical reaction than an emotional one. The was a veil of melancholic numbness covering her, and in a way it seemed like the second guard picked up on that, using her mouth as a vessel for his pleasure. She was thankful they both shoot deep in her throat, so she avoided tasting this spunk. She had enough of that taste from the residue of their cock having been in her cum filled pussy.

Standing after having finished them off, she didn’t look like a raped piece of ass. her eyes with red and still wet with tears, and her damp hard was tangled where the guard had held her to fuck her mouth, but otherwise her appearance didn’t relay her earlier treatment. The outfit she wore was standard fare for inmates. It covered her completely, and wasn’t overly tight in any one place, clinging ever so slightly to her full breasts and round ass.

Of course, this wasn’t enough to shield her from the comments of the inmates. If she hadn’t just spent the last two hours getting debased in every orifice, she might have had the presence of self to walk confidently through the prison, letting their comments roll off her like water down her back. In light of her earlier treatment however, she was skittish, visibly affected by their sexual harassment. She flinched as their hands reached out to grab her, shrieking as she heard the crunch of bones cracking under batons. She shivered something fierce, as the guards punished anyone trying anything. She knew it wasn’t for her benefit, but to keep their plaything to themselves as long as possible. Maybe there was some comfort in that, that the guard would protect her from massive gang rape so they could continue to perform their lesser violation.

The sadists among the population would be getting awfully hard from the reaction she was displaying. Of course such responses were more gratifying when the sadist himself was the cause, but seeing the pretty little thing disintegrate into a quivering mess of terror and agony was intoxicating. They would masturbate to the idea of her crying like that as they ravaged that lovely pert ass. The idea of her begging for mercy as they throttled her with a cock shoved up her pussy.

When she finally reached her cell, she stiffened as she saw the man already in there. He didn’t have any filthy words for her, nor did he tried to grab her, but sat there, still on her bunk merely staring. His look wasn’t cruel or lustful or dangerous, but merely curious. She stumbled as the guards shoved her in, but maintained her balance after a few steps. The cell door closed behind her and she stood still, like a deer in headlights waiting for him to try something like the hundred of other inmates she was marched past. When he remained on his bunk she noticed the contraption binding him in place, keeping her safe, if only for the time being. She couldn’t help breathing a sigh of relief, if only momentarily, she didn’t have to worry about unwanted attention.

“Sorry I don’t feel so talkative, I was just raped by over a dozen men and pumped full of enough cum to ensure forced pregnancy.” She lied down on her bunk, facing away from him into the white oblivion of the wall, curled up in the fetal position.

“That's alright. It isn't like we have time or anything.” He said, smiling a little but leaving it at that. The first day was never easy. Man or woman to be condemned to this hell was something that broke most people. Still curious his eyes were fixed on her, never once leaning towards lust or cruelty. He could prod, ask her why she was here, what she had done. But there seemed to be a sort of well sorrow in the moment. The way she curled up in a fetal position on her bed, her back to him more then likely crying as quietly as she could.

“HOW THE FUCK YOU GONNA PUT THE FIRST PUSSY I HAVE SEEN IN TWENTY YEARS IN FUCKIN HECTOR'S CELL!” A voice shouted out as the guards made their rounds amongst the cells. “DAT MOTHERFUCKER CAN'T EVEN TAP THAT BITCH!” The shouting only seemed to persist, the guards couldn't give two shits about it. Complaining about where the new inmate went, intense tales of how they were gonna make her call them daddy or ride her ass till it was purple. It wouldn't stop, not while the guards were there and not when they left. However with no response after the guards left the in mates seemed to quiet down. Her cell mate Hector if she paid attention to what some had shouted staying quiet as he watched her still.

It was impossible to determine when it was night time and when it was day time. Sleeping was allowed only when the inmates were in their cells. It could be a nice eight hours worth of sleep, it could also be just four. Sometimes when a select few idiots tried to escape or riot, sleeping was revoked for everyone as punishment. “Excuse me Miss... I know you probably aren't in the mood and I understand if you just ignore me.... But could you scratch my nose for me?” The man asked, if she cared to look at him he would have a sort of pathetic smile. Like even uttering the words he just said he knew was ridiculous but nothing was worse then an itch you couldn't scratch.

“Right on the top between my eyes. I'd do it myself but I am sorta tied up at the moment.” He added, not entirely sure what she would say or do. Truth be told it had been quite some time since he had a cell mate. Of course she wouldn't know that the last one he had he had murdered but that was besides the point. There didn't seem to be a reason to murder her, it wasn't like she was trying to fuck with him from the start like the last cell mate did. Even with his arms immobilized and his feet restrained, Hector knew a number of ways to still kill a man. The man now resorting to wiggling his nose in some feeble attempt to remedy his little situation.

She tried to cover her ears, drown out their words, their threats, their demands. It didn’t seem to help much but eventually the noise quieted down. Their words still haunted her, most of them threatening to do the very thing the guards had already done to her. Was that to be her fate? Used and abused by a multitude of men until she was nothing but a cum bucket? Silent tears rolled down her cheeks as she lied there contemplating her future.

She perked up as her cell mate called to her, drawing her from her solace. She turned to look at him, taking a moment to assess his character. He looked upon her with kind, almost sympathetic eyes, and that put her at ease. His question had a certain pitiful quality to it that moved her to some action. A small motion to make someone life a little more comfortable. She moved to a sitting position, preparing herself to stand When pain shot through her core, Her muscles aching from the still recent overuse. She kept her eyes closed as the pain passed through her. His wiggling nose took her mind off of it for a moment, extracting a laugh from her.

She walked slowly towards him, perhaps overly cautious. He was bound, after all, what could he possibly do to her in this state? She reached out her hand and scratched just between his eyes as he indicated. She listened to any indications he might give and when he seemed satisfied she stopped, retreating back to her bed but not turning away from him this time. After a moment of two of silence, she got up the courage to speak to him.

“Why did they bind you like that?”

The man's eyebrow slowly rose when he saw the woman begin to turn. Good to see that she didn't fall asleep on him. Or was ignoring him. A smile on his face when she finally looked at him. His eyes on hers, watching as they went up and down his body in a sort of calculated and probing manner. Maybe she was trying to figure out his height or weight, most likely she was checking out the extent of his bindings. Apart from other inmates he probably was unique, much like she was unique as well. The coincidence apart in the man's mind but then again he stopped believing in such things a long time ago.

Again he couldn't help but smile when she laughed at his antics, it was nice to see those white teeth of hers. To see an expression other then sorrow or defeat on her face like he had seen when she was shoved into the cell. She was far to beautiful for such a place, but then again it was usually the beautiful ones that held dangers behind those pretty faces. The question of why she was here or what she had done was still dancing through the man's head. But again the time wasn't right to dive into such things, in truth it might never be.

When she finally came over and started to scratch the spot between his eyes the man couldn't help but let out a soft groan. “Ahhhhh... That's the spot. Thank you.” He said, nodding his head slightly when she stopped and went back to her side of the room. Hector was more then content with just that but she had decided to continue the interaction with a question. One that was rather obvious to the situation and definitely begged for answer since she was a new fish to the prison. “Let's just say I don't play well with others. These are meant for your protection or whoever has the misfortune to share a cell with me.” He said, smiling for a few more seconds before his face went blank.

“If you would be so kind, why don't we continue this? A question for a question.An answer for an answer.” The man stated, going to ask his question before she could refuse. She could just stop talking to him but hopefully she wouldn't. “What is your name? And not the numbers they gave you. Mine is Hector. It is nice to meet you.”

His answer surprised her, more than it should have considering where they were meeting. He seemed so kind to be a murderer, his eyes absent the kind of malice that a murder might have. His words were at odds with his actions, the polite way he spoke to her, the respectful he looked at her, like she was a person and not a pair of tits and ass.

She nodded to his suggestion, a slight smile forming on her lips now. It would be kinda nice to be out of her own head for a bit. He didn’t wait for her answer before he began, but she supposed he was entitled to that, she did ask the first question. His question was rather innocuous at that, and she felt

“Auriana,” she said in a soft tone, hoping none of the other inmates heard. Not sure why that was the thing she felt she wanted to keep to herself, but she felt.That she needed to own something, and that would be it. She had already surmised his name based on what she heard from the other inmates so she had to decide on a different question. She studied his feature a bit more this time as she ran questions through her head, most of them coming up serious or dark. Why are you here? Why did you kill your last cell mate? How did you kill your last cell mate?

She preferred to get lost in his dark eyes. He was rather handsome now that she took some times to appreciate it. She was feeling vulnerable and he made her feel kinda safe, in a way should couldn’t explain. A crazy idea to trade her body for his protection sprang into her mind, but she pushed it out just as quickly as it entered. She was in no position to be giving her body away, and he wasn’t in much position to take it or protect her. So she settled on a question.

“How long have you been here?”

Her name was Auriana. That made the man smile again, how fitting for her to have that as a name. “What a beautiful name. Ironic really, it means most holy.” Hector said, sighing softly in a sort of sad tone. She was very much the most holy thing here now. The most coveted thing that anyone could want in this prison. It was sad really, as if at birth her parents had decided to play some cruel joke on her. Though obviously her fate was intended for other things, better things.

He was quite fascinated though with watching her. The little cogs in her head working to find an appropriate question. It was a game but so much more. There were obvious things to ask, there were wrong things to ask. But what was the right thing to ask? What were those rare questions that no one asked her seemed to care to ask. How far would they delve into each other's lives, and for how long. Hector wouldn't be surprised if Aurianna didn't make it that long.... Who could in this hell?

“Interesting question.” He said with a smirk, sighing softly as he looked up at the ceiling for a few moments. “I can't really tell you how long I have been here because I don't know. Long enough to lose track of time. Sad really but when you can't see the sun rise and set well... You get the idea. I will say that these uniforms aren't recycled once inmates die or are transferred if ever. And seeing how I have the good old zero zero one. It is safe to assume I have been here for quite some time.” He said with a nod. “Too long if you ask me.”

Now it was Hector's turn. The man studying her much like she had done with him. Only a fool wouldn't see her as a woman, wouldn't see her breasts or her hips. But where others lingered in such areas he simply passed over, his gaze returning to her eyes once he had another question for her. “What is your favorite color?” Hector asked, of all the things he could ask he asked her favorite color. Why she was here, what she had done, who she had pissed off, there were thousands of more pointed question he could ask. But truth be told Hector just enjoyed talking with someone, let alone a gorgeous woman at that.

There was some sadness in his answer, far sadder than the meaning of her name under these circumstances. She wondered if she too would lose track of time here. Had she already? She didn’t know how long she was out before she arrived, she was probably drugged so she wouldn’t wake up before she was safely deposited in the prison. Since she woke she figured it had been three or four hours, maybe even a bit longer. The rape took some time for certain, since each man went one at a time. It felt like it lasted forever, but none of the men took overly long to finish in her.

No, she can’t linger on that. She needed the distraction that Hector provided, something to keep her mind from dark thoughts. So she looked at him looking at her. His eyes took her in, but he didn’t stare. She appreciated that, and a slight blush crossed her face as their eyes met again. She let out a slight laugh as he asked his question, not mocking or cruel at all, but playful. It felt like they had been set up by close friends on a blind date, and here they were, getting to know one another.

He was the kind of person she would date, probably. She could admit he was good looking, especially when he smiled, as he was now. It was warm and comforting, and it was everything she needed right now. He seemed smart too, catching the meaning of her name. Her parents had told her that once, when she was a child. It was a long dead language, yet he seemed to know it.

“I gotta say red,” She answered him after a short contemplation. She played with her hair now, kind of an example for him to see. “I always loved my hair, how it was such a vibrant and exotic color,” she justified, twirling the strand between her fingertips. God, was she flirting with him? Maybe, she didn’t know where her head was right now. Or, more specifically, she her head was all over now, agonizing over her rape, fearing future violations against her, dreading a life of imprisonment for having done nothing wrong at all. If Hector and his silly questions could make her forget all though for just a moment she would cling to that, that normalcy. She needed to feel human and he made her feel like that.

“What did you do before…well, you know,” She asked, starting down a dangerous road possibly. The unspoken words both of them understood. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. He might open up and she could lose herself in his world for a short time.

Seeing her smile was much better then seeing her frown with tears coming down her cheeks. Better then seeing the horror on her face after going through what she did. And their game was surprisingly civil, something she seemed to need. Hector unable to stop himself from smiling more and more when she smiled back, as if it was contagious or something. And when she said her favorite color was red Hector couldn't help but chuckle a little. He hadn't expected that even though she was a red head. And what a shade of red.

“I must say it is very lovely. Only pales in comparison to the vibrance of your eyes.” Hector would complement her, and even if they were beginning to dabble in flirtation he wouldn't be as derogatory as some of the in mates. No doubt they would talk about her tits or her ass. And even though she had quite attractive assets in such departments, there was something more to her beauty then a figure. And of course Hector kept himself from acting like some vulture swooping in on a beaten animal. Though would he be so noble if he wasn't restrained?

He did look at her for a few moments though, giving her a very puzzled look. One that could be taken as a challenge, asking if she really wanted to know the answer to that question. Of course as per the rules of this game whatever question asked would demand an answer so he would tell her all the same. “I hope I haven't misled you in anyway, I am a criminal and have been sentenced to spend the rest of my days here for crimes that I committed.” Hector stated softly, putting on another sad smile before he continued.

“But before that I was a captain of my own ship. Independent colonizer. My crew and I would travel the universe in search of new planets. On the look out for sustainable places to setup colonies. When we found such a place we would call in whatever company was paying us and then stay on as overseers and security. Sometimes the natives and creatures of the planets would attack and we would fight them off. Had a lot of adventures.” Hector had spoken louder, smirking even as he spoke of his past before being a criminal. It taking him a few moments before he was brought back to the present. He spoke like he had lived a full life yet he looked no older then Aurianna, maybe a couple of years or so.

“Do you know how to dance?” Hector would ask, smiling again as he looked at her. “I don't mean by yourself, but with a partner. Ballroom or the Waltz?”

She could help but blush as he complimented her eyes. He saw her as attractive, but he didn’t objectify her. There was lightheartedness in their interactions, and she liked that. She was almost sorry she had interrupted that with a nearly serious question. His words were sobering, just as his earlier admittance that he had murdered his former cell mate.

Still, she listened eagerly as he told her of his old life. She didn’t want to admit that she had protested against private colonization of alien worlds. No need to spoil the pleasant atmosphere with politics.Surely they would have plenty of time to debate imperialism once they knew one another better. For the time being she listened to his tales of being a starship captain. It had a sort of romantic quality to it, one that soothed her soul.

Once it was his turn to ask the question he once again caught her off guard. He referenced dances from old times, time before humanity took to the stars. It threw her off, but not in a bad way.

“No, nothing like that,” She informed him, chuckling somewhat. “I did use to party when I was at university, clubbing, drinking. Probably the closest thing to what you’re asking. I tried to learn to swing dance once. I had some friends that were into that. Never got too far into it, just some basic steps.” She reminisced fondly. Contentment was making her sleepy, and she knew this was the last question she would be asking this time.

“How do you know so much about earth that was?” She asked. She figured she finally caught on to a topic that would not be so sad or dangerous.

“Well if we ever get the chance then I must teach you how to Waltz.” Hector said with a smile, such things were considered antics and ancient by modern standards. He wasn't exactly surprised that she didn't know how to do them. However he was content with her answer of at least partying, of clubbing and what not. It showed a curiosity and willingness to learn, his ears perking up a little when she said she tried her had at swing dancing. If anything she seemed happy now, at least happier then she had been.

“As much as I would love to continue our game.” Hector would respond instead of answering, frowning a little to have to end such a conversation. “We really should get our rest. They are quite strict with how long we get to sleep. You will thank me tomorrow for every minute you can get with your eyes closed.” He said with a soft sigh.

“I'm not going to lie to you Aurianna.... This place is going to be very hard on you. You are going to have to toughen up and then some if you ever want to get out of here in one piece. But I see strength in you, deep inside of power that none of these prisoners or guards could ever take from you. It's what makes you who you are and will keep you sane in the darkest depths of their depravities. Don't ever lose that, no matter what they do never give them that.” Hector said with a smile, hoping that made sense. But a part of it was to be vague, to let her fill the cracks on her own. “It goes without saying but I will always be here to talk.” Hector finished up, smiling and nodding to Aurianna to sorta show he was down preaching or chatting or whatever this had turned into. He wasn't going to just shut his eyes if Aurianna had more to say, but he was serious when he said she would thank him for every minute of shut eye she got.

She laughed ever so slightly as he promised to teach her to dance, a sweet gesture to be sure. And she was sure he was right about the rest, the rest of the prison quieting down by now. Throughout their conversation she heard infrequent comments from other prisoners. Some did not concern her and she paid them no mind. Most were crude proclamations of lust and claims on her body. She did her best to tune those out, focusing on Hector’s words. It was a little easier to have thick skin while he was nearby, comforting with ordinariness.

Now there was no threats ringing through the hallways, just his voice. He told her what she already knew to be true, and what she had anticipated. He words were both staid and inspiring. She wasn’t sure if he believe what he told her, but she wanted to. She knew he would be a source of sanctuary for her, something she would desperately cling to for moral support. She wondered if he would hold her if he wasn’t bound the way he was. Would he still be the gentleman he was now if he had a choice in the matter?

“Thank you, Hector. This meant a lot to me,” She told him in a sweet, sincere voice. She didn’t think she was placed in this cell because it would be good for her peace of mind, more likely because the guards knew he couldn’t tarnish her the way nearly other man would, but she appreciated it more than anything. It was this thought that guided her to sleep.

She didn’t dream, and she was grateful for that. No good could come of it and she needed rest more than she needed a potential escape. That could come in time, hopefully. His words about being thankful for every minute of shut eye rang true, as she was awoken far earlier than she was ready. However, knowing what the day would possibly hold for her, she wasn’t sure she longed for more sleep or just the safety of her cell alone with Hector.
Bad Luck, Continued

She watch as they took Hector away first, watching the process happen very carefully. She did recognize the guard as one of the ones who had raped her the day before but she tried not to pay him any mind. It was easy as they seemed more interested in doing their job than in harassing her. She kept eye contact with Hector until both were forced to stop. She couldn’t help but notice the other inmates yelled at him almost as much as they yelled at her. She would have to find out someday what he did to piss them all off.

She waited patiently for her turn to leave, not eager to join the rest of the population. She felt more confident she could handle herself today, not break down so easily, but she knew that was optimistic. Still she ignored the man who walked in front of her, not bother with eye contact since she knew he wasn’t going to either.

Going through the line she could feel the eyes on her once more, the collective lust of a prison full of men directed towards her. At least they weren’t speaking to her for now. She didn’t respond to the perv serving her food, just rolled her eyes and walked away. It was easier to rise above the filth surrounding her, and she was sure she could thank Hector for that. She tried looking for him in the cafeteria, but he couldn’t be found. Must have been kept somewhere else. For his or other’s protection, she wasn’t sure.

AS she scanned the sea of faces for a place to sit she decided to join the alien who had a table to himself. She prided herself on not being a xenophobe, as was common among humans these days. He didn’t seems to bad as bad as some of the ones in here, reading a book instead of gawking at her. Perhaps Hector wasn’t the only decent guy in this place. It was possible, right?

At first nothing happened. The alien keeping his eyes on the book in front of him. However after a few moments he would look up to Aurianna. His lifeless black filled eyes taking her in for a few moments before he put his book down, folding his glasses and setting them on top of the book. So the human female that came in the day before decided to sit with him? Why wouldn't she? No one was at his table and any other option probably would end with her getting groped or just raped. Was this her best option?

“Before you start eating.” The alien stated as he looked to her. All the other prisoners watching as they ate as well. There was a reason no one sat at this guy's table. “If you want to join me at my table you are going to get down underneath and blow me. However fast or slow you want to go I don't care, when you are done you can freely eat your meal in peace.” He said to her, though where others would say it with lust in their eyes, with a sort of hate or malice... The alien stated it like some sort of business deal.

Auriana would be in for a surprise if she decided to do what the alien said. What she knew of his people would be surprising if any but underneath his pants she would be finding two cocks, just as blue as his skin was. One above another which if he had asked for a more carnal request would of easily been able to perform a little double penetration by himself alone. Of course everyone was watching, the alien with the numbers eight four on his shirt was definitely one of the few to look out for. It was obvious with how people kept away, Aurianna wouldn't of been able to see it in time but when the line for food was made any prisoner that was lined up next to the alien either took an extra step forward or an extra step back.

She hadn’t even had a chance to take a bite before the alien spoke to her, making his demand of her. She was somewhat surprised at his formal tone. He gut reaction was to be disgusted, to get up and walk away. But where else would she go? To another table where six guys would demand blow jobs instead? Or worse?

Maybe his offer wasn’t so bad. She had gotten raped yesterday with nothing to show for it. It was only a matter of time before the other inmates got brave enough to try stuff with her, perhaps she could be proactive. Give herself to someone big, someone tough, someone who could protect her. Hector would have been her first choice, but he wasn’t around to help her out. Besides he seemed to have so many enemies, it could attract more. This guy, 84, he seemed to command some authority around here. People seemed to give him his space for whatever reason. He might not be a bad choice.

Hector watched Auriana sleep for several minutes. Smiling there, which of course would be freaky in any other situation.But after some time of seeing her at peace enough to sleep he would pass out as well. The next day wouldn't go so well for him either, but the two had very different problems to deal with. But that was for another time, another game of questions when the time was right.

After what was probably five hours sirens would go off, the wake up alarm as it were blaring to wake all the inmates up. Hector's eyes slowly opening, the man even yawning as he sat there. His daily routine would start with guards coming up to retrieve him. Hector sighing softly as he looked to Auriana across from him, he had hoped that he was dreaming, that she was some sort of figment of his imagination. But she wasn't. The guards coming up to open the cell door.

“Prisoner stay on your bed.” One guard instructed her. Giving her a look though that was obviously demeaning since he was one of the men that raped her yesterday. The other walked over to Hector, pulling a small metal rod from his belt before bringing it to the side of the metal arms on the wall. Hector's bindings would come off of the wall but not off his arms, the man getting up before smiling to Auriana. The guard moved down to use the little rod on his restraints on his feet, the binding unlatching to free his feet. With that the three would leave, Hector frowning as he watched Auriana till she fell from his sight.

“You just wait Hector fucking bitch imma gut you! Just you wait!” Someone shouted. “Hey there buddy, ready to eat my fucking fist? Bet you can't wait to get my cock in your ass after I break your teeth in!” Another shouted, someone having something to say to Hector every few cells he past. After a few minutes the rest of the cells would open, though surprisingly no one came and rushed Aurianna's cell. “Come on out.” A guard stated to Aurianna, obviously standing guard to keep anyone from trying anything.

What Auriana would find is every prisoner leaving their cells. Making their way down to the bottom floor before lining up and going through a door.The door having a large letter C on the top of it. “We start with breakfast.” The guard stated, having taken his position behind Aurianna. She expected to follow in line behind another in mate who had already turned to blow a kiss at her, to pretty much fuck her with his eyes. However he would turn back, not wanting to fuck up the breakfast line even if he was pretty much at the end.

Once Auriana crossed the C door however the guard wouldn't follow, standing at the door and just watching. Aurianna found a large dining hall it seemed. A number of tables with built in chairs along the hall. Prisoners in their select groups and gangs sitting together, laughing and chatting while they still could. Shoveling whatever they were given for breakfast into their mouths. Hector was no where to be seen sadly, and as Aurianna followed the line, to get her tray and get her food, everyone seemed to glance at her.

When she got to the guy dishing out food he pretty much gloobed onto her tray a ladle full of some sort of gravy. Inside the gravy obviously potatoes and something else. “I'll give you another helping if you come around and blow me.” The man stated bluntly, a few of his teeth missing, his hairline already receding a few inches. There would be a number of places for Aurianna to sit, unfortunately not a single table was one that she could sit alone. The real question was where was she going to sit? With the group of prisoner's that had their sleeves torn off?The group of prisoners that had tattoos on every arm and even on their necks and faces? There was one table, a circular table with only one person sitting there. Well, more an alien then a person. The man had blue skin, several bumps on his head that were obviously growths instead of bruises of some kind. His eyes were pure black, but even then he were behind glasses. The man reading with his try of slop just to the side. He looked to be rather tall, hunched over a little as he read. Definitely looked to be skinny, but that was skinny for his height. He still looked to weight at least two hundred or so pounds.
“Fine,” she said simply, bringing her tray over next to him. She got under the table and worked at his jump suit, pulling out his cock. She didn’t expect to find two there, but she had already gone this far. She took the top one into her mouth, bobbing the head in and out of her silky lips. She swirled her tongue along the edges, going down deeper on him with each suck. Her hand held the lower phallus, stroking it with her soft fingers. Until he indicated otherwise she would focus on the top cock while servicing him.

The alien nodded his head in a sort of confirmation to what she agreed, going back to his book and glasses. By the time she was under the table he had his glasses back on and the book reopened, as if whatever she was doing down below didn't matter to him. Everyone of course was watching, staring even. Of course she would go to eighty four. Out of everyone here who else but him? No one messed with him and for good reason. But outside of breakfast they would get their chance. Lunch and dinner hopefully they would be able to grab her before she would come back since prisoner eighty four always sat by himself.

What Aurianna would find was when she took the top cock into her mouth that it would actually vibrate a little. Nothing super intense but as it started to grow and thicken the member would vibrate. As well as the lower member that she had in her fingers. And either good or bad for her by the time both his cocks were erect she had a good eight inches to deal with, the lower cock a little longer by two inches or so. She could hear the pages of his book turning, but surprisingly no one was hollering or shouting over while she did this. There really was something off about this guy, as if anyone saying anything would provoke him.

“Please show attention to the bottom one as well. You are doing great.” The alien stated softly, actually complimenting her as he sat there. Of course the sound of footsteps could be heard, another in mate coming up to the side of the table, obviously not caring what others said. “You don't get to hog the bitch like this.” The in mated stated, eighty four keeping his attention the book like he was ignoring the in mate. “Don't you fucking ignore me!” The in mate shouted before swinging at eighty four, a shiv in his hand. The alien bringing his hand up to catch the punch, the in mate's shiv going into his hand.With in seconds the in mate's head crashed into the table, the sound of bones snapping and cracking sounded off before the inmate fell to the ground a twitching mess of a man. Other then that no one else came, the alien pulling the shiv from his hand, placing it down on the table before going back to his book.

The vibration was throwing off the head she was giving, but she worked through it, sucking down his meat more intensely now. When he asked her to give both some attention, she switched to the lower one, sucking that one long and deeply as well. Her practice with the guards in the elevator the day before was paying off, as she found a way to entertain both as once. She was thankful he wasn't too thick, as she switched between both manhoods, her jaw not yet aching.

