Raven's new look (Maiesiobreed and Kosmik_Khaos)


God is empty, just like me.
Aug 1, 2016
In my happy place.
"Aahh. Jump City, we meet at last." A tall man with golden brown skin said with a mirthless smile on his handsome face. Reaching up he tucked an errant lock of pitch dark hair behind his ear. Walking through the hustle and bustle of the city his steely grey eyes falling over the activity of the city but not really looking at it as he made his way to the business district of the city. Stopping in front of an impressive twenty story building a smile budded on his lips that didn't quite make it to his eyes. "You are good a start as any." He spoke to the building. Staring at it for a moment the building suddenly bent forward at a forty degree angle at the fifth floor without breaking a single window. Bending again at the seventh, twelfth, fifteenth and seventeenth floors in random angles in random directions the end result was something that would have made Picasso tilt his head in wonder.

The sounds of panic around him brought mirth to the smile but it still didn't reach his cold eyes. Turning from the ruined building he looked into the writhing mass of panicking people and shook his head disapprovingly. "This simply will not do." Suddenly the street was silent, all the people stood frozen in place like mannequins. In fact they all were mannequins. "Much better." He said brushing his hands together, now back to work." Turning his gaze back onto the sky scrapers one by one they changed. One became a ten story tall dandelion, another a giant legoman. Each one in turn just changed before his gaze into a random giant item. After a few moments the panicked screams had began again but this time they were from all over. "Shouldn't be much longer and they will be here."

Turning his back on the now ruined skyline of Jump City he started walking down the street, everything his eyes lingered on for more than a few seconds changed into something else entirely people, animals, cars, buildings, nothing was safe from his gaze.
"Something happening in downtown Jump City....the readings are off the chart....something we've never seen before. TEEN TITANS, GO!" Robin cried out, gathering the Titans together and explaining the situation before springing into action. It was a different rogue, a different villain for the first time in ages, but they had seen and defeated just about everything that had been thrown at them, so their worries were not peaked.

That is...until they saw the strange figure simply waltzing down the main boulevard of Jump City, apparently transforming and transmogrifying everything in his path.

"This....is not good" Raven said in her usual monotone voice, her eyes already glowing with dark powers. This was certainly a powerful being, but like anything of this world she sincerely doubted it could take a full hit from a flying car.

"Azerath...METRION ZINTHOS!" The purple haired superhero screamed, picking up an SUV with her powers and hurtling it towards the strange man.
Stopping when the Titans came into view the man grinned maliciously. "Took you long enough Titans." He said coolly. Not moving he eyed the team like an hawk eyeing a rabbit. "I am going to enjoy this much more than you are." He said to them in a dark tones that could have sent chills down the Barron of Hell's spine. Watching Raven embrace her powers before everyone else his wicked grin finally reached his cold gray eyes making them gleam in a way that unsettling in every sense of the word.

As the SUV hurtled towards him he removed his left hand from his pocket and feet before the vehicle could hit it turned into the size of a Matchbox car. Catching it he turned his boring gaze to it rolling it around in his fingers before tossing it aside. "You will have to better than that Daughter of Trigon." He said coldly.

Taking his right hand from his pocket he ran both his hands through he hair and started to laugh ominously. The buildings on either side of the street started to droop and melt like heated wax and a loud low hum, like a hundred truck sized bumble bees in flight filled the air. From below gas pipe burst from the ground spouting pillars of fire that took the shape of nightmarish maws snapping and snarling. The buildings were all now unrecognizable globs of grey that had began to spill over into the streets. From the mess vaguely human shaped masses began to rise. Once fully formed they stood their ground before the man who stared coldly at the super teens in front of him. "Do not disappoint." He said flatly and with that the forms of melted concrete and metal lunged forward with surprising agility towards the members that couldn't fly while the fires went for those with flight.
Raven tried to not show any emotion (not exactly too difficult for her) but when she saw the massive SUV transform and shrink, tumbling through the air toward the baddie, and then bounce harmlessly off of his chest and clatter to the ground....her mouth opened slightly in wonder and she shook her head.

"WOAH....Dude....that is not good. Did you see what he did to that car?! Rae!? Star? Robin? I don't know if I have a good feeling about this," Beast Boy said, his eyes wide as he looked around at his fellow teammates, looking for some kind of direction.

"We all saw it, Gar. Keep your wits about you," Raven said, readying a huge pile of rubble that she planned on hurling at the enemy....but the rubble clattered harmlessly to sidewalk as her concentration was broken.

What looked like a virtual army of gray soldier, featureless, were charging towards them, bolts of fire flying towards Raven and Starfire.....before Robin could tell them to evade the charging members they were already ducking and dodging for their lives.

