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Modern Setting Ideas

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Hi I am new to this site but not new to role playing. I have been writing for at least five years now and generally tend to focus on modern stories. If you see a story on here that you feel is interesting or has potential but want to change aspects of it please let me know.

I am currently working and therefore cannot be on at all times. If I start writing with someone please understand that I can post once or twice a day but no more than that. If work becomes hectic I will always try and let you know if I will not be on for a day or two.

I hope this does not bother anyone but I am a male writer and prefer to write with female partners. If you are male and want to use any of my stories feel free :)

As far as writing style goes I prefer to write on average anywhere from two to five paragraphs per post. This of course depends on who I am writing with and I tend to attempt to match my fellow writer for length or substance. That being said I really don't like posts that are only a few sentences each as I feel that it takes too long for the story to progress or there isn't enough for me to work off. If long posts are something you are not a fan of then we might not work well together.

As for where I write I will almost always prefer PMs just because that is the easiest to check up on and will not get lost. If you prefer to post in threads we can definitely do that. However, I do not use email or any form of IM.

As for style, I prefer a good mix of smut and story. If I would break it down it would probably be 60% Smut and 40% story. If this style bugs you please let me know and we can adjust as the rp progresses. I want to make sure the story is as fun as possible while giving you my preferences up front.

For more information about kinks that I like to include in the story here is my F-list.

Golden Rule
So I am adding this rule after starting a few stories on this site. If for whatever reason you don't like the story, or you just want to end, please let me know. I am fine with being told that our writing styles don't match, or that you are just bored, but it is much better than just being left wondering for a week or so if you will post a reply. If you want to quit let me know.

Stoires and Ideas

How Not to Get a Ticket
YC was driving home from a party, she had had a bit too much to drink there and was not paying attention to her speed as she passed by a local speed trap. So when the sirens blared all she could do was let out a little sigh of annoyance and pull over as the much more powerful police car caught up with her. Usually she would not worry too much about one speeding ticket, but this was the third one she had gotten...that month. She knew that this ticket would not only mean that the state would revoke her driver's license, but it might mean jail time if he dared check her alcohol levels. She only has a few moments to think of a plan as MC steps out of the car and heads over to your car. How will she convince the man not to give her a ticket?

I Dare you
This story is one I picture happening between two friends, the setting could be anywhere really but the top three that come to mind are.
1)A school
2)A anime/comic/game con
3)A bar

MC and YC have been friends for ages, they grew up together and never really decided to develop their relationship into anything beyond friendship. Yet today as they were hanging out together they found themselves bored and in need of some entertainment. One of our character's decides to spice things up by challenging the other to a dare. It could be simple, run up and grab someone's ass, shout a bad word and see if anyone notices, or just steal someone's drink. After the other accepts and completes the challenge with ease they decide to up the anti, trying to out due their friend. This continues until an actual dare contest begins, and they agree that they have to complete 10 dares each before the day/night is over. These dares obvious go in a sexual direction but don't have to involve the other person, maybe they dare them to go up and see if they can sleep with a complete stranger, or maybe they see if one of them can initiate a threesome. The dares are up to you.

Fun on the Train
YC and her boyfriend (can be husband if you prefer) have been together for a while and have felt that they are losing the spark in their relationship. Sex has become boring and repetitive and both of them desperately want to fix that problem. That is when one of them has an idea (up to you which one), why don't they try something in public? Both of them ride the train to work every day and it was always crowded in the morning, surely no one would notice if they started playing with each other above their clothes just to make things interesting. The plan seemed perfect and when they got on the train it was going well at first. However, after the first station the train hit a bump in a long tunnel. YC was jostled and thrown into MC without realizing it. She begins to grind up against this stranger thinking it is her man, only to find this man is different, and willing to go further than just playing with her above her clothes.

Best Friend's Wife
MC and his best friend were inseparable during college despite being nearly exact opposites. MC was a confident playboy who went through college off of his fame on the (sport can change if you have a preference) team and his natural charm. His best friend was a hard working guy who focused more on school than on partying. That didn't mean he never went out, because the two of them met YC at the freshman Halloween party. Both men fell for YC at first site, and although it wasn't clear who she would choose, eventually she fell for the studious and serious friend.

After the best friend and YC marry MC starts to drift apart from them. They all graduate and a few years pass. The best friend gets a great job and soon becomes absorbed in his work. The two of you move out to a suburb and find that your life is nothing but one boring routine. One night MC gives your house a call, and with his old best friend either out of town for the night or just too busy to pick up the phone, YC answers. MC offers to take YC out for a drink, something YC would normally refuse because MC never stopped flirting with YC. Yet tonight YC is bored, or just feels up for something different and accepts.

A New Kink
They had been married for years now, and even though the love was still there, the passion had faded away. The husband figured he was to blame as it all started from watching some porn. At least that is what he told himself. YC was his first and he never was really adventurous in bed simply because he had never asked how to do anything new. For the first few years at least that did not matter, but only doing the same position in the same bed day in and day out did wear on him. When he found the passion gone he turned to porn, there he saw men and women in new positions and places that he had never dreamed of before. Yet he is a shy man, and even with his new kink discovered he could not ask his wife to try something new without admiring that the sex was bad for him. He continued to think like that for long enough that a new idea popped into his head.