She couldn't help but freeze as she heard another man approach the alien, demanding access to her as well. She licked him cautiously as she tried to listen to their dialogue, but the alien seemed to pay little attention to the man badgering him. She licked both cock down to the base of their shafts, taking the top one as deep as she could in a single slurp. After a couple sucks on that one she was going to switch when she heard the belligerent man demanding satisfaction. She let out a shriek as the table above thundered with impact.

She sat still for a moment while the confrontation played out. Her alien hardly moved any during it, while she saw the man who threaten him on the floor, a quivering blood mess. She felt both as though she had made a good choice, and a poor one, seeking out this man for protection and yet leaving herself so vulnerable before him. Both of his member twitched in desire as she tried to collect herself, reminding herself if she didn't please him she would be thrown to the other men.

She took the bottom cock and gulped him down hard and deep, this head dipping into her throat. It took all her concentration not to gag or choke on him, but she continued, knowing now what he was capable of. She knew she didn't want to upset him.

The alien didn't warn, didn't say anything or show any signs of his impending climax. When she took the bottom cock all the way to her throat she would be greeted by it vibrating rather quickly, almost uncomfortably in her throat. Then there was definitely fluid coming out, however unlike a human it came out like a stream. Almost putting off like he was peeing but she would see how sticky and semen like the liquid was since the top cock was shooting freely at her face and hair.

His cum was actually green, a weird see through green. And unlike human semen it actually tasted like a sort of jelly. Not quite Grape or Apple or any sort of fruit, but there was a definite sweetness to it. After a good few seconds his cock would stop cumming and would go flaccid. Auriana's job done surprisingly quick. Though what she might look like coming up from under the table would definitely be a good question, one that eighty four couldn't help but put his book down and wait to see.

By the time Aurianna had finished pleasing eighty four a pair of guards would come to pick up the body. Looking to the alien and down to the man before moving him off without a word exchanged. An obvious repeat of events it seemed, though the lack of punishment was definitely in question. No one else approached the table though, just staring. Even a few in mates jacking off in their seats as they watch Auriana, others having other inmates either blow them or jack them off as well.

Everything seemed like smooth sailing up until she got to the sinks. The sound of the only door leading into the bathroom unlocking before it slid open. And maybe Aurianna would have been better off if it were guards. But no... It was in mates. Somehow gaining access to the bathroom that Aurianna was cleaning.A good five men walking into the bathroom, the door shutting behind them.

“Oh damn I have been waiting too long for this.” One of them stated, smirking as the others did as well. All five men walking up to the sink area to sort of fan out and keep Aurianna from running anywhere. It wasn't like she could go far though. The five men looked big, muscles bulging softly against their uniforms. Each one easily being able to smack and throw Aurianna around if they felt like it. What made matters worse was the things the men were holding, each one equipped with a shiv fashioned from different materials. Plastic, metal, what have you.

“Do me a favor baby, why don't you just bend over that sink and make this easy on us? I'll make it easy on you too don't you worry.” One of them said as they stepped towards her, smirking as his eyes traveled up and down her body.

She froze as she heard the doors unlock, peering cautiously at at the door. She hoped it was just the guards collecting her for lunch. Her hopes fell as she saw who came to join her, five inmates she didn't recognize. She knew this a possibility, well, more an inevitability, but she hoped for at least a day of reprieve.

There was only five of them. Yesterday more than twice that number had raped her and she survived that. The pain had even gone away for the most part. But these guys were even bigger than the guards. She would know soon if they were bigger everywhere.

"Don't do this," she begged softly. "The guards could be back any time to check on me.' The shivs glistened menacingly as she gulped in terror. Yet, she found a bit of courage, or stupidity. 'I know you're not going to kill me if I resist. The only woman here in forever? No if you harmed me the other inmates would rip you apart." Of course, they might still hurt her, but if she could bide her time until the guards returned maybe she could avoid the worst of this impending gang rape.
The Nymph's Journey
A wizard purchases a nymph slave to test the limits of pain and pleasure.

I loved the cold, clinical tone my partner brought to this rp, as well as the future plans. Eventually my character was to escape him and try to navigate the world while evading him.

Blaise Bloodwyrd strode through his laboratory with eager but controlled purpose, black and red robes billowing behind him like a dark banner. His dark eyes glittered with purpose in a face that looked far younger than its many years, more akin to a man in his mid-thirties than one in his late eighties, with a well-trimmed goatee and dark locks that had been swept back so many times by a hand brushing through them that they simply stayed that way. Magic rather than actual labor kept him fit, if not so physically strong as an orc or dock laborer, enough that he didn’t need an apprentice to assist him with menial tasks that the use of magic would be wasted upon.

Candles lit themselves as he entered the lab on the uppermost floor of his tower. Torch and lantern light from the city below filtered in through the open, barred windows. Silver Port stretched out, a thriving metropolis, one of only three in the kingdom. Many of the intelligent races gathered here for trade and politics. The Academy itself was located within the city walls. It was well known as a hub of prosperity in a land teaming with dangerous creatures, beasts and savages. Lesser known was its slave trade, but in Silver Port, you could get anything if you knew the right person to ask.

And Blaise Bloodwyrd knew many shadowy figures. Often he was called upon to perform experiments or spells most other mages wouldn’t dare perform. Curses were of a specialty to him, enchantment as well but it was fascinating to see another struggle to overcome the most bizarre of inflictions. One such curse he now suffered had nothing to do at all with magic.

His apparent youth was relatively new, and with it came stirrings he’d long since forgotten he’d ever felt. It seemed to him that as most of his youth had been spent obtaining power rather than pursuing the fairer sex, he’d earned some indulgence. And that was why the sea nymph now rested in the giant bird cage in the middle of his lab with food and drink spiked with lust potion.

She was a beautiful creature, and would do very nicely as a sexual partner, he had no doubt. And perhaps, experiment. It would be an enjoyable task to break her will, mold her into the perfect toy. Fae such as herself were notoriously fickle with magic, but then her species natural affinity with all things sexual should offset that particular imbalance. If not, it would be fascinating to see the results. Better still to partake of them.

“Good evening my dear,” he said as the room lit up, revealing tables covered in charts, graphs, tomes and parchments. Shelves lined the walls, filled to the brim with still more tomes and odder things still. An egg the size of a man’s head, a flask full of steam that occasionally took the face of a man, and a potted plant that seemed to be growing carnivorous jaws were just a few of the odds and ends. “How are we feeling this evening?”

She lied quietly in her cell, listening to the ocean, as the tides rolled on. It was quite distant now, at least to her, one who had once called it home. She listened for her family, the mermaids, the other sea nymphs, the dolphins and whales… Nothing… she was too far away, and there were too many voices in this place.

She remembered as she dragged through the town, and the multitude of people she had seen there. More people than she would have thought possible existed in such a small place. Types she couldn’t have dreamed up if she slept for a hundred years. She was kept as a slave, not even a full day before she had been sold off. Apparently she went for quite a bit of money, sea nymphs a rare and prized possession, even this close to the ocean.

Of course, her family had warned her that this could happen if she wandered too close to the shore. That there were those that would take her from her home, that they would do anything to acquire her. And now, here she was. Locked in an iron cage, like some pretty little songbird. It was dark up here, and she was all by herself, despite the crowded city below them. The man who had bought her had left some food for her to eat. It was strange stuff, not like the food she was used to eating. Still, she forced it all down, determined to keep up her strength as best as she could.

She had been dress by the slaves that had captured her, but not enough that it made any sense to her. It was a thin white silk, gathered in such a way that it covered her breasts and hips. It didn’t do anything to keep her warm, as her skin had goose bumps. Her long auburn hair pooled at the bottom of her cage, and she played with it nervously, running her fingers through it to keep it from getting knotted.

The candles seemed to light themselves as she heard footsteps making their way up the corridor. She sat up now, believing the man who had purchased her to be returning. She had never seen a human man so close before ad it would have been quite fascinating under different circumstances. She wasn’t sure what he would want from her, why he felt she was worth paying, what he himself had said earlier was “An obscene amount of money.”

He asked her how she felt and she answered him honestly, hoping he might show a bit of mercy towards her. She still didn’t know what he wanted from her, so she didn’t see any harm in it. “I’m quite cold. I am not sure what the point of this dress is, but it is not keeping me warm in the slightest. The food you brought me tasted weird and I feel tingly between my legs.”

The cage door flew open at a flick of his wrist and a gesture of his hand lifted Llyra into the air by unseen forces and carried into the lab. “Best have a look at you then,” Blaise answered, guiding her over several incomplete experiments to a table with several bindings upon it.

“My apologies about the temperature, I’ll keep a fire in the hearth for you,” he said, lowering her to the table. The straps came to life, winding over her body, lashing around her arms to pin the down and below her breasts to lift them up through the fabric. Her legs landed upon a pair of wooden slats attached to adjustable metal rods. Leather quickly bound her knees and ankles to the slats, which then pulled away from the table and apart, completely exposing her sex.

“The food of course will taste strange to you,” Blaise continued in a conversational tone. “You’ve never eaten our cuisine before. I assure you, you will grow used to it. Perhaps we’ll find you a dish you enjoy soon.” He strode around a table with a cauldron that bubbled with something purple and smoked, though there was no fire beneath it, and stepped up beside her.

With a casual jerk, her ripped the gauzy dress from her hips, leaving her with only her breasts barely concealed, but otherwise completely naked. “And the dress isn’t meant to be warm. It’s meant to entice. We’ll see about new attire for you after we finish here. Maybe. I rather like this particular look.”

Rather than moving between her spread legs, he walked around to her beside her front and reached over to take a breast in one hand through the silken material that remained of what some might have generously called a dress. He squeezed and gently massaged, testing the weight of the orb and rubbing the nipple against his palm through the sheer fabric before stopping to flick it several times with his finger. “How does this affect the tingling between your legs? Please continue to be honest. I appreciate it, and you won’t like what will happen if I catch you lying to me.”

She was carried through the air as though this were the water she was so familiar with. Conveyed by invisible currents, she was brought to a table, lied on her back while her body was strapped down. She couldn’t move much, and she didn’t like that at all. The cage might have kept her contained, but at the very least she could move her limbs freely. She jerked against her bindings, but it was a fruitless endeavor, her meager strength no match for the strong leather trusses. Her breathing quickened, as she began to fear the things he might do to her, as she examined the reason he might need to hold her down so firmly.

Still, he spoke to her, so casually, as though being strapped down to a table were a normal thing, something he did often to those in his presence. He tore the clothes from her waist, her virgin slit exposed to him, and even with her legs spread the entrance was closed off to him. The nub of her femininity was beginning to swell with blood, as affected by the potion surging through her blood.

He stood at her side, his rough masculine hands groping roughly at her tender breasts. He wouldn’t have thought he was being harsh with her, but his calloused, thick fingers lacked the subtle touches of the fair folk. He was, after, the first man she had spent any amount of time with, normally surrounded by female sprites. She cried out as he fondled her, unable to concentrate on his instructions to describe what she was feeling. Her body language would have told him plenty, however. She squirmed as much as the bindings would allow, her breasts escaping the cloth binding that barely contained them to begin with. Her hips bucked against the wooden table, her untouched womanhood blossoming before his very eyes.

She might not have understood what was happening to her, but generations of racial memories awoke within her body, recognizing the signs of desire to mate. Wetness was building between her womanly folds, preparing her against future penetrations. Both nipples were engorged with blood, standing stiffly against his curious fingers. Her face was burning up, as her skin was being to match her hair, and wordless nonsense was spouted from her lips.

Blaise made a gesture with his free hand and a full length mirror floated out of one corner to hover over the nymph, displaying to her, her every reaction to his touch. “You’re not proving very communicative,” Blaise complained. “We’ll have to record this in the mirror and look over things later. Perhaps then you’ll be able to describe in detail exactly what it is you are feeling.”

His fingers found the cloth of her dress that had shifted from her breasts and ripped it free as well before trailing down her ribcage. He drew little circles with his fingers down her side, over her belly and between her legs, halting just before touching her swollen sex. “What exactly is happening between your legs?”

Fingers caressed the insides of her thighs as he skirted between her legs so that her bare sex was completely exposed before him. He teased her sensitive flesh, never actually touching her womanhood but coming painfully close over and over again. “You’re growing very wet down here, slave. Let’s find out what happens when I use a less gentle touch.”

Blaise withdrew his hand, only to slap it back down directly upon her slightly open pussy with all the force his arm could muster. Flesh hit with a wet SLAP that sent stinging through his fingers and palms, coating his digits in her fluids. He wasted no time delivering a second slap and then a third, each as hard as the last.

“The abrupt application of pain seems to have an interesting effect on your physiology,” he said and leaned over to blow on her pussy, as if soothing an injury that had been coated in a stinging healing balm. Her skin had turned crimson from the slaps and her nether lips were completely open to him now. He’d have to make a point to look back into the mirror later to see her face at the moment of impact.

“Let’s see what happens when more…constant means are put to use.” His fingers snaked their way up her thighs, once again caressing her flesh gentle as feathers, at least by human standards, before coming to her clitoris. This time there was no hesitation before contact and he pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger. Hard. And he continued to squeeze….

She tried to catch her breathe when he finally released her nipples from his grasp. She was completely exposed to him now, the soft white skin growing red in such lovely places. She could see herself in his mirror, her body on display so lewdly. Her legs spread wide, almost painfully so, her nipples perking up from his extending attention to them. The gleam of her moist sex, as a trickle of fluid seeped out.

“I can’t concentrate on speaking when you touch me so!” She stammered against his disappointment. Not that he was encouraged by her word to cease or even slow down. His rough, thick fingers inched closer to the opening, and she clenched herself tightly in apprehension. He didn’t enter her though, preferring to torment her more, crueler than before. His dense hand came with such force against her sensitive folds, she screamed out. But that did not deter him, as he struck her twice more, the thunderous smack as flesh connect with moist flesh. She writhed against her bindings, cutting into her flesh to keep her down firmly on the examination table.

Despite the pain, tingling from her tender sex, there was some pleasure too. A further effect of the potion most likely, causing her to confuse the signals for pain and pleasure. This became more apparent when she felt him pinching her nub, the dreadful delight surging through her core. She twisted away from him, bucking frantically to get his to release his powerful grasp on her most receptive spot. Tears flooded her eyes as the feeling became too intense, the potent mixture or agony and arousal.

“Please…please…please…ple…puh…” She cried out between moans and sobs, both aspects of his treatment coming through her voice. She was begging, but for what? Sea nymphs the world around would have been shocked there was a man alive who could spend this much time around the soaking wet virgin, and not be inside her yet. That there was such a man whose curiosity overpowered his lust.

The wizard worked as though time were not an concern for him, and perhaps it wasn’t. The nymph was young, having just entered her adult phase, and she would be as youthful and lovely for many, many years. Centuries easily. So much time to experiment on her, to trying all things imaginable by man on her. To subject to ever horror and delight the mind could conceive of. She was the perfect specimen for discovering the limits on humanoid sexuality and endurance. And she was at his mercy.

He released her clit, pinching it twice in quick succession to keep it erect.

“Please what? I realize you’re having difficulty concentrating but I would appreciate it if you could attempt to remain coherent. You seem to be experiencing remarkably high levels of arousal. I have to wonder if part of this is perhaps due to your species or if you yourself are simply a masochist.”

Blaise ran a finger through her swollen sex, gathering up the leaking fluids and bringing them to his mouth. Tangy and musky, like most women, but with perhaps a stronger salty aftertaste, which made sense given her affinity for the ocean. He continued to run that single finger up and down her nether lips, first on one side, then the other, as he traced an arcane symbol in the air with his other hand.

A small glittering object floated through the air to his fingers and he brought it down to her clit. Hunched over her, Blaise’ reflection his what he was doing from Llyra in the mirror so that she could see that he was doing something, but not what. He looked over the item in question, sensing the small but potent magic contained within the diminutive gemstones and lined it up with her clit.

Normally a piercing in this area would go around the nub or through the hood, but this one was special. Blaise flicked her clit several times again as he lined up the point, then thrust it through and clamped the thing shut. Blood trickled over his fingers and then stopped as the magic kicked in.

The little barbell pierced her clitoris itself vertically, each end sticking out with a hair-fine chain of silver that ended in a glittering gemstone. “I know it hurts, but do not fear. This gem here,” Blaise said, lifting the top chain which ended in a glittering sapphire barely larger than a cluster of sand grains, “contains potent regenerative magic.”

She could now be used as harshly as anyone wished and within hours would be back to her completely virginal status. Tightness would never be a problem for her, though she may complain about the frequent return of her hymen. Given how much she seemed to enjoy pain he doubted it would be much of an issue for her.

He didn’t bother to explain the purpose of the ruby glittering at the end of the other chain with the power of its arousal enchantment. There was no substitute for the right touch, but just about anything would help now. At least initially. The gem’s magic wasn’t nearly so powerful as the sapphire’s, but it had its own appeal.

Absently his hand drifted up to squeeze and toy with her breath. “Tell me how you feel now. Does it still hurt?” He flicked her nipple twice before slapping the pert orb, leaving a crimson handprint on her already flushed flesh.

She whimpered once he finally released her, her entire body heaving in anguish and yearning. “It’s too much, please stop…” She begging, tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. He ignored her, however, preferring to feel the soft lips, pink with lust and opening before him. His movements were swift and measured, some motivation beyond feeling the flesh of the virgin girl.

She watched as he cast his spell, her knowledge of magic was rather limited. She whined as he pinched her again, but let out a bloodcurdling shriek as he pierced her tender flesh. He had force it through the meat of her clit, hitting every nerve on the way through. She had bruises all over her body from the force of which she was fighting against the bindings. And she crying very loudly now.

He was speaking to her but she was sobbing too much to notice or care. Is that what her purpose would be, to be subject to his every whim or desire? The pain was dying down faster than she expected, and as she was calming down, he spoke to her, explaining the powerful regenerative magic of the piercing. She nodded weakly, arching when he pulled on the gem in demonstration. She thought that sounded fine, like some healing magic that would make the pain go away…wait.

“Why would I need healing magic to make the pain go away? Are you going to be causing me pain or harming me?” She questioned before he reached her breasts again. He ignored her concern, preferring to torment her breasts once again. Compared to what he had done to her clit, what he did now hardly affected her at all. She shook her head, sighing softly as his fingers teased the still perky nipples. “It feels kinda good, if a little intense still.”

She was breathing pretty hard now, her body shaking from the heartless treatment she had already received from this man. She hated him, hating how he hurt her so much, and hating how he made her feel, her body burning up from the inside. “Please, are we not finished yet? What more could you possibly want from me?” she beseeched him, sobs and moans filling the air.

“I doubt very much that it will have any great effect on the pain, but by your own admission you seem to enjoy it mixed with your pleasure,” Blaise said calmly as he viciously twisted her nipples and watched the effect it had on her slowly blossoming pussy. It was fascinating watching the lips slowly unfold like a flower, dripping with more and more desire as the nymph’s body betrayed her.

“And harm is such a subjective term,” he mused, slapping her breasts before dragging his fingers down her sides, over her hips to frame her pussy. With one hand he tugged at the little chains connected to her clitoral piercing. The magic of the jewelry would prevent it from ever simply being ripped out, though the sensitive flesh could still feel every sensation.

The tugging started gently, then grew steadily stronger and stronger, adding tension until the nub would have been ripped apart were the piercing not enchanted. He jerked it this way and that, as if testing for a weakness, though he knew full well there was none. “Much, much more little nymph.”

As he spoke, his free hand dropped lower between her legs, passing her pussy altogether until his fingers danced little light circles around her puckered asshole. Compared with the brutal treatment of her clit, Blaise finger pressed past Llyra’s sphincter with gentle care, pushing in until the second knuckle, then slowly withdrawing. In and out he pressed and pulled, yanking her clitoral chain in time with the penetration.

“I believe the merchant said your name was Llyra,” the mage said, tone still conversational. “It seems I should know it before I make you a woman. Tell me, do you have a preference on which of your holes I should claim first?”

There wasn’t much she could do against him now, but beg that he stop, her body going crazy with pain and desire. He ignored her pleas, presumably enjoying the reaction he got from her body as he spitefully twisted her nipples. She could see they were nearly purple from the torment she had thus far been subjected to, but her new owner was not in any mood to stop now.

She watched in the mirror and his hands moved down her body once more, finding their way to her sex once more. She shivered as he touched the piercing, taking it between his fingers. He began to pull on it, which felt quite enjoyable at first. She was moaning now, not bothering to hide her arousal, seeing no point in it. Perhaps if he knew which things were agreeable for her and which were dreadful, he would stick to tenderness. Sure he did not intend to cause her pain for pain’s sake, even if it produced the same stirrings from her body.

Of course, that didn’t last, as he was tugging on her clit with increasing force, threatening to rip it from her body. She howled at this, the pain was worse than any she had felt before. Once again she struggled against her bindings, her body bruising more and more now. The trusses would leave quite a mark on her otherwise flawless skin, leaving her sore for days. After some time she stopped, whimpering pathetically as the cruel wizard yanked at her sensitive nub.

She felt tears rolling down her cheeks as his finger prodded the spot between the other two. It took some force to push past the snug entrance, and she let out a low groan as he breached her perimeter. His finger was spreading her lower hole so gently yet vehemently; she wiggled away from the sensation. At least he was no longer trying to rip off her clit, just tugging it in time with his strokes.

He had given her a choice of which orifice her was make use of first, but she still didn’t understand what he meant. Wasn’t he already claiming her ass, with his finger pushed in so? All the while, her pussy throbbed in jealousy, just aching for something to find its way in, the sopping wet slit begging to be stuffed in.

“My pussy, please” she begged now, as the hole drooled in desire.
The Ascension of Handsome Jack
My favorite mentally unhinged couple. The mix of sex and ultraviolence was so delicious.

Harold Tassiter vigorously rubbed his wrinkled hands under the warm water of his gold cast bathroom sink, and squinted at his reflection in the highly polished platinum mirror.... His glasses clung to his face cruelly, giving his already hawkish face an evil, haughty appearance...

The CEO of Hyperion grumbled something under his breath as he turned off the ornate faucet, and dried his hands on a gaudy, plush crimson towel emblazoned with the Hyperion Logo on it...
He tossed the towel into the trash... Harold could always have the slave labor camps on Pandora make thousands more... After all he was doing that rabble population a service, giving their lives purpose and the honor of serving his needs... Everyone should be so lucky...

The Gaunt Chief Executive officer quickly whirled on his highly polished designer dress shoes, and entered his lavishly furnished office to continue his latest scheme... only to stop dead in his tracks upon the crimson rug leading to his personal restroom...

There was a gorgeous woman in a dirty looking cowboy style hat, lounging in a very sexy position on his heavy mahogany desk, with her magnificent legs crossed, her back arched, thrusting her shapely chest outward as she rest upon her arms...

His favorite black leather high tech backed chair was turned around, and facing away from him..
Harold's normally squinty eyes shot open, and his nostrils flared angrily... "Who in the hell are you? And get off that desk now!!! SECURITY!!!!" The skinny corporate man yelled at the top of his lungs... But no one came...

The big leather chair suddenly spun around, and seated upon it was his second in command... Someone who should have been dead, yet sat there with a mug look on his face, about to light one of his priceless Cuban cigars, imported all the way from Terra... Harold Fumed, and took an angry step toward His Vice President Jack... Only to stop dead in his tracks again as he noticed a gorgeous red .50 caliber semi automatic pistol in Jacks hand pointed right at him...

Harold didn't even have time to be scared for his life. The large bore pistol belched fire and thunder twice, and Tassiter felt both of his kneecaps shatter violently as the diamond tipped depleted uranium shells ripped through his ligaments and as if they were papier-mâché...

White hot pain shot up his nerves to his brain, wracking him, making him convulse and cry out in anguish as he fell to the ground screaming, his blood spraying across both the Vice President and the gorgeous woman in a crimson cascade...
Harold lied there, impotent and powerless there on his rug, thrashing around as his broken knees flailed around, squirting torrents of blood everywhere...
Jack appeared unconcerned about his soon to be former boss, and more focused on the carefully rolled stick of aromatic tobacco in his hands... He fondled it with his finger tips for a few moments as Tassiter screamed all manner of curses at him...

He ignored Harold's cries, his pearly white teeth flashing as they bit the end off of the cigar. Grinning with his high tech cybernetic mask's actuators, Jack placed it between his cybernetic lips... He quickly lit the cigar with the secondary function of his pistol, placing the end of the cigar into the flaming ruby barrel of his weapon, and took a few drags.... Only to contort his artificial face into a grotesque representation of pure disgust as Jack lept to his feet and coughed out violently....
The Vice President brought the smoldering tobacco roll up to his eyes and looked at it distastefully... "Oh my god, these things taste like a 90 year old hooker's well fucked ass..." Jack grumbled, and walked over angrily to the legless man whimpering on the carpet beneath him... Jack could always have that rug replaced later...

"As my first executive order, all of these damned things are outlawed immediately...." Jack proclaimed a matter of factly, and rubbed the smoldering red tip of the lit cigar into the forehead of Harold Tassiter, making him howl in rage...
He then stuffed the extinguished cigar into the crippled CEO's mouth, muffling his annoying cries somewhat..
Jack then turned his handsome masked face to the gorgeous woman on the heavy desk...

"Alright dearest...." He said to her with a seductive gaze, and a smoldering edge to his rich voice... "....What say you that we break in my new desk properly?"
He approached her hungrily, Ignoring the flailing Harold behind him without a second thought....

Nisha had to admit, she had her doubts when Jack told her he was taking her to Helios for their first date. She wasn't expecting some romantic candlelit dinner, rather she would have loathed such a cliched gesture. There was some fond memories for her there, thinking back to how Jack so callously jettisoned those scientist still got her all hot and bothered. It wasn't until Jack explained what he intended to do here that she started to look forward to coming here.

As it so happens, Jack did not disappoint. Nisha let out a squeal of her own as she watched the powerful bullets rip through Tassiters legs, Oh, how the blood spurted all over, drenching the carpet below him. She almost hoped Jack would keep it, so the sight of the bloodstained rug could get her panties wet every time she came here. Eh, Jack wasn't into violence the same was she was. Sure, he seemed to enjoying giving people what was coming to them, but to him, violence was a means to an end. He enjoyed the result, but she enjoyed the process. Eh, maybe he would let her kept the rug. A souvenir of a wonderful first date.

“And this is why you want to use a Jakobs for this kind of things. Nothing against Hyperion, of course hun. They are great for when you need to unload 30 bullets into a guy's chest cavity. But for this? You need that raw power. I mean this is just beautiful.” She gushed, hoping off the desk to join Jack as he towered over Tassiter. Her bare ass had left a lovely smudge on the glossy finish, and she was still impressed that jack had managed to talk her into wearing this...outfit. Trading in her jeans for some leather chaps and a thong, her practical kicks for these five inch stiletto boots. Damn, if she hadn't already decided to fuck his handsome ass, she wouldn't be caught dead in this ridiculously sexy get up. She would have to see if that silver tongue of his could work it's magic elsewhere.

