Black Widow's Apprentice [RoleplayMaster x Gravitas]


Jun 26, 2013
Curtis Smith took a deep breath, looking at the door in front of him. Maria Hill had just escorted him and five other kids around his age through the SHIELD Helicarrier. They were to be a part of the Junior Avengers Initiative, a young team of Superheroes to provide back-up to the original team if necessary, or to help out other threats in the world if the original team is busy. It was exciting, and he was looking forward to it. He wore a plain red shirt and tracksuit pants, casual wear as he didn't feel as if he needed to be too formal at this new place. His rectangular glasses rested on his nose, framing his face quite well.

He was told that they would be paired with a member of the original team in order to learn from the best. They were paired through their different powers and how they can act in the field, so Peter was curious as to who he was paired with. Looking at the door in front of him, he finally braced himself and entered.

The room was empty, at least in terms of other people. But from the various items around the apartment, he could guess who he was to train with. No forms of experimental technology, so that eliminated Toni Stark. No chemicals or other science experiments, so Barbara Banner was not his teacher either. He had no clue what Thor would have for her room, except maybe a mantel for her hammer, but he didn't believe she was in this room either. Stacy Rogers would have a record player or other old technology in here, or maybe some old newspaper clippings, so she wasn't here either. That left either Natasha Romanoff, or Clarissa Barton. Well.. there were various weapons on display, yet no bows... Just as he was coming up with his idea on his teacher, the door opened behind him...
"For the record, I don't like this" the red-head said, crossing her arms. She stood in a security room, eyeing the camera feeds of the small group led by Hill. A blonde stood near her, leaning against the wall. She smirked. "Natasha, we need more people. The world's getting more dangerous everyday, we find more enhanced, more threats, and we're not going to be able to handle everything. Besides, we train them, they'll be great." Natasha tilted her head slightly, watching one of the younger agents, a man, enter into her room. She sighed, and nodded. "You need to work on that 'everything I say is right and perfect' thing. It's annoying sometimes" she said, smirking, and moving to leave the room. The blonde chuckled, picking up her shield and moving to meet her own protege.

It wasn't just having someone she didn't know joining the group, let alone a bunch of people she didn't know. It was the fact that she was training him. Her own made her one of the best agents in the world, but it was also morally reprehensible and terrible. She couldn't do that. There had to be a line somewhere she could find, and she was being forced to with these agents being forced upon them. Plus they had to share a room? By yourself it was fine, but two to a bunk...he would be right up in her personal space.

Natasha placed her hand on the scanner outside her room, and the door slid open. Now she wore a leather jacket over a tight t-shirt, jeans, and some boots. She walked inside as the door opened. "Curtis Smith. New agent, you scored excellent on your exams, highly skilled in infiltration, elimination, stealth operations. Young, not a lot of experience." she cited off from the file she'd been given earlier that day. Walking around him, she took in the sight of him. "Tell me more. What do I need to know about you to turn you into an Avenger?" she said, stopping in front of him, staring him in the eye, trained Soviet gaze watching every microexpression.
The boy jumped slightly as he heard a voice, turning around to find the famous Black Widow standing in the doorway. She was very attractive, but even from her posture he knew she was dangerous if provoked. A nervous smile appeared on his lips, ready to introduce himself, but the redhead cut him off. What she mentioned about his skill surprised him, not only that he had done that well, but she that she took time to look into his record.

"Uh.. Well, other than what you listed, I have a few powers which help me do what I do, but I'm not completely proficient with them yet." He told her, realising this part of the training might be a little difficult for his new teacher, since she had no actual powers of her own. "I have the ability to manipulate light energy. I can weaponize it, or use it to hide myself." He added, raising an arm in front of himself. With a deep look of concentration, he made everything from his fingertip to his elbow disappear for about two seconds. It would have been an impressive feat, if not for the beads of sweat running down his forehead. "I'm also not good with hand-to-hand combat. I'm proficient in situations where I have the upperhand, such as stealth, but if I was in a one on one fight without my powers, I would likely lose." He finished.
"Hm" she let out. The powers had been in the file too, but she'd wanted him to explain them himself. He did well, admitting that he wasn't in complete control, that there were limitations. It needed a lot of focus, extreme concentration. Manipulating energy like that was helpful, he could harden it into weapons or manipulate the reflection away from his body to hide. Good, but again, he needed focus, concentration. Relying on it now was dangerous. Apparently he also needed work in hand to hand combat. All right, she could work with that.