Raven gritted her teeth as a piece of metal came inches from slicing her throat, as she focused her energy on shooting shrapnel at the charging baddies.....but nothing was working.

"We need to focus on him, focus on him!" She heard herself crying out, black energy emanating through her body as she picked up a large piece of a skyscraper, HURLING it at the enemy, hoping it would catch him off guard.
Clapping his hands the man watched at the team fought fruitlessly. "Keep up the good work Titans, you almost did something that time." He goaded finally showing something on his face other than hardness. "It shouldn't be this hard for the five of you to take on a few measly Golems."

Looking at the ground a high backed chair formed from the asphalt and changed into elegantly carved and gilded wood. Taking his seat he watched the fight continue before Raven yelled out to focus on him. Clapping his hands once he smiled and pointed to the girl. "Correct! Do as the demon child says, focus your efforts on me..." Pausing he pulled back the pointing hand and scratched his chin. "You know I should probably tell you at least who you are dealing with since I know who all of you are." Stopping he turned and faced the massive chunk of building hurling his way. Reaching out he caught the single black rose that it became and rolled it in his fingers heedless of the thorns piercing into his fingers. Looking directly at Raven he gave her a dark smile before winking and blowing her a quick kiss. "I am Azmodian," He said bowing deeply with a flourish. Lifting only his head he glared at the team with a predatory gaze. "And I am here to end you all."

Straightening up he tucked his hair back behind his ears and let his gaze trail form Titan to Titan. "Who should go first?" He asked in mock indecision. Suddenly snapping his icy gaze to Robin he grinned. "Yeeessss. Let us start with the fearless leader." Holding his gaze on the boy for a moment as he decided what to do with him he finally nodded to himself. "As the only non-superhuman on the team I think it is time you had a super ability of your own." He said his tone full of sinister intent. "How about super feeling? Yes I think that will be nice." Focusing on Robin Azmodian altered his pain receptors to be thousands of times more sensitive, to the point that the feeling of the light breeze was like coarse sandpaper grinding over his entire body. Laughing at the sudden screams his eyes started to trail between the remaining Titans. "Do I have any volunteers for who is next?"
"Robin!" Raven cried out, as she rushed over to his side. She grabbed his arm, tried to comfort him, but he let out an ear piercing scream and she quickly let go. She knelt beside him, trying to offer him comfort as he writhed on the ground, incapable of speaking or registering anything in his torn mind other than the pain that coursed through his body.

Raven thought it odd that the golems had stopped their efforts, intent on just watching the Titans...but her train of thought was quickly interrupted when she saw Starfire gritting her teeth, her fist clenched and her eyes glowing green energy.

"You...you...son of a Glirbaxx!" Star screamed. It was the best she could do, profanity had always escaped her, but Raven could see the rage bubbling out of her. Everyone knew she had feelings for Robin, she had admitted as much to Raven in the rare moments she had allowed herself to participate in "girl talk," but she had never acted on it. Perhaps she saw her chance slipping away.

"Titans, go!" She screamed, charging at the man called Asmodian, energy bolts flying at him. Cyborg gave a hearty "BOOYA!" cocked his plasma rifle arm and quickly followed her. BB brought up the rear, charging at him as a full, roaring T-Rex.

"Guys...I'm not sure this is a smart idea," Raven said, still with Robin, trying anything to comfort him.
Still lounging in his chair with an air of casual ease about him, as though he wasn't in the middle of fight. Starfire's curse brought a grin to his lips. "So the Tamaranean volunteers to go next." Though not moving he suddenly seemed to be a coiled predator ready to pounce at a moments notice. Eyeing the incoming starbolts they vanished fifteen feet before they reached Azmodian filling the air with a sweet scent. "Chanel number 5." He stated taking in the fragrance of the perfume he changed the incoming blasts into. Gripping the arms of the throne he pushed himself to his feet and gave the girl leading the charge a firm glare. "Such language and temper is most unbecoming of the princess of Tamaran, I'm disappointed in you Koriand'r. Such behavior cannot go unpunished." His last words dripped with malicious threat.

Focusing intently on Starfire the air around her shimmered for a brief moment and a small trickle of blood leaked from his nose. Suddenly Starfire was behind the throne stripped naked and hanging by her wrists by rough rope while three golems stood around her flailing her bare body all over. "Stripped of your powers. Stripped of your titles. Stripped from the minds and hearts of your own race. Not a single Tamaranean remembers who you are anymore, and once I am done with you not even you will remember who you used to be."

