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All Steamed Space (Shikokudarkstar X Charlie_Death)


Feb 10, 2013
Dr. Merrill K. Monroe was a man of science. He had a doctorates in biology and had another degree in engineering to boot. He lived in what many people called an enlightened age in England. Unfortunately the great people of jolly old England had no fucking clue about what they really lived with. He had fished out a flying machine from the of the river only a few months ago. The inhabitants had not been from earth in any shape or form. It had only taken the creatures a while to learn English and after helping Merrill retrieve their 'ship', they had taken a sort of amusement to teaching Merrill things. Merrill had been mystified and awed by how much the human race didn't know. He had become rich from all the inventions that the aliens had helped him create.

Unfortunately the aliens had to live in his home and while he didn't mind guests, he had learned that the technology was not advanced enough for the pair of aliens to fix their ship. Meaning, that they would be stuck with him until they were rescued or they had died. They couldn't leave him home because they couldn't blend in with the humans around them either. This meant his house was full with aliens and alien matters and he had no chance of having guests over ever.

It wasn't without perks, however. The two aliens were a mated pair, meaning they were not interested in having romance with anyone but each other. Also as said before, the aliens shared their technology. Like now, after a day in the rain, he didn't have to make fire, instead the creature they had used to power the ship, sauntered back in from the stables. It was a flampkin, a creature that was the size of a babe and colored a deep red. It had flames for hair and a tail. The flampkin also looked like a babe, toddling ungracefully after it's meal of horse excrement back into the fireplace. Merrill relaxed back in his chair as the flampkin laid down on the wood in the fireplace, setting fire to the tender. At first, Merrill had been horrified by the creature since it ran about naked as the day it was born but it had no outside sexual organ and wasn't even sexually mature until a number of years that blew Merrill's mind. He would be dust before the flampkin would ever be a problem to hide.

His other two housemates walked down the stairs, their pale blue skin and wide purple eyes making it rather obvious that they weren't from around here. Their hair was also a pure snow white, and while that could be said for someone of age, these two had the look of young men. Also, another reason they couldn't leave the mates they didn't understand that humans did not do male pairings and frowned upon them. Even after hiding the blue skin, fangs, white hair, and scaly rat-like tails; they couldn't understand how humans denied male pairings.

"Welcome home, Merrill." Murk greeted, he was the taller and darker of the two. He was also the dominate partner of the pair. While Merrill had told them it was silly to greet him every day, they insisted it was the polite thing to do. Kutuel wondered off into the kitchen after greeting Merrill intend on fixing supper. Murk watched him go before sitting down in a chair next to Merrill. "You're very late."

Merrill sighed, "My colleague at the university held me up. We were arguing over a matter of biology before he decided I was a fool and stormed off. Also, our neighbor wanted conversation again."

"The old lady or the other male?" Murk asked cocking his head at the question.

Merrill slumped, "The older lady. Mrs. Greenlake wanted to ask about my visitors again was trying to corner me into answering why you all were hidden away. I didn't answer her and she became furious. I don't know why the nosy widow thinks she has to know everything but I for one am not interested in putting up with her."
Dr. Colten Brent was a highly skilled biologist, or rather he was a mediocre doctor of biology whose skill grew under the influence of another. That entity was a non-corporeal being by the alias of Xanthor. Having drifted through the universe for an undiscernible period, it finally decided that to truly understand all that the Universe has to offer it has to experience the physical world for itself. It merged its consciousness into that of Dr. Brent when he suffered a head injury and slipped into a coma. With the host's consciousness locked away, it allowed Xanthor to inhabit his body, becoming physical for the first time. Having drifted through many galaxies, it learned all the forms of life that was able to form, envious of their finite existence. With its knowledge, Colten Brent became renowned and acquired a job at the same facility as Dr. Monroe. There Xanthor became acquainted with him as well as aggravated by.

Never had he met a sentient being whose talent is inaccessible because it's being handed to him! It noticed so much that the man had invented were found on another planet. Not just that, but the inventions were produced in such close proximity to each other that it was suspicious on how someone, no matter how much of a genius he is, could have had so many successes so quickly. After all the time it spent watching civilizations grow and fall, talent was something it could see in others. It got into an argument with Dr. Monroe, calling him a hack and that he couldn't comprehend the vast possibilities of life under the same evolutionary path. Xanthor knew life! This Merrill K. Monroe may be a learned man, but he was holding himself down! Nor did he witness so many magnificent creature vanish in cataclysmic events.