“Oh Harold, this guy wanted to strangle you. Seriously, just strangle you. Aren't you glad he brought me along? Well, probably not. The only thing you seem to enjoy is having sticks shoved up your ass.” She asked the man bleeding out on the floor. She put one heeled boot on the side of his head, digging the sharp heel into his pathetic face.

She turned to Jack now, running her hands over his chest and tangling her fingers in his hair. “Well, if you are still in the mood to strangle someone, I am willing to evaluate your technique,” She suggested, nibbling on his ear. “Let's see if you can get me screaming louder than this guy.”

Jack grinned, and carefully canted his head to the side a little to allow the devilishly hot woman better access to his earlobe. Her full lips were silky smooth, and her pearly white teeth agonizingly sharp. The stark contrast in sensations, along with her scantily clad body pressed up against him got his engine running…
His cybernetically enhanced mind was lightening quick, and his augmented senses were able to pick up and savor her pheromones as she molested his ear savagely…

With a brutal, devil may care swipe of his arm, he sent the contents of the desk clattering to the floor.
He snaked an arm around the cow girls’s hourglass of a waist, and pulled her in close.
Jack planted his lips to hers, his new life like cybernetic face peppered with sensory hardware, allowing his to feel enhanced sensation that normal skin could never deliver…
Nisha’s mouth was hot upon him, and he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, and carefully timed one of his breaths with hers, attempting to take the girl’s breath away…

The soon to be CEO of Hyperion corporation then spun Nisha around, and savagely thrust her down upon the desk, slamming her body to the harsh and unforgiving wooden surface. He bent one of her arms behind her back, and growled into her ears, allowing her to savor the sting and thud from being slammed against the desk so violently… This was not some sweet innocent girl next door. Nisha was into rough and tumble, and usually was not satisfied unless there was a least a little blood on the sheets after what passed for her as foreplay…

He looked down and grinned as he saw a faint trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth, and quickly pressed his body to hers, pinning her down, and kissing the faint trail of crimson away.
Jack then groaned as he heard an alarm klaxon go off, and saw a small remote down in Harold’s weezened old fingers…

Still on top of Nisha, and with his free hand, Jack’s large bore pistol barked out a single shot, and Harold’s right hand erupted into a cascade of gore and viscera. Tassiter howled out in pain even louder as the bullet tore through his flesh, making his bones explode…
“Naughty Naughty Harold!” Jack said to him in his best game show host style voice, grinning down at him savagely… Jack then bit Nisha’s ear roughly, hard enough to show how how he likes to be bitten, wanting to send white hot waves of fire up her nerves… He loved it when she squealed, and Jack does everything he can to make her do so….

Jack then ripped the pretty girl’s G string aside, and shoved three fingers into her waiting, dripping cunt… Her freshly shaven pussy swallowed them, her folds tightening around and caressing the new vistors, welcoming them into her velvety depths.

With his other hand, he unzipped his fly, and brought forth his throbbing, massive cock, and wasted no time. He slid deep inside of her depths, feeling her expand to take his massive fuckpole inside of her body….
He then released her arm, drew both of Nisha’s revolvers for her, placing both of the weapons on the desk at Nisha’s sides so she could have easy access to the weapons without having to reach for them…

“I take it we have 27 seconds before they get here… 2.7 million credits says I make you cum before then, and when they do get here, another 2.7 million says you miss every shot you make….” He huffed down to the sexy cowgirl beneath him, roughly fondling her breasts through her thin, tight white shirt, pinching her nipples very hard, wanting her to scream for him….

Jack growled into her ear as he moved his hips front and back, side to side, trying to move as much as possible to throw off her aim as well as to stir her sex... He felt her velvet soft walls grip him like a tight fist, and Jack allowed himself a moment to be mesmerized by the sexy little harpy...

It was easy to get lost in the moment. Mixing pain and pleasure, kissing and biting, blood and saliva. Getting tossed about and slammed on the desk. It was everything she hoped it would be and more. He might have been a skinny guy, but he certainly knew how to rough her up He pulled her arm painfully behind her back, a sharp shriek leaving her mouth, equal parts agony and arousal. Fingers forcing their way inside her. Three thick digits, entering her with ease as soaking wet as she was,.in that moment. She swayed in rhythm with his strokes,moaning and sighing as he found every pleasurable spot within her body. She was nothing if not an eager slut.

With legs spread wide, granting him complete access to her cunt, She took every inch of his length between her moist walls. She hadn't expected him to be so well endowed, groaning as his dense meat parted her soft flesh, filling her perfectly. She wrapped her legs around his hip, holding him in her tightly. Her stillettos dug into his thighs, and each potent thrust caused her to squeeze him tight, jabbing him with the pointed heel, as if to encourage him further. It was a loud, hard fucking, their bodies smacking into each other, the wet sound of her pussy getting pummeled over and over again, their carnal cries, the dying screams of Tassiter. It was a lovely symphony of smut, with the alarm sounding off in the background.

“” She asked between strokes, breathing hard. She could cum, especially the way he was fucking her shit up at the moment. It wasn't long enough to be completely satisfied, but she suspected he had some plan in place. She would hate to have to cut this fuck short, even if it was for more homicide.

“You are on, pretty boy,” She snarled, gripping one of the revolvers tightly. She sat herself up, wrapping the hand that held a gun behind his neck. She fucked him back, as much as she could given the position, using her muscle control to clench his dick tightly. Still, the way his manhood rubbed her every wall made her shudder, and soon those convulsion were no longer vonluntary or under her control.

“Fuck...FUCK...Fuck yes...YESSSSSS!!!!” She screamed out, digging her free hand into his back as her body shook with bliss. Waves of euphoria washed over her, and gushed down her thighs and his own, filling the room with an overwhelming scent of lust.

The door slid open as she came down from the heights of rapture, filling with armed guards. She squeezed the trigger, grunting as Jack slammed into her from the left. She hit the door frame, just inches from the guy's head. Two manged to duck behind a couch before she got off another shot, tearing through a cushion in an explosion of fluff as Jack slammed into her cervix. She fell back a bit, reaching for the other gun as another guard found refuge behind a bookshelf. She Managed to hit the next guy entering in the throats, as he gurgled his death cry, sputtering uselessly on the floor. “I got one...” She told him breathlessly, unloading the rest of the clip to keep the other three pinned down.

Handsome Jack laughed maniacally as he continued to pile drive the sexy little vixen against his new desk, feeling the friction against her silken walls heat his flesh... And then he felt her pussy tighten around him and explode, squeezing his cock with such force his mechanical eyes bulged from his head momentarily, and he pursed his lips together...

Jack groaned as her scalding hot juices washed over his throbbing member, soaking his thighs and puddling around his trousers, filling the room with her womanly aromas... The scent was enough to drive him crazy with lust...

He didn't notice the bullets reflecting off of his personal force field as it mingled with Nisha's own protective energy shielding creating a capacitive feedback effect... He gripped her hair, and continued to fuck her tight, sodden, sensitive hole... He slid his hands down her perfectly toned abdomen, and brushed her clitoris teasingly as he drew her other pistol and slammed it next to her primary hand... Jack then gave her hair a strong yank as he tossed a fake frag grenade behind the couch where the security team dove for cover....

The idea was to flush them out of hiding, not destroy his new office...

As they scurried out like roaches to get away from it, he slung out the large bore revolver's cylinder, and placed it in his mouth. With practiced ease, he placed a speed loader into the cylinder, and twisted it, loading all six cartridges simultaneously as he let go of her hair, and smacked the girls hot, tanned, bouncy ass hard as he moved his hips to and fro... Jack tossed the empty speed loader aside, and reached down, bringing Nisha up in a loving, if rough headlock, pressing her bare back into his expensive silken Hyperion business shirt, and felt her tight back muscles rubbing up against him through the material...

As he slid his massive cock in and out of her from behind in a standing position, He leveled Nisha's Jakobs revolver at the brute charging them both, and loosed two quick shots. The first one tore through the guard's throat like papermache, spraying blood and viscera all over the expensive leather couch behind him. The second shot tore through his nasal cavity with the same devastating results...

"Fuck" Jack swore, that couch was uber comfortable, and would have made a nice spot to violate his little cowgirl in her tight ass later... The other two guards dove back out into the hallway for cover...

Jack, with his arms embraced around the deliciously brutal Nisha tightly, replaced the two shells with spares from her tight fitting gunbelt...

With the small moment of respite, he took a moment to withdraw his cock from her womanhood, and gasped at how much of her thick girl cum poured out of her hot little vessel...

He yanked her hair back as he shoved the reloaded revolver back into her leg holster, and bit hungrily at her exposed neck, digging his teeth into her supple flesh, marking his territory... It was a bite that would leave a reminding mark for at least a month...

Jack then slammed her down on the desk face up, and spread her legs wide, thrusting his still erect cock deep within her folds, making he juices squirt out all around her glistening labia...
He then rolled over on the desk, putting Nisha on top of him... In this way she could ride him, with both of her weapons drawn... He could likewise lean back, and aim his weapons at the doorway as well, if upside down... But with his dick so far inside of her he really didn't care the angle...

He then drew both of his semi automatic Hyperion pistols, and leveled them at the door...

They would be coming back, and soon...
The wager was practically voided, since he won the first, but lost the second, effectively meaning he would pay her, then she would turn right around and pay him...
"Double or nothing you sexy bitch, 5.4 million that you can't get me off before the next batch..."
Jack had bent her backwards in just about as he tried damn near every position possible in the office. Finally he gave her a chance to be in control, putting her on top of him, while his head hung over the desk.

“Keep your money, Jack,” She groaned, rolling her hips over his as her hungry cunt devoured his length greedily. “You can’t pay for this pussy.” She starting moving up and down, clenching him tightly within her slick channel as she rose, only to let gravity pull her back down with all its power. “I want a gun. A fancy as fuck Hyperion pistol. I’m talking a 30 round clip, incendiary rounds, high power scope, extra precise. And I want you to name it after me.” She moved harder now, raking her nailed over his chest, drawing tiny rivulets of blood that threaten to ruin his shirt. Her ass smacked against his balls as she came down on his with all her weight, fucking him with wild abandon now.

Holding down his shoulders, she got more aggressive, rocking hard against his body. She nearly came completely off his length each time she rose, only to have the lips of her cunt kiss the base of his shaft with each slam onto him. She pushed herself up now, bringing her hands down his chest until one rested on his abs, just between those delightful hips bones. She sat upright, maintaining her pace as her other hand came around, finding and cupping his balls. She fondled his nuts, alternating between gentle and cruel pressure, taking great pleasure in the contortions of his handsome, synthetic face.

She turned now, forgoing the safety of watching the door for more intruders. From this angle, her cunt squeezed his cock tighter, and he would get a great view of her ass bouncing up and down as her fucked herself on him. She continued to tease his balls, testing his limits for pain and pleasure. Her other hand was still on his abs, and behind her now. She arched her back, still pumping her hips rhythmically, fitting his meat inside her liquid heat. More and more she buried him within her silken folds, collapsing upon her retreated, only to be stretched around him each time she came down.

Jack grinned as the sexy cowgirl raped him on his soon to be former boss's desk...
The feel of her impossibly hot, silken fuckhole devouring his hot meat, flooding him with her slick, boiling hot juices...

The blaring alarms, the screaming of what was left of Mr Taggart on the floor, the heavy sounds of booted feet running down the hallway...

The adrenaline hit him like an anvil, it was so hot and exciting for him that he couldn't help but moan with each of her thrusts...

It was hard to explain, but the massive load of adrenaline put him in a deep state of focus...

Jack continued to hand his head over the desk, watching to doorway upside down, pointing his pistol in its general directions, with Nisha fucking him with abandon, making his aim swerve just a bit...

He enabled his cybernetic brain co-processor to help him make sense of it all...As such he suddenly became that much better at multitasking...

All at once, he was able to simultaneously process the feeling of Nisha's gorgeous, bare ass hitting his balls hotly, and her leather clad legs rubbing aggressively against his thighs, making his cock that much harder inside of her already impossibly tight cunt...

He grunted in pain/pleasure as he felt her razor sharp claws lightly cut at his chest, the searing pleasurable fire her nails left in their wake arousing his masochistic needs all the more...

Jack then felt her other hand grip his abs... for some reason the feel of her hot, flat palm against his washboard abs made him even MORE horny, and his hips began to involuntarily fuck up into her, meeting her hips as the threatened to hammer him back down to the desk...

A good dirty fucking on his bitch ass dick headed dog fucking boss's desk, (while the piece of shit screamed and watched in horror no less) from a dirty, beautiful girl, while he gets to shoot things, while she gives him a new idea for a groundbreaking product that would sell like hot cakes...

As he sultry words ripped from her sexual, skilled tongue and flew through the air to his ears, he imagined it...

A beautiful, but deadly weapon... A semi-automatic for sure, but with the magazine as a quick change revolving cylinder, akin to what a sexy cowgirl should have... It would also break over in the center, like this sexy bitch did when he had her over the desk... It would have excellent accuracy, It would have explosive rounds, and clean sexy lines. This fine piece of Hyperion engineering enough power to stop an armored Bullymong with one well placed shot, ripping out its heart in an explosive, painful manner.....

Rip out a heart... Yep, that sounded like Nisha alright...

His pulse quickened, and in between huff and puffs from enduring her bounces, he cried out... "We will call it the heartbreaker!!!"

At which point, three more soldiers tried to break into the room... Jack's crimson, candy red pistol barked out six times, two rounds for each ambitious asshole that sought to ruin his coup-de-tat / date night extravaganza.

The first soldiers head exploded from the first round, the second entering the barrel of his assault rifle, causing it to explode violently in the guard's already limp hands, showering him with deadly shrapnel, and reducing him to a pile a blood and viscera...

He felt his balls heat up, and his cum begin to boil...

The second soldier cried out in anguish as the explosive rounds took out his right hand, and most of the trigger grip of his rifle... He dropped his weapon and gripped his geysering wrist, crying and sobbing like a little bitch who just had his lunch money forcibly taken away...

Jack jerked his head back as he felt his loins tense up, a wave a pleasure threatening to shake him so hard his teeth would fall out...

The third armored jackass yelped in severe pain, as both of his kneecaps vaporized as the chobham rounds tore through bone, flesh, and tendon as if they were little more than rotten wood...

That was too much... Jack's thick cock exploded deep within the sexy Nisha, flooding her tight, hot, hungry hole with vast amounts of hot, sticky cum...

He moaned as she continued fucking him, just shy of screaming out like a girl...

He reached up, and grabbed her hair, yanking it down so that her face was a mere hair from his cybernetic lips...

"Cum on me now, you insufferable, sexy, sadistic, beautiful little whore.... Do it now..." He growled at her, and bit into her lower lip firmly, kissing her like a savage caveman, roughly devouring any moans ans whimpers she had to offer...

Nisha laughed triumphantly as Jack pumped string after string of burning hot semen deep within her loins. “Fuck Yes!” She growled, engulfing his meat within herself and splattering the combination of their orgasms all over their sweat covered bodies. Jack pulled her down, into a vicious kiss, and sent the couple tumbling over the desk onto the floor. It seemed the intensity of his release and Nisha’s fucking left him forgetting he was already hanging half over the desk.

Still, sprawled along the floor, in an awkward entanglement of bodies and fluids, Jack was kissing her, and her tongue met his with equal hunger. Hand fisting in his hair, not letting him go or even get up, as bullets whizzed overhead. Her free hand felt along the desk, to the pistol he pulled for her earlier. Peeking out the corner of her eye, she brought up her revolver to take the head off an incoming guard. A second shot pinned the chest of another man to the wall, and the third guy slipped in the growing puddle of blood and viscera. Nisha stood now, still kissing Jack, plugging their voyeur in the left eye.

“Are you sure we should be killing all these guys?” She asked now, breaking off the kiss to let him nip at her neck. She took out two more men taking up positions around the door, while casually talking to Jack, “I mean, don’t they work for you now? Doesn’t seem like a sound business practice.” She questioned, in between breathy rasps as he gnawed on her. She pulled him over to the couch by his throat, tossing him down on his ass.

“Tell me you want my ass. Tell all the things you want to do to it. Beg for my tight little hole to be wrapped around your tongue and fingers and cock.” She damned, biting into his throat now, returning the mark he left on her with one of his own. She gave him a chance to beg her, unloading her last bullet into an incoming guard. She picked him up now, replacing the bullets in the chamber and bending over the couch, with that round brown ass rubbing up against his stomach from this angle he could fuck both of her holes while she took out any more guards trying to interrupt their fun.

"These bitches are little more that Taggart's personal guard... I have no use for them..." Jack retorted, smacking her large, round, brown ass a few times, making it red and warm, raising the blood up to her skin, and preparing her for the more harsh beating she was about to receive...

He imagined her gorgeous ass being made even more gorgeous with straight red lash marks all over it, burning and sore, as he rubbed heated, tingling massage oil into its flesh... Sticking his fingers into her tight puckered hole, getting it nice and lubed for his big cock...

Fuck, could this sexy little bitch get any more hot?

He moaned as she tossed him around, grabbing her hips as she ground them into his crotch with vicious circles...

Then his blood lit on fire, hearing her voice take a more domineering tone, ordering him to beg for her ass. There was something to be said about a strong girl holding you down, and fucking you because she wants to and can do it...

"No, sexy little whore..." he murmured.... "I have a better idea... You rub the crack of your ass against my cock, and then in your best, sweet innocent little girl like voice, you beg me to beg for your ass... Plead for me that you want me on my knees, begging you for that tight, dark skinned ass that already mine... " He said, biting into one of her succulent asscheeks, deep enough to almost draw blood, wanting to shock her senses, and hear her succulent, dirty little mouth emit an erotic scream for him....

“My best, sweet innocent little girl voice? Jack, you got the wrong bitch if that’s what you want!” Nisha growled, grinding her plump ass against his hardness, wanting to be violated already. Her nefarious lover wasn’t going to give in so easily, a master of mental manipulation. She squealed out as his teeth tore into soft globes of her rear. Finding some incentive to follow his commands.

“Please Jack? Please, beg me to give you my ass. Don’t you want this ass baby? Don’t you want to feel it? Pressed up against you, swallowing that fat dick of yours. Pump it full of cum, pump me full of cum until I am nothing but your nasty little cumslut,” Nisha begged and moaned, forgetting about halfway through to do the cute and innocent thing. Oh, she still had the dulcet tone going, but the words were dirty things sipping form her tongue.

The dirty tongue she would gladly run from the rim of his ass hole to the tip of his cock, in a single fluid. Hmm, to taste his powerful, masculine zest, it bore new ideas in her head, and a powerful urge to swallow that cock. Hmm, maybe next time he drove somewhere, she could test his skill, see if he could concentrate on the road with her lips slurping on his meat. She would take it as a personal slight if she were not able to cause an accident with her cock-sucking.

More guards poured into the doorway, still stupidly running into their demise. Nisha angrily popped off another shot, hitting this first guy right in the crotch, not so subtly signaling to Jack her impatience, not even bothering to finish the guy off, letting his pain scream serenade the crazy couple as they negotiated anal. The next two were luckier, getting it in the forehead and throat, adding their blood to the massive puddle forming in the doorway. She half hoped Jack would slam her down into it, painting her body crimson, as he fucked her raw. She could see, even now her head held down by Jack’s , drowning her in the blood of their victims.

“Dammit Jack, you better shove something in me before I get tempted to beat you down and violate you with a gun. You know I don’t like waiting!”

Jack clenched his teeth, airr hissing between them as they steamy heat from Nisha round, hot ass permeated his cock's nerve endings...

Such a devilishly sweet, dirty, evil girl, catering to his whims, making a good faith attempt at sounding like a sweet, innocent little girl with an impossibly wet hole, begging for his cock... Only to turn hostile, and threaten him with a pistol...

The though alone was enough to arouse him even more, the dangerous thrill of Nisha penetrating his ass with one of her revolvers, talking dirty to him... teasing him...

His eyes snapped up seriously, jolting him from his daydream as the report from the sexy little slut's weapon assaulted his ears...
Jack saw the aftermath of his beloved assassin's marksmanship, and the ankle deep puddle of crimson blood flowing around the corpses...
Taggart continued to scream and flail, with the screams of the crotch-shot guard adding to its din, serenading Nisha, making her even wetter...

He looked down and saw her brown, glistening ass rub against his hard, throbbing meat... The sexy black leather coating her thighs in a highly naughty manner...

This was too much for the prospective CEO of Hyperion industries to bear... He reached up into the Sherrif's silky auburn hair, and took a rough handfull of it, close to her scalp... With one sweep of his powerfully muscular leg, he knocked the statuesque woman off of her stiletto booted feet, and dragged the poor girl over the deep pool of ruby colored liquid...

With one deft mothin, Jack Put Nisha in an amr-bar, wrenching it to its limit, feeling her tendons strain and stretch, likely causing his hot fucktoy and incredible amount of delicious pain...

He tightened his grip upon her hair, and shoved her beautiful fluid streaked face into the pool of coppery tasting viate...

Still holding her arm, he pressed her down deeper into the puddle, and with his other hand, gripped her leather clad him by her heavy beltloops, and shoved his long, hard, meaty cock deep withing her tight, forbidding nether regions...

"Scream for me sexy girl... Let me know how good your pain is... I want to be able to hear you over these amateurs... Give me a sexy scream right now!!!" he roared down at her, having to stifle a gasp as he tight ass swallowed him whole, gripping him tightly, promising to never let go....

Nisha growled as Jack swept her off her feet and dragged her through the office like a caveman. A powerful display of his power and dominance, driving her mad with lustful desire. The growl turned into a squeal as he pinned her arm back, manhandling her in that way he knew she loved. She would really have to return the favor one of these days.

As thought he could read her mind, he shoved her down, head on the floor in a pool of blood, ass in the air awaiting his throbbing cock. A loud, gurgling gasp escaped her lips as he held her in position, the cool marble tile standing in contrast to the hot blood flowing from her victims. And then Jack Added another interesting sensation to the mix, sliding his slick meat inside, not letting her tightness get in the way of his pleasure.

Nisha didn’t need to be told twice to scream, as her feminine wails were added to the pained chorus playing out around them. If he wasn’t covered in a mixture of their orgasms, the friction might have been too painful for Even her to enjoy, but as it stood, there was just enough lubrication to make her anal violation slick and smooth. Nisha grunted against his thrusts. “FUCK! Fucking…FUCK!” She was having some trouble matching his witty dialogue as his meat plundered her, splitting that ass in two along his girth.

Fingers came down to tease her own clit and finger herself, loving how she could feel his cocking moving in her through the thin membrane that separated her holes. “Fuck me!” She howled, as blood coated her face and stuck in her hair, “Yes, fucking fuck me!” Damn, every pulse of blood to his manhood throbbed within her, and she could feel all of it, every malicious inch of his member probing her depths. Her shrieks echoed throughout the space station as three finger filled her slit, the tight fit feeling insanely good right about now. “Fucking use me! Use my ass raw! I fucking love it!”
For Friendship, Perhaps
A nymph and her human lover get ensnared by a hunter looking for a cure for the disease that threatens his life. Nymphs are a favorite nonhuman creature to play, I just love exploring the ways they are different from humans.

For the fifth year in a row, the village of Tanhuang had harvested a most bountiful crop. The idyllic hamlet was situated fairly for this task, a meadow surrounded by a lush forest, with a crystal clear stream nearby. Nature provided everything the small settlement could ever need, and provided it in abundance. Though, strictly speaking, it wasn't some nebulous entity as nature that provided these gifts to the people. Orchid, the forest nymph, was solely responsible.

About five years ago, a fisherman and his daughter, Lianshi, from the village had pulled up a clam form the nearby lake. He was about to throw it back, when out slipped a pink pearl, utterly unmatched in clarity or beauty. The fisherman knew he could sell the pearl for more money than he would ever need. As he endeavored to leave with the pearl in his possession, a most striking being appeared before him, beseeching his mercy, that the pearl might be left in the lake.

The woman had an unearthly beauty, with long, thick scarlet hair, curling about her heart shaped face. It covered her full teardrop breasts, which were otherwise bare. She was some perfect combination of slender and curvy, her delicate frame emphasizing all the juicy bits all the more.

Had the fisherman been alone, he might have demanded some sort of lewd payment for his compliance. The presence of his teen-aged daughter had complicated matter, in that sense at least. Aspiring to be better for the girl, he asked for the nymph's blessing, that there might be a fruitful harvest after years of disappointing reapings.

Since that time, the villagers regularly made offering to the benevolent fey. Orchid,as she become known by, asked specifically that the fisherman's daughter be her go between. In the meantime, the girl had grown into a lovely young woman, if somewhat overshadowed by the nymph's beauty. She was significantly taller than the fey, thinner in every aspect. Her brown hair was longer and straighter, falling somewhere on her lower back.

This day, the two women were having picnic in a clearing near the lake. Orchid had developed a taste for the various baked goods the village had begun to offer her in return for his gifts. Lianshi had brought a silken blanket for them to sit upon, while she fed Orchid a bite of lemon cakes, shuddering as the lovely nymph took a finger between her plump lips, sucking off all the sweetness that lingered there. Orchid enjoyed watching Lianshi's reactions, closely watching how the innocent girl was affected by all the affection the nymph had lavished upon her.

“Hmm, it's too bad the cakes are all gone. I bet a taste still rests on your lips,”the nymph teased, pulling Lianshi into a playful kiss. Soft lips and tongues intertwined, their kiss accentuated by the dulcet tase of the dessert they had shared. Lianshi was rather tentative with her affection, shy about the way she had lusted over the fey. Orchid was far more brazen, engulfing her human friend in a hungering embrace. Seemingly all alone from perverted, prying eyes, the two women indulged their sweet toothes.

As their moment was sweet, reality was nowhere as nice as the moment those women shared. Truth was that there was someone watching them. Someone excited. But it wasn't because of the image of their sensual fun.
He was using a name "Silver" since he started his job. He was a hunter for creatures both mundane and unusual. Killing or capturing wolves, bears, verns, ogres or anything else that people wanted dead, stuffed or caged. And he was dying.

Pains started two years ago. He ignored them at first, but attacks of piercing pain in his chest got worse and more frequent with time. He visited doctors, healers and priests. They all told him the same. "Your disease is terminal. Our medicine can't help you."

And so he searched for the supernatural ways of saving his life. With a help from his friend - a scholar - he examined tales, legends and other stories of miraculous healing. Some of them got discarded immediately. They required hunting down creatures that were either extinct or dangerous enough to make slow and painful death from sickness a preferable options. A handful remained. And so Silver began searching for a cure.

