A Harem to Wish For {darkest_fate&apollo247}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
An exhausted Selena Gomez gratefully took the offer drink and sipped it without thinking much of the consequences. The cool refreshing drink filled her mouth with a fruity flavor almost immediately. That chill continued as the teenage starlet swallowed, throat working subtly to take the drink into her system. She could feel the chilled liquid slightly burning as it settled into her stomach, almost as if fumes rose up from within to start bubbling at her brain. Selena very nearly hiccuped, raising a carefully trimmed hand up to cover her lips daintily, smiling at her host with some embarrassment.

To think that she actually got an invite here, of all places. He'd come out of no where, risen to power seemingly overnight, and the whole world had no real choice but to take notice. Yet it had been her, Selena Gomez, who had gotten the invitation into his home. There had been a lot of arranging to get her here: paperwork to fill out, schedules to arrange, diplomatic proceedings to adhere too. They'd had to send Selena's luggage ahead, which had left her with nothing but a small clutch purse when she'd finally arrived. She'd used that as an excuse when she'd first been led to the chambers, but they didn't seem to care.

Nor did they seem to care that the petite teen wore what amounted to an oversized sweater. Technically it was Versace, and probably cost a good deal, but it still looked almost as comfortable as fashionable, less so after the travels. Selena knew full well that her hair had to look a mess: black locks hanging in strands, some loose, some curling slightly, some nearly falling to frame her rounded face. A lot of her makeup had probably run off too: she'd been able to touch up her lips slightly with some gloss and dot around her eyes, but she just knew she had to look awful.

Still, she was before her esteemed host, sipping his drink. She complimented him on it before taking an offered piece of what looked like cracker, nibbling slightly at it, glad to get something in her belly. The girl flashed a grateful smile, starting to clear her throat to begin thanking verbally as well.

It was then that an attendant spoke: "Now, as per custom, you have agreed to the terms discussed. You shall enter into the harem as a willing participant, and adhere to your new master's wi--"

"What?" Selena stammered, spraying a little cracker/bread. She gaped at her host, brown eyes wide, mouth hanging slightly agape. "Is he... that's a really weird joke..." she glanced down at the cracker, dropping it as if it were on fire, hand already rubbing against her outfit, as if to wipe away whatever had caused this awful misunderstanding.
Almost out of nowhere he rose to power, he managed to gain control of some land to which he built his fortress like palace out here in the middle of nowhere. Something was missing however for Ghazi, his Celebrity girls. Girls that were so highly sought after that people would be surprised that he obtained such a rare treasure. Yet he did, over the few weeks of trying to make it possible Ghazi managed to secure a celebrity of a different kind. Everything was looking good, however he couldn’t stop at just one celebrity, he wanted a whole bunch them serving his every need and wants. It was good to be powerful.

Selena Gomez was one of those said celebrities that he had to have in his harem, with her inside and locked into his fortress there wasn’t much anyone else could do. Ghazi had followed her progress well, he knew the performances and movies that she was in and was glad that she accepted his invitation to come here and thus when she did she accepted a whole lot more than she thought she did. When she arrived he watched her, she looked so good and he could hardly wait to get het into her outfit and have her bent over with his long cock inside her all day.

It was of course what these celebrities were meant for. He wondered how she would take her new role but he figured that she wouldn’t take long to realize what she was here for, she was a smart one after all. Ghazi had offered her a drink and the cacker as he sat there watching her in silence. His long beard looked like it hadn’t been washed in days and his own clothing looked like a total mess. He smiled as the attendant spoke, this was the moment that she was going to be introduced to his harem and his rules and thus he wanted this moment to be special in way that she wouldn’t forget any time soon.

Today was the last day of her old life, soon she would be slipped into the ways of a harem girl and be expected to serve his wishes, he was little overweight as he watched her, his long black hair and brown eyes watched her in silence for a moment. “She means that you have agreed to stay here as one of many celebrity harem girls that I will create. You will follow my commands, dress the way I want you to dress and serve me in many different ways.” He explained to her as he watched her in silence after that.
Selena felt like vomiting. Would that expel the onus on her? Vomit up the cracker and wine and reject the invitation or what have you? Somehow Selena doubted it. This had always been part of the risk, after all. You went somewhere else, you took that chance. Selena just hadn't expected it to happen, certainly not soon after her arrival. She continued gaping as Ghazi explained, explained with the tone used by men who were more than used to getting precisely what they wanted.

"Why" jumped into Selena's head and nearly fell out of her mouth in an instant response. Why would someone pick her out of a lineup? There had to be better looking girls, if that was what he meant. The dressing and the commands and all certainly made it sound that way. Harem girl Selena; it sounded like something she'd done for a song or for a movie or something along those lines.

Still stunned, she looked to the attendant, who seemed perfectly ambivalent to the whole affair. No help would come from there. So maybe from Ghazi himself?