It returned to Brent's home, feeling that the man's consciousness was quite happy not being in control of his body. It seemed that the more Xanthor inhabited him, the less he felt the need to come to the surface. In a sense, all that belongs to Brent, belongs to Xanthor, from his home to his career and even his body. As it relaxed in the study, enjoying the cool breeze from the open window, it decided that it could truly enjoy being physical. It was invigorating to feel a heart race, smell odors, taste things.. So much to experience.


Ayden Andrewson was preparing to leave his home when he saw his neighbor return. He had been watching him for some time. Although he was attracted to the man, he never knew how to approach him. He often found himself peeking out the window to watch him come and go, reading about him in the papers. He wasn't trying to seem like a stalker, he was just unsure on how to approach him. He was a writer, not a scientist. He didn't have much in common with him. He was so curious about his neighbor and whatever secrets he held that he finally couldn't keep himself back. He had to go see him, if only to see how he was doing. After all, if Mrs. Greenlake was getting really nosey, it must be something interesting. She did nothing but become a rumor mill since her husband's passing, not that she wasn't that way before from what Ayden heard.

He straightened out his short tie and coat, making sure that he looked immaculate. He didn't want to go over and look like some common gent. He wanted to at least look presentable. He never noticed women coming by so there was at least some hope that he could find a way into his heart. "Alright, Ayden. You're a wordsmith with a silver tongue. You can do this." He left his home and walked over to the house beside his and knocked on the door. He wasn't really expecting to be invited in, the man was notoriously secretive. No one was able to peek further than the front hall, although it was obvious from the voices that there was more than one person living inside.

When the door opened he flashed a smile and guestured to the next house over. "I saw that Mrs. Greenlake was giving you a hassle again. You know that she's harmless right? Just doesn't have much to do than to learn everyone's movements on our little patch of England."
Merrill rose up slowly from his chair when he heard knocking on his door. He waved away Murk, allowing the alien to slide away into the kitchens to pester his mate. Whoever it was at the door wouldn't take kindly to seeing an non-native creature residing in Merrill's home with him. The gentleman checked the flampkin one last time to make sure it was down for it's nap for good and then wandered down to the door. Opening the old door carefully, Merrill allowed himself to be seen fully by his neighbor. This was the other neighbor that Murk swore up and down had a 'scent of lust' for Merrill. He remembered Mr. Ayden Andrewson. The man was a friendly sort and had been so since Merrill had moved into town years ago. This old house had been something of a hobby since he often took out his frustration at his collegue Mr. Brent upon some renovation project. Even before he had his unexpected house guests, Merrill didn't allow people very far into his home. Most people claimed that with his engineer genius he was supposed to show them around and flaunt his home but the patchwork house wasn't something Merrill wished to show off. Even more so with two aliens mucking about. Two aliens that had no concept of privacy or decorum and Merrill had caught the two many times on the floor or in the halls 'mating' before he finally said the right words to keep the two in their room for such an event. Merrill smiled at the man before him, appearing to be polite even if the man wouldn't be allowed into his home.

"Mr. Andrewson, good day to you as well." Merrill leaned on the door as he listend to the man for a moment. "I am aware but a man of my talents is used to being secretive. Mrs. Greenlake wishes to know about my housemates. I have been rather firm with her but I fear she will wish to cause a scandal." Merrill pushed back his ruffled brown hair. He had once had a woman describe it as 'chestnut' colored but she had been rather enamored with him at the time so he wasn't sure she was a good source. Merrill often appeared ruffled, or some form of disorder was often about his wardrobe. He usually started out clean and neat but as the day went and he tinkered with his gadgets, he lost most...if not all that order. He had almost given up on top hats as he seemed cursed with ill luck. His last top hat had been destroyed in an explosion that took off an eyebrow. Luckily said hair had grown back but his top hat hadn't been replaced.

Merrill chatted for a bit before finally finding a way to excuse himself. Mostly, he could smell whatever it was Kutuel had been making. The alien had a strange fascination with creative cooking. The first few weeks had been awful but the alien had improved much and his cooking was more often than not, delectable. Merrill had politely excused himself and watched Mr. Andrewson leave before heading back into the kitchen.