Returning his attention to the remainder of the Titans he rubbed his hands together. "Next." He said coldly.
The remaining three watched in horror as Starfire now sat naked, strapped to the ugly throne like a dog on a ratty stoop, and being like one as well. Gar cried out for her, desperate to see if she was alright, but Raven could see in her face that she was gone. She looked at them all with a blankness now, not even the slightest recognition that they had all been great friends.

Before she could warn the two remaining Titans, Cyborg and BB split up, charging at Asmodisn from either side now, not thinking, only reacting at what he had done to the team...

Raven knew it was a foolhardy exercise, but she got up from the still writhing Robin and flew in behind them, willing to go down with her friends.
Azmodian shook his head in disappointment. "I expected more from all of you, I'm highly disappointed your short sighted attempts to stop me." Flicking his steely eyes to cyborg he focused for a second. "But what can I expect from a toy soldier," Cyborg feel to the ground in a heap with the sound of wood knocking against wood and stone. The Titan was now a wooden toy puppet. Snapping his gaze to Beast Boy he glared. "And a poorly trained house pet!" A shimmer in the air distorted the image of BB and then he was crouching on all fours on the opposite side of Star. All human intelligence was missing from his eyes as he looked up to his new master.

Reaching down Azmodian pet Beast Boys head before walking to the pile that was Cyborg. Lifting the puppet he grinned down at the Titan. If you behave I'll let you start talking again." He said looking into Cyborgs eyes. The Titan was still alive but completely powerless. Tossing him onto the seat of the throne he turned his gaze finally onto Raven. "You know this is fairly depressing, all your friends have been reduced so far." A look of sadness posted across his face but was quickly replaced with a devilish grin. "I know how make myself feel better. Actually to be fair I know how to make you make me feel better."

Slowly he started towards the last Titan standing his grey eyes boring into her Violet ones. "Let's see, I've always had an attraction to you, but your attitude is a bit of a downer." Altering the distance between them he closed the last several years in a single step. Suddenly standing less than an inch from Raven he reached out quickly and wrapped his arm around her waist placing his hand in the small of her back. Pulling roughly against his chest he looked down at her. "Don't try to fight, I've already removed you from your abilities." He said in a low whisper. Reaching up with his free hand he caressed her check, tenderly he brushed an errant lock of her hair from her face before running his fingers through her hair. Once his hand reached the back of her head he grows her hair and pulled her head back.

Taking her lips in a searing kiss he held her tight as he started his alterations. He lips few fuller against his own drawing him deeper into the forced kiss. He also felt get chest growing, her breast going from simply bruising against his chest to being pressed firmly, almost roughly due their new size. Allowing his hand to fall from the small of her back to the sell of her as he cupped it giving it a firm squeeze as her hips and ass filled out even more. Pulling away he looked down at the Titan and kicked his lips. Now that your body is ready let's work on that personality." He said stepping away from her. "I want to be entertained, in more ways than one. How should I go about this." He asked himself turning from Rae with his finger on his chin. Looking over his other trophies his eyes feel on BB and a smile blossomed on his lips. Spinning on his heel he pointed Rae. " A clown, just like your joke of a boyfriend used to be. But that won't be all, I didn't give you this amazing new body just to look at. I want you to want to to use it to make me happy." Blinking he made the final alterations to Rae. "Tell me. How do you feel my little chuckle slut?"
Raven watched in horror as the tin soldier tottered around on its toy legs, the mighty Cyborg now reduced to a mindless, intimate object on the ground. She wanted to yell out to BB, to tell him to fight and remember who he was, but when he saw the brainless look on BB's face and the drool coming out of his panting mouth, she knew the Titans were no more.

She looked around at her teammates, totally and utterly defeated, humiliated, and at the will of this horrendous man. When she saw the man walking towards him she tried to fight back, raising her arms to send one last hex his way....but her powers were no more. She was hopeless and helpless....and she closed her eyes, cringing, waiting for whatever horrific death awaited her in her final moments....

But death never came. Instead, her eyes popped open wide as she felt him grab her around her waist and pull her in, giving her a long and sensual kiss. She wanted to punch him in the face, but her body was warm, tingly, and she noticed her hips were swaying to the left and the right, getting wider, fuller, her bones cracking with each sway.

She moaned, loudly, blushing furiously as she did so, but her breasts became larger and fuller, defying graving as they pressed against the horrendous new villain, creating an indecent amount of cleavage that threatened to spill out of her red and white top....