And now he had a perfect chance. Nymph's pearl. An object containing her life force. Tales say about people being healed by it. And those who perished trying to obtain it. Nymphs are not aggressive in nature, but will stop at nothing to defend their lives. Just as humans, it seems. That's why
Silver wanted to neutralize the fey first, and then look for the precious object. He was stronger and good at fights, but pearl was most likely underwater, and even a fit man can be drowned by a small woman if she can breath and move freely in the lake.

That was his biggest concern. Nymphs are rarely seen out in the open, and if so - they are careful and cautious.

But this one here was preoccupied. It was his chance. Probably one and only chance. If he fails, he will most likely never have another attempt.

He calmed his nerves. Grip on his net got tighter. It was a special net. Enchanced with silver and jade stones to hold even the more mystical creatures at bay. Silver crawled out of his hiding place in the bushes and started sneaking on the two girls. His experience was very helpful. Many times he had to close the distance between him and his prey before attacking. He knew how to estimate the safe distance. Heart was pounding in his chest. Soon, another attack will surely come, but right now he had an opportunity he cannot waste.

When he was close enough, he jumped from the tall grass. With well-trained movements, he cast his net over the women. Weighted ends made sure it will entangle the victims as soon as they start to struggle. And he will be there to make sure it traps them perfectly. Tying it up before they can make their way out.

Orchid pushed Lianshi on to her back, and crawled over her, kissing her neck and ears in a playful, sensual manner. Lianshi was nothing but moans and gasps, shocked at how far the fey was taking this. She had shared kisses before, but this was something more, something more intense. It made the human woman warm and tingly between her legs just wondering how far the flirtatious fey would take things.

The two women were too enveloped in one another to notice another nearby. The sensual fey was straddling her human friend when the net entangled them. Lianshi shrieked as the cool metal held them in place, forcing the volumputous nymph up against the lithe human. While Lianshi panicked, Orchid tried to assess the situation. The nymph was far older than her appearance would suggest, and she was used to situation such as these.

The net was special, she could tell that off the bat. It wasn't merely that it was made of fine materials, it was warded against magic as well. Magic wouldn't work towards freeing her, in any case. Still, she had her ways, as she craned to her neck see the man who had captured her.

“Congratulations, you have captured my attention,” The fey called out from her prone, and provocative position, on her hands and knees above Lianshi. Not a modest creature by nature, the greenery she adorned herself in did not do much to cover her body. It would take much to gain access to her honeyed core. She swayed her hips in an alluring fashion, offering up what she assumed he wanted, “Come claim your prize form my body. I won't fight you if you don't hurt my friend.” She offered coyly, making eye contact with her assailant.

Orchid thought she knew how this would go. There was hardly a man alive who wouldn't want to fuck a nymph, and more than once before she had given her body to a man that would have otherwise threatened her harm. It was a valuable currency, and she had plenty of it to spare. Once he was spent within her, he would be weak enough to overpower, whether she decided to kill him for his arrogance, or escape to safety with her friend. Whatever the case, she wanted to be sure he didn't harm Lianshi. She was fond of the girl,and would have hated to see her raped before her.

Lianshi meanwhile, was alone in her terror, shocked at how calmly the nymph offered herself to the hunter. It didn't register to her that the nymph was trying to protect them, that it was better to give in to a man who wanted her, than be cruelly taken against one's will. She trembled as the hunter secured them in place, begging pathetically that he let them go.

"Don't worry about that." Voice belonged to a rather tall, athletic man in his forties, who was making sure that the net was properly secured from attempts to untie it. Wearing only solid boots, simple pants and worn shirt to provide maximum freedom of movement - he didn't expect actual fight here - and having his dark-brown hair cut short. His hands held multiple small or bigger scars and marks, suggesting he was not living an easy life. Rough, weather-beaten face with brown-green eyes was not really friendly, but not thuggish either

"I'm not going to hurt her." Silver straightened up, looking at the two trapped women. "I'm not here for her. And I'm not even here for you. Even if your offer is tempting." he leaned in and gave her semi-exposed butt a light smack. He felt his lust rising, but it takes a second place to survival any time of the week.

"I want something else, and in order to get this, I need you to stay here like a good little nymph" he said, his gaze turned to the lake. It was obvious what he means. Nymphs are rarely caught. Even if captured, they tend to die off quickly when captive. And miraculously, a new nymph shows up where the captured resided. If it was "new" one at all. The main goal of anyone knowing what to do was the Life Pearl.

"Now you might want to use next few minutes to say your goodbyes." he warned the women, before walking towards the water surface.

Now he needed to act quickly. Silver could already feel the pain approaching. Swimming and diving was not the best idea in that situation, but he couldn't wait. It was - from the very beginning - a "heal or kill" kind of treatment he expected to face.

In few moments he was out of the shoes. Shirt and pants got cast aside.
Taking a few breaths, he watched the surface. Naked, he jumped into calm, clear water. To search for the cure for his deadly disease.

Instantly, he started to go deeper. If the nymph hides her most precious thing, it must be in the place least accessible. Silver was confident in his lung capacity. He was no stranger to hunting things in the water. But the approaching pain will make things harder with time. He had to hurry. In his luck, the water was crystal clear. It was either thanks to this that nymph lived here... or the other way around?

The point is - he could easily search the bottom without having to go all the way to it.

First try was to no avail, he had to go back to the surface. To take a few breaths of precious air before submerging again. Water was cold. A sting of pain hit his chest and got stuck there. A bad sign.

Again, he had to go for the air. Things were looking grim. Soon either pain in his chest will make him drown or go back on the land. Either that or the nymph finds a way to escape.

He went under the water once again. Deep into the clear depths. Strain turned the sting in his chest to a needle. This turned into a knife, stabbing him again and again. This was hopeless. The lake was big enough for few men to search whole day. But he had to try. There might be no second chances.

There it was! A big, red clam, glowing slightly in the shade of the rock!

Silver darted towards it like his life depends on it. And it did. Fighting the strain of protesting lungs and growing pain, he managed to grab the slippery shell and rushed out of the water. To air. To life.

He crawled on the sand. Panting. Barely able to move. The pain was unbearable, but he just gritted his teeth. He was so close. No way he's going to just roll over and die now!

Without a proper tool to open the clam, he laid it on the ground. With a wild roar, he smashed his fist against it. A crack. A sharp pain in his hand when broken shell cut deep into the skin. That didn't matter. A small price to pay. No victories come without them. With bloodied hand, he grabbed the beautiful, pink pearl. Glowing with lush, warm light.

This was it.

Something weird happened though. As the pearl touched his blood, it soaked it in, turning red like the liquid it absorbed. Silver was surprised. Did he broke it? Was that supposed to happen? He didn't know what is happening.

What was happening? Silver didn't know that when his blood touched the pearl, he saved Orchid's life. And also his own. If he was to swallow the pearl untouched, the sheer energy would kill him. And it would also kill the nymph. But with mixing his own life with it first, it would allow her to survive - and in turn him to not perish from too much life pumped into him at once. It was also bonding her to him, but that he will learn soon enough.

The hunter had little time to think about it. "Heal or kill". Whether it should be happening or not, he was not going to stop. Either it works or not.
Lifting the bloodied pearl, he put it in his mouth. And swallowed.

For a moment, nothing happened. He just watched the tree-tops with a silly expression.

And then it hit him. Like a hammer to the head. He tried to scream, but only a stifled moan escaped his mouth as he fell face-first into the sand.

This could be described in multitude of ways. As having sunlight pumped to one's veins. As spring coming in minutes. As having the best trip ever.

Pure life flowed into him, curing his body. Mending his wounds. Rejuvenating his body in couple of moments. He felt 20 years younger. He looked like at least 10 was substracted from his age. When he finally reclaimed control of his body, he stood up on unsure feet. His body looked much younger. Healthier. It glowed with inner energy. He had a raging erection, but didn't even notice that, still in a daze.

"Ha... ha ha..." he laughed, watching his hands like he sees them first time in his life. The pain was gone. He felt... great. Better than ever. "I'm alive!"
Still in shock, he aimed his unsteady feet towards the net.

"Hey, is she dead?" he asked from a distance, but as he asked, he knew the answer... He felt her. He felt that the nymph was still alive. He was somehow... connected to her now. It made him dizzy. "She's not, is she?"

Orchid's mood went from annoyed to scared shitless in a few brief seconds. Passing up her offer for sex meant he had his sights on something else, something far more valuable to her. He knew she would fight tooth and nail to protect it, and that's why he bound her in his net.

Lianshi hadn't quite caught on to what was happening, at least not as quickly as Orchid had. The man's ominous words as he began to disrobe sent shivers down her spine, as she tried to figure out what he intended to do. She watched as he removed every piece of clothing he had on, a deep blush covering her face as she saw the cock between his legs, just slightly stiff. She had never seen a naked man before, and now she could hardly look away. She knew men and women were different in that way, she just never figured what that difference meant in practical terms. A moment later he dove into the water and Lianshi figured out what e was after.

“Orchid, he is going for the pearl!” she warned, too little, too late. The fey nodden, scanning their surroundings. She began digging around the weights of the net, trying to find a way to free them. Dirt and rocks tore at her fingers and nails, but if she couldn't escape she would surely die. She managed to free one weight, , and lifted it as high as it would go. It only rose up a couple inches, not nearly enough for the curvy woman to escape. However, it may be just enough for lianshi to ship out, as she was so skinny.

“Lianshi, I need you to help me now,” Orchid whispered to her friend, digging away at the next weight.

“You need to slip out of this net and stop that man. Please, I could die if he steals my pearl.” Orchid had a quiet desperation now, knowing that if their captor heard he might try to stop her in a more vicious manner.

Lianshi nodded, always eager to help the creature that helped her village. She squirmed and shimmied, barely squeezing out of the net. The rings that held the net together caught on her skin, causing small scratches on her fair skin. The fabric of her dress was caught on one, tearing nearly half the top off. Covered in dirt and cuts, it took almost two minutes for the girl to squeeze through the opening, before she bent over to help dig Orchid out.

“No don't waste your time. You need to stop him, I think you could drown him, he keeps coming up for air quickly, breathing hard each time.” Orchid advised, freeing a second weight. She started squeezing through the opening, but gave up quickly, realizing she could unearth another weight more quickly than she could fit.

Lianshi shuddered at Orchid's suggestion, knowing she could possibly overpower the man, and not even sure she could bring herself to kill him. She kept digging at the weight. Until she heard the smash of the man's hands breaking open the clam. She looked around, spotting a large rock and ran for it. She carried the large rock over to the man hoping to catch him off guard. She didn't have to kill him, just knock her out long enough to free Orchid. She had to be brave for her.

She saw him hold the pearl, and gasped as he put it in his mouth. She dropped the rock, not believing what she had seen. She shook hard, wondering if she had condemned her friend to death with her cowardice when he fell over. She nearly went to check on him when she heard a cry coming from Orchid. She ran back towards her friend, seeing the nymph sitting there with three weights unearthed, no longer trying to escape.

“Orchid! He, he, he ate the pearl!” She tried to explain, not even believing it as she said it.”I think he died or just passed out, I am not sure. We have to go now. We can still get it back, maybe.” She said, pulling on her friend through the net. The nymph sat still, silent, not moving from her spot. She was in some kind of daze, as if she was unable to process the world around her.

He didn't know it yet, but Orchid knew her life was now entwined with his. Their fates were conjoined, in some kind of sick perversion of a romantic ideal. He would be immortal, just as she was, so long as they both lived. If one died, so would the other, and they would both die if they got too far apart from one another. She would going to have to spend the rest of her very long life around that man.

Silver walked towards the women. He was slightly irritated that one of them escaped the net, but that irritation was distant and unimportant right now. His mind was still trying to process what the fuck just happened. He was too preoccupied to be bothered with some minor details. Like the fact he's naked and fully erect as he stood next to Lianshi. Ignoring her for now. If the need arises, he can neutralize her in a blink of an eye. Being ashamed was never high on his priorities anyway. He had nothing to be ashamed of anyway. Or a lot, depending how one looks at it.

"I'm healed, you're alive." he said to the nymph sitting there. "Not the worst scenario I could think of.." a bit absently, he crouched to set Orchid free.

"Your friend is free to go but you..." he looked fey in the eyes. "I can't leave you here, can I?" while it might take him a while to process the whole thing, he somehow understood the general idea. He is bound to the nymph and she was to him.

He stood up and pulled the net away, freeing the woman. Now he could take a good look at her. Immediately, a rush of lust flowed into him. His newfound overflow of life energy searched for ways to be released. One look and he knew he wants to ravish the fey. Over and over again. Screw her. Bang her. Fuck her. Over and over again, until she's filled with his seed... And then some. And through the bond they shared, he knew that Orchid is aware of his desires. Perhaps even shared them.

"Get lost, girl." he growled at Lianshi. "I have no beef with you. But I'm taking that nymph with me. Go back to your home."

Both women watched the man carefully, quietly. He was still nude, and his cock stood firm. Lianshi, didn't look direct at, treating it as though it were the sun, and could blind her if she stared. Orchid took notice of his rejuvenated form. He was back to the prime of his life, and would stay that way until he died. He even seemed more appealing to her, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was taking on more handsome sylvan features, or if it was just their bond drawing her to him.

He seemed to understand it as well, from his question. She stood as he freed her from the net, though she knew she was hardly free of the man.

“No, I am sure that just like my pearl, we need to stay in close to each from now on,” she explained softly, meeting his gaze. It didn't long, as he looked her over like she was a prized buck he took down. She was sure he was coming to the same realization as her, that he now had control of her. The pearl would protect him from her magic, but she was not protected from being overpowered by him, so he had the power in this scenario. Best she could hope was that he wouldn't lord it over her too cruelly.

She supposed she would find out what kind of master he would be now, while he looked upon her with lust in his eyes. She didn't see a point in fighting him off, she knew this would be easier to just give in to his desires. No point in getting hurt over something she couldn't possible stop now.

Lianshi wasn't going to let this man do whatever he wanted without even a word of protest.“If swallowing her pearl healed you, I think you owe her! You can't take her away from her own home!” She stood up to him, finding some foolish bravery in coming to her friend's aid. She put herself between him and the nymph, determined to protect Orchid, somehow.

Before the hunter could force Lianshi out of the way, Orchid put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her gently back. “It's okay hun. We will see each other again,” Orchid tried comforting her, putting on a warm smile to hide the lie she was telling. She kissed Lianshi once more, deep and long, lamenting their missed opportunity to connect. Lianshi squeezed her firend tightly, before taking off in towards the village.

Silver was indeed looking younger, and it seemed like his body was still in the process of shifting. It might take days before it finally reaches the final point of the rejuvenation. And while it was healed, his scars and marks mostly remained in place, which was strange. Body should reconstruct itself even there. But it seems like it reshapes according to the image he had in his head, not simply by removing the years of him.

His daze was subsiding gradually. Overloaded senses coming back to normal. He looked at Lianshi standing between him and his prize. She was a small, frail girl. He could brush her away like a doll. But before he could react, Orchid did something instead.

He could interfere, but he didn't. Just stood there, his arms crossed. Lust was burning him up. He wanted to grab the nymph and take her here and now. Damn, that friend of hers was cute too. Banging them both would be a treat as well. In his current state he felt like thoroughly fucking them both was not beyond his capabilities. But this was not a good idea. Stealing a nymph might anger the locals, but it was no crime. Raping the girl on the other hand, would bring law on his head. His needs have to wait until he gains some distance between him and the village. Especially since this kid will surely immediately tell the others what happened here. Last thing Silver needed after regaining his health was an axe in his head and hoe digging up his ass.

"Forget about her, girl." he said after the departing girl. "She's going to live, so don't worry about that."

"Now this is fucked up..." he muttered when the girl left them alone. "I expected to die, but not that..." he looked at the nymph and another wave of lust washed over him. Her body looked like it was made for pleasure.

"Ugh.." he turned away, fighting the urge to grab the fey by the hair and bring her down to her knees. No time for that! "We're going... I need a place to think things through... And find you some clothes..."

He approached his discarded clothes and started to dress up. With some minor problems with shoving his erect manhood inside the pants, but he managed it pretty quickly. Finally having his clothes on, he felt a bit calmer. He turned to the nymph again, and the calmness dissolved immediately.

"Come... What's your name?" he asked, grabbing and folding the net. He had to occupy his thoughts. But even then he knew he is not going to make it. He will grab the nymph on the way and bend her over a rock or something. Best he can do is cover some distance before it happens.

Orchid watched the man as he continued to adjust to this new situation. He seemed distracted, almost frantic, in a rather controlled manner. She could feel the lust burning within him, and she wondered what he intended to do about it.

“How did you do it? Bind our fates together? I've known fey magic all my life, and I don't know how this happened,” She asked when he explained his disbelief at still being alive, in the way he was. He didn't respond to her question, just made plans. Leave, think this out, find you some clothes. She sighed, there would be time to answer her questions, they had years ahead of them. It was likely he didn't even know what he had done, as surprised as he was by the outcome.

“Clothes?” She asked, as he dressed, not entirely concerned with human notions of modesty. She never had a need before, as she could keep herself warm in inclement weather, avoided activities that might lead to harm, or interacted enough with humans to feel any shame at her exposed body. Besides, clothes felt incompatible with his desires, as she watched him struggle to cover his hardness.

She was rather surprised that he was resisting the urge to take her, even as lust burned in his eyes as he gazed upon her. She was a creature of nature, and she rarely felt the need to ignore her base urges. Another curious human behavior, she reasoned, figuring she would learn more than she ever wanted to know in time.

“Orchid,” she answered in a small voice, smoothing out the wild scarlet tresses covering her face. She followed at his command, having already resigned herself to obey him. It was easier this way.

Not far from them, Lianshi also followed. She didn't trust this man one bit, and her concern for Orchid overcame her better judgment. She wasn't sure how, but she resolved to find a way to free her friend from this man. So she followed, hiding in the forest as they traveled. She wouldn't be hard to the nature attuned nymph or experienced hunter to find, if they were not otherwise distracted by their current situation.

"I have no idea how this happened. A friend of mine dabbles in magic. He told me about this chance to cure myself..." Silver tried to concentrate on something else than a woman behind him. "I was almost sure it'd kill me instead... " And what a waste it would be. Such a pretty thing...

He shook his head. He survived all those years by not losing his head when thing get tough. No reason to start now.

"Gonna ask him about it when we meet again... For now I need to get back for my stuff and find clothes for you. Yes, clothes. If people see you walking like that, they'll..."

He bit his lip. He knew what he would like to do with a naked beauty like that. His hard-on was so powerful it hurt. The hunter kept his gaze forward, knowing that a glimpse of Orchid's beauty might trigger him into action. He heard stories why the village was so rich in harvest. If that girl ran to the inhabitants, he might have an angry mob following him soon enough, wanting to reclaim the benevolent creature that helped them all those years. Losing a newfound life by being chopped up by farming tools was not something he wanted to experience.

He moved with a decent speed of someone familiar with forest, forcing Lianshi to hurry after her friend and him. It took him a while to notice that they're followed. A discovery that he'd scold himself in a normal situation.
Letting someone follow him unnoticed? But this was something he actually noticed with great happiness.

It was her. That girl from before. Silver caught a glimpse of her disappearing behind a tree.She was following them, probably wishing to retrieve her lover.
That means she didn't run to the village. There is no chase yet.

Silver stopped suddenly. He turned around to see the nymph in her all glory. His breath quickened as lust was taking over. All that life force trying to get out of him. To find release.

"Your friend is following us..." he said, unbuttoning his pants. "that means the villagers are not warned about what happened and they're not coming after me..."

He dropped the worn pants, revealing his manhood once again. It stood rigidly like a branch. Big, veiny and pulsing with blood rushing into it. The nymph could sense the raw, sexual energy filling that man in the moment.

"I don't care if she watches. On your knees and please me with your mouth."
Though he doubted it will end at that. He felt like he could cum over and over and still be ready for more. It felt like he's about to explode from the excess of energy.

She listened to his explanation quietly as they walked, She wouldn't expect a human to be so knowledgeable about fey magic, but she didn't spend enough time around human to know them that well. She could only hope that this man was as willing to break this shared bond as she was. She wasn't sure she could handle living her life and his term for too long.

She wondered what kinds of clothes he would make her wear. She thought about some of the thingss Lianshi wore, that always looked so lovely on the girl. Long flowly dresses that hung delicately from her lithe curves. She supposed that wouldn't be so bad, If the alternative was being lusted after constantly.

But being lusted after wasn't about to stop now, as her captor turned towards her. He told her that Lainshi was still nearby, and for a moment she feared for the girl. She was sweet, if not terribly concerned for her own well being. She almost threw herself at the man to dtistract him from harming her friend, when she realized he didn't mind this outcome. He demanded the her mouth, just as she was going to offer it, not wasting a moment in dropping to her knees.

His cock was pulsing prominently with life force, standing firmly in her face. The strong scent of his lust filled her nose, and she could feel her own body stirring, as though this cock was meant for her. It was only the pearl, of course, but it's allure was hard to deny at this point. She pulled the dense manhood to her soft plump lips, coating the head in her saliva. It was a slow, hard sucking, taking each inch of his length with little trouble. She got a little over half way before she had to stop, slidding back down to the head. Back and forth on his cock, running her tongue over his shaft, fitting his meat down into her throat with a satisfied shudder.

Lianshi watching from the bushes, nervous that she had been discovered. She was too far to hear their conversation, and she gasped as she saw him pull out his cock. Were all men so big and thick? She watching orchid drop to her knee and take it in her mouth, his dick disappearing into the depths of her soft mouth. Orchid did it so easily, Lianshi wondered if she had done this with many men. She was amazed that Orchid could fit his thick member completely with her mouth, with only the slightest struggle. She could feel her own body growing very warm, as she watch the lewd act playing out before her.

The newly-rejuvenated hunter was surprised by how quickly and without resistance his command was followed. He expected her to at least object, if not outright resist. But instead, she was down on her knees the moment he finished his sentence. She might've been indifferent after the shock of her pearl being taken. Or resigned upon realisation she was defenceless against a stronger man. But she didn't give such impression. She seemed eager. Willing.

The moment her warm, moist lips embraced his length, he gave a loud groan of pleasure.

"That's it." he muttered. "I'm going to enjoy your company..."

The nymph clearly knew about men and ways of pleasing them. This didn't surprise him. Her kind is made of creatures birthed from nature. She clearly had her own needs and undoubtedly sought to appease them with lucky humans she encountered. And no matter their gender, if what he saw at the lake is any indication. Over the years she must've gathered some experience.

Now what she was doing... It was really something. Silver had his share of lovers and prostitutes, but few could take him so easily from the start. And not just that. With each passing moment it was getting clearer that she enjoys this. The way she played with him, how she moved and breathed. The cheeks of nymph growing red from arousal. Finally, the shudder of satisfaction once she managed to swallow him almost completely. She was into it. Was she slutty before like her skills might suggest, or was it the effect of the bond between them?

He didn't care. Never in his life he was so sensitive to pleasure. And never before he was so desperate for release. The skill that Orchid shows by using her warm and soft lips, her slippery tongue and tight throat. Tormented by lust for some time now, he knew there is no way he can last much longer. He kept his urges contained for too long for him to be able to resist the pleasure.

Moaning hunter couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed Orchid by the hair and shoved his hard, throbbing manhood as far as he could. Tables have turned. No linger being pleasures, he now pleasures himself with her. Moving his hips in order to fuck her mouth as he held her head in place. His movements frantic and desperate, he was fucking her face hard and fast.

It didn't take long for him to be overwhelmed by pleasure. Panting and groaning paced up when he approached his climax. And when it came, it hit him like a sledgehammer. The nymph before him experienced a true eruption in her mouth. Powerful shots of thick, hot fluid filling up her mouth while Silver kept her in place, preventing her from moving away.

He kept pumping more and more of his seed into her, each next shot of cum richer than the next. Whether she was able to take it or not, he released her in the end, allowing his cock to slip out from between her lips. Few last ropes of warm cum landed at her breasts and stomach.

Normally, this would be the end if fun for a moment, but Silver was still filled with untamed lust and life energy. His thick member showed no sign of softening, despite just releasing a huge load. This was still far from over.

Orchid didn’t resist as he take her head in his hand, fucking her mouth with hungry abandon. Now all she had to do was control her own breathing and gagging, as his manhood prodded her throat. It took all of her skills to maintain her composure while he used her like a cheap whore.
His climax as powerful as it was sudden, thick cum strings shooting down her throat. She swallowed and swallowed and swallowed some more, but still he was cumming, more than should have been possible for three men, much less one. She couldn’t drink another drop, but still his steamy seed filled her mouth. She took deep hard breaths, semen dripping from her lips, down her neck. He was still cumming as he pulled out, the hot load leaving pearl colored seed all over her face and shoulders and breasts.  She sat for a moment, collecting herself,  drenching in his drying semen. She looked back up at him, noticing his cock still hard and throbbing in lust. He might have reached his release, but he had more to go before he was satisfied.

“You want more of me?” she asked, somewhat rhetorically. There was little doubt what he wanted, or that he would have it. Her body was still reeling from his earlier treatment of her, and yet she was hot at the thought of him. Well, she was horny, but whether it was because he interrupted her earlier attentions with Lianshi, or because of that powerful connection they now had, she wasn’t sure. Perhaps both. Perhaps she was just frustrated he got off already and she hadn’t. 
She turned away from him, bending over a nearby tree stump. Her luscious round ass was sticking up oh so enticingly, while her bright pink pussy lips were opening up to welcome him in. She would take whatever he had to offer,  without a complaint or struggle. This was her life now.
Not far off, Lianshi was still watching them, too awe-stuck by their display to do anything constructive. She  groped at her own breasts as she watched Orchid bob up and down the stranger’s meat. She had grown so hot between her own legs  it almost burned, and she  shuffled comfortably around the feeling. It o0nly grew worse as she watched the stranger take over the interaction, fucking Orchid as hard as he possibly could.
Lianshi’s own lust was fighting with her concern for her friend, unsure if she should step in to protect her friend from this man. Not much she could do, in reality, other than offer herself up. She was not even sure that would work, who would turn down a beautiful nymph for a girl like her. She did not even have any experience, unlike the stunning nymph who was now covered with the man’s lust. She gasped as she watched Orchid turn around down, offering up yet another hole to this man’s lust.
The Shadow Man
A teen aged girl is haunted by the mysterious presence lurking in her closet. Had really high hopes for this one.

Dean Thomas pulled his car up outside the house, glancing up at the suddenly ominous structure like he was seeing it for the first time. It was just a normal, two story faux-colonial house with a nice front yard and a paved driveway. One of hundreds of nearly identical homes in this idyllic neighborhood.He'd even been inside dozens of times already. There was absolutely no reason he should feel nervous, even scared, sitting here in his car, but for some reason he was both.