MC worked with the husband, he was the average cocky lawyer who always seemed to get what he wanted. The husband admired and was jealous of that. That is maybe why he started to fantasize at work MC and his wife having sex. It became his new obsession and he could not help picturing them doing it all over the office. Finally he could take it no longer and he confessed all of this to his wife. He told her how he dreamed of her sleeping with his friend, a man she had seen once or twice and knew that he was good looking. Now it is her turn, she can make a choice. She can tell her husband that she wants him to stop fantasizing, that she likes the idea and wants to try it for herself with her husband watching, or maybe that she wants both men at once.
The choice is for you to decide and see where you would want to take this story.

The New Job
To start if you like this story but want the roles switched we can do that.
MC has just been promoted to his dream job, the only catch is that it requires him to move to (foreign country) and live there for the next two years. This of course would not be a problem except for the fact that he cannot bring his wife. She also has a job and cannot leave it to go and follow him. They agree that this is the best option however and will continue with a long distance relationship for the foreseeable future. The first day MC arrives at the office he greets all of his new employees and sits down at his desk expecting a normal boring day. That of course will not be the case when he meets YC. She had her eyes on MC the moment he entered the room and decided then and there that she wanted him. (This can be for a multitude of reasons: 1) She figured if she slept with the boss she would get a raise, 2) She wants to be able to blackmail him, 3) he is her type and doesn't take no for an answer)
YC decides to approach mine and say then and there that she will have him. He of course tries to tell her that is never going to happen and asks her to leave. Over the next few days/weeks however she does not let up, trying to drop even more and more hints before finally showing up with pictures of her naked in his office and threatening to mail them to his wife if he doesn't do exactly what she says.
Let me know what you think of this story and how you would want to develop it.

Mistaken Prostitute
MC is in town for a business trip. After a long day of meetings and drinks in a new city he decides to hit the town and look for something or someone fun to do. As he is being driven around in the company limo he pulls up to a nightclub/bar. Outside he spots a woman flirting with a few men, asking them for some money and promising that she could make it worth their while. He of course does not realize that this woman is just asking a few of her classmates/collegues and that she meant she was simply going to do them favors later on in return for the money. That along with her clothes made her look exactly like the prostitute he was looking for. MC decides to roll down the window and call out to YC. The sight of MC's car and the offer he makes gives YC time to think. Of course she is not a prostitute, but she is broke at the moment and figures she could probably milk this guy for a load of money while having a good time at it, so she takes him up on the offer.

There are two variations of this that would also be fun. The first would involve an anime/game/comic-con. MC isn't into nerd culture and mistakes YC's costume as a working girl's outfit. YC needed some cash to buy her most desired collectible and decides not to correct him.

The other option is having YC be an undercover cop, someone who knew that MC is into some shady business and was told that this would be the best way to get the dirt on what he was doing.

The Past Comes Back to Haunt You
(I see this working in either a work or school setting)
When MC first saw YC he wasted no time approaching her and asking her out. At least that is what he thought he was doing when he walked up behind her, slapped her ass, and told her she had an ass that he would want to ride all night long Yet due to his general disrespect and leering eyes YC knew he only wanted her for her body and she flatly rejected him. YC wanted to have a fresh start and not to worry about the stigma of a bad reputation...again. A while back she had decided to do a small porno (webcam show), just for some money to get her to the end of the month, It was fun and she made all the money she needed and was able to quit that lifestyle and start fresh. Weeks passed and she began to forget all about MC, however MC did not forget about her.

One night while he was checking out a random porn site he thought he saw a familiar face. It took him a few seconds to realize who it was, and just a few more seconds to figure out a plan for what to do with this information. When YC got to her desk that next day there was an envelop inside of the drawer that read, 'come see me, we have something to talk about.' Inside the envelope was a picture of the video, one that clearly showed her face and her doing something no one would dare suspect she would even dream of attempting.

A New Payment Method
MC has never had to worry about money in his life. He has coasted by on the accomplishments of his father and never passed up a chance to show off his wealth. YC has come up from nothing, she is the first person in her family to go to university, and an ivy league school at that. THe only problem is that things suddenly took a turn for worse at YC home. With most of her money from her part time jobs going to living expenses, family medical bills, and tuition, she is finding it harder and harder to keep up her studies. One day after class MC hears YC venting her frustrations to her best friend.

MC has always wanted to fuck YC at least once, YC is incredibly beuatiful but has turned down every guy who asked her out saying that she didn't have the time for a relationship. Well now MC has a plan to change that. He approaches YC once she is alone and offers her a deal. In exchange for covering the entire semester's tuition YC will have to do 10 favors for MC. YC knows the reputation MC has and knows what those favors will involve, but the burden of paying bills is getting worse and worse each day. What will she do?
The Right and Wrong Decision

The ages for this story could range from seniors in high school to late 20s, so whatever you find to be the most fun would work for me. Here your character goes out to a party wanting to have a good time. There she meets two guys, both are good looking in their own way but with completely different personalities. The first is a suave yet caring man who she connects with and can maybe see a future relationship with. Yet she also meets a playboy as well, someone who can take her out and give her the kind of fun she has been craving. From here she has to decide which of these men she will eventually wind up with. After picking though will she be able to stay with the right one, or will the other keep calling her back and preventing her from having a real relationship.

Final Thoughts
I will update this list with more stories as I think of them, if you have pairings or ideas in mind that you think would be fun but are not on this list please let me know.
RE: New Here and New Ideas

Updated and added one more story
RE: New Here and New Ideas

One more self bump and new story added.

The New Kink
RE: New Here and New Ideas

One more bump for good luck.
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