Red and white? She looked down at herself and gasped....her now pinup body was poured into a red and white harlequin outfit, one typically worn by low-rent party clowns....but now she looked like a poor parody of a bimbo dressed as a clown in a fly by night porno movie. Her hands started to blow up, becoming larger, more cartoonish, as they looked like white clown gloves come to life. She held them up to her hands...wanting to scream, to curse at him....but instead...she chuckled.

"Heh heh....what....hehehehhehe......what did you do to.....HEHEHHEHEHE....me you son of a bitch!" She cried out, her face plastered in a wide grin, as she grabbed her sides and laughed uncontrollable, tear streaming down her face, her nipples threatening to rip out of her new outfit, her new body hard wired for nothing but laughter and sex.

She grabbed her newly inflated chest and gave both breasts a squeeze and was rewarded with a honking noise that drove her into new levels of hysterics. She....she was a clown?!

"Turn me back you....HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA....." she couldn't even finish the sentence before her mind was turned to mush from laughter.
Looking down at the girl as she finished her transformation amusement crossed over his face. "What did I do to you? Well lets put it simple, I gave you a new purpose, satisfy me." He spoke matter of factly as he began to circle around her his eyes trailing over every curve of her body. "Soon you will come to accept your new place in life Raven. I'll just have to train you properly is all."

Hearing her breast honk his eyebrow shot up. "Wasn't expecting that." He said with a laugh. "This is going to be an amazing time." He declared stepping up to her from behind, reaching around he cupped her swollen breasts easily finding her hard nipples. Pinching both as he squeezed them he let out another laugh at the honks they gave him. "I don't think that could ever get old." He said continuing to kneed her breast roughly. Leaning his head down he spoke low into her ear. "Just look around you Rae. Do you see them watching?" He asked taking note to the people that came peeking around corners and from windows at the scene of utter defeat below. "I think you should give them a show." He said letting go of her tits to grab her top and pull it away freeing her expanded bust to the world.

Trailing teasing kisses and nips from her ear to her shoulder he slowly peeled the harlequin leotard from her body exposing more of her skin for the onlookers. "You have the perfect audience to show off your new body to slut clown." Pushing the wad of cloth past her hips he gave it a final jerk down and let it pool around her ankles. Slipping his hand between her legs he began to play with her pussy, rubbing her clit and lips slowly. "I feel how hot you are, lets check just how wet you've become." Pressing two finger between her lips and into her hot pussy he smiled and kissed her shoulder. Working his fingers rhythmically into her tight hole rubbing firmly against her inner walls he looked to the surrounding buildings and changed all the walls facing them into glass revealing a much larger audience than before.

Kissing his way back up her neck from her shoulder he spoke into her ear again. "Now that I have you warmed up, it is time for you solo act. Right here right now I want you to make yourself cum like you never have before." He ordered as he slipped his fingers from her tight snatch and stepped away from her giving her ass a satisfying spank.

Going back to his throne he picked up the toy soldier Cyborg and looked it over. After a moment of study he tossed it towards Raven and in flight it changed into a rather impressive dildo that was buzzing furiously and covered in ribs and studs that seems to be moving in patters of their own on the surface. "Start with that one. I'll have more for you if I deem it necessary." Taking his seat he lounged comfortably watching his new plaything almost as much as he watched the other people watching her.
"St.....stop doing that!" She hissed, her old mind coming back for a second before she felt herself melting at his touch....god her new breasts were so sensitive, not to mention humiliating. She couldn't believe he had done this to her, had changed her into a toy for his amusement....well....for the world's amusement.

She moaned as she felt his skilled fingers teasing and prodding her swollen pussy lips....goosepimples moving over every inch of her body. Shen he stripped her out of her harlequin outfit, she gave a moan of disappointment, as she looked down at her breasts. They were ridiculously swollen and they defied gravity, pressed together and sticking almost up to her face despite having nothing to hold them in. But she couldn't think about that for too long, as she felt his fingers press her lips apart and start to play with her super charged clit.

Nope, nothing mattered now except his fingers. She started to giggle, throwing her red hair back as she spread her legs wider, full blown laughs cascading out of her mouth as she practically humped his fingers....she didn't care that people were watching, that they were seeing her naked...nothing mattered except his fingers.

And then...well...he stopped. She whimpered, practically begging him to continue, but she emitted a high pierced squeal of joy when she saw the massive sex toy thrown at her feet. Before she knew what she was doing, she picked up the huge, buzzing, studded and ribbed sex toy and spread her legs.....but something inside of her made her move it in between the cheeks of her ass, shoving the huge etoy into her ass. She had never done anal before, but now....now it was all she could think about. She got on her hands and knees, shoving the toy in as far as it could go, as she moaned and laughed like an animal with a buzzing, vibrating tail.
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