"Good, good. You're being truthful without me having to prod it out of you. Stick with that. If you're going to be an Avenger, and more importantly, stay alive out in the field, you need to be completely open with me and your team. You're trusting them with your life," she said, stepping forward, closer to him. "Now, show me your limits. What's the most you can hide? The biggest weapon you can make? Let me see what you can do," she said. It was a good power, but she'd seen aliens that ripped holes in the sky, gods that could pierce your mind and take control. He needed to be great, not just good.
He was relieved that she was happy with his response. It was a little intimidating, telling this amazing combatant all your faults, scared that she would reject him as a student and find someone else. But she instead seemed pleased that he was open with her, which he was thankful for.

She then asked about his limits for biggest weapon and most he could hide. Crap. It took a lot of effort to use his powers, so he hoped that he wouldn't disappoint with his performance. Taking a step away, he closed his eyes as he focused, a hand outstretched as if he were holding an invisible weapon. Then, out of nothing, a hammer reminiscent of Thor's slowly came into existence. It was small but growing larger by the second. Soon, the mallet part of the hammer was about twice the size of Thor's. Panting softly, that was the most Curtis could manage. "There.. There's the weapon." He told her obviously, and he already looked quite tired. Willing the weapon to disappear, as keeping it there would drain him more, Curtis then began to focus on disappearing. Beginning at his feet, his body slowly began to disappear from the ground up. It reached about his knees before the amount disappearing did not increase, as instead it was just different parts of his body. It ended up looking like a 30cm high amount of body disappearing at a time, which was not consistent. As he kept focusing, his own energy diminished. It was clear he was getting tired as soon the disappearing act only worked on his body, and not his clothes, then (embarrassingly), his clothes and not his body.

Curtis soon collapsed to his knees in front of her, panting loudly as he regained his breath, his whole body and clothes fully visible. As his eyes were shut, he had no clue as to his clothing incident. "Th-There." he managed to speak weakly, slowly rising to his feet once again for his teacher.
Her eyes take in everything he does as he starts to demonstrate. How he breathes, how he moves, his facial expressions, his stance, all of it. Even if she learned it from terrible people, she knew proper methods for exercising your body's talents. While not experienced in having a power, she could get him going in the right direction if he was being an idiot and pushing himself too hard or holding himself back somehow. The weapon was first, making a hammer like Thor's. Hm, wonder how telling that was of his own thoughts and preferences. Other questions rose, but she kept silent, tilting her head, red hair shifting a bit as she watched the hard light shift and grow bigger.

She gave a nod as he spoke and let the hammer dissipate. Time for the stealth aspect. The light started shifting, his legs disappearing up from the floor. The consistency faded fast though, as the light shifted to other parts of him randomly vanishing. She caught a glimpse of certain parts of his body where only the clothes vanished and left a clear view of everything else, but nothing showed on her face, much as she might appreciate the view. Suddenly he fell, the effects of the powers fading instantly as he let them go. "All right" she said, happy she didn't have to tell him to get back up.

"You need work. A lot of it. If you can't keep those stable here with nothing happening, it's going to fall apart even faster on a mission. Not to mention your combat abilities. Your skills are good in a good amount of said you passed well, tell me about your other capabilities, mental ones, specifically. Psychology? Impersonation? Lying? Seduction? Any computer skills?"
The knowledge that he needed work was an obvious statement, not that it made it any less true. Standing there, panting as softly as he could, Curtis focused on Natasha's voice so he didn't drop to the ground in exhaustion. Looking around him, he noticed a chair. While it was tempting to just sit down, he knew that wouldn't go over well, so he just leaned against it while she spoke.

"Let's see... I did psychology in school, and I was fairly good at that. Not sure the exact part I need to know for this line of work though. I've never had to impersonate someone either. I can lie smoothly when I need to, I've had plenty of practice with that. And... I'm not good at seduction." He blushed lightly at that last point. "Oh, and I don't have any advanced computer skills like hacking or anything, but otherwise I'm fairly good with research and such." He doubted research was the type of skills she was looking for, but he stated it anyway. Overall, his mental capabilities seemed quite limited, at least from his point of view.
Natasha gave a sigh. "Sit. You're no good if you collapse from over-exerting yourself," she said, walking to another chair and sitting. She sat back, crossing her legs, looking at him. "What you need to know is that you got the short straw in the pick of the mentors. Them?" she said, thumbing at the wall, in the direction of Toni and Thor's rooms. "They're going to go play scientist and god, shoot lasers and lightning without consequence, and bask in the spotlight. Us?" she said, hand moving, pointing in another direction. "You and Clarissa's? We're the ones that get things done when they need to be done. Things that don't get on the news. Things that the people don't know about, but happen anyways. Sure, we're in the big battles like New York with the rest of them, but we don't get to sit back," she said, reaching for a tablet on the table and sliding it to the edge for him to look at. She tapped the screen, a display coming up with a mission briefing.

