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Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis
Do you flirt with your rp partners, or other people on the site? Do you encourage it, or do you shut it down?

In some ways it seems to occur naturally, given the nature of rp on this site. Writing is already an act of pouring ones heart out on paper (or computer screen, in most of our cases), so sharing this act with someone else can feel close, friendly even. Discussing kinks, writing smut scenes with someone and even having characters fall in love can create a degree of intimacy with the person on other end of the story.

I'll admit to being a shameless flirt. Personally I use it to fake confidence. :D
Just like flirting in real life, it's not really a yes or no answer. If you pay attention to basic social cues, people will let you know what their boundaries are.
I think I'm very much like you in this respect xanaphia. I don't flirt with everyone I RP with on the site, and like November says I tend to try and follow the basic etiquette of it all. But there's something about the nature of the RPs we do on the site that encourages that sort of behavior.

A good RP can be intensely intimate and I find in some cases that it rubs off on my relationship with my writing partner.
I only flirt with my good friends on this site, which is completely platonic, and under the extremely rare occassion, people that interest me in a non-platonic way. But no one is going to interest me if they aren't my friend first, so I suppose I only flirt with my good friends.

Any other situation is shut down by me, mostly because I feel uncomfortable sending the wrong vibes. Vibes that I don't mean. And by 'shut down,' I don't mean in a rude way; I'm always respectful and honest when I express my feelings. I also have issues with reading social cues online, so I normally reserve flirting in my face-to-face interactions, haha.
xanaphia said:
I'll admit to being a shameless flirt. Personally I use it to fake confidence. :D

I do that a lot, Xana. But I only do it with people whom I deem mature enough to understand its strictly platonic and for fun - which typically means I'll usually do it with friends here since those are the members that I can trust them to understand that I'm just being silly and immature :)
I used to.

Now that I'm in a relationship I have no need. Maybe that's why I can't get roleplay partners. xD
I kind of do with someone I'm RPing with, but not on Bluemoon. Thankfully, it's fun flirting, but he is so into it it seems. I told him that as long as it remains playful, that I'm okay with it. I don't have the intention to get too emotionally entrenched, like building (love?) feelings for him.
I agree with what November said above. Boundaries may be blurry some times for others but there are definitely boundaries of course. I roleplay on here with my wife so naturally that's going to happen. Often times the emotions from the roleplay carry over into our regular lives and builds our relationship even more. Flirting is fun but boundaries are important.
I have no idea how to flirt, and I don't think anyone has ever flirted with me.
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