The Prince & Princess (Malfrost x poorservant)


Jul 1, 2016
Everything that had happened was still so confusing, and even now, Yukiko couldn't really wrap her mind about the reality of it all. She was thrown into the TV, nearly killed by her own shadow, and she wasn't the only one to go though such a thing either.

To her surprise, Yosuke of all people had ended up rescuing her. Up until this point, she had never put much thought into the young man before, and she definitely didn't bother to give him any attention or the time of day. All she knew was that he tended to flirt quite a bit with people. She even remembered the time when he asked her on a date, only to have her flat out reject him. In her eyes, he was like everybody else... only wanting to date her without knowing her, without knowing anything about her, but he proved her wrong when he put his life on the line in order to save her.

At the time of the rescue, she had to say that Yosuke seemed... reliable. No, more than that, he seemed like a prince-- like a knight in shining armor that Yukiko had secretly been waiting for all her life. But... that was of course in the past. She resolved that she would change from then... she wouldn't let her fears and worries chain her down anymore.

Still, the young woman found herself being more drawn to that certain 'prince'. Part of it was probably out of gratitude she felt towards him for saving her life, but the bigger part was because he probably wasn't the 'disappointment' that she or anyone else thought him to be. She wanted to get to know him more, especially since she wasn't able to properly talk to him ever since that day, due to her exhaustion of being in the TV world. Now that the weekend had rolled in, she had some time to herself, so maybe she could do some shopping at Junes for the inn. She had a few days to rest and had fully recuperated, so she figured why not? Besides, Chie was busy, so Yukiko unfortunately wouldn't be spending any time with her today.

After the heiress was fully dressed in her casual outfit, she informed the other workers at the inn that she was going to be heading out for a little while, and when they agreed, she smiled and exited out the door, her dainty, petite form walking down the streets at a regular pace.

It didn't take her long to reach the Junes store, and she didn't waste any time before making her way down one of the aisles, scanning the various shelves and objects lined there for the correct ingredients. Although, of course, she'd pick up other things as well... things that could unknowingly (at least to her) destroy a dish entirely. "Let's see... I wonder if they have dried frog legs here?" She thought aloud, wondering just what she should buy. If they didn't have the item she had in mind, maybe she could get something else? But what... that was the true question.
Yosuke had a lot of his mind recently. His main thoughts were about the person throwing people into the TVs that would ultimately result in their deaths. Two people had already died because of it, one of them being his crush, Saki. His encountered with her true self hurt him, but he managed to overcome it and move on. It was because he did that that he and Chie had managed to rescue Yukiko.

He was happy they were able to save the girl, even if she didn't really consider him much of a friend so much as he was an annoyance. He was just happy she was alive and well now. Still, he did wonder if he earned any brownie points with her because of his actions. He didn't really care if he did or not...while he did have a crush on her because of her beauty, he wanted to get to know her better too. Hopefully they would get the chance soon, but his mind was always on the case.

He was drinking a canned coffee as he walked down the rows of food in Junes on his break. He noticed Yukiko out and about and smiled as he approached her. He hadn't seen her since the day they rescued her as she recovered from her exhaustion. He was happy to see her up and bout.

"Hey, Yukiko! Hope you are feeling better. Do you need help with anything today?" Yosuke asked her with his trademarked goofy grin as he took another sip of his canned coffee. While he might have been on break, he certainly didn't mind getting back to work early if it meant getting to hang out with Yukiko for a bit.
As Yukiko was contemplating over her options, a certain voice caught her attention and she turned her gaze up to see--

Speak of the devil! She was pleasantly surprised.

"Oh, Yosuke-kun," she smiled politely in return to his goofy grin and greeted him in her usual refined and feminine manner, "Hello... you're working here today?" Had it not been for the last incident, she probably wouldn't have been as eager to see him, and probably wouldn't have even thought about holding much of a conversation with him like this, but now she couldn't have been more happy. She did want to talk to him again, for one main reason... and that was mainly to thank him.

"Yes, I'm feeling much better now, thank you." She replied as she paused, for a moment, as if thinking over her next words. "It was... umm... all thanks to you and Chie, really. I owe both of you a lot." It was funny how just a few months - or even a few weeks prior to today, she never would've thought that she'd say such a thing to Yosuke of all people, but those were her true feelings. She had to give credit where credit was due. The heiress' tone sounded a little bit more shy this time around though, and it showed in the way she shifted her weight from one leg onto the other, while one arm reached behind her back to lightly latch onto her other arm from there.