"We get to go to Turkmenistan at the end of this month to recover a piece of a Chitauri ship that's being used to make a super weapon. Why I'm asking you all of this, why I'm seeing what you're capable of, is because this isn't going to be easy. It's going to be hard, and I'm going to push you. If I don't, you're not going to come back. It's why you can't just be good," she said. Her green eyes stared at him the whole time, not breaking contact. She leaned forward, brows raising slightly. "If you can't handle that, the door's right there."
Curtis nodded and slid into the chair immediately, listening to her speak. He was silent the entire time, hooked on her every word. He had no desire to be in the spotlight, never having experienced what all the fuss was about. Even in school he was quiet and kept out of the way, so the scenario described to him by Natasha seemed the most ideal.

The mission shown seemed very difficult, yet the boy couldn't help but feel excited. This was why she was asking so many questions, and it all made sense. After a few moments, she offered him the door, suggesting he take it if he couldn't handle it. He didn't move.

"I didn't come here to be coddled by someone for doing good no matter how hard I try. I didn't come here for fame and fortune. I came here to help the world with my abilities, and learn as much as I can along the way. And as far as I'm concerned, I did not draw the short straw, as I got the best teacher for the job." Sure, he might have overdone it a little bit, but every word he said was true. He did not desire to be a student of Toni's, as she would likely be too distracted by his toys, and Thor would likely not be intelligible. Not to mention the whole god thing. Yeah, out of everyone, Curtis was glad he got Natasha.
Natasha listened to his response. She blinked once, then nodded. "All right. Good to hear it, Curtis," she said, standing up. Her arms crossed, and she actually looked to him with a smile for the first time. "Welcome to the team. With things being a bit tight since we're still getting used to the logistics of having a travelling, enhanced response team, we're sharing this room. Gonna be tight for a while, but them's the breaks," she said, shrugging. The redhead gave a nod to the tablet she'd shown him.

"That's yours, take it, read up on the briefing and the intel. Get settled, meet me at the gym in twenty for your first exercise. Sparring, hand to hand," she said, moving to her bunk and grabbing a change of clothes. Natasha opened the dresser to grab them, checking her phone before leaving it on the dresser, locking it and turning to leave. "Don't worry. It'll just be us," she said, smirking, remembering what he'd said about not being too good at it. No one to see him. She headed out, the door sliding open as she approached and left.
When she said the words "Welcome to the team," his body relaxed somewhat, as if he was relieved that he was now officially welcomed into SHIELD. "Thank you." He smiled in return. She had a beautiful smile, his eyes lingered on her lips for a moment, before returning to her eyes as she continued speaking. "Yeah, no problem. I won't take up much space, and you can always kick me out whenever you need privacy." Curtis assured her.

As she left, Curtis took the private time alone to change into a singlet and shorts, allowing for more mobility than his current clothing options. With that out of the way, he took the tablet and read up on the intel. It was definitely in-depth, so a general skim-read did the trick for all the important parts. Noticing she had left eighteen minutes ago, Curtis turned the electronic device off and headed to the gym.

Upon arrival, he noticed that there was plenty of equipment scattered around the room, though there was a large mat in the middle clearly designed for the sparring. Kicking his shoes and socks off, and placing them with his spare clothes, towel, and bottle, Curtis waited for his teacher in the middle of the mat. He was unsure if she was off doing other things, or maybe planned a surprise attack, but if it was the latter, he should be fairly aware of it about to happen.
Natasha walked in a few moments after. She had a tank top, yoga pants, some exercise shoes, a typical work-out outfit on, carrying a bottle of water in each hand. "You aren't stretching," she said simply as she came in, moving to one side of the mat. Dropping a bottle on it, she tossed the other to him without looking. The spy took to stretching herself, showing her incredible flexibility as she bent over, starting by touching her toes. She went through a practiced routine, getting her muscles ready. Finishing a bit later, she stepped closer to him on the mat, watching him.

"Okay. Come at me," she said. Her stance shifted, legs spreading a bit as she readied herself to move or take on whatever he would try. He said he wasn't good at hand to hand. Time to see just what he had.
Curtis was relieved as he watched Natasha enter, hearing her scold him for not stretching. The boy followed his teacher's example, doing the same stretches as her, but not as well. As he attempted to reach his feet, his hands managed to touch his shins, but no where near his feet.

