Naruko and Sasuko Dating Sim (Wiki, Lilly)

Sep 18, 2015
The Moon
Sasuko, and Naruko always had been at each others throats in the past. But after they had come to understand each other. They became close friends and companions. The two now were in a bit of a competition with eachother, Naruko had bet Sasuko that she could make Sakura her girlfriend before she did. Thus now the two would be in their classes with Sakura showering her with gifts and sweet flirting words. Till Sasuko decided to play a little dirty, one day late in the night she made her way to Sakura's house and would climb in through her bedroom window and sneak into her room where she would be asleep.
It has been a long week and a weird one at that ever since she had been stuck in a squad with throw two other girls, a kinda cute sasuko and a weird overactive naruko. She didn't know how to even react around them but it all worked anyway. Finally as another day ended another night began and without thinking much of tomorrow she went to bed, her window open a bit to make the room cooler as her hair was already a bit messed up while she slept.
Sasuko had infiltrated her bedroom. Then moved towards her sleeping form. Carefully peeling back the covers. Then worked to carefully and quietly try and steal Sakura's panties. Her plan was to get Naruko in trouble by planting Sakura's panties on Naruko. Her plan seemed to be going real well.
She sighed,giving a yawn and turning to her side trying to pull her blanket up. But it was so low that she slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. She had at least got a good bit of sleep and she was feeling a bit better. Tommorroow at least was her day off for a little while so she hoped that nothing would go wrong either.
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