"I was doing some shopping for the inn, so I was trying to think of what to buy." She replied to him as she shifted her attention over from the young man back over to the row of shelves and the contents that were placed there. "But there are so many things here... I'm having a bit of trouble deciding on certain ones." Of course, she didn't say what exactly she was debating between, but if not asked directly, she always did enjoy keeping it a secret and surprising a person.
Yosuke could tell that Yukiko was treating him differently almost at once. The fact that she just once blowing him off or trying to ignore him was certainly a good sign, but she seemed quite happy to see him and be chatting with him. That was completely new to him, and he enjoyed the attention.

He blushed slightly as Yukiko thanked him and he rubbed the back of his head meekly. "Awww, don't mention it! We couldn't just leave you in there to die, after all. Friends help each other out...that's just what we do." Yosuke gave her a playful wink as he saw her blush, hoping he could see a bit more of her embarrassed side. He was even trying to work up the courage to ask her on a date again.

When she mentioned looking for stuff to buy though, he tried to refocus to helping her. "Well....I do work here. I'm on break right now but I don't mind helping. What are you looking for? I'm sure I can make some recommendations and help you pick!" Yosuke said with some pride as he pounded his chest, showing he was ready to do whatever he could to help out.
Come to think of it, Yukiko had never actually bothered getting to know Yosuke before either. She had just assumed him to be an annoyance, especially from how Chie would act around him... it probably wasn't any surprise Yukiko didn't hold him in too high of a regard. But his response caused her focus to shift back on him as the corners of her pretty pink lips curved upwards into a deeper smile. "I suppose you're right. But..." She paused, her gaze lowering to the ground.

She never actually thought of him as a friend before... just a classmate, or maybe an acquaintance at most. She had never even treated him nicely, so as she heard his words, a small sense of guilt crept up on her. He really was a good person, huh? It was a little embarrassing for her to be realizing this just now. "I caused quite a bit of trouble for the two of you. Plus, you saw such a horrible sight of me... a side that I never wanted anybody to see..." That was even more embarrassing.

With that said, she turned her attention back to the shelves. "A-Are you sure about helping me, though? I wouldn't want to disturb you while you're on your break." She stated truthfully. After all, she didn't want to give the male anymore unneeded stress or grief... especially since he already did so much for her.
Yosuke just chuckled lightly as he reached out and patted Yukiko on the head gently. "It's alright. Like I said, we couldn't just leave you in there...and everyone has a horrible side they don't want to confront..." Yosuke thought about his and decided to confess it to Yukiko."In all honesty, I confronted my shadow told me I thought this town was boring and there was nothing to do, and the only reason I wanted to save people was to get attention and praise..." Yosuke gripped his fist and he sighed.

"It was right...part of me hated this town and everything it stood for...but that was only part of me. Part of me loves this town and the people I've gotten to know in it, like you, Yukiko." Yosuke smiled as he decided to be somewhat bold and move his hand down to her own, lacing his fingers with hers and giving it a squeeze.

"That's my embarassing we are even...and I don't mind helping you. Better than just pacing around with no one to talk to, so what are we looking for?" He trademarked cheeky grin came back as he gave the girl a playful wink
As the hand reached out to pat her head, the young woman looked up almost in wonder. No one had ever patted her head ever since she was a little kid, so she wasn't sure how to react. But Yosuke would speak before she could verbally respond. "Really?" She asked by the time he had finished, clearly not anticipating he would reveal his own secret. And as his hand intertwined with hers, her heart fluttered a little for some reason she couldn't understand, and the warmth rose to her cheeks. Most people would've been met with a slap or a quick excuse to get away from trying something so bold with her, but she didn't pull her hand away.

"O-Oh, I see... so you had a side of yourself you didn't want anybody knowing either..." His shadow sounded somewhat similar to hers, yet highly different at the same time. After all, he also didn't like the town and probably wanted to get away, huh? Although... "I can accept both sides of myself, is that it?" She asked, only to soon smile and nod. "Thank you, Yosuke-kun. I feel like I understand a little bit more now." Both herself, and him.

And then after allowing a small giggle to be released into the air, she'd finally slip her hand out of his grasp. Who would've thought that she would be talking to Yosuke like this. "Well, if you insist. The inn was actually looking to add some extra powerful new flavor to their new soup, so I was thinking of buying either coffee mix or flour. I was also thinking of making something on my own as well if I have time, so between fish guts, frog legs, and chili peppers, which would you recommend most?" She questioned curiously, not finding anything wrong with her suggestions at all.
Yosuke nodded his head. He was surprised that Yukiko didn't pull away from his grasp, but it was definitely a pleasant surprise. "I think everyone has a side they don't want anyone to know about...maturing is about accepting both of those sides and being comfortable with them." Yosuke thought out loud before looking at Yukiko as she pulled away, giving her a small smile.