Fighting the Black Widow was a terrifying thought, even if it was in a safe situation. Not only that, but he had his own reservations about hitting a girl. It wasn't anything personal though, just the many advertisements saying that violence against women was bad. Ignoring those thoughts, Curtis approached, armed raised in a boxing stance. Getting closer, his left hand reach out to her left shoulder, jabbing twice at it, before following it with a jab to her right shoulder with his right hand. One of the few things he knew was that you move your arms diagonally to attack the shoulders, opening up his opponent. As his hands made these moves, he hoped they would prove to be a good distraction as he went for her legs. His right leg performed a weak kick to the inside of Natasha's left knee, before coming out and hitting the outside of her leg with the same foot.
Natasha stood in her learned stance, watching him approach, taking in how he moved, how he decided to strike. He seemed to have some knowledge of how to fight, but it wasn't honed or sharpened, just a lot of basics. Her arms came up as they deflected his hits, she sidestepped to avoid the kicks and threw a punch into his side. She pulled one of his arms down and back, getting him off balance, and shoved him backwards.

"You're telegraphing. Someone watches your eyes they know exactly what you're going to do," she said, stepping around him, keeping her stance stable, watching for what he might try next. Usually this is when they feel like they have something to prove, so they go hamwild and try to just throw whatever they can, punching and kicking just to do it. Not everyone, of course.
Stumbling back a few steps, Curtis wiped his sweaty hands on his sides and brought his fists back up. He had done a little martial arts when he was younger, so he was attempting to remember what he had learned. Remembering that looking at the chest was the best spot to see everything coming and going, the boy's eyes darted to her chest and remained there. He always felt awkward doing this when fighting women, but they were in a fight so hopefully she didn't think him to be perverted.

One of the many issues he had with his martial arts experience was how he lacked the flexibility to do kicks to the head. But this was what let him try kick fakes, where he would fake to the head and then bring his foot down hard on his opponent's knee. He hoped he would still be fairly decent at this move.

Another issue had been his ability to think of different combos. Jabbing once with his left hand, he then dropped his stance and hooked his right hand into her side. Using the momentum of his rising body for a head kick, this turned out to be a fake as he brought his foot down on her knee.
Natasha watched him, his eyes, his body, waiting for his move. He made them, coming in with a punch and hook. Her right arm blocked the jab, she turned her body as the hook came up, getting her left arm wrapped around his right. The kick came up then suddenly down, a fake out. She gave a small 'Hm' in appreciation, but suddenly tightened her grip on his arm to bring him off balance again. Using the momentum, she came up, wrapping her legs around his torso, the weight bringing them down to the floor of the mat. She looked down at him, straddling his stomach, ass hovering just above his waist. "That was all right. Helps to not dedicate yourself too much to a strategy, by the time you were going for the kick, it was too late. Reaction time and balance, I think are what we need to focus on. Beside basic technique, honing that to a sharpened edge."

"What of your ability? What uses have you found for it besides just making it into a hammer? I'm curious, if it could be shaped into something more subtle, deflect some blows, add to the power of your hits, help you take on more than one person without revealing too much about how you're doing it," she mused, brows raising as she thought and waited a response. Still on top of him, she rested slightly, bottom now resting a bit on his waist.
The wind got knocked out of him as he hit the mat, his teacher straddling him in a pose that he felt was almost erotic. He took in her criticisms, nodding slowly as he tried to ignore the erection growing in his pants, itching to at least touch her ass.

"Theoretically, I could do anything as long as I have the energy to maintain it and fight at the same time. If you want subtle, I could probably create a ring or something to wear on my finger, which would hurt as I punch them with that hand. If you want more damage, I could possibly try a glove or something, which would hurt more because it is bigger." He suggested to Natasha. "And if I couldn't be bothered fighting, I might be able to just make a blanket or full-body suit, so then I couldn't be touched." These were all suggestions that he had thought of in the past, but with no real reason to fight, he never had the reason to try. He also did not try these with Natasha, not wanting to hurt her by accident.

As her body lowered slightly, she would feel the tip of his erection resting between her ass cheeks. Curtis did not say a word, but his face went red with embarrassment.
"Hm. If it wasn't obvious, subtle is good in our line of work. You can knock out someone armored up quickly without causing a big fuss, it's very good for the mission. Protection can be good too, should something go poorly and you need to protect yourself. Had a few times when extraction was coming and a big shield of light would have been nice to have," she said, crossing her arms as she thinks back. Her thoughts turn to the future, eyes glancing back to him as she processed the usefulness of his trait. Natasha nodded. "Got an idea of how far it can extend? Could you cover something that isn't just you? If we can get the limits worked out, push them, you're going to be a one man mission machine," she said, smiling.