The next day, Merrill did not have a good start. The flampkin was upset with the locks on the doors and in protest...had burned holes through all the ones that lead to the stable. After fixing that mess he had arrived at work late only to get into an explosive argument with one Dr. Colten Brent. Merrill wasn't sure what the man's problem was, but he was certain that the man was in fact the hack that he claimed Merrill was. The staff often found ways to pull them apart and had done so quickly. Of course the dreadful man had shown up later when Merrill was revealing another one of his latest successes. This one had not been based on alien tech. He had simply created it to help with controlling his annoyed flampkin, when he discovered that it had real potential. He called it a 'flame lock box". It was immune to fire, as it was metal and had air circulation to allow the fire to breathe. It was like a fireplace, he supposed but it was portable and used heated water to spread the heat throughout a larger area. He even proposed the idea of putting the pipes beneath the floor to heat it! He had watched Dr. Brent through this and ignored the man. There was no need for that fool to talk down to him.

After the presentation, Merrill was cleaning up when he noticed that the good doctor had yet to leave. He wanted to sigh, but instead stood up and leaned against the table. "Was there something you wanted to know, Mr. Brent?"
Ayden had to contain himself from one of his fanciful sighs. As much as sentimental poetry went on the natural beauty of order and nature, he really found that his neighbor's look was at it's finest in the chaotic disheveled mess that he is. In a world that prizes orderliness, to move so freely in a state of fashionable chaos, it was rather... alluring. Especially when his face is dirtied by the soot of his tinkering. He nodded politely to what was being said, although he was lost halfway. "She just wants something exciting in her life, there is nothing scandalous about a man enjoying the company of other bachelors." He spoke rather vaguely since he didn't know anything about his housemates either. He wanted to ask until he caught a whiff of whatever was cooking. It smelled... exotic. He didn't know how else to describe the aroma that met him. He nearly forgot that he was supposed to be in a conversation until he was given a departing greeting. He gave a brief bow as he left. He wanted to know more about him but perhaps that is for another time. Perhaps he will make a revision to the manuscript he is going to be sending to the publisher.


Xanthor had waited by the entrance, early as always, having dedicated itself to understanding biology. It pulled out the pocket watch that had been on Brent since it first encountered him. It took some time to adjust to the concept of time but Xanthor finally understood it enough that it was already past the time that Dr. Monroe was supposed to arrive. Not wanting to fall behind its work, it went back to its lab where it was preoccupied with its research on the tardigrade. It was difficult in explaining to other scientist that it is worthwhile researching something so tiny. It had raised a few, exposing them to extreme conditions and waiting to see how long it takes for them to die.

Many people thought it was cruel but they were micro organisms. Yet not a single one truly died. Even when left in boiling water or frozen in a block of ice for days. When the temperature got right, they would spring back to life as if nothing happened. Remarkable. If only it had been able to evolve into a larger species, then it would resemble one of the first lifeforms that began to travel space. It was genius how they took advantage of their chemical hibernation to extreme temperatures to survive cryogenic sleep on long travels. They still existed, but they had been drifting away on the other side of Andromeda. Although now they inhabit some areas of Andromeda, this galaxy was not quite on their list of places to explore, or at least this section for all he knew.

Prying itself from its unevolved specimens, it walked back to the window to watch for Dr. Monroe. Seeing him arrive at... it checked its watch.. nearly an hour late, it had to criticize his tardiness. Humans live for such a short time that he didn't have the luxury to dilly dally his mornings without research. Besides it hadn't finished its prior arguments from the night before. A disappointment that would have to continue as it was pried away, only able to sneak back to his presence when he decided to unveil something "new."

Xanthor was sure it was going to be him piggy backing after some one else, it almost had the species pinned down from its unnaturally long memory, if one could call it that. It was more of free floating data that became part of its being as it drifted, collecting various electromagnetic energy given off by every living thing he encountered, no matter how miniscule. But now was not the time to be introspective! It stood towards the back of the crowd that as usual, ate up whatever bullshit he pawned, unimpressed. At least, it was until it couldn't recall something like this being created. Similar items, but never to keep a fire alive in a contained box. There was little to no purpose for it on most planets. Similar inventions fed something combustible not the very thing that fire consumed... It was like he made it to feed fire, not harness it. Dual usage as a heater was just icing to the cake.