When she started listing the items she was thinking of getting though, his face paled slightly but he tried to hide it. " have some suggestions...why don't you just follow me to the spice aisle." Yosukue chuckled somewhat nervously, grasping her hand and pulling her along to where the normal spices were located. After going over the spices for a few moment,s Yosuke managed to convince her to leave with normal spices and flavors, rather than odd ones. Once they were done however, it was nearly time for him to get back to work.

" you want to go get dinner after I get off and go walk around town for a bit....kind of like a date?" Yosuke decided to be brave and bold again, just asking the girl he had a crush on if she would be willing to go out on a date with him again. His only hope was that he didn't get flat out rejected again.
As Yukiko listened to the male, she was in awe, and it probably showed in her dark gray eyes. For a 'disappointment', he actually did hold quite a bit of wisdom to him... and Yukiko surprisingly felt like she learned something from him. "You're right..." She replied, her dainty smile lifting just the slightest bit more. "I will be sure to keep your words in mind with me from now on." She stated firmly and truthfully.

But the young woman's focus would soon shift back onto Yosuke as she heard him. "Huh? Oh, alright..." As he took her hand again, she allowed herself to be led to the other aisle, a bit confused as to why he decided to bring her to a different section. She at first didn't think regular spices would work, but deciding to trust his words, she agreed regardless. Still, she'd probably go back to choose some things of her own anyway... to add her own 'unique' twist to it. Once they were finished and she was holding the contents in her arms, Yukiko's irises landed on the male's face once more, and this time a look of surprise crossed her features.

"A... a date?" She felt the heat rising to her cheeks again. Considering how she had rejected him so easily last time, she didn't think he'd mention it so quickly again. He really was persistent... Yukiko didn't think that he was that serious about her. After all, most people would give up after their first rejection. "I... I'll see. Maybe you can stop by the inn once you're done with work." She replied, trying to calm her racing heart. She couldn't understand why she was feeling this way.
Yosuke had braced himself for an instant rejection. When it didn't come, he looked at Yukiko's face and noticed she was blushing and embarrassed. When she told him to drop by after he got off work, his face was dumbfounded for a moment before he had the largest grin on his face.

"Are you serious! Oh man, awesome! I cannot wait for this evening to get here!" He gave Yukiko a quick and surprising hug before letting out a cheer. Quickly realizing how embarrassing he was acting, he calmed himself down and cleared his throat. "I'll...uh...see you at around seven then, Yukiko-chan." He grinned widely again before waving at her and walking off with a happy step in his walk, clearly very happy with the news he just received.

It was now sevenish and Yosuke was standing at the entrance to the Amagi Inn. He was extremely nervous, now dressed in his casual clothes. He still couldn't believe what had actually happened, and part of him was thinking Yukiko would laugh him off when he said he was here for their date. Maybe it had all been a dream. Still, he had the courage to ring the doorbell and wait for it to be answered, a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
It came off as a surprise to the young woman when Yosuke seemed so genuinely happy. It's not like Yukiko had agreed... she just didn't reject him again. Although when she felt the hug, she felt her own body warm up. Normally, she disliked too much physical contact, especially if the two weren't close... but this time wasn't the case at all. She instead gave a slight nod. "Okay, I'll see you then." She replied with a smile, watching the all too cheerful male go back to work, thus Yukiko herself went to do her own thing.

The heiress bought the items that Yosuke had suggested, along with some items she herself thought would be good, and left Junes. As she arrived back at the inn, she quickly got to work on helping out, and she was quickly realizing just how unwarranted all her fears and worries had been. When she told the workers at the inn that she may have plans later on in the day, they were understanding and accepting, and they even encouraged her to go out and have fun. To think that she despised them and the entire inn before...

When it had reached the designated time, Yukiko had pretty much finished getting ready and was waiting for Yosuke to arrive. So once the bell rang, she wasted no time in getting herself together and moving to the open the door. And sure enough, the male was standing there, with flowers in his hand. "Hello, Yosuke-kun." She greeted shyly with one of her usual feminine smiles, "O-Oh my, what lovely flowers. Are they for me?" Although the answer should have been obvious, she still wanted to try acting modest and ask. It would be too embarrassing to make such a self-centered assumption only to be wrong.
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