Shaking his head to clear it, Dean exited his car and brushed back one of the unruly locks of long brown hair that fell across eyes. The tall High School Senior was dressed in his typical dark jeans and a hoodie, his long hair framing a fine boned face that was delicate and almost as pretty as it was masculine. And his eyes, deep blue and very large, were also worthy of being on a girl with their long eye lashes. But the rest of his body, lean, toned and athletic, if a little skinny, was all man. The combination on the Senior made many girls swoon, at least those that liked the sensitive, artistic, pretty boy type, but his charms hadn't worked fully yet on the one girl he actually wanted.

The girl that lived in the house that seemed suddenly foreboding.

As Dean approached it, walking up the brick path, his thoughts naturally went to Lydia. They'd been friends for years, since middle school really, but she'd been strangely reticent to take their relationship to any level beyond that despite his subtle attempts. At least she'd been just as shy with all the other boys as well, not just Dean. During years when girls were experimenting, having their first crushes, and stealing their first kisses, she'd been as chaste as the Bible thumper crew. And even those religious girls, at least those that had broken down, had more sexual experience than Lydia by now. Some were quite dirty in fact.

Dean should be excited right now, maybe nervous because of the opening Lydia had given him this night. Instead, he felt a shiver of dread as he stood on her front porch and eyed the doorbell. Things had heated up slowly with her over the last couple weeks as Dean had abandoned any attempt at subtlety. They were seniors, graduating in a few months, so if he couldn't tell Lydia that he liked her and wanted to be more than friends with her, then he'd regret it for the rest of his life. His efforts had led to a progression of activities that felt like 8th grade all over again, a shy kiss or two at first. Some hand holding. A make-session in his car after a movie. A number of PG rated messages back and forth, with Disney Channel like admissions that they liked each other. Then finally some more heated action in his car, the back seat finally getting some use with the girl he'd craved since he was thirteen. She was a virgin, that was clear, but she seemed to want to make up for missed time. And tonight her parents were out of town and she was alone. Her invitation to come over to hang out was unmistakeable in its intent. She wanted more, maybe even losing her virginity.

Pushing aside the strange feelings he still had, Dean gritted his teeth and pushed the doorbell.

Tonight Lydia was going to finally be his.

Lydia twirled in the mirror, examining her outfit from all angles. A white button up shirt and a knee length black shirt. On most girls, it was a modest choice, but Lydia rarely felt comfortable showing so much skin. Her eyes peered over to the closed closet door for a moment but it stayed closed, as it always did when she looked at it. It only opened when she wasn’t looking, or when she left the room or when she slept at night. She took a deep breath and repeated her mantra to herself again and again

It’s all in your head. There is nothing there.

She went to the bathroom now, double checking her makeup in the mirror. She wasn’t a huge fan of wearing it, but it was part of being a normal teenaged girl, and she needed to feel like she was normal every now and then. She wore a single coat of mascara, highlighting her blue eyes and some light red lipstick on her pout lips. It was a simple look that radiated elegance. She played with her curly red hair for a minute, yanking it behind her head , letting it fall to her shoulders, pulling it to one side.

As she attempted a braid on one side she heard a noise coming from her bedroom. She froze for a moment half expecting some crazed murder rapist to charge out and grab her. Of course nothing was there, just the closet door sitting open tauntingly. She swallowed hard as she gripped the handle and closed it yet again, holding it closed for a moment. The sun was setting through her window and the last thing she wanted was to be alone in this house when night fell. Hesitantly she let go of the door and picked up her phone, starting a text message to Dean asking he if he was almost here.

Halfway through the text, she heard the doorbell ring and she rushed down the stairs as quickly as her legs could carry her. She threw the door open without even checking if it was Dean first because of course it was him. Dark men who wanted to hurt her existed only in her nightmares. She jumped into his arms and held him tightly against herself, feeling his muscles under his clothes. He would probably interpret this gesture as one of lust rather than fear and she was okay with that. She was willing to do whatever he wanted so long as he stayed with her all night.

“Did you want to eat something? I could order a pizza or maybe make us something if you want,” She said, dragging him into her house before he could say anything. She almost brought him up the stairs but remembering the open bedroom door made her flinch. She instead opted for the living room and plopped down in the love seat, still clinging to his hand for comfort.

Dean felt his concerns fade as the door opened and he saw Lydia. She looked... incredible! Her red hair was lustrous, almost glowing, and in stunning contrast to her fair, white skin. She'd put on make-up, which was rare, and her face appeared very different, the girlish innocence muted and a new maturity and sensuality on her features. Dressed conservatively, as always, the supple curves of her slim figure were hinted at in her shirt and the skirt gave him a tantalizing glimpse of her legs below her knees. Realizing he had just ogled her entire body, Dean blushed slightly and forced his eyes back to Lydia's blue orbs, giving her a big smile.

"H-hey Ly-" Dean began, but his words were cut off as Lydia bounced forward and embraced him a big hug. Her nubile body was pressed against his own, and he was all too aware of the twin mounds of her breasts flattening against his chest as her head buried in his shoulder. She felt warm, soft, and so tempting against him, and smelled delicious, a comforting mix of conditioner and lotion. The act was so surprising that Dean was momentarily stunned, but reflex kicked in and he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her tighter. Just the slight movement of their bodies as he held her was stirring his arousal, and he could feel his cock wake slightly in his jeans. He hadn't misread her signals, that was for sure. She wanted to get fucked tonight! "Whoah!I'm glad to see you as well! That's a nice greeting."

When she disengaged to pull him into her house by his hand, Dean almost didn't want to let go. But, her smiling face lured him into the living room and he got a nice view of her heart shaped ass swinging before him as she led him to the love seat. He joined her immediately, placing a hand on her thigh, resting on top of the thin fabric of her skirt, as the other arm slid onto couch back behind her.

"Mhmm... the only thing I'm hungry for is you," Dean replied, eyes twinkling at his lewd comment. Just weeks ago, Lydia would have blushed, stammered, and fled at such a comment. Tonight, well, tonight he was eager to see how she responded. The hand on her thigh moved slightly, rubbing her and shifting up slightly higher as his face leaned in close to hers, mouth half-opening in anticipation of a kiss. The weird feelings from earlier seemed to be fading, all he could think about was this gorgeous, innocent red-head that was alone with him and seemingly even more excited to see him than he was to see her. And he was very fucking excited to see her.

"I need a taste, right now," Dean murmured, closing the gap between their faces and pressing his lips to Lydia's full, red ones. He'd kissed her many times over the last couple weeks, increasingly passionate as she'd grown more comfortable, but this kiss was likely his most aggressive yet. A deep, hungry, and lusty coupling of their mouths, with his tongue sliding forth to swirl and explore the wet and warm depths of her mouth, plunging into her with unabashed sexual desire. As their faces moved together, his hand began to slide up her thigh, wrinkling and bunching her skirt as he slid towards her inner thighs and inched towards the apex of her legs.


A shattering noise startled them both and Dean sat up, the hot kiss and his hand's progress towards her sex forgotten. A vase lay shattered on the hardwood floor by the open living room window, evidently it had toppled somehow from the table it had sat upon. Flowers lay strewn on the floor, a puddle of water and broken glass in the center of the mess. Dean felt a cool breeze on his face suddenly, the gust chilled him and made him shiver as he felt his pulse inexplicably quicken.

"What the fuck? Shit... that scared me," the long haired boy said, glancing at Lydia with a look of embarrassment. "Fuck, we should clean that up... was that the wind?"

She blushed as he told her that he hungered for her. She looked up at him and bit her her lip, her eyes full of longing for him. He was incredibly good looking and all her friends were jealous that she was dating him. Even more, they couldn’t believe she hadn’t put out yet, all of them teasing her about the ways they would have let him fuck them. She supposed it was easy for them to give themselves away to their boyfriends. They weren’t like her.

Still she held Dean around the neck , grazing his cheek with her lips. Despite her apprehension, she wanted him, and wanted to give herself to him tonight. Looking into his soft blues eyes made it easy to push her nightmares out of her head. “I’m all yours,” she told him as her body heated up from the inside out. The ferocity of his kiss frightened her at first, as if he would devour her essence entirely.

Visions of being held down, choked, beaten, flashed before her eyes. It took her a moment to return his passion, as she convinced herself that Dean would never hurt her. Dead was a teenage boy, he just wants to get in her pants. He was a sweet guy, and so patient with her. If he had wanted to rape her he would have done so by now. Her tongue melted into his as she pulled him closer to her, pressing her breasts against his chest once more. She felt his hand sliding up her thighs and she opened them more for him, giving him the access he so desired. One hand found it’s way on the back of his head as she held him so desperately-


She shrieked into his mouth as she heard the noise, clutching his shirt tightly as she feared she would be ripped away from him if she didn’t. She slowly opened her eyes to see the cause of the loud noise, breathing deeply as she saw the shattered remains of a vase strewn around roses on the ground. Water pooled where the container had hit the wood floor and was seeping into the floor boards. She sighed after a moment, not sure if this was connected to her closet door.

Usually, whatever it was that opened her closet door when she wasn’t looking, didn’t do anything if others were around. Always quiet whenever she called for her parents or had a friend over. On one hand it was frustrating that no one else ever experienced her terror at the door that never stayed closed, or the presence she felt while she slept, showered or dressed. On the other hand, she reveled in the peace she felt when someone else kept her company. All her girlfriends were too busy to stay with her tonight, so she resorted to Dean, who she knew wanted to fuck her. Well, if fucking Dean meant she was safe from the presence that hid in her closet she would fuck him all night long.

This was different. The presence never made itself known before, and not in front of another person. She nodded as Dean suggested the wind did it. “Yes, the wind,” she repeated, more for her own piece of mind that anything else. She got up now and head for the broom closet so she could clean up the mess. Much to her fear, the hallway closet door was ajar, ever so slightly. Had she left it open? She almost never did but she couldn’t remember now. She stood there for a moment, staring at the door, frozen in terror.

Nothing will happen while Dean is here, her rational mind told her, and repeated a few more times until she believed it. She pushed open the door quickly and grabbed the broom and dust pan, making sure to close it completely this time. She turned and flashed Dean a smile, not sure if he noticed her unusual behavior or was too busy staring at her ass. She hoped for the latter. She really liked Dean and she didn’t want him to know about her fears and her nightmares.

She grabbed a towel from the kitchen on her way back and bent over the mess to soak it up with the towel. In this position Dean would get a nice view of her behind, and the panty line of the thong she wore under her tight pencil skirt. Once she got the water up and swept up the broken pieces of vase and threw it away in the trash, making her way back to Dean’s side.

“So, where were we?” She asked, pulling him close to her once more.
Dean felt slightly better that Lydia seemed as startled as he was from the falling vase. She blamed the wind as well, but her words had a strange, hollow ring, like she was agreeing with him by reflex but had something else on her mind. Maybe both their touchy reactions were just due to the horrible timing of the interruption, right as they both were mid-kiss and heating up to do more. His blood had been running hot, loins stirring, and the unexpected noise had poured cold water on him. In fact, just sitting here as he watched Lydia start to stand and survey the damage, Dean still felt chilled. That damned open window must be blasting in cold air.

Lydia headed off to get some cleaning supplies and Dean got up and shut the window. It was strange, but standing right in front of it he could feel no breeze anymore. Odd, it must have been a random gust or something.


Dean glanced outside as he pulled the window down securely. The sun had set and while the sky still glowed a deep red, the yard and street were dark, long shadows stretching into strange shapes. The sight was strangely creepy and the brown haired boy shivered slightly, feeling that same sense of dread that had plagued him at Lydia's front door. Trying to push the feeling away, he turned to find Lydia crouching over and sopping up the water from the floor with a towel. That sight distracted him immediately, and he let his eyes linger on her ass in the tight skirt. Heart shaped, firm, and with just enough padding to make it tempting to squeeze, her backside was simply mouthwatering. He couldn't see any trace of a panty line, although, as he looked closer, he saw the ridge of a thong at the cleft of her ass. The idea of Lydia in a thong sent a little surge of new heat to Dean's groin. Those twin globes began to jiggle slightly as Lydia started to sweep the glass fragments and flowers up into a dustpan, a mesmerizing back and forth movement that made him lick his lips. His cock, already teased by their brief make-out session on the couch, was slowly hardening just from staring at her.

Fuck he was horny!

Soon enough, Lydia was at his side again with the mess of the vase cleaned up. To Dean's delight, she seemed to want to pick up exactly where they left off, putting her arms around him and pulling him tight to her slender body. He leaned into her embrace, reaching around with his one hands and deliberately grabbing her ass. After staring at that bottom, he had to touch it and her rear didn't disappointment, feeling full and firm under his lightly squeezing fingers. Arching his hips slightly, he let the bulge growing in his jeans and running down one of this thighs press against Lydia's front, the object unmistakeable.

"Mhmm... well, I was thinking we should just maybe go up to your room, you know, to hang out a bit?" Dean replied, leaning down and giving Lydia another deep and lingering kiss. His blue eyes were wide and full of desire, the corner of his mouth twisting into an innocent half-smile as he stared at her, awaiting her reply.

She squealed with delight as Dean grabbed her ass, the suddenness of it adding to her excitement over her apprehension. Within his panted should could feel his lust hardening, pushing against his pants and ready to be free of them. She kissed him back with equal hunger, seeking sanctuary in his embrace. She looked up at him with a seductive smile on her face as he pulled away from the kiss, only to feel her heart sink as he suggesting going up to her room. She giggled nervously as she tried to come up with a good excuse.

“Come on, don’t let a little wind scare ya!” she teased him, pushing her breasts against his chest once more, eliminating any space between them. He seemed dead set on visiting her there so she shrug and took high up stairs by the hand, turning back to smirk at him (and make sure he was still himself) as they reached the top of the stairs. She pushed open the bedroom door and to her surprise, the closet door wasn't open, as she had anticipated it would be. No, of course not, it never did that when she had people over. She breathed a sigh of relief, everything she thought she saw this evening were just coincidence, nothing sinister.

Her room was different from most teenage girls, as a large bookshelf took up half the far wall. Unlike most people her age she loved to read and consumed books voraciously. Last Christmas she had received a Kindle that already had hundreds of books on it, but she kept her collection of paper books. She had read most of them twice, finding herself to be quite a fan of Poe, and his tragic tales of dead young women.

Feeling much more confident that Dean’s presence would ward away the darkness that stalked her, she brought him over to her bed, and sat him down there. She smacked his hands away as he reached for her.

“Nope, no touching, not yet,” she teased as she turned around and turned on her ipod, some sultry music coming through the speakers. She swayed for him now, letting her hand run up and down her body, through her hair, down her neck, over her breasts and along her legs. When she reached the hem of her skirt she lifted it just slightly to taunt him with thigh. Biting her lip, she began to unbutton her shirt, slowly exposing the fleshy mound of her breasts to him. His eyes grew wide as her lacy red bra came into view. Before the shirt was all the way off she turned her back to him, peaking at him over her shoulder until she was free of her top and her luscious breasts spilled out of it, barely contained in her bra.

Despite all her evident enthusiasm, her body melting against Dean's own and her squeal of delight at his hands cupping her ass, Lydia seemed strangely hesitant when Dean had proposed they go upstairs. He could feel her body stiffen slightly and the giggle she first responded with sounded like a stall to his ears. She even made a half-hearted attempt to get him to stay downstairs, flattening her breasts against his chest to press her case. Maybe she was nervous about the change in venue as it signaled that things were going to get much more serious than might happen on her couch? The reaction was just a little odd, as her gaze was still seductive and she clearly wanted him. Dean didn't dwell on it long, though, because she was soon leading him by the hand up the stairs, that delicious ass swaying in front of him. She caught him glancing at it, but he didn't mind and he let his eyes grow more lecherous, roaming her body with open desire.

"Now this is more comfortable," Dean said as they entered her room. She seemed almost relieved now as she glanced around it, like she had expected something different when she opened the door. He'd never seen her room before and it was always an interesting view into someone's true self, especially at this age. With Lydia, it was the books that caught his eye. They stood out among the typical high school girl posters, decorations and pink accessories. A giant bookshelf full of them that dominated a wall. He always knew she was into reading, but seeing her collection was impressive. "Wow, you have a lot of books!"

In a surprising display of assertiveness, Lydia pushed him down onto the bed and slapped his reaching hands away from her slender body. For half a second, Dean was annoyed, after all he was incredibly turned on and ready to resume their earlier play. But, a grin quickly appeared on his face as he realized she was going to give him a show.

And what a show it was. Lydia had always been so reserved, quiet, and conservative in appearance. What she showed him now was another side of herself, a sensual and very sexual part of her personality that was confident enough to give him this very revealing strip tease. And even more exciting, was the fact that Dean knew she was doing this just for him, to turn him on and make him want her even more, as if that was even possible! Any worries he'd had about how far Lydia would go tonight were forgotten as he watched the girl writhe and touch herself in front him, making him wish his hands were the ones running down her body and gliding over her breasts. The tease of lifting her skirt made his pulse quicken as he hoped to get a glimpse of her thong. When she started to unbutton her shirt, hips swaying in manner that screamed fuck me, Dean licked his lips in breathless anticipation.

"Fuck you are sexy... strip for me baby, show me your sexy body, I want it," said Dean, cheering her on with a lewd whistle. Not to be outdone, Dean sat up and unzipped his own hoody, pulling it off slowly. He had a t-shirt on underneath and he grasped the bottom of it with his fingers, slowly lifting it over his torso and revealing his abs one ridge at a time. He flung the shirt aside and let Lydia enjoy the sight of his shirtless chest. While slender, he was toned and his muscles very defined and masculine. His shoes were kicked off next, before Dean began to work on his jeans.

Lydia flashed her sexy red bra at him before coyly turning to let her shirt fall and only showing him the smooth curve of her creamy skinned back. The red strap of her bra cut across that porcelain flesh and complemented the lustrous red, curly locks that tumbled down the top of her back. Her teasing made Dean even hotter, his need to see her breasts, even if just in her bra, causing an almost painful throb in his cock. And speaking of her bra, could she have picked a less sexual color? It was like she was waving a red flag in front of an angry bull! Fuck he wanted her, so badly.

Dean was suddenly distracted with his own disrobing. The jeans had unbuttoned easily, but the zipper was apparently stuck. With a sigh, he dragged his eyes away from the swaying, half-naked red head dancing in front of him and glanced down at his groin. Some fabric had gotten in the teeth of the zipper or something, an annoyance that had never happened to him before with these pants. Grunting, he started to yank on the zipper, trying to pry it loose. The tiny metal tab was hard to get a grip on and he had to use both hands to twist and pull the fabric the other direction.

Damn. Fucking.Zipper!

"Fuck, this stupid zipper!" Dean growled out, no longer looking at Lydia as he fought his own pants in a desperate effort to get them off of him. His lust was turning into anger as his wardrobe was sabotaging this special moment. How the fuck could he zipper have gotten stuck?!
Lydia giggled as he cheered her on, her show obviously exciting him even more. It was so easy to relax around him now, feeling safe and secure in his presence, pushing her lifelong fears out of her mind for the night. She turned back around as she shirt fell to the floor, letting him see the jiggle of her expansive rack. Soft swellings of her chest held back by a thin piece of fabric, the diaphanous material unable to conceal her nipples hardening in desire.

She licked her lips as he revealed his own chest, well defined rock hard abs that made her sigh in delight. Now she was the one who wanted to touch him, wanted to trace the muscle as they went down his body. He was ready working on his pants, and she did the same, slipping her fingers between her hips and her skirt, and rolling it down her womanly hips.

There was a time she felt embarrassed for her curvy figure, more substantial that then of her thin friends. She wasn’t overweight really, a bit soft in places, and her curves were prominent. Dean had been quite fond of her body, and that gave her some needed self-confidence. She finally got the skirt over her hips and let it pool on the floor when she heard him curse. The anger in his voice made her flinch, but soon she saw he was just having trouble with his zipper.

“it’s okay,” she tried to reassure him, coming to his side clad only in fiery red undergarments. She dropped to her knees, surely an alluring sight for the young man as the girl of his dreams kneeled before him, her head aligned with his manhood. Looking down at her now he would see the ample cleave of her white breasts, and the curve of her ass sticking out under her thong. She spent a moment or two fooling with the zipper, carefully trying to disengage the underlying cloth from the teeth of the zipper. After a few minutes of little success, she looked up at his with a smirk.

“There are other ways of getting you out of your pants,” She kidded him, sliding soft fingers between his hips and his jeans. The fit him well, which looked nice against his sexy abs, but would make taking them off a bit more difficult. Still she was patient and,inch-by-inch,she worked them down. The emerging hip bones were a pleasant treat to her, making her heart beat faster as she revealed more. After a minute or two of tugging and pulling, shimmying and wiggling, he was free of his pants. However, it seemed that his boxers had gotten bunched up under his jeans and they two had come down and know she was eye level with his hard cock.

“Oh my,” she said in a breathy gasp, the pulsing symbol of his manhood just inches from her face. It was the first time she had seen a cock up close, and his was quite a specimen. It smelt strongly of his masculine scent, and she found it quite alluring. She took it into her supple fingers and stroked it a couple times, feeling the veins as she slid down to the base. She planted a wet kiss on the tip of it, lingering and moist.

She would have done more, but she remembered some of her friends saying the boys wouldn’t kiss them after they had cock in their mouths. She didn’t think Dean would be like that, but she had to be sure before she showed him anymore attention, standing up now.He was naked and she was close too as their bodies pressed together. The feeling of his skin against hers was electric and she wrapped her arms around his neck and went in for another deep kiss, looking for a reaction since she had just as his cock against her lips.

Getting your zipper stuck as frustrating when you were a horny boy about to maybe, finally, have sex with the girl you've lusted after since middle school, but Dean was a bit surprised at just how angry he was feeling. Angry enough to essentially ignore the gorgeous redhead that was clad only in her red underwear dancing before him. When she approached him, kneeling between his legs in a position that should make him think of her head bobbing on his cock, the first thought that came to his mind was slapping her, like this was all her fault. Dean had to fight the strange thought back and take a deep breath to calm his surging anger. Where had all this negative energy come from?

"Oh, thanks Lydia... I don't know how it got stuck, fuck," said Dean, taking deeper breaths and settling in to watch her fiddling with this jeans. The touch of her fingers as they brushed against his hard rod was distracting, teasing tingles of pleasure shooting through his sensitive flesh. They were a nice hint of how good it would feel to have that his naked shaft in her soft hands. If only they could get his jeans off! And her breasts, full and swinging, were a mesmerizing valley of cleavage before him that made his dick throb. Dammit, what was taking this bitch so long? The anger had surged back and Dean shook his head to clear it again.

When she proposed an alternative means to take his pants off, Dean was a little confused at first, but her delicate fingers curling around his waistband made him moan in anticipation. It took some wriggling and arching of his back, but his pants finally made it over his hips. She pulled his boxers down with the jeans, and his cock sprang out like it was spring loaded, large, throbbing, and very hard. The sight was a surprise to her and Dean felt his lust growing as he saw her stare at it wide-eyed. His pants were finally off now and he felt an exhibitionistic thrill sitting naked with Lydia kneeling between his legs in her underwear, getting an eyeful of his manhood up close.

"Well, that worked. What do you think of it?" asked Dean with a grin. He squeezed his inner muscles and made his cock twitch in front of her, almost waving for her attention. Her gasping reply made her reaction clear, and the curious and excited expression on her face made Dean lick his lips in anticipation. She was inexperienced, yes, but clearly very turned on by his thick cock. "Go ahead... touch it."

"Mhmm, fuck that feels so good," panted out Dean as Lydia took his dick in her hands to explore. She stroked it tentatively at first, fingers tracing his veins as she felt the weight of it. Dean encouraged her, moaning at her caresses and smiling down at her. "Don't be shy, give it a good tug."

The tip of his cock had a single, milky bead of pre-cum growing at it and to Dean's suprise, Lydia lowered her head and kissed it. He half hoped she would suck him, but perhaps a blowjob was too much to expect given her inexperience. Still, she gave his bulbous crown a nice, wet smooch that left it glistening with her saliva. The groan he emitted was a clear signal to the inexperienced redhead that he liked her mouth's touch on his manhood.

"Don't worry, nothing you can do is wrong," Dean murmured as Lydia suddenly stood up and straddled him, climbing into his lap and trapping his cock between their stomachs as she gave him another deep kiss. His reply was just as passionate, even hungrier, mixed with soft gasping moans as he bare belly rubbed against the sensitive underside of his shaft, grinding it between their skin. "And I'll make sure you enjoy this."

Dean's hands grasped her neck and then slid down her back slowly, tracing her spine, before grasping her bare ass cheeks. He squeezed those firm globes, kneading them powerfully and pulling her against him harder to further press her body against his cock. Then one hand went up and unfastened her bra strap, leaning her back to let that red wisp of cloth pop free from her breasts and fall down her arms. Tossing it to the side, he pulled her forward and buried his face between those jiggling mounds, nuzzling deep in the valley between them. She was so soft and smelled so good, fuck her just wanted to fuck her. Turning his mouth, he began to lick one of her breasts, dragging his tongue over the soft flesh and then circling in to tease the tender bud of one of her nipples. He covered that hardened nub with his wet saliva, flicking it with his tongue, before taking it into his warm mouth to suck on. Staring up at her, he teased it with his tongue inside his mouth as he sucked it to throbbing fullness.

Then, out of no where, he bit it. Dean wasn't sure what made him do it, he'd never done such a thing to a girl before, but the urge seized him and his jaw moved without his lust hazed brain able to stop it.

She kissed him deep and hard, really getting into it now. Her whole body was heating up as she felt his hard member pulsing between them. She hungered for him madly, and she was starting to feel quite eager to get to the main event as it were. She ground against him, and he would feel the heat of her pussy radiating outwards on to his legs. She moaned into the kiss as his hand traveled down her body, cupping her ample ass longingly.

She still kissed him while he worked on her bra, finding it to be much easier to remove than his pants. She assisted him in removing the garment, freeing her abundant orbs from their restraints. She groaned as he began to tease her there, throwing her head back in such pleasure as her pelvic muscles ached with desire. She was getting loud, but she didn’t care, there was no one here to interrupt or bother them.

The gravity of what they were about to do was finally hitting her, yet she almost felt like it was a weight lifted off her back. She was ready to be free of her virginity and to be a woman, finally. She ran her fingers through Deans hair as she threw her head back in ecstasy, arching her breasts right in his face. She rolled her hip over his lap, her entire body aching for him now. His soft lips and warm tongue made burn up and the inside, wetness seeping into her virgin sex.

“Yes Dean, damn that feels so good. “ She closed her eyes as he took her nipple into his mouth, licking, sucking, driving her mad. He began to use his teeth and at first, she really liked it. It was just enough pressure get her excited. Before long, however, the pressure was too much, feeling his teeth sink into her flesh, his jaw locking to hold her in place.

