Quest Accepted 1x1

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Female Viking
Apr 10, 2015
The Rough Plot
The Human Kingdom is at war against the Beastmen strongholds, who themselves are a mixed bag of beastmen Humanoid like birdmen, lizardmen, Goblins, orc like creatures ect.

The Kingdom have sent out one of their best female warrior beast slayers(me of course!) on a quest to interrupt and destroy supply lines to try and turn the tide of the war,
although she is highly skilled she is certainly no one women army, and will have to be careful on her quest.
Its a long journey too, and will take many days or weeks to arrive, as she passes by friendly villages with their own sort of trouble and turmoil going on.
Whether it be from Beastman raids, or inter human Governors betraying their own. for their greedy goals.
Will she get through her quest unscathed? Or will she have to do or suffer terribly lude and humiliating things to get the job done?

Will you be a Beastman or corrupt human standing in her way of her quest? Will you be at first an innocent bystander inspired to take up arms with the beautiful warrior on her quest,
maybe you fell in love with her? Or perhaps you have been her training partner and warrior in arms for years and set our on this quest with her to begin with.
Are you the Beastmen or corrput humans getting in her way? Its up to you.

The World
Its a fantasy world but without magic, think 1600's era style for inspiration. Swords, spears, shields ect and Matchlock Rifles are the weapons of the current age.

Im mostly a newbie with light rp experience and even to these forums,
So try not to expect super detailed since im not capable of that with some limited time when im working all the time,
but if your into casual rp then im your thing!, if you would rather pm, forum or skype it i am down for whatever you may find easier.
Nothing is set in stone either, so if you have ideas you would like to interject, ask me questions that i may have missed explaining, feel free to.
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