"This is some kind of joke, right?" she asked, taking a hesitant step forward. "Like, you're playing off how we see you or something. Because you can't... I'm a US citizen and... and it's, like... slavery's dead..." she knew it technically wasn't, but it definitely was for privileged, pretty Americans. Selena began fumbling for her clutch, knowing that she had a phone tucked away in there. Surely someone would be able to rescue her from this.
He laughed as he sipped his drink, the wine tasted good here, he only got the best and when Selena understood that he would soon start her training in being a good Harem girl. “This is no joke.” He said as he summoned the attendant. She walked over to him and poured more wine into his glass, he smacked her ass when she bowed and left him. “Why? Simple. I find you to be most attractive. And you accepted me invitation, many didn’t. So consider yourself lucky that you have been brought here.” He explained to her. He wanted her to understand her new fate and slowly get it through her thick skull.

“In these parts of the world slavery is still common my dear and that is something you have better get used to.” He snapped at her. He looked back at her, he really did want to get her out of her clothes so that he could get a better look at her before she wore the harem outfit. “Now let’s start with the basics shall e.” He said as he stood up. “Strip. Take off everything.” He commanded as he wanted to see what she would do, he had no issue in teaching her the lessons that she had to learn but he hoped that he didn’t have to teach her the basics.

He waited to see what she would do before doing anything else, he would send for her outfit once her clothes was of her body but for now he would have to wait and see.
No joke. Selena's stomach did another flop, the mixture of drink and whatever grain once again churning inside. His explanations made it all the clearer that he had no intention of backing down. It also made Selena sound less like a choice and more like the only person who'd actually shown up. Had this been that obvious of a setup? Had she been outrageously stupid? Selena didn't want to think so, but she was starting to wonder herself.

As Ghazi continued, the teenager felt her eyes starting to water. Each word acted like a hammer, working more and more to form the invisible chains that would soon bind her tighter than she could ever have expected. The girl recoiled at the verbal snap, feeling some of the tears starting to flow unbidden down her face. Exhaustion wasn't helping matters: part of Selena still just wanted to find a bed and relax. Instead she watched Ghazi rise and command again.

Selena found her hands going to her outfit after the command in an instant, as if she were going to instantly obey. Trembling fingers hovered just above the cloth. Would it be a good idea? Just play along? Or should she fight? Because surely someone would be coming for her sooner rather than later. The phone! She'd nearly forgotten it!

The trembling hands dove down from her clothes, hitting the clutch hard enough to knock it to the floor. Selena soon followed, kneeling down and scrambling, working to pull out her smart phone and try hammering buttons. Watery vision and jittery hands were making it more than a little difficult, and Selena kept glancing at Ghazi, already knowing he was not going to be happy.
It was no joke, he did this to create something special for himself and having Selena here confirmed that there were celebrities out there that were gullible enough to come here. Ghazi grinned as he watched her in silence, he wanted her to comply with his order and strip for him so that he could see her expensive body, he hoped enough to actually get her trained so that she could please him in every way possible.

Ghazi continued to watch her, his hand moved through his beard as his eyes stayed on her, his breath was rapid only to watch in silence to see what she was going to do next, he hoped that she wasn’t going to be a problem, but then again a celebrity teen like she was he really had no idea what her thoughts were going to be.

Ghazi spotted her going for something, he guessed that she needed a lesson, a lesson to ensure that her ordinance was needed for her own safety. He grabbed the phone from her and glared at her. “This isn’t the way to behave to your host.” He said to her. He looked at the phone or a moment before smashing it against the wall. It became many bits as the screen cracked and the entire phone was destroyed. “Now do as you are told and strip.” He commanded again.
The man moved before Selena could really process. She yelped as her phone left her hand, plucked almost too easily. The girl made a lunge for it, almost colliding with Ghazi in the process. The girl froze as he spoke. "No, don't!" she tried, lunging for the phone again. She fell, sliding a little, and watched as he carelessly smashed the phone. Selena's mouth opened in shock, staring at the pieces that lay scattered across the floor. There would be no restoring that.

Selena looked up at the burly man who'd killed her contact to the outside world. The second command came, causing her to shiver. She moved, nearly crawling, to the mall. Her trembling fingers picked up the phone, staring at the cracked screen and the pieces as they fell through her fingers. There wouldn't be any salvation there. How long would it take before people got worried about her? A week? Two? Selena looked back up at Ghazi. What could he do to her in that time?

Tears started to flow again. Selena raised a hand up, daubing at them. She swallowed, licked her lips, moving to her feet. Trembling hands went down to the hem of the sweater dress, gliding along the edge for a few moments. She looked up at him, then down at the dress, then at him again. Her hands moved back, trying to remember if this was a slip-on or a zipper. Fear and worry were causing her hands to quiver, to shake, to become almost useless at doing anything, particularly this. It probably didn't help that she kept trying to move back as she worked, getting closer to the wall with each trembling step.
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