“Dean, it’s too much,” She whined softly. “Dean seriously, oww.” She winced as he refused to let up, the pain growing more intense each moment.

“Dean! Dean stop!!” She cried out now, tapping his back with increasing strength as she tried to get him to realize he was hurting her. “DEAN!!!” She screamed as the pain was too much and she struck him as hard as she could across the cheek. Finally he let go and she nearly jumped backwards off his lap and onto her desk chair.

She held the affected breast hard against her chest, putting significant pressure on the sore mound. Her otherwise while skin was red with ache and swollen nearly a full cup size. Tears welled in her eyes as she stared at him, trying to figure out why he would do such a thing to her. After a short time she released her breast ever so slightly, to get a look at the damage. Dark purple teeth marks were already forming on her areola, deep indentations on her flesh.

“Look what you did to me!” She shrieked at him, motioning towards her badly bruised breast. The last thing in the world she wanted to do now was sleep with him. She shook in anger and fear for a moment before picking his sweatshirt off the floor and zipping it over her body. It was loose over her covers and came down just below her ass.

“I’m going grabs some ice, I’ll be right back.” She said, leaving the room and walking down the stairs. Night had fallen by now and the room was dark, by what she needed was in the fridge which had a light. She grabbed a ice pack from the freeze and a towel from the kitchen counter, trying to figure out how she could send Dean home now. The pain had died down quite a bit, but there was a dull ache that made her more anxious than aroused.

As she walked back towards the stairs, something caught her eye. Something in the hallway, something out of place. She took a few steps into the hall to get a better look when she saw the broom she had used earlier fall onto the floor with a dull thud. She had definitely closed it when she put the broom away. Her heart stopped as she processed the broom lying on the ground, timed perfectly so she would see it. She nearly ran up the stairs now, to her room, her face white in terror.

The room was much as she had left it and she wordlessly sat down next to Dean. She couldn’t send him home now, and she was even more desperate to keep him here, in her sights. “Dean, maybe we can try again?” She asked him shakily, not meeting his gaze until the last word. “Let’s just take it a bit slower, so we don’t get too excited this time.” There was an obvious dread in her tone as she hoped he would still be interested in her, not too sore over being slapped before. She still feared whatever had come over him before, but she feared her closet even more.
To the Blade
A male drow slave betrays his mistress to humans, only to realize she was the least of his concerns. Second rp I tried with Narcelia, just to be abandoned yet again.

Raids were about the only time when Rede felt comfortable. Nothing could beat the cool wind rushing past him, the comfort of the night sky stretched above him, as he drove his spear into the hearts of any surface dwellers that he came across. Most importantly, it meant that he could part from his mistress’s side, words that he would never dare to utter. Even thinking them posed a risk, thanks to telepathic magic. Out on the surface, though, those rules simply didn’t apply. For as long as the raid lasted, Rede had a taste of what it would be like to be free.

It was standard procedure for the Drow to establish a few encampments while on the surface. They served as checkpoints, leading to the tunnel that was connected to the Drow caverns. One night, Rede had been given a letter, by his mistress, to be delivered to another. As he left their tent, his back had thick, black scars running up and down it. Earlier, he had failed to pack his mistress’s favorite whip, which was magically enchanted with a lighting rune. And so, she had to use her second favorite whip – on him, repeatedly. The only silver lining from the situation was that the lighting magic helped to seal shut his wounds. Right after his punishment, Redewas sent immediately to embark on his task.

The dark elf was hobbling through the dark forest, pain shooting through him each time he took a step. He was hurt, not just physically, but emotionally as well. Earlier, he had brought his mistress the sword of an elvish commander, an item most would find to be exceedingly rare. She was pleased, and Rede was merely relieved that he wasn’t being beaten or tortured, for once. And yet, that same day, she whipped him half to death. He just didn’t understand it: why?

As Rede paused to lean against a tree, to catch his breath, the sound of rustling grabbed his attention. Three paladins emerged from the brush, their swords aimed warily at him. In his current state, he couldn’t bear to keep them at bay. Rather than be captured, he pulled out his dagger to kill himself, when he was wrestled to the ground, and his dagger pried out of his hand.

The paladins spoke amongst themselves in the Common Tongue, a language that Rede only knew bits and pieces of. Yet, from what he understood, they wanted to take him hostage, as a sort of bargaining chip. The idea made him laugh, which caused his entire body to shake with pain. He was worth nothing, he explained to them. He could, however, bring them someone who would be of much greater worth…

And so, that was how Rede had orchestrated the betrayal of his mistress. He went on to complete the task originally assigned to him, and in return, he received a map given to him by the other drow mistress. It was a map of a hallowed sight that the Drow considered a rightful part of their territory. Rede, however, had changed the map, and depicted the location where the paladins would be waiting for his mistress.

Rede was shaking as he arrived at her tent purely out of fear, and, because, it had begun to rain. He was about to do the unthinkable. Yet, he knew that he couldn’t bear to deal with her any more. This relationship couldn’t last, and they were nearing the end of their raid, meaning that it was now or never. Inhaling deeply, he braced himself and entered her tent.

“Mistress, I’ve brought the map you’ve asked for,” stated Rede, speaking in the Drow tongue. From the moment he entered the tent, his eyes were plastered to the floor. He got down on his knees and held out the leather bag which carried the map towards her, all while struggling to control his shaking.

Narcelia sighed loudly, as she watched her male slave leave her tent, staggering the entire time. She had whipped him, and whipped him hard. Far harder than she had originally intended, for his error. He was, overall, a very good slave, always obedient and perceptive to her needs. Truthfully, she had taken out her anger on him even though he wasn’t the cause of it, at least not most of it.

High Priestess Rizza had been sniffing around her man, as of late. Whether it was because she wanted to mate with him or feed him to a drider, Narcelia couldn’t be quite sure. While Narcelia might have been a powerful sorceress, even she had to acquiesce to the elder drow matriarch. It was bad enough Narcelia was involved in a plot to depose the haughty bitch, but if she couldn’t complete this raid successfully, it would never work. Her frustration at her precarious situation had seeped out, when she had to discipline her slave, and she had taken it all out on him. She almost wished she could apologize to him, but it would never fly. If she showed even the slightest weakness, she would be stripped of everything she was and possessed.

She drank while she awaited his return, finishing half a bottle before he made his way back to her. “Took you long enough,” She growled at him, unable to show any real concern over him or what she had done to him, “I hope you didn’t reveal our position to our enemies.” Truthfully she was glad to have him back at her side, safe and mostly unharmed, save what she had done to him. She took the map from his hands and looked it over briefly, before setting it down on table. She bid him to stand now, and pour them both a glass of wine.

“Are you going to be any use to me in bed tonight, or am I going to have to do all the work?” It was more an offer than a demand, not that she was able to articulate that very well. She pushed down onto her cot, harder than she should have given the injuries she inflicted on him, but she didn’t care. Her lips were needy, and tasting of wine, as her tongue sought his within his mouth.

Narcelia wanted to believe that Rede enjoyed fucking her as much as she enjoyed fucking him. But she was smart and self-aware enough to know he would never say anything if she did not bring him as much pleasure as he brought her. She always made sure he reached his climax, usually within her, and even occasionally upon her lips if she were feeling generous. Tonight, she would have him inside her, and let him share her bed rather than sleep on her floor. She always did love the feel of lying in his arms.

Her hands made their way into his pants, seeking his manhood. He wasn’t hard for her yet, still shivering since he came into her tent. She wanted to take this as a sign of his desire for her, and not fear of what she might do to him, but it didn’t matter. He was hers, and whether he wanted her or not, she would fuck him. She pulled out his cock, stroking in her soft hands as blood flowed into it. Bringing her warm mouth to it, she sucked him slow and hard, seeking to get him firm enough to fuck, rather than focusing on his enjoyment. She bobbed up and down on his hardening shaft, getting him slick with her saliva so she could ride him raw.

As soon as Rede entered the tent, he could smell wine on his mistress’ breath. He was relieved. His mistress tended to be more agreeable under its influences, though he could sense that she was angrier than usual today, so he wasn’t sure if would merely exacerbate those feelings. His eyes remained glued to the floor as she spoke, not bothering to respond as to the reason for his lateness. It didn’t matter. She had long since chosen what she would do to him once he returned. All he could do was beg and endure.

Rede leapt to his feet at his mistress’s command and poured them both a glass of wine, though he did not drink from his. Not without her command. Never without her command. And then she posed her question, and before he could answer, she was on top of him and smashing their mouths together with a kiss. He was tired, so very tired, but to deny his mistress would be like willing hopping into a pit full of spiders: a death sentence. He moaned into her mouth, a mix of pleasure as she aggressively wrestled with his tongue, and one of pain, as the whip marks along his back were agitated. His hands obediently remained by his side, merely clutching at the sheets for support.

Rede was actually surprised as Narcelia pulled out his thick manhood. This kind of treatment was exceedingly rare, so he was sure to enjoy it as much as he could. Even as exhausted as he was, it would be impossible for him to remain soft. Narcelia’s mouth was divine. His cock hardened in her mouth in seconds, and he could feel the glands poke against the walls of her throat. It was throbbing and hot, and the drow could barely contain himself.

“Th-thank you, Mistress…” Rede panted, his voice full of reverence and his eyes clenched shut, as he spewed a few thick drops of pre-cum along her tongue.

The taste of his juices leaking along her tongue was the sign that he was ready to be of use to her. She stood now, letting the cool air shock against his meat, still warm in the absence of her mouth around it. Draining her cup, and she brought his to his lips, letting the dark liquid dribble into his mouth.

She stripped down now, letting him rest while he took in the dark curves of her figure. The full, teardrop breasts, her black nipples hard and ready to be tasted. The wide hips and ample ass, curvier then most of her drow sisters. She undid the knot in her hair, letting the long white locks spill down her bare body, creating a lovely contrast between her dark skin and light hair.

Bending over him, she took a long hard kiss form his lips, stroking him lightly to keep him ready for her. She then moved quickly, sitting on his face, letting him work that magical tongue within her. She was not quiet in her moans, letting her pleased voice fill her tent, as he filled her with tongue. She let him bring her to glorious orgasm, raking her nails down his chest when it got too intense. She didn’t draw blood, just left pink marks in their wake.

Standing on shaky legs, she moved to straddle him, sliding her slippery cunt down his hard shaft. She started slow, letting his girth stretch her pleasingly, rubbing her inner walls from every angle. She looked down at him, watching his face as she rolled her hips over him, looking for some sign that he enjoyed her, enjoyed this. She supposed it wasn’t enough that he was hers, she wanted, no needed to know that he wanted to be hers. It was arrogant and foolish, he was too good a slave to deny her, but she wanted to believe he relished in her body.

The sudden cool air against Rede’s throbbing erection made him groan, lightly. He missed his mistress’s mouth, but it appeared that she wouldn’t let him go too long without feeling any pleasure. His eyes hungrily roamed her body as she undressed. Drow women were legendary for being beautiful, and his mistress was no exception. He was…proud, to have her as a mistress, he thought to himself. He couldn’t think of any that could compare, not even High Priestess Rizza. Although, he was mostly terrified of her.

Gladly, Rede moved his hands up to grasp his mistress by her flared, child-bearing hips as she rode his face. It was perhaps one of the only scenarios in which he could freely lay his hands on her. Putting it bluntly, drow males were the best at eating pussy, for painfully obvious reasons. Those with slow tongues and inattentive mouths quickly found themselves thrown in the Spider Pit.

Rede grunted as his tongue slithered into Narcelia. His hands slid up to cup her ass and let his fingers dig lustfully into her flesh. It was a rather bold move, but, it wouldn’t matter in a few hours, so he figured that he would enjoy it while he could. He groped her ass cheeks, appreciating how doughy they felt and how they yielded to his fingers, while he sucked fervently on her clit. He did, occasionally, use one hand to guide two fingers in and out of her, to add to the overwhelming pleasure. It was through this relentless assault that Narcelia came quickly and powerfully. The feel of her honeypot quivering against his mouth was nice, but the fact that he had made her cum filled him with pride, an arguably better sensation.

While most of a drow male’s life was spent acting, soothing, and thinking quickly on their feet, there was no way that Rede could mask how much he enjoyed this. “Uhn…ngh…” He grunted lowly each time time she bounced on his throbbing erection, which was coating the walls of her entrance with his slick-precum.

“Mistress…I want to touch you, please," Rede begged her, a pleading look on his face as he stared up at her, blatantly eyeing the sway of her breasts and the rest of her delicious curves, as his fingers dug into the bed sheets.

“You should have been touching me already,” She growled at him, almost playfully. Her sex came up off his cock, collapsing upon his retreated only for her to be filled once more as she buried him between her folds. She brought one hand up to her heavy breasts, letting him cup the weighty flesh, and tease the firm nipple between skilled fingers. She let him direct his other hand as he saw fit.

Her hair cascaded over her shoulders and down his chest as she braced herself against his shoulder while she fucked him. Her pace started slow, and deep, but she built herself up, moving, harder, faster. She pushed herself up, throwing her head back in a dramatic fashion, as her lust rose up from her core. The wet sound of her hips smashing into his was added to the sounds of their sex meeting, his cock moving within her liquid heat.
“Fuck Rede!” She groaned out, her back arching in a familiar way, as her body burned form the inside out. “Fuck, Rede, you feel so good! Cum with me! Fill me with you.” She commanding him, as her hand brushed through her hair, her eyes closed in utter abandon as she fucked him raw. Her breathing was ragged rasps as her cunt convulsed around his meat. The silky vice of her sex stopped her movement, leaving her s shivering mess as her release consumed her.

She hoped he would obey her demand, but there would be no punishment for him if he was unable. She slid her body down alongside his, and if he still had a need, he could fuck her, until he pumped her full of his seed. Otherwise, she rested under the protection of his arms, until she fell into an easy, restful sleep.

For the first time in many years, a smile cracked onto Rede’s face. He sat up slightly, wincing from the wounds on his back, but the constant flow of pleasure through his entire being was enough to let him ignore that pain. He took hold of her breasts and immensely enjoyed their heft, their perkiness, and how supple and yielding the flesh was, as his gray fingers kneaded them. Her nipples were as hard as pebbles, especially as thumb ran along them to get them nice and hard.

As Narcelia leaned against him, using his broad shoulders for support, he started to let out pleasured grunts as she bounced, hard, on his throbbing erection. The sound of their flesh slapping wetly against each other filled the tent, clashing with the harsh patter of rain that was outside. He didn’t move his hips to the rhythm that Narcelia had put in place, but his hand did move between her thighs so that he could rub at her clit. After all these years, Rede simply couldn’t cum if Narcelia hadn’t done so already. It wasn’t out of fear or anything like that, either, just one strange mental complex out of the myriad that he had.

When Narcelia came, Rede let out a sigh of relief and soon joined her. She would have easily been able to feel the way his cock twitched like mad, splattering the inner walls of her sex with several thick, sticky loads. He was panting lightly as he pulled out and laid beside her. She wordlessly pulled him right against her and fell asleep, while Rede held her tightly, his mind still reeling from what had just occurred.

Sleep did not come easy for drow males, and tonight would be no exception. Rede laid there and stared into the face of his sleeping mistress, as he gently stroked her cheek with his thumb. He was getting cold feet about the deal he had made with the paladins. It was moments like these where he knew that he loved her. But, what sort of treatment would tomorrow bring? More whippings, more beatings? Killing a drow just for her amusement? While he loved serving her, and especially what came as his reward for his service, he just couldn’t bear to deal with this anymore. Moreover, Rede could return to his homeland a free man, and from there, the possibilities were endless.

Rede slipped out of bed the moment that strange ball of fire known as “the sun” began to peak over the horizon. He left his mistress on the cot as he wandered outside, still naked, to the side of the tent, where there were a few urns. He had set them out specifically for collecting any rain water. He grabbed one and brought it into the tent. His mistress’s tent was large enough to hold a bathtub, so he emptied the water inside, and then went out to get another urn. He did this until the tub was moderately full, and then, he began to warm the water using a spout of magical fire from his fingertips.

After that, Rede began to work on cooking his mistress her breakfast. There was a small corner of the tent with a cooking pot and a few other tools. Drow cuisine was fairly limited. She’d be having spider meat, underground turnips, and a few thin, leafy vegetables with a sparkly glaze over them. While the meat and everything cooked, he went to polish her armor and weapons, which were stashed in the tent as well. He did all of this without making a sound.

When she woke, Narcelia watched her man work through slitted eyes, enjoying the way his muscles flexed as he moved. There was a short moment, where she forgot their roles of mistress and slave, where she thought back to the bliss he had brought her the night before, thinking fondly to the seed he had left in her. He might have caught a look of pure worship upon her face as he bothered to look her in the eyes, if he were not the perfect obedient slave he was, and kept his eyes low to the ground.

She regained her composure, quickly enough. Their positions were set in stone, and if she faltered even a little, she would lose everything. Rede himself could cast her down, if he caught her in a moment of weakness, and if other women knew her slave had gotten the better of her? Her fate would be far too terrible to even comprehend. So, she may haven wanted to confess love and affection to her slave, the man who kept her so wonderfully happy, but she could never. Doing so would be nothing short of disastrous to her.

She bathed quickly, not taking too long, knowing there was work to be done this day. Eating her breakfast quickly, she dressed and was ready for the raid, looking over the map once last time in preparation. She watched out of the corner of her eye as Rede dressed in his armor, to prepare, her slave always seeming to walk straighter, prouder when the was blood to spill. She liked to think he worked hard to bring glory to her name, but she knew it was more likely just him trying to avoid the lash.

She came to Rede’s side, as she readied herself to lead the last attack of this raid. She brought him into a deep kiss, pressing her body against his, arms wrapped around his neck, tongue seeking his hotly. “You know you are not allowed to die, right? If you were to die on me, here and now, I will find you in the afterlife, and punish you for all eternity.” It was supposed to be playful. It was the closest thing she could say to ‘I love you’. It was the only way she could express the complicated feelings she felt for him, within the rigid framework of her drow society. One last soft kiss, and she took the map, making her way to the place marked therein.

Rede polished his mistress’s armor until was glistening in the low candlelight of the tent. Her weapons were sharpened to a razor’s edge, and it was more than enough to split the bellies of the surface-dwellers that lived in the dreadful swamp that they were currently trying to reclaim. He helped his mistress put the armor on, tightening the buckles and silk straps, before he went and dressed himself. His armor was of a considerably less fine material, spider silk and carapace, though it was still leagues above what other slaves typically wore. He earned it, from being in his mistress’s service for such a long time, and in a way, he was proud to wear it.

Having been crouched down to strap a dagger to his boot, Rede saw the armor clad feet of his mistress, and immediately stood up straight, where he was automatically pulled into a kiss. That, followed by what happened next, shocked the drow into silence. He just stood there as Narcelia marched off into the swamp, and he realized that he had made a huge mistake.

“Mistress, wait!” Rede called after her, and jogged to catch up to where she was. He reached out to grab her wrist, knowing full well that she was justified in cutting his hand off for such an action.

“Maybe…maybe we shouldn’t go, today,” he sputtered, looking at her pleadingly. “That map from Mistress Barenziah, you know that she’s in league with High Priestess Rizza.” Speaking badly about other drow women – even if they were in direct competition with his own mistress was also liable for him to get lashed. Rede was breaking a lot of rules in order to save his mistress, but he knew that he couldn’t go through with it anymore. He loved her.

“It could be a trap, mistress. Let’s stay inside. I can brew you some mushroom tea, and…” Rede had been so damned foolish. He deserved it, he deserved it all: the torture, the beatings, and he would gladly receive them, if it only meant that Narcelia would be safe.

They were in a precarious situation, as Rede grabbed her hand outside her tent. She might not have strictly enforced all the rules while in the privacy of her chambers, but in the view of other drow? There was little choice. She had to be firm, no matter how it might hurt her.

“Let go of me, slave!” She snarled, smacking his hand off her arm. “You are lucky you need that hand to fight in my honor, otherwise I would have it on a platter for my lunch!” Rede was putting her in danger, putting them both in danger. She tried to not to shake, turning her fear into pure anger, the only safe emotion for her to feel. She pulled him close.

“Barenziah is next in line to become High Priestess. The coup was her idea, and she gains the most out of it. There is no reason for her to betray me,” She whispered to him, assuring him of her safety. “Speak not another word of it to me. I would not enjoy having you beaten again.”

Rede would not push the issue again. He knew better, truthfully he knew better than to do this. His boldness surprised her, and gave her a small pause. Was Barenziah in league with the high priestess? Were they testing her loyalty? Everything with drow was double and triple crosses, nothing was ever what it appeared to be. Narcelia, hated hesitation, and truthfully, needed nothing more in this moment that to slit the throats of surface dwellers. She needed to spill some blood, to rid her brain of the fog that drow politics had left her.

She took off now, without another word, before Rede could try anything else foolish to stop her. If Barenziah was leading her into a trap, and she avoided it entirely, she would still face punishment when they returned to the Underdark. All she could hope for was to be strong enough to withstand whatever it was waiting for her, whatever this map was leading her to.

Rede sharply recoiled as his mistress smacked his hand away and told him not to say another word. His mouth had already been opened, but he forced himself to swallow whatever he had to say as he watched her march off into the deeper parts of the swamp. The Drow had broken out into a cold sweat as he chased after Narcelia, his heart racing at about a thousand miles an hour. He was more nervous than when he previously realized he had forgotten to pack his mistress’s favorite whip. ‘Oh, how foolish I’ve been…’ he thought, a look of horror etched across his face as they reached the destination pinpointed on the map.

The sight of the trap was at a bleak ruin that appeared to be half-sunken into the swamp, and also abandoned. He trailed a few feet behind his mistress, his hand inches above the grip for his shortsword.

“Release!” He heard someone - a human, shout. Then, his ear twitched slightly as he picked up a sound to his right. He turned his head and looked upward, where he saw a human perched on a tree; their armor painted in dark greens and browns to better camouflage them. Next, he heard the loud whistle as an arrow travelled through the air. It was an electrified arrow, with the tip being fashioned into the shape of a small, hollow, metallic ball, so that it didn’t puncture or accidentally wound the target. The shock of the arrow was typically strong enough to knock out a human, so it would most likely do the same to Narcelia, or at least knock the wind out of her.

Rede watched as the arrow travelled through the air, but he did not say anything. He couldn’t bring himself to open his mouth and shout for his mistress to duck. To make things worse, he felt the tip of a sword press threateningly against his lower back.

Things were suspiciously quiet as Narcelia approached the place marked on the map. This had to be some trap. She could hardly believe that bitch Barenziah had set her up. What was even the point of setting her up? Rizza was the far bigger threat, betraying Narcelia was hardly worthwhile. Whatever the case, Narcelia was already tense as she approached the ruin, her eyes flickering across the landscape, whishing the sun wasn’t so bright on her sensitive eyes.

She heard the sound just as Rede had, her eyes catching on the arrow as it headed for her. There wasn’t time for her to dodge, just brace for the impact, groaning as the shock went through her system. She fell against the crumbling wall, disoriented as lightning shoot through her body. She still had a hand on her blade, fingers trembling as she tried to grip it tightly despite her weakness. She lied limply on the ground, watching her captors approach her with a dazed expression. As one drew close enough o bind her hands, she brought her blade up in a flash, opening his throat and spilling his crimson blood. She had hoped this act would earn her death, but instead the heavily armored men just beat and kicked her, until she was curled into a ball of agony.

She was bond rather easily now, and slung over the shoulder of one of the bigger assailants. As far as Narcelia knew, the men in the human lands were just as cruel as the women in hers. That they delighted in oppressing and tormenting their women, in ways that rivaled what the drow did to their men.

“Rede!” She cried as she watched them lead off her slave, into the woods were he would surely be killed off. He was merely a slave, after, he had no value to these men, and yet, Narcelia felt some pain in this. He deserved better than this, body discarded obscenely on the surface. Oh she wished she had told him, in better terms, how she cared for him, and she wished she didn’t have to show him such cruelty. At least she knew he would never be subject to the High Priestess and her sadistic whims. If only her own fate could be so merciful, as she was thrown on horseback and lead away.

Rede, fortunately, didn’t have enough time to watch what had happened to Narcelia, as the Paladin sharply turned him around and marched him into the forest. The Drow could feel his heart throbbing in his throat. His forehead was chilly from the streaks of sweat that lined it, and he felt terribly nauseous. He was simply incapable of fighting back or even resisting what the Paladin had in mind for him. Besides, he had so many close encounters with death on a daily basis, that he was prepared for it at any time.

“Go,” he heard the man behind him say, and then the slight scrape of his sword being sheathed. The Drow turned to look at him curiously. “I said go!” the man shoved him in the opposite direction.

“Our deal is done. You’re free. Just don’t ever step foot back in this swamp,” he threatened. Rede nodded dumbly, turned around, and then began to run as fast as his feet could carry him.

Freedom didn’t taste nearly as sweet as he imagined. In fact, it tasted sort of like bile. But, there was no point in getting choked up now. He had to go. His first stop would be his mistress’s tent, to pack a few things. Little did he know that a certain High Priestess would be waiting for him…


“Bind her wrists and ankles, and be quick about it. These Drow bitches…they’re lethal,” mused one of the Paladin. He was a tall, lumbering man dressed in dirty, scuffed, though still high-quality platemail. He had a head of short red hair and gleaming green eyes, along with ruddy skin and a crooked nose, which appeared to have been busted from one too many tavern brawls. He crouched down by Narcelia and then roughly grabbed her by the jaw, so that she could look up at him. “Cute, but lethal,” he said, his mouth contorting into a yellow-toothed grin.

Narcelia was promptly bound and then slung over the back of the horse. The small party –which consisted of four paladins and three clerics, mounted their own steeds and then began to ride back into the swamp, though away from all the dark elves.

“Ah, Paladin Roge! Aren’t we headed the wrong way?” asked one of the clerics. He was barely on the cusp of manhood, though he was raised with the Order from childhood.

“Not at all, lad.We’ve a captive. We’re going to take her to one of our encampments for a little…chat,” the red-headed man said, smirking.

“Don’t worry, Charlie! You know that torture isn’t in our code!” called out another, older man, with long, curly black hair and a goatee. He also wore an eyepatch over his left eye.

“Of course,” replied the young cleric, as the men rode their steeds onwards.

Narcelia groaned as they lead her away on horseback, hearing their plans for her, picking up on their innuendo, know that, despite their assures otherwise, they would indeed torture her. She didn’t speak it well, given her thick underdark accent, but she understood the common tongue well enough. She wondered what kind of torture they intended for her. Whippings?Beatings?Pulling her nails off at the base?