Her eyes perked up as she felt something, eyes glancing back, and then to him. They narrowed at him, face showing some anger. "Guess we can see how far something can extend"
"Yeah, I haven't really tested my abilities in terms of distance or relativity to someone else. I haven't exactly gone around revealing my abilities to everyone, so I haven't had the chance to test that, nor have I had the need. But we can definitely test it out." He assured her, blushing deeper as she got angry and upset at his erection.

"S-Sorry. Just you're um.. on me, and you're attractive, and um.. I'm a teenager so that just happens randomly sometimes, uh.." he rambled, hoping not to get her too pissed off with his erection. He wished she somehow took it as a compliment, but doubted that would ever happen.
Her eyes are dark, she leans down closer to look him in his own. As she moves a bit, her ass slides slightly against his erection, her face now inches away from his. "Is that so? What, were you thinking something was going to happen? Getting in with a group of ladies, thought you might a little something?" she said, looking like she might kill him. Her hand comes up...and she flicks him in the forehead. Natasha chuckles, leaning back up, crossing her arms under her breasts. "Kidding. Think that's the first time a sparring partner got hard during training? Happens. Thanks for the compliment," she said, giving a wink. She...she also didn't move away. He was pretty cute, why not have a little more fun with him?

"So I think we'll need to focus on those aspects I mentioned first: your balance, your reflexes, getting that instinctual action up. It's all just muscle memory, making sure your body knows what to do when it should be doing it," she said. As she spoke, her ass moved again, sliding a bit more on his length. "We'll also want to get your power up to snuff; making sure you can use it without almost collapsing like you did. Finding your limit, then pushing it. Then we can experiment with the extras: expanding the field, its intensity, and so on"
Closing his eyes in fear, he expected any sort of punch or kick to come his way, but all that he felt was a soft flick on the forehead. Breathing a sigh of relief when she said it was alright, he blushed lightly as he realised that he called his teacher really attractive. Curtis adjusted his body, expecting her to get up now, but she didn't move. Surprised, he laid back down, looking up at Natasha.

Soft sighs that Curtis couldn't prevent could be heard while she spoke, while her body gently rubbed against his crotch. It was a little hard to concentrate, but he gave a nod, getting the gist of what was needed. "When and how do we uh.. start?" He asked, losing his track of thought mid sentence for a brief moment.
Natasha tilted her head slightly. "We'll get a regiment started for you, getting into a schedule for training. It'll be tough, but you knew that. Our mission coming up is critical, so they'll be counting on us to get in and get the job done. Means I won't be going easy on you, because our enemies certainly won't," she said, looking down, eyes a bit more serious than they were a moment ago. "It's a precarious position we're in. This is all new to the world. It's been around, but hidden. New York put it all into the public eye, so this team is crucial for the future. You were picked for a reason, and I hope to see it," she said, nodding again. The whole while she was on top of him, finally sliding off and standing up, reaching a hand out to help him up.

"For today, you did good. I'll show you around the carrier, let you know where the important stuff is," she said, giving a small smile. It was exciting, as serious as it was. She wasn't used to being part of a team, let alone being in charge of someone, being responsible for their training and well being. New challenges and all that.
Two months later

Curtis took a deep breath, grinning at his instructor. It was the day before their mission to Turkmenistan, and the two of them were sparring once more. Unlike his attempt on their first day, he was doing a lot better. Actually providing a challenge for the Black Widow, it was a 11 minute spar back and forth, until he was put in an arm lock and forced to submit. "Ow... you can get off me now." Curtis groaned, on his stomach as he looked over at his teacher. When he was released, he gripped his shoulder, rolling it around a few times. "So... do you think I'm ready for tomorrow?"
Sweat dropped onto the mat as the two fought, Natasha coming in for a spin kick as he ducked out of the way. She gave a smirk, glad to see he was learning. He came at her and she flipped around him, taking his arm back in a lock. Keeping him held, she chuckled and let him go at his request. She took a deep breath, turning and walking over to two water bottles, tossing one to him before taking a drink of her own.

At his question, she looked him up and down, thinking for a moment. "Ready as you could be. You've learned a lot, you're able to keep up with me, not to mention the training besides hand to hand. You'll be with me, and we won't be alone ourselves. Yeah, you'll do fine," she said, giving an actual smile before taking another sip, then gave him a hard look. "Just don't be an idiot"
Nodding seriously, he gave a smile. "You tell me that after every training session, it's drilled into me." He promised. "I won't do anything that puts anyone in danger. I swear." He held a hand up and the other against his heart, as if swearing that he would stay safe. Drinking his water and letting a little drip over his face, he glanced at his teacher. "What's the plan for the rest of the day? I'm buggered" he confessed.
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