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the competition sucks!.....literaly. (irena and raziel99)


Jan 16, 2009
stella smiled with pure delight as she approached the large and daunting castle, this was her one shot to prove herself worthy to her family and her clan. she had been accepted to one of the worlds most prestigous schools, the difference was this school was only for the best of the best from the vamipre lines. she had been chosen without her knowledge but was happy that she had been, for it ment the board had seen some talent in her that they coveted, she wasent sure yet as to what it was but she was going to find out and when she did, she was going to hone that skill until it was flawless. the one problem is, she is compeating with five other people in the same feild for the same chance at glory. with a small sigh she picked up her bags and walked with her head held high towards the large double doors,her long wavy hair was a shock of crimson that fell to her hips and swayed with her movements. she was just above average height but still petite in form and figure. her green eyes shone with delight and wonder at her suroundings but her body was tense and alert. a dark figure walked up to her and extended a friendly hand, "welcome small one...we are pleased that you have accepted our invitation to join us. please follow tirain upstairs to you chambers." she bowed slightly and smiled, "thank you for your hospitality, i am sure i will enjoy it here." she looked to her left and found a tall boy waiting to escort her to her rooms.
He preferred to take his own mode of transportation, and Alexander simply walked to the castle, climbing and jumping over the mountains to get there. It took him a few days, the need to sleep off the sunlight in the littered caves that he found the only thing that slowed him down, but soon he was looking over the castle from the mountains. Knowing that this was his chance to prove himself, he jumped down from the mountain, easily rushing into the castle. He had gotten a invitation about a week ago to join the group here, and he took it in stride easily. Too bad that in his haste he ran into the opposite wall, leaving a small crater and falling back about 4 feet.
stella was halfway up to her room when a sudden tremmor rocked the tower they were in,"what in the world was that?" she mused aloud, shaking her head she continued to follow tirain upstairs to her chambers. only a few feet down the corridor was a set of beautiful mahogony double doors, that he opened for her letting her in. she looked around her in awe," this is absolutly wonderful,i think im going to love it here." she smiled and curtsied to tirain, "thank you for showing my the way." he nodded and closed the door silently behind him. she stood in the middle of this huge room and didnt know what to do first. until there was a knock on her door, "come in." she watched as a small servant came in and squeaked out,"your presense has been requested at the banquate tonight." she nodded and waited till she left before yelping with joy.
As he rolled back from the wall, he was helped up by two other students, and he dusted off his cloak before one of the elder members of the staff came up to him. "Ah, Alexander. I see you have accepted our invitation. Everyone is meeting in the banquet hall for dinner tonight. You should be there."

Alexander simply nodded, and the older man walked off, helping some of the other students find their way around. As the Great Hall was right in front of him, he simply walked in, and found a seat in one of the crowded tables, waiting for everything to start.
upstairs stella hurried to get ready so she could find the great hall. she had picked out one of her favorite outfits to wear, for confidance and for the simple fact it made her feel pretty. she needed all the courage she could get and this made her feel like she had it, it was a silk blouse with black pinstripes and a black corset over it, a black skirt that flowed around her knees. her heels clacked lightly against the floor as she walked into the great hall, a few heads turned her way and some people whispered as her family was little known but they were known, and she was the first in generations to come to this school. noticing the stares she blushed lightly but she kept her head high and walked toward her seat.
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