No, whatever these men intended to do to her, she couldn’t betray her people. Mostly because it wouldn’t matter. She was betrayed, surely by Barenziah, sold to some human men. Why? Dammit, why hadn’t she listened to Rede? Why had she let her pride get in the way of his intuition? He was a well-trained drow slave, of course he could tell the subtle moods and plans of the drow matriarchs. Wasn’t that how he survived this long? He knew something was up and he risked his life to warn her. And now he was dead, dead because she couldn’t be bother to listen to a male.

“Rede…Rede I am sorry,” She whispered in her drow tongue, letting herself cry softly, the rest of the ride.

The human encampment wasn’t much different than hers had been. Over a dozen tents, lined up in neat rows of six, along with three larger ones off to the side. There were crude iron cages towards the back of the encampment, and that’s where she was deposited, still bound by her captors. The cage was smallish, she had to sit, and wouldn’t be able to move much while she was in there. The ones who had taken her were gathered around, looking down on the vulnerable drow woman.

“So, who gets to be the first to ‘interrogate’ her?” the one who was called Roge spoke up, leering down at her.

“A headstrong woman like her? I sure we will need several men to interrogate her, at once. I’d say two or three at a time, at least,” The one with the curly black hair suggested, chuckling to himself. Several other men joined in on the laughter.

“Oh I am sure, in time. Hey, why don’t we let Charlie go first! I don’t think he had a woman yet,” An older man, with silver streaks in his brown hair, declared, slapping the young cleric hard on the back.

“Sounds good. I am sure he will finish with her quickly, and then we can all get a turn questioning her!” A big blond bear of a man proclaimed, to hearty laughter.
Edana, Goddess of Pleasure
A version of my Divine Prostitute plot, I really enjoyed that this rp was vary between lighter smut and darker encounter.

“Have you heard of the Goddess Edana?” Sven asked over the fire. The stars were already out, the night sky a blanket for the Kingdom of Felhine. And beneath the stars, sitting in the midst of a forest was a man and woman around a fire. The man a strong and proud warrior of the north, broad shoulders accompanied by defined and battle tested muscle. He looked very much the part of a barbarian, and the way he fought only confirmed that. But who Sven really was was a mercenary, and adventurer, a sell sword. Traveling the kingdom to experience life at it's fullest. And the woman across from him? Her name was Charlotte, a daughter of a nobleman who up until a few hours ago was in the oh so unfortunate care of a group of raiders. The two had stopped to set up camp, the journey back to Charlotte's home still a half a days travel.

“She is the deity of Passion. She turns none away that seek comfort, acceptance. A lover to all. I praise Edana for my victory against those raiders and finding a beauty as yourself waiting.” Sven said with a soft smile, his long blonde hair hanging in it's usual care free manner. Even with the scars of battle old along his flesh, Sven was still very handsome. And maybe he flaunted it, the use of no armor improved mobilty dramatically in combat. But it also showed his physique. He sat there now in just his usual cloak, pants, and boots. His large sword resting against a nearby tree.

“In the capitol of Felhine, there is a temple to Edana. Where priestess's of similar beauty to your's praise Edana in the practices of Passion that honor her.” He added as he got up, taking his cloak off and moving over to Charlotte's side. Softly bringing the cloak around the woman's shoulders before continuing. “I wish to share those practices with you tonight. So that we may honor the Goddess, and live as we were intended.” Sven continued, Charlotte looking up to him with unknowing but curious gazes. It didn't take long at all before the cloak around her shoulders slipped to the ground and the two followed. The cloak a bed of sorts that Sven would take Charlotte on, with the fire at his back and the young maiden below, truly Edana was being praised that night. Of course it wasn't the only place for such devotions to be enacted.

The very temple Sven spoke of, in the Capitol of Felhine was alive that very night. To call it a brothel would be an insult, seeing how brothels were kept to the outer reaches of the city. The temple of Edana was one of many temples, built and placed within the inner sphere of the city. Yes, for some gold one could sleep with the gorgeous priestess's that called the temple home. But what temple didn't accept payment for service? The Sect of Dorfane took gold for prophetic guidance on people's futures, and the Sect of Bro'Kul took gold for administering the rites of the dead. Just because the Sect of Edana performed acts of flesh didn't make their worship, their deeds any less divine. Regardless people came from all corners of the kingdom just for one night with the Divine prostitutes of Edana. And Gareth was no different.

Where Gareth came from, what Gareth did for a living, what family he claimed no one knew. Nor would they ask, he was a man that only appeared at night in the Capitol. An air of uneasiness seemed to befall any that crossed his path. And yet those that Gareth took interest in, those he pursued seemed to be transfixed by him, fascinated. But what else would they feel? Gareth was a vampire after all, no stranger then the ogres of the south or the fae, but definitely a being of much dismay and hatred. So the very fact that he was a vampire wasn't something he threw around the Capitol. Why should he though? Who he was, what he was, none of that was important. It had nothing to do with his prolonged visit to the Capitol anyways. The only thing that did matter to him was the temple, more importantly the priestess that had somehow pulled every interest and obsession Gareth had ever experienced onto none other but herself.

The man entered the temple and was greeted by the familiar flames that danced on top of iron bowls. Their light showing the main hall of the temple filled with patrons and priestesses. “Edana be praised, it is always a pleasure to see patrons return.” Came the soft chime of a woman's voice, clothed in nothing more then a silk white robe that hung loosely from her curves. “Dare I ask if you are interested in any other priestesses tonight?” Her question fell on deft ears though as Gareth simply produced a pouch from his belt, holding it out for the priestess to take before he made his way further into the temple. Into the mass of humans and non-humans a like laughing, drinking, and moving away to more secluded chambers of the temple. There was only one priestess that Gareth desired, that he craved, a nymph who's touch somehow warmed his cold flesh. Her blood as fresh and intoxicating as the very first being that Gareth had ever fed on. Just one more taste, just one more night would surely be enough. A lie that Gareth told himself in jest, just to make him smirk and pass the time as he searched for his priestess.

Iris sat at the koi pond in the courtyard of the temple, running her fingers over the otherwise serene waters. Golden fish followed in her wake, the moonlight reflecting off the reds and whites of their scales. The nymph was a rare site in the city, but not to those who frequented the temple. Iris had served the Goddess Edana for nearly ten years, not that her years of service could be seen on her smooth skin. A wild mass of red curls cascades from her head, seemingly always in the way as she brushed back an errant curl.

In her wake, the fragrances of the fruit trees in the courtyard filled the air, the nymphs enchanted presence lending itself to the lush surroundings. She pulled a peach from a tree, biting into its succulent flesh, letting it’s juices soak her lips and roll down her chin. She could hear the footsteps behind her, soft, yet measured. Moving towards their goal, her. She recognized him, smiling to herself as he drew closer.

“I’d offer you a bite, but I am afraid it’s not to your taste,” Iris offered her visitor, noting the lack of heartbeat in his presence. Verdant green eyes turned to meet his, welcoming warmth that couldn’t be denied. “It is good to see you again, Gareth.”

If they were meeting outside of the context of the temple of Edana, things would have certainly gone differently. Were they meeting in the wilds, it would be a fight, a fierce battle, between them, one striving to gain the upper hand over the other. It was not uncommon for his kind to hunt down her kind, the Fae’s blood as sweet and warm as it was rare. They weren’t meeting out in the wilds, however. There were meeting in the temple, as they had many times before. She moved to embrace him, arms wrapped around his neck as she pressed her body against his. She brought a kiss to his lips, letting him taste the desire upon her breath. She enjoyed his visits as much as he did.

Like most evenings, she wore little, having no concept of shame of her body, or nudity, and not needing anything to keep her warm. A natural pattern of ivy and leaves adorned her body, covering as much as she needed to, modeled after the modestly her fellow priestess’ showed. She was certainly warm enough for the both of them.

“Should we retire to my chambers, or would you like to walk about the grounds with me?” She offered, taking his arm in her own. He knew the way to her room, and so she deferred to his preference.

It was always the same for Gareth whenever he saw his prey for the night. As if time itself slowed down, giving him every moment he needed to plan and attack. But such instinctual advantages did little in this situation except accentuate Iris every movement. The rest of the temple blurred from the sides of his vision as he gazed upon her vibrant red hair. With each step he could hear the soft movements of water as her hand danced upon it's surface. Even approaching from behind he could picture those lips as she breathed, those lips as she took a peach and bit into it's succulent flesh. Truly magnificent. And just as quickly as he entered his state did he leave it, standing just behind Iris as she spoke.

“And you as well my Lotus.” Gareth replied as their eyes met, a hand reaching down to help the nymph up as the two never seemed to break the gaze. Her body had a comforting warmth too it that Gareth found almost as intoxicating as her blood, even fully clothed he could feel the soothing touch of her flesh. Though it failed in comparison to the touch of lips, pressed to his with only moments notice. The juices of that peach held no flavor for Gareth but it mattered little in comparison to the taste of her lips. His arms came around her body, resting at the nape of her back as their kiss continued. Had it been a week? Several days?Only a day? Whatever amount of time it was too much, that desire on her breath met with Gareth's own as he pulled her a little more against himself.

Set aside from Iris's blood, a desire that Gareth had come to view as futile and unnecessary was that of sex. It's sensations paled in comparison to that of feeding, but somehow with Iris the joys of such an act graced Gareth once more. Be it through her Goddess's will or whatever mystical effect that came with laying with a nymph, Gareth had found his desire for her blood and her flesh quite interchangeable at times. Forbidden fruit being the sweetest after all.

All too suddenly however that embrace ended, her lips moved from his and Gareth was found in wanting of more. His eyes followed her like she was escaping prey as she moved to his side, his arm tense until she took it in her own. The idea to take her here before the koi pond definitely wasn't uncommon, just walking into the temple there were already a number of patrons and priestesses engaging in “praise”. However the extent to which Iris and Gareth indulged, wasn't a sight that most people cared to see. “The night is young, a walk with you sounds wonderful.” He stated with a smile, of course his eyes were trained on her as they started to move together.

“I can't imagine I am the only creature that finds you in favor, yet every night I find you waiting beside the pond's waters. Could you be waiting for me?” Gareth asked as they left the koi pond, smirking a little. The Temple of Edana was open to all, any culture, any race or species. As such the decorations of it's main hall was always a melting pot. Iris had a beautiful little garden by the koi pond, where another priestess had long tapestries that cascaded down from the ceiling to the bed she would lay waiting. Gareth and Iris passing by the very bed with the priestess seeming to have her hands full with two very adamant young men, mostly likely sons of nobles in the city.

Iris walked about the gardens with Gareth, taking in the lovely sight of the stars twinkling above them, and the moon reflected upon the koi pond. “You know the Goddess empowers us to choose who we take to our bed. Even within the contract of our service.” She explained to him. “Everyone is welcome here, and anyone dedicated to the dogma of beauty and passion may serve the Goddess. Our service is never compelled, but always chosen freely. It is not just the desire of our patrons that we serve. We serve our own desire, as well.”

She guided him to a clearing in the grove. It was one of her favorite spots at the temple. The bouquet of the fruit trees permeated the air, and reminded her of home. It was here were she felt most at peace, and somehow the presence of a predator turned lover made that sensation all the sweeter. She rose up some vines to from a bed fr them to lie upon, the ivy tightly interwoven to be both soft, and sturdy.

She sat him upon the natural bedding, taking a deeper kiss from his lips this time. She took off his jacket, caressing his shoulders and arms as her tongue slip out to meet his, open her mouth to grant him access. Her nimble fingers untied his cravat, and unbuttoned his shift, soft fingers caressing the polished marble of his chest. One more hungry kiss, moaning into his mouth, as she slipped him out of his shirt. Dropping to her knees as she broke the seal of their lips, she began untying his boots, pulling them off without losing his gaze. This was a tender act as much as it was a hungry one, as she pulled off his clothes, unbuckling his belt, pulling his pants off now as well, until he was nude, just as she was before him.

“How would you like to start?” She asked as the ivy covering her recede to reveal every inch of her to him. She pulled her thick hair up, tying it high upon her head, revealing the two small teeth marks on the back of her neck, where it curved into her shoulder. “Would you like to taste me? Or shall I taste you?”

How Iris did it, Gareth would never know. Over the years he ha very well become jaded in many ways. And yet at but a single utterance of being desire, Gareth couldn't help but smile. It was no secret that a vampire could manipulate and control others. And those super natural beings that were immune to such power either immediately killed the vampire or ran from it. Nymphs were such beings that preferred the first option over the last. Be it from fear due to the potency of their blood, or the disgust of a being completely and utterly corrupt from it's natural form. When a Nymph and a Vampire met, either the Nymph would be drained completely dry... Or the Vampire would be hung out in a viney prison to a wait the coming sun rise. So for Iris to desire him, to truly want him of her own free will... Be it a stroke of the ego or just one more sensation, Gareth couldn't help but obsess over her more.

Time seemed to pass by faster then normal when he was with Iris, and yet any moment without her felt like a waste of his time. Before Gareth realized he was sitting on a bed of ivy Iris had moved in to kiss him. Though to call it a kiss would be in lacking. There was desire, need, longing in those lips as they pressed to his. Her tongue quick to follow and press to his. He matched her intensity with his own, hands coming up to grab at her hips, trying to pull her more into himself. Of course she had other ideas, being the removal of his clothing. His jacket, cravat, and shirt finding their way to the ground. She baited him with a passionate kiss, an even more so with a moan as their lips locked.. And yet in an instant she moved away, dropping to her knees to continue with his clothing. Gareth finding himself disappointed, that disappointment fading rather quickly though as their gaze continued to be locked on one another.

His eyes watched every bit of ivy recede from her body, images of the things he had done to each exposed part of her coming into his head. Her breasts, how he caressed them, how he fucked him, how he came on them. Her nipples, an almost scary temptation when he sucked upon them to bite down. And her folds, truly a spot of utter devotion.. Many a night spent ravaging it, caressing it. This night would be no different. Of course set aside of her physical beauty there was that one thing that Gareth desire just as much, Iris pulling her hair up so that Gareth could freely indulge of her neck.

“Please, I would like to taste.” He added before bringing his hands down to her, helping her up to join him on the bed. Though he didn't move, Iris finding her place upon his lap only inches from his face. The heat from her body relaxed Gareth. The smell of peaches and flowers seemed to waft from her. One of his hands moved to the back of her head, softly tilting it to the side while the other went down to the end of her back, just above her round shapely ass. He pushed her own a little more for her to press herself to his member. Though it took only seconds before she would feel the familiar sharp pain in her neck, his teeth biting the same spot upon her flesh.

By impulse alone his hands pushed harder, gripped her hair harder, his prey not escaping as he fed. Though he didn't expect her to. With each pump of her heart her neck would surge with blood, Gareth's lips practically glued to her neck so not a single drop could escape. That moan that she had let pass or lips while they kissed was returned now as Gareth groaned into her neck. His eyes starting to dilate as her blood practically felt like a drug. His cock seemed to grow harder and longer every moment he fed upon her. Gareth thrusting up to rub against her moist and heated entrance. Though it he would stop after a little while, head cocked back to look up at the moon. His mouth wide open, lips red from her blood, sharp long fangs dripping red. He would quickly look back at her, forcing a hungry kiss against her lips.

His fangs would disappear as they kissed, her own blood being pressed to her lips, to her tongue. This only caused Gareth of course to suck on her tongue, her lips. To completely and utterly have his way with her mouth in both a need for her blood and a craving for her. Truly Gareth felt alive again.

Iris could sense the need radiating from him as he pulled her onto his lap. Her breathing quickened as his cock pulsed against her entrance, grazing the sensitive lips with each longing throb. His body was cool and hard against her soft warm flesh. They were almost perfect opposites, her the epitome of nature, and him, as unnatural as a being could be. Yet, instead of their differences being jarring, they seemed to compliment one other, fitting perfectly together. Her breasts smoothed into the firm musculature of his chest, her thighs hugged the outside of his, her fingers fisted in his hair. The ice of his lips played along her neck, finding that spot towards the back. His spot.
Iris whimpered as his teeth worried into her flesh, her skin resisting for but a moment, until it receded, letting the blood flow into his hungry mouth. As her life left her body to his, she could feel his heart beating in his chest, pumping in time with hers, as her essence brought it to life. He grew hot as he siphoned her warmth, but the desire growing between her thighs kept her content.

“Gareth…” She sighed, returning his tight embrace with her own, losing herself in the feeding. She could feel him growing harder as he drained her, his manhood flexing against her, the tip just entering her eager sex. Taking the kiss with equal hunger, she tasted herself on him, staining her lips red as his. She might not have found the same pleasure in the taste as he did, but she found pleasure in his pleasure, in him taking his pleasure form her. And beneath her, his length quivered in that same need. Moreover, she was trembling in that need, her body pumping her lust into his, until it was their lust.

She couldn’t wait any longer, sliding herself upon his shaft, her head rolling back as she absorbed him. A long shuddering sigh left her lips as she sheathed him, rather excited by the idea of taking it from him. He took her blood, and now she would take his passion, take his passion to satisfy her own.She movement slow and deep, feeling his every inch pressed against her inner silk. Her movements to dramatic and deliberate, elongated strokes upon him. Her entire body moved alongside his, her back arched, her hips rolled, her legs held him into her. She brought her hands up to cup her breasts, loving the way they yielded to his strong hands. Her own hands pushing down, pushing into him, caressing and pinning him all at once.

“So good!” She praised, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, “Truly Edana looks down upon us this evening.” Her voice was breathless and reverent, lost in the rapture of their union.

Gareth would bring his lips back down to her neck, licking up what blood had started to dribble down her neck. At the wound she would feel his tongue run along it, the very flesh slowly closing up till nothing but the scar was left. His lips kissing the scar once before Iris got the better of him with her pushing and forced the man back to lay on her bed of vines. The euphoria that came with being bitten from a vampire Iris seemed to amplify her desire, though Gareth never dove to much in asking about it. How could he fathom that she was taking something from him after he took her blood? And yet no woman could make Gareth feel whatever it was that Iris made him feel. No woman had the man lost in hours of fantasy like Iris did.

He watched as his Nymph lover bounced upon his manhood, her inner silk taking every inch of his member like it was made for him. Gareth's hands caressed Iris's full breasts, the warmth and smoothness of them as he squeezed and pushed the mounds together was as soothing as the action was erotic. Thumbs and fingers coming to her nipples to softly pinch and pull, only to let go and grope her breasts as a whole as she continued to ride his cock, to take his passion and show him how she was really the only one worthy of it. His desire for her didn't just stem from the rarity of her blood, her beauty and her skills in service of her Goddess held their own in the man's Obsession.

“Then let us make her turn her gaze with rose colored cheeks.” Gareth stated before his hands moved from her breasts, grabbing Iris and bringing her down onto her bed. Moving in a fluid motion he turned and got her onto her back without pulling out of her heated and wet lower embrace. His eyes never left hers, gazing into their perfection to see the lust she shared with him. The man's hips moving back to thrust the full length of his member inside of her. His flesh slapping against hers, his need for her only matched by her need for him.Long, hard, yet slow thrusts to emphasize his need. Wanting to see her reactions, to hear her moan and cry out for more.

And yet the irony was that he didn't want her to say anything... Or at least not be able too, leaning down his lips couldn't help but press to her own, groaning into her mouth. He wanted to share her breath since he had none, he wanted to taste her once more. Though not of her blood but of her mouth, to intoxicate himself with her perfection. Because that was what he saw in her, his perfect lotus in this field of decay that was the Capitol Felhine.

Iris let out a thrilled squeal as Gareth lifted her so easily and placed her on her back, not once breaking the joining of their flesh. There was nothing else in the world but them, the sound of their bodies meeting and moving against each other, their delightful cries of pleasure and praise to the Goddess. She gazed up at him, and him back down at her, as his long, hard, deliberate motions drove within her. She reveled in every inch of him, her body gleefully yielding to his, accepting him completely. Everything he was, she accepted, and everything he wanted, she gave, willingly. She wanted to give it to him, wanted him to have it, and wanted him to give it back to her in return.

“Gareth...” she tried to called out, as he drank the name from her lips, savored the taste of her yearning upon her breath. Her arms came up around his armed, hands resting on the back on his shoulders, pulling him into and against her, not wanting even an inch of separation between them.

“More,” She pleaded him, begged him, as he released her mouth from his hunger. Her hip moved against his, her legs came up to grip his waist, keeping him within her depths. “More,” she called again, demanding this time. Insistent, as her breathing grew labored and perspiration appeared on her brow. “More!” She screamed into the night, beseeching both him and Edana, nails digging into his back, ankles hooked into his hips, back arched into him.

She cried wordlessly as her release took her. A deep scarlet blush passed over her feature, traveling along the path of he blood, leaving her quaking in it’s wake. Trembling around his body, as the climax took her, claimed her, until there was nothing left but to surrender to it.

“Gareth…” she exhaled, as her breathing caught up to her blood, pulsing through her veins. “Goddess..’ she acknowledged, coming down from nirvana. She kissed him, still moving against him, in time with him, craving the feel of his release as well.

It was like a fire really, started small but as more fuel was added the flames only grew larger and hotter. Hearing his name escape those lips of hers had his hips thrusting faster, feeling her arms and legs come around to hold him that much more against her had his hips grinding against hers with each full thrust. Hearing her plead for more, demand more had their flesh slapping loudly against one another. Gareth tettering on the edge of passionate sex and animalistic lust. That fire a raging inferno once her ankles hooked to his hips, her nails dug into his back, and her back arched for the first release she would experience.

Gareth's hips pressed firmly against her own as her body rode out the euphoric high of such a climax, his member buried as deep as he could get it for her to squeeze and squirm upon. His eyes were glued on her face, how she looked at him, how she closed her eyes and moaned only to open them and look to him once more. The only thing stealing his attention was the deep scarlet blush upon her features, his eyes following it as blood coursed through her body. An oh too familiar craving starting to creep up once more.

However what brought the man back to the moment was nothing else but Iris's subtle movements. The joys of the flesh almost masked once more by the joys of blood. She actually got Gareth to groan, his attentions coming back to the more carnal activity the two were very much caught up in. His hips matched her own, the craving for release just as potent. Though one of his hands moved up to her head, softly pulling so she would expose that beautiful neck of hers once more.

Gareth waited though, his hips meeting hers, his cock delving inside again and again. Her warm and wet inner walls still tight as they squeezed him, as they tried to coax his release as well.The desire for release evident in his movements as he gazed into her eyes.Unable to look away for a moment as he took his perfect lotus, up to the point where he buried himself fully inside of her once more to unload his seed. Infertile of course, the of the many curses of undeath, but still he came inside of her. Of course his release was matched with a quick and sudden motion, leaning in so he could sneak his teeth into her neck once more.

The man groaned loudly into her neck as he fed once more, indulging in not only the bliss of an orgasm but the pleasure of feeding. Luckily he had the support of a bed beneath him because if he was standing such a combo would most definitely keep him from standing. Gareth feeding till his cock stopped pumping his cum into her, his tongue coming out to lick the wound and seal it before he moved back. Even though he had finished cumming his cock was still hard, still throbbing even. Partially due to the touch up of blood, but mostly because of the pinnacle of his desires beneath him filled with his seed. “I think it is your turn for a taste.” Gareth stated with a bit of a smirk, his hips moving back just enough for his cock to escape the lips of her pussy.

The act of him feeding upon her as he came was incredible. The blood pumped form her body to his, as his seed pumped from his body to hers. He replaced every drop of her essence with his lust, taking the warmth from her body but replacing it with her own. It was nearly enough to send her over the edge again, as she quivered under the weight of this bliss. “Oh course. I long to savor you, as you have savored me.”

She took a moment to breathe as he pulled out and off her, briefly jealous of the fact he no longer needed to. Still, she pushed him, gently, yet eagerly down on the bed, eyeing his attentive organ. Licking her lips she got herself into position, looking up the length of his body. Her tongue found the base of his member, running up along the bulge underneath. Collecting the proof of their worship, and moaning into the taste of them, together. His veins pulsed with the blood he drank from her, and she returned the pleasure he had given her in the draining of it. Her soft, plump lips wrapped around his crown, indulgently sucking him. She let her saliva roll down his shaft, and she ringed her tongue around the tip. Slowly, she moved down his meat, slavering her way down. Her eyes never left his, other than to close occasionally when the taste was exquisite, as his marble cock disappeared between her red lips. She kiss the base of his manhood, as the blunt head pushed into her throat. She came up now, maintaining a measured pace, engulfing his entire shaft each time.

Her hand sought his as she bobbed hard and faster each time. Her otherhand caressed his abs and chest, feeling his muscles moving and working just under his pale skin. She would not stop until she received this offering to the Goddess, drinking down the proof of their passion. His cock was coating with her drool, as she pumped him between sultry silken cheeks, and her eager tongue danced along his veins.

To imagine, a creature that wanted to savor him? There was a sick pleasure in the thought, though of course not in the same way that he savored her she still found some way to leave Gareth in awe of her, in need. Not just in the flesh but in her composure, her demeanor, whatever it was that kept her from looking at him in fear, that kept her in such confidence when at any moment he could drink more then he should. Yet here she was now able to look him dead in the eyes and take from him, demand from him. It was something he hadn't felt in centuries.

He would fall to the floor if that was where she wished him to go, his perfect lotus positioning him on the ivy bed so she could get her own taste. Gareth couldn't help but indulge in the sight of her, moving into position. Though that indulgence turned into overwhelming pleasure once her tongue came out to rub against the base of his cock. Be it from the first orgasm or something only explained by Edana herself, that first lick caused Gareth to thrust up on impulse, to even moan. “Iris..” He couldn't even keep eye contact anymore, head tilting back as she started to suck his member into her mouth.

And yet when he gained control of his faculties the first thing he saw with his head tilted back down was Iris's eyes, locked in a hypnotic gaze that she most certainly didn't break on his account. Gareth's hands gripping what he could of the ivy bed as he laid there, as she practically engulfed his member into her mouth, into her throat. His cock already throbbing from overstimulation as she paused to kiss his manhood, as she moaned with it in her mouth. Gareth moaned louder, trying to groan but just didn't have the composure.

Gareth never admit it, but what pushed him over the edge wasn't the finishing barrage of constant full movements up and down his length. It wasn't how her tongue danced along his veins or how she drooled so she could go faster. What did it was the simplest of gestures, the feeling of her handing his own as she did this for him. As she pleasured him. His hand gripped hers tightly as he started to climax, balls pumping seed once more into Iris's body. Only at a different hole. That eye contact broken once more as Gareth tilted his head back, moaning out Iris's name as his hips started to thrust up with each pulse of his cock.

He never let go of her hand, not even once his cock went limp in her mouth. He simply pulled her softly, as if beckoning her and asking if she would join him. Gareth knew she would, and once she was well laying on top of him the man didn't hesitate at all in kissing the woman. One arm coming around to hold her to himself, the other one flat at his side with her hand still in his. His eyes gazing into her own as he laid there. “You should leave with me...” Gareth stated softly, as if afraid saying those words might change what was happening. But really he feared the answer she might give. “That wouldn't be so bad would it?” He asked with a grin, kissing her again before she could even answer.

