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Run! Stay Frosty! (Yuri 18+ fiction)


Jul 21, 2016
Somewhere soft ;3
Synopsis: In just a few weeks time, Yuu had become the rookie star player at Akiyama College's running competitions, competed by many girl running clubs. But her swift success caused agitation in some, even hatred toward her by one. Yet during her lonely struggle against an oppressive few, she meets an older girl who would coach her to become even better, and to win the school's biggest running tournament yet. To the point where they crazily fall in love, and sparks fly off the bedsheets.

* EDIT: 25 July, 2016)))
* EDIT: 26 July, 2016)))

Below the spotless blue sky, lingered a darkly, charged atmosphere. Behind Akiyama College, a war of words broke out on the school's only olympic running track, as two girl atletes found themselves opposing one another. There had been a division within the top girl's running club, because of its month long power struggle, and it had reached a firey peak. Just during running practice, the two girls competed for a show of speed and pride, supposedly a friendly match that led to a frightening brawl.

"You're only a rookie, a newcomer. Know your place, Yuu!" is what was said to the 18-year old Yuu Kawasaki, who wasn't just the fastest in her little club team of eight, but of all five different teams combined. In just a little over 4 weeks time, after joining the best girl's running club around, Yuu was considered to have become the number one, star runner. No more could people miss or mistake the attractive crimson-haired atlete with the unmistakable long ponytail, who not only had plenty of miles under her belt, but possessed a natural physical finesse. She was determined, straightforward, and yet was a little bit of an introvert, though her usual cheerful side made it seem otherwise.

But after having won half her team over, she started to slowly fade from popularity. It was the more experienced, older Asuka who could not stand Yuu's swift, highrise success. This silver-haired girl had been planning to affect Yuu's mood and performance. And now, she would go so far to try to crush the crimson-haired spirit.

Asuka, being red, hot and angry, said it again, and again, "Know your place, after what you just said!" while getting restrained by three of her best friends who for now picked no sides to support. Nobody did like a fight, so neither did her friends.

Asuka was the oldest in the team, being 21 years old. She had a rocksolid pride that was impossible to crack. She believed it was her innate right to be the top cat. There simply was no equal to her in her delusional mind. Though shorter than her female counterpart, her fiersome blue eyes combined with her short-fused character, made losing seem impossible to handle. For weeks on end, her hate toward Yuu had been mounting like firey coals stacking on top of one another, and one just felt they had to come crashing down. Today was the day.

"Coming second is never to be ashamed of." Yuu's words made Asuka go balistic and war ready. She said it, to the wrong person. It wasn't boastful, or meant to irritate, but because Yuu was naturally humble, and had learned that lesson even before her teen years. She realized her mistake.

Many students gazing from the sidelines felt the heat. The competing girls, wearing their white shirt, and red, sporty shorts and blue sneakers, weren't much different. Their opinion was that Asuka was indeed a loose cannon, but not as fierce as in the last few weeks.

Then swiftly, Asuka broke free from restraint. She dashed full-force and full-speed ahead and into a dazed Yuu, who failed understand as to why the resentment was aimed at her. The hit came like a darting blow, unmerciful. Yuu tumbled backwards, her momentarily floating in midair. It was a direct hit to her stomach, her back crashing flat onto the hard, red tarmac.

Asuka sat on top of her, with an angry smirk on her face. Finally I'll get to teach her what a brat she really is, Asuka thought.
"I practiced for this day!" Asuka's clenched left fist barely brushed past Yuu's right cheek, having been barely dodged. She threw another one, hitting Yuu against her shoulder. "How is that? You want more?"

Yuu resisted. Using her knees to try to knock Asuka off her chest, she now felt her hair being pulled, as viciously as a lion preying on a gazelle.
"Stop, Asuka! You're hurting me." But the pain continued, getting a smack across her face.

"Isn't that the point, you stupid brat!" Asuka kept throwing everything out to try to overpower and inflict maximum casualty. The rules of a sportive game ceased to apply. Now her sharp nails tried viciously break through Yuu's defensive arms and hands protecting her own face.

"I don't want to fight you!" Yuu yelled it out in sadness, struggling, but barely managing to break free, kicking Asuka off to her left. She stood up, holding her left shoulder, feeling badly bruised. This time, Asuka gets fiendishly restrained by her student friends, and fellow team members.

"Why do you resent me so?" Yuu asked, with tears starting to form in her eyes.

"It's because you're a nuisance. You think you're so great." Asuka vengeful words hit at Yuu. But she wouldn't even wanting to glance back at the 18 year old, not wanting to have a look at the one who stole her rightful place to be the best. For a moment, a calmth returned. But it was never to be the same again, after their brief friendship. She turned around, pushing her own friends aside, and went her own way. Leaving Yuu to find out the riddle behind her former friend's apparent hate.
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