Hello and thank you for taking the time for reading the advert,
I have been a roleplayer for more years than i would care to admit and on many forums. My main desires are usually family based, the exact roles to be agreed with my partner, normally at least an element of age differential. I am not a fan of violence or rape, prefer mine to be a more gentle or subtle approach, though i do not rule out trickery or coercion.
While I am not too bothered about nationality or timezone. I have found that it is only fair to say I am UK based and as such seem to miss a lot of the times others can play and interact on here. In this 24 hour always-on world that isn't a problem for most, I would have to play by email or thread really as instant messaging doesn't work if only one of the partners is awake at anyone time!
Anyway if this sounds like your cup of tea and you can accept the constraints and the funny English references and spellings! I would love to hear back from you.
I have been a roleplayer for more years than i would care to admit and on many forums. My main desires are usually family based, the exact roles to be agreed with my partner, normally at least an element of age differential. I am not a fan of violence or rape, prefer mine to be a more gentle or subtle approach, though i do not rule out trickery or coercion.
While I am not too bothered about nationality or timezone. I have found that it is only fair to say I am UK based and as such seem to miss a lot of the times others can play and interact on here. In this 24 hour always-on world that isn't a problem for most, I would have to play by email or thread really as instant messaging doesn't work if only one of the partners is awake at anyone time!
Anyway if this sounds like your cup of tea and you can accept the constraints and the funny English references and spellings! I would love to hear back from you.