Iris lied in Gareth’s arms, enjoying the feeling of closeness, and the heat he had siphoned from her body. She wasn’t exactly cold, but she was comforted by his affection. She wished they could sleep in each other’s arms, but he needed the confines of a sunless enclosure. He must have had the same desire though, as he spoke his words.

“I can be possessed no more than one could possess a river or the wind. To keep me as yours would be to kill me Gareth. To kill everything you love about me.” She explained mournfully, wishing she could be both Iris, and be his. But it would never work, she could never be happy, even if they made love under the stars every night. She was a force of nature, and nature was not meant to bekept.

“But I could put you in a pot, set you before my window. Brilliant no?” Gareth asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, though the truth of the matter was she couldn't. She was right though, the very fact that she wouldn't be his made him obsess over her, the very fact that she... wait did she say love? The man looked at her with a bit of a smirk. “What makes you think I love you little lotus?” He asked, even more sarcasm in his voice as he kissed her. “I haven't experienced love in centuries, what makes you so special?” Again he kissed her, unable to keep himself from playing a little with the banter. Though what was really surprising was the feeling below his waist, a pressure against his cock. His member growing erect once more without the need for that initial bloody pick up. What better time for his body to answer that love question for him. But before she could comment he would turn her onto her back, “I'm going to love you to death then!” He added, assaulting her in the most passionate and loving way he could. No matter how coy or clever he tried to disguise himself as, the truth remained that he did love her. And he had a few more hours of nightfall to show it!
Edana, Goddess of Pleasure continued

Nyssa and Qaithe traveled through the city, wearing the robes that indicated service to Edana, and holding their heads proudly. The two elven women received many stares, but no cruel words. Priestesses of Edana received respect in this town, even when they were elves, who were not always welcome in the capital of Felhine. They were on church business after all, to administer grace to the House of Centos, and the celebration they were having today. The landed knight paid very well to have two elves summoned to his residence, and neither girl was in a position to refuse.

It was rather rare for a landed knight to choose a nonhuman priestess for worship. Nyssa paid the though little mind, seeing an opportunity to build greater relationship between the human and the elves in the service of Edana. It was why the curvy silver elf had chosen service, after all. As a daughter to the elven ambassador to the city, Nyssa saw service under Edana as a great help to bridging the communities.

Qaithe the drow was not nearly as optimistic as her fair skinned sister. Drow were especially hated out of all the elven races in Felhine. Within the church, all races were welcome, both to serve and to receive blessing, but outside the temple walls, the common people were not so forgiving. Qaithe found dignity in her service, as Drow women were favored by those who craved a firmer touch in their worship. Still she was apprehensive, as they reached the Centos Manor.

The women were lead into the main hall by servants who did not look them in the eye. The Banquet was set out before them, and almost a dozen knights in service to house Centos were present, including the young master of the household. He had recently brought great glory to his house in war, held the favor of the king.

Conquest, battle, war. Name it what you will the fight for king and country was ingrained in the Centos blood line. Spanning all the way to the founding of the kingdom a Centos always held clout in Felhine's army. Be it in the position of General, of Tactician, or even leading the front lines of the Vanguard the Centos bloodline is feared on the battlefield. None greater then the newest Centos to take the upper ranks of the King's Armies. Magnus Centos, Tactician and Vanguard leader, no one would be surprised to see him ascend to the rank of General. No one his age has ever come close to the amount of victories in both open warfare and sieges. His thirst for victory only matched by the hatred he shows for any that cross his blade. Orcs and Ogres from the north, heads chopped off and stuck up spears. Dwarves and Goblins from the south, chopped to pieces for the dogs. And even Elves and Nymphs coming from the east, scalped with their ears ripped off. He made sure that all enemies and those that might become an enemy feared the West, feared the race of man. Which made tonight a rather interesting event with the request of two elven priestesses. But what was there to fear? Such brutal acts were done in times of war, never within the capitol. That would be lunacy.

This was a time for celebration after all! Centos had returned with one of the King's Armies, having vanquished a terrible demon within the Forest of None. It's carcass was dragged back for the people to see that no creature could withstand the might of Felhine. Even though it was dead the monster was quite hideous, a mass of black flesh with dead tentacles limp at it's sides. What looked to be a large crevice in the front of the demon looked more like a giant eye socket then anything else. One could only imagine what Centos did to the eye. But Felhine was safe again, if it had ever been in danger in the first place... So celebration was in order! Magnus treating the captains of the army to his manor for a feast and entertainment. His men laughed and stuffed themselves, wine and ale filling each and every mug and glass. Servants in a rush to keep Magnus happy by serving his guests.The man himself sitting confidently in his throne like chair at the head of his banquet table, watching the captains laugh and retell stories of the battle with the demon.His mind else where though, on what he had requested from the Temple of Edana. And as if on queue a servant came to him to inform of the Priestesses arrival. “Inform the servants they can have the rest of the night off.” Magnus stated as he started to get up, his servant bowing and thanking him before leaving, quick to carry out his master's orders and leave. It wouldn't take long at all till the manor was only comprised of the thirteen men and the two elven priestesses.

“Welcome!” Magnus spoke loudly from the other end of the table to the two women that came in. “We are celebrating our victory of war against the demons that plague this great land!” He continued, chalice in hand of wine as he started to make his way around the table and towards the two elves. “And there is none other that we would like to raise out victory too then Edana herself.” As he said that a few of the men still seated smirked, others chuckled a little. All the men obviously undressing the elven women with their eyes, which of course was to be expected. Everyone was dressed in very expensive silk clothing. Long sleeved shirts, pants, even robes. All bearing the symbol of not Felhine but the crest of the Centos family. If anything it showed these men were loyal to Magnus, regardless of their own noblities or positions in the armies.

“My men fought valiantly, and I would see them blessed by Edana for risking their lives for the Kingdom of Felhine.” Magnus added, stopping once he stood in front of the two women. Extending his chalice forward to offer it to both of them. “Drink, inspire my men.” Though Magnus made sure that his hand didn't touch their own when they took the chalice from him.The man quick to turn and make his way back to his chair. His captains however continued to eat, some turned their chairs towards the elven women, others got up to start and make their way around.

“Strip already!” one would shout with a mouth full of pork.

“I got a feast for you right here elf.” Another stated as he grabbed his crotch.

Nyssa stood with head held high and a serene smile on her face. She was well versed with the young lords many exploits and victories. This assignment was a great honor, to serve the House Centos, and bring the blessing of Edana to the men who served him. She would show them the beauty of the elves, and build up the relations between her people, and the most respected house in Felhine. “I am honored to grace your man with the Goddess’ blessing, Lord Centos.Truly Edana celebrates your victory alongside us!” She graciously took the goblet offered, and drank deeply of the wine within. Her priestess robe come off now, spilling upon the floor as she stepped out of it.

She wore a sliver ethereal dress, soft thin silk that clung sweetly from her breasts and hips. The thin material dine not hide the beauty of her body, even as it covered her figure, complimenting her shimmery complexion. “Who shall receive the first blessing?” She called to the assemblage, ignoring the men’s foul words and crude suggestions. Soon only words of worship would fall from their lips.

“I’ll go first,” a tall, thin red haired man called, approaching the elf. She smiled warmly upon him, curtseying deeply for his pleasure. His lips formed a nasty smirk as the elven woman yielded to him. She brought hands up to his face, to pull him into a kiss but he swatted them away. “Nah, that’s not where I want your mouth,” he jeered at her, pushing her head down and the woman onto her knees. Nyssa did not fight him, as great and proud warriors of the capital, it was his choice on how he choose to worship.

The great hall filled with hoots and hollers as the lovely elf dropped to her knees, and their thin comrade pulled out his length for her. He rubbed his meat along her face, smudging her cheeks with precum. Despite the attempts to degrade her, Nyssa performed her duty, holding the man’s member in her supple hands, stroking it lovingly as she licked the shaft. It glisten with her saliva as she sought to serve the man with all the grace of her Goddess. Soldier were sometimes coarse, but tender attention from the priestesses usually cleared up those vulgar behaviors.

“Suck it slut!”

“Take that cock! Fucking tease.”

“Fuck the bitch in the mouth, Rede.”

Nyssa paid the men no mind. Her soft lips opened to accept the bulbous crown of his cock, slow moist sucking that lathered his manhood. She focused on her task, seeking the glory of the Goddess to soothe the fire that burned within these men.

Qaithe was not nearly as optimistic as her fellow priestess. She could see the vile lust in the eyes of the men who surrounded them. They were not looking to praise the Goddess now. They were looking to fuck a couple of elves, women they saw as little more than meat to be used, consumed in the pursuit of base urges. She sipped at the offered chalice, not buying the façade of generosity and reverence that the young lord tried to play out. She watched Nyssa play her role, regardless of the words the men shouted at her, and the hateful glean of the man who demanded service.

“What’s wrong drow?” One of the men came up around her. A stout man, with thick muscles covering his arms and chest, bulging and covered in veins. Obviously a strong man, if not terribly handsome. “Your associate is awfully friendly. Don’t you want to get friendly with us too?” The thick sausage fingers grabbed at her robes, pulling them off of her lithe body. Qaithe tried to hold them over her body, but the man insisted, ripping them off when the drow resisted. This lead to more cheers, as she held the scraps of her gown against her midnight flesh.

Her tormentor wasn’t done, tearing her small clothes form her body, the loud ripping of cloth cutting into the heckles and catcalls of the men. Qaithe stumbled away from him, falling to the floor as she tripping over her ruined garments. Her oppressor didn’t pursue right away, taking great pleasure in the fear on her face.

Magnus took his time as he made his way back to his throne like chair, sitting once more as his men began to have their fun. Truth be told their fun was actually his fun, Magnus having instructed his men prior to the priestesses arrival on how he wanted the entertainment to play out. Of course his men were more then happy to oblige, who were they to miss out on an opportunity to live a little? Who were they to disobey an order from their Commander? Magnus watched with a certain yearning in his eyes as Rede had one of the women naked and on her knees already, while Quintus was starting to torment the other.

“This bitch has quite the throat boys!” Rede shouted out, both his hands grabbing onto the silvery locks of Nyssa's head. He showed little respect or patience for what was probably going to be the greatest blowjob of his life, the man thrusting his hips forward with the head of his cock in her mouth. Even when he got to her throat he simply continued, all the way till Nyssa's nose was buried in the thick of his pubic hair. He held her that, a grin upon his face as his grip didn't seem to wavier one bit. “Come on, don't you dare fucking give up and choke!” Came a loud and rowdy shout from one of the men still eating.

Quintus however was much more focused on the drow as she crawled away, enjoying the fear that was painted across her face. “That's it you little whore, you know whats coming.” He added as he started to follow her, a grin adorned his face as he backed Qaithe against a wall before grabbing one of her legs. “Come here!” He shouted, pulling her away from the wall by her ankle.

“Look at the black one squirm!” Someone shouted, some of the men cheering to that before downing more ale. Quintus practically smacked the drow across the face as she resisted, pulling her closer to where Rede and Nyssa were before flipping her over so she was on her stomach. His larger and stronger hands coming down to push Qaithe's face into the cold hard stone floor. The drow being forced to contort her head to the side as her oppressor turned her to look at Rede and her sister in service. “You are going to watch as Rede violates her.” Quintus stated rather softly as he leaned over her, just so she could hear. “And don't think for a second that I won't hit you hard enough for your pretty little teeth to come out if you look away.” He threatened, one of his other hands moving back to get his trousers undone.

Rede would let up for a moment so Nyssa could breath, but really for the elf to cough and gasp for air so the others could watch and laugh. Little time however until he forced his cock back into her mouth, thrusting it fully into her mouth and throat once more before he started to fuck her in such a fashion. His balls slapping against her chin and neck, his pelvis rather forcefully ramming into her nose. His hands kept her head in place through it all. All the way up till he pushed her face once more into his crotch. Only this time he didn't let go, he simply kept his cock where it was as her throat would start to contract and try to expel the invading member.

Qaithe wouldn't just watch what was happening, oh no. Her partner for now had gotten his pants off, the sound of him spitting on his cock could be heard before Qaithe would feel the intent of his actions. The man cared little for her comfort or enjoyment, penetrating her darker sex. Forcing her lower lips apart. His cock resembled much of his stature, not the longest but definitely thicker then many. Quintus ruthlessly pushed his cock into her pussy. His spit failing in acting as any sort of lubricant. “You can start crying now you worthless drow.” Quintus laughed, his hand still holding her face against the ground as he started to fuck her into the floor.

“You should know we argued about who got to fuck your tall friend first.” Quintus continued to debase Qaithe as he forced himself on her. His words accompanied by the sound of his hips slapping against her little ass. “I drew the short straw out of everyone so I had to fuck the trash of your elven kingdom. Fucking drows!” Quintus spat out, his thrusts only pumping harder it seemed.

Nyssa tried hard to keep up with Rede’s demanding thrusts. She was well practiced at praising the Goddess upon her knees, but her partner didn’t seem all that interested in her skills. He only seemed interested in using her mouth to envelop his cock. Using her as a warm body to fuck and take his pleasure from. Still, she didn’t fight him, still not wanting to believe that he wanted to hurt her with his movements. Why would anyone take from her what she would have willingly given? Willingly and skillfully given?

But he fucked her mouth and throat with relentless malice, ignoring the tears welling up in her eyes and the desperation of her convulsing throat. She was given a moment to choke and gasp for air, strings of saliva sticking from his cock and he pulled it form her lips. She hadn’t even caught her breath when he fucked her throat again, stretching her delicate membrane over his bulbous head. He didn’t stop this time, as his cock cut off her air, her desperate grabbing and slapping at his thighs not just ignored, but mocked.

She couldn’t breathe. He did this on purpose, choking her on him, laughing about it all the while. Soon, the trauma of his brutal rape of her face was over, as she blacked out.Rede released her now, spraying her half open mouth and face with his spunk, smearing it in her hair. He cleaned off the his cock with her robe, a d took a long drink of his mug, to the cheers of his friends.

Qaithe fought hard as Quintus tossed her around, treating her worse than even the street prostitutes put up with. He was a lot stronger than her though, easily manhandling the small woman, his size standing in obvious contrast to her petit frame. The difference was made obvious as he held her down on the ground, pressed into the stone floor as she was fucked. She refused to cry as he commanded, even as he fucked her raw, the burning friction of his thrusts denying her any semblance of pleasure.

Qaithe couldn’t hold back the pained grunts as he stretched her slit over his dense meat. She had never had to take a man so thick before, and certainly never without proper lubrication. It was by the grace of the Goddess that he wasn’t spreading her open in every direction. But she was sure the next would have that pleasure, taking pleasure in violating her, while they denied any pleasure she could achieve in her service.

“Nyssa!” She cried out, as her friend passed out from having her throat fucked. The man raping her didn’t even care, just coating her with semen, letting it drip form her tongue and lips. She fell to the floor, limp and barely breathing, but Qaithe could not go to her. She could only watch as the next man come over to defile her unconscious body.

“Not gonna cry are you?!” Quintus shouted out as he continued to rape her, violating something that had been used many times before to glorify a Goddess or simply to be enjoyed in a sort of mutual understanding. “Fucking Bitch!” Quintus shouted again, his hand that was holding her face down went into her white hair, yanking painfully at it to force her neck to crane fully back. The strength of his thrusts pushing that line between spanking her ass with his hips and simply beating it.“Ahh!” Quintus bellowed quick to pull out of her and yank her up by her hair. The man twisting her head so she would be forced to look back at him before he started to cum.His other hand on his member as he coated her dark face with strands of his hot spunk.

“Give us a go!” Some of the other men stated as they got up, the majority of them heading over to the drow as Quintus pretty much dropped her on the ground in favor of returning to the table for more food and ale. It taking less then a handful of moments before Qaithe was surrounded by five guys with their pants already off. “Think she is a biter?” Someone asked, smirking as he looked down to the drow. “Hey Rede! Show he what happens to that other whore if she thinks she is gonna use some teeth!” Another called out, Rede having taken a quick food break but he was more then happy to go over to Nyssa. He pretty much grabbed the elf and hoisted her up on the table, the man that was getting ready to take her showed obvious aggravation to Rede but Rede grabbed a knife and ended the little moment.

Qaithe would see as Rede put the knife to Nyssa's neck, the taller elf pretty much being bent over the table with her face just smashed into a random plate of food. “I'll fuckin kill her, and then I will come over and pull each and every one of your teeth out. Make sure you play nice.” Rede said with a bit of laughter in his voice before he moved off of Nyssa, the previous man taking up his spot again as he moved behind the elf.

“Now come here!” And just like that Qaithe was being grabbed and tossed around like some child's toy. When all the laughter and comments finished she found herself straddling one of the men that had gotten on the floor. He quick to pull her hips in place and force her down upon his cock. The neck and gotten behind her, wasting no time at all before he lined his cock up with her ass, pushing as hard as he could to break past the rosebud and enter her back end. Not missing a beat the other three gathered around still standing, one at her mouth waiting for her to gasp or cry out long enough for him to stuff his cock inside. While the other two went for her hands, pulling each one to the sides of her so she would take their dicks and stroke while the other three fucked every hole she had to offer. The men thrusting with similar vigor as Quintus. There wasn't even half a second where something wasn't pushing it's way inside of her, just a constant stream of invading members and laughter all around.

Magnus watched as the one focusing on Nyssa had started to fuck her pussy. The captain more then excited to finally get a little Elvish tail. Though it didn't come off as entertaining for Magnus from the expression on his face. “Pull out of her.” Magnus stated, eyes on the elf the whole while as he spoke. “I want you to drag her to the other side of the table and then fuck her ass.” Magnus added, his cheek resting against his propped up hand as he waited. The captain taking a moment to collect himself before he followed orders, pulling out the Nyssa before moving her to the other side of the table. This would put her on the opposite side from her Drow companion, if she woke up it would more then likely be the first thing she would see. And with that he went back to it, taking a quick mug of ale to his lips before he forced his way into Nyssa's ass, pushing his cock as far as it would go before he started to work and rotate his hips. Magnus beginning to smile, not so much from what was before him but the promise of what might follow. The look upon the elf's face when she awoke, not even in his wildest fantasizes could he imagine it.

Qaithe could hardly protest before more men were upon and inside her, one man filling her raw cunt, another pushing himself into her tight ass, a third demanding use of her mouth. Both hands were wrapped around cock, the movement of the men defiling her forcing her hands to move along their meat. She was used in every way possible, by men who cared nothing for her comfort or pleasure.

No, it was more than that. They wanted to hurt her. She had seen the hatred in their eyes from the moment she entered the room. They were enjoying the pain they were inflicting upon her, as much as they enjoyed with gratification they took from her body. Her slit was pounded cruelly, even from beneath, and she hadn’t even a chance ro recover form the first man. The man fucking her ass did not ease her into it, stretching her over his dense dick with every harsh thrust. In her mouth another cock pumping her, fucking her as hard and deep as Nyssa just was. Would he choke her on his manhood, as well? Would it be worse that raped in each hole, and forced to feel all of it?

“What’s wrong, you drow whore? Aren’t you used to fucking this much cock?” The one in her ass sneered, slamming his hips into her. She could only whine against the shaft stuffing her mouth, the man’s thick calloused fingers tangling in her hair as he held himself in place.

Nyssa became vaguely aware of a distant, stabbing pain. She was lying face down on the table, covered in half eaten food and the seed of her rapist. She was still disoriented form passing out, trying to remember what happened, or even where she was. Unfortunately for her, the was a more pressing matter, a matter pressing viciously into a previously untouched hole. She was unconsciously crying out in pain, but she could even completely place it. Until she could put together that her ass was being raped. Savagely raped.

The silver elf never hid the pain nor stifled her cries of anguish as thick meat skewered her, no lubrication to guide his strokes. From across the table, she saw her fellow priestess fucked from every angle, filled with cock and then some. Just besides was Lord Centos with hateful glee as she cried out from torment.

“Why?” she sobbed, as her tender entrance stretched and spread over the invading member. “We can willingly, to celebrate your victory with the Goddess! Why are you letting them hurt us?” The man behind her grew harder and pounded her deeper and longer, grunting his carnality into her body. She cringed as he shot his searing semen into her split orifice, his spunk stinging her where the flesh had torn to accommodate him. She could feel it seep out of her as he pulled out, opalescent fluid standing out against the red ravaged right of muscles.

“Ahhh yeah! This bitch is enjoying herself! Make her moan again!” The man in Qaithe's mouth shouted out, the sudden stimulation of her whining around his cock only served to make the brutal intrusion that much more enjoyable for the man as he fucked her throat. It wasn't like the men needed leadership or encouragement as they raped the drow, but regardless after he shouted that out Qaithe would feel her rapists thrust harder, faster, if that was even possible at this point. Qaithe's beautiful ebony skin would have bruises and marks that not even her complexion would hide.

“Im'mapaint this drow white!” One of the men shouted out, the one fucking her ass pulling out before he started to shoot his load onto her back. And as if it was some sort of domino effect the others followed in suit. The man fucking her mouth buried his cock down her throat, pumping his seed into her awaiting stomach. The other having impaled the drow on his cock held her hips firmly down, his cum slowly slipping from between their sexes as he kept her in place. The other two at her hands had taken over, just to get to the point where they could climax as well. Both men painting Qaithe's face with semen as the other stepped back. But at least there was hope, all five of the men dropping Qaithe on the ground to go get something to drink.

That hope was a lie however, two men walking over with a large pitcher in tow. “You don't look like you are having fun, come on now join the party!” One said while the other grabbed her, forcing her up on her knees before grabbing her by the throat. Qaithe was forced to tilt her head back as the other man started to pour the wine. “Open your fucking hole!” They shouted, the one that was man handling her pinched her nose shut. Waiting for her to gasp for air and be forced to take the wine. The two laughed, even if they were on the border of drowning her with wine when she tried to breath. “Breaks over!” Someone shouted out, both men standing up and pulled Qaithe along with them.

Qaithe almost looked like a child in comparison to the two men that were tormenting her, especially more so when they had her sandwiched between each other, the two entering her pussy and ass and holding her up off the ground between the two. “Tell us you like it! Tell us you want more!” One shouted into Qaithe's face, bringing his hand up to slap her across the cheek while they thrusted into her. A cruel unison to thrust in together and fill her ass and pussy before pulling back onto to do it again. “Come on you fucking whore!” He said before slapping her again. “My mates at the table want to hear you!”

Magnus watched with a perverse joy in his eyes once Nyssa came too, once she started to cry and practically beg for an answer. There was such confusion and sorrow in her voice, the elf not understanding at all why this was happening? But how could she? How could anyone? Magnus had no reason to such debauchery other then that he wanted to see it. A spur of the moment or random thought that the man saw through. Though what she asked made the man smirk, just as quickly as she asked did he respond.

“And what a celebration it is. I paid handsomely for your Goddess's “services”. And as priestesses you are duty bound to participate in our “worship”.” There was much sarcasm and jest in Magnus's voice as he pretended to explain himself, like the very fact of what was going on didn't seem cruel or wrong in anyway to him. “Are you telling me that my tribute didn't garner worthy worshipers? Surely you and your friend are experienced and skilled priestesses of your temple and can accommodate. I would be insulted if you Edanians wanted to spit on my glory with such inexperienced and naive attendants!”

Magnus spat out, “Hold her down and fuck her ass again.”

The only person left that hadn't participated in the defacement of the EdanianPreistesses looked to be a younger man, a captain none the less, but one that had kept his seat. His food untouched, his chalice full.Obvious discomfort on his face but not a single action or word against what was happening. “Bolthas, take your turn.” Magnus stated coldly, the man staying seated for a few more moments before he got up. Instead of getting behind Nyssa and fucking her ass he walked to her front, grabbing his wrists and holding them down on the table before her. Magnus did say hold her down after all, Bolthas keeping his eyes away from the elf however. Magnus watched with a disappointed look on his face, his mouth opening to speak but didn't say a word when one of the men that had gotten jerked off by Qaithe came over and shoved his cock into Nyssa's ass.

Qaithe whimpered as each man finished with her, coating her in humiliation and spunk. She ached in the aftermath of the brutal gang bang, ever hole sore and throbbing in the proof of her violation. She tried to wipe away the semen on her face, determined not to cry for these bastards, even as she shook in anguish. That resolve was tested as she was held down, hair yanked to force her to arch her neck, and lift her head towards the ceiling. She wasn’t expecting what happened next, as her nose was held closed and wine was poured into her throat, it’s volume threatening to pull her down, and drown her in the hatred of these men.

Gasping and coughing once they released her, she hadn’t the strength to resist as they pulled her up, into the arms. The ease by which they held her up was not comforting at the moment, and the impact of his hand across her face as they penetrated her made it clear that they strength would be a weapon against her.

They moved in unison, thrusting into her swollen holes at the same time. There was pure malice in their strokes, pressing against the thin barrier that separated their cocks, threatening to tear it with callous disregard. She was howling now, the pain too much to swallow or hold down. She wasn’t crying yet, just letting the pain escape with each agonized wail.

Nyssa was only given a few moments rest as she cried out for answers, trying to understand why they would do this. This wasn’t about sex. Both women would have slept with the men here, all of them, eventually. They would have given these men the pleasure the goddess could wrought form their bodies, and bless their victory with willing and grateful praise. This was about hatred, and cruelty, exert their greater strength on numbers upon the two elven women.

“This is not the will of the Goddess!” Nyssa spat at the man, as he acted as if there were nothing wrong with what he were doing to them. “Worship is always chosen freely, by both the priestess and the devoted. This is rape!” Tears streaked her cheek, adding their saltiness to the seed that had been left there, but her eyes did not falter. She would not look away from him, she could not look away from him, letting her pain and revulsion burn into his skull.

It had little effect, as he order another man to fuck her ass. She tried to stand now, to defend herself somehow, with was difficult given the pain she was in. Before she could get up much, a knight in silver armor came over and held her down. She snarled in distress as she wasn’t allowed to move, turning her disgust towards the man facilitating her next desecration. He wouldn’t look at her, his eyes off on some distance image, far away from the horror playing out before him.

For some reason, the man’s inaction against what was happening made Nyssa’s blood boil, as much as the men participating in her rape. “Are you proud of yourself,” Nyssa spat at the man who held her down, as a second cock pushed into her tender ass. Her first rape left her looser for this second one, which didn’t cause as much damage as he forced himself inside her. “Are you proud that you stood by and did nothing but watch two priestesses get assaulted? You are no better than any man here. You may as well join in, like the piece of shit you are.” Nyssa wasn’t sure if insulting the man would inspire him to help them, but it was the only plan she could conceive of, at the moment.

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