It rubbed its chin, a human mannerism it picked up, partially because it found the sensation to be relaxing, or even enjoyable should it miss a shave, much like today. It never could get the fine motor skills for that. Touch was still too much, but the sound of its gloves being scratched by hair follicles was just as relaxing. It couldn't help but find the tightening muscles of its face alarming as it smiled. It was the first in a while. Dr. Monroe had finally created something that was his own, something remarkable. It lingered, waiting for the crowd to disipate before it spoke. Arguing may be a public affair, but it wanted praise to be just between them. It seemed more... intimate.

"There was, Dr. Monroe." Xanthor held its hands behind its back as it took carefully measured steps towards him. "I wanted to know where you have been hiding your talent. This is the first time since I have come to work at this facility that you have presented an invention that was truly yours. Not that I doubted you have before I arrived, but still..." It stared him hard in the face. "You denied your brilliance with the trinkets of another for so long, I began to have doubts about you. That perhaps you weren't the brightest of your species as I thought." It paused a moment before clearing its throat, realizing that it made a verbal slip and hoped that Dr. Monroe didn't catch on. Knowing his wits, he probably did, but what is said cannot be unsaid. A curse of linear existence really, no do overs. "So tell me. Why, when you possess such intellect, must you pawn someone else's invention as your own?" It gestured towards some of the other inventions that lingered in his workspace. Its words came out harsher than it intended.
That. Was. It. Merrill started at Mr. Brent, feeling his temper rising. This man knew what buttons to push just to get a reaction. It was amazing that the man hadn't called him a liar in front of everyone. There was no way that the other could know that he had taken inventions from foreign lifeforms but just because the ideas weren't originally his did not mean that he didn't do all the work. No one knew how exhausting it was to backwards engineer into steam form so that humanity could enjoy the perks alien technology gave. Turning his emerald gaze over the doctor in disgust he turned his back on the man wandering down the line of his tinkering. "I stole no ideas. All of this was created by my hand. Some ideas had been left forgotten so I adjusted them. Do not attempt to call me a thief Mr. Brent when I know that you have not once backed up your wild theories about biology!" Merrill turned his gaze back to Colten, when he remembered what the man had said. Specie. Kutuel and Murk often said things in the same manner. Did this mean that Mr. Brent was an alien? He doubted it. It would make sense how angry the man was. However, he could be a mad man. There was often many people who wished to be something that they were not. He had known more than a few people of high intelligence that didn't quite have the tightest grip upon their own reality. He would have to ask Murk if there was a way to find out if the good doctor was indeed mad or another alien.

"What about you? Before you came to work here, you were a man of meager talent? It's a little suspicious that you suddenly became a peer of the realm overnight! Don't go throwing stones when you, yourself could live in a house of glass!" Merrill snarled and stomped away from the infuriating man. It was oftentimes better to walk off before he found himself throwing objects or punches at his colleague. No one else got his blood so hot or even anywhere near it. If he had been a member of the flampkin specie, Dr. Brent would have made him melt the whole building out of anger and frustration. No other man was so stubborn, obstinate and obnoxious. How dare look down upon Merrill! The man had no degree in engineering! His temper frayed as it was, did not help his work any. He caused two explosions in his workshop before going into the biology lab to work on another pet project of his.

It was Merrill's dream to build a mechanical man. It was hit or miss what people thought of it but it had always been a dream to make a man that was completely or almost completely mechanical. Murk had offered some help on the project once but Merrill had shot him down. He wanted to do it by himself. He had however, taken samples of Murk and Kutuel's hair and skin to study at his lab. The alien's cells reacted better to the addition of mechanical parts than human cells. However he found that if he mixed both, the cells were sturdier and stood up well to the addition. As much as it burned him to admit it, he wasn't a biologist first. He was an engineer. He wanted if somehow Kutuel and Murk could have children. He never asked but it was rather obvious that they really didn't think much of females.

Leaning away from his microscope, Merrill stared at his colleague. The only time he could stand the other man was when they were both working or Mr. Brent was. He watched in amusement as the doctor worked over his microorganisms. The creatures were fascinating, he agreed but he found that he enjoyed trying to work with cells and machinery better. Murk often claimed that Merrill's colleague just wanted to bed him and that was why the man was so infuriating. Merrill somehow doubted that. Laying his head on the desk in front of him annoyed, Merrill quoted a phrase Murk and Kutuel often said. "Merkuk dae lemok sei." He paused, "De paar." The phrase meant, 'life is amusingly strange' however the usual add on to the phrase was 'and annoying'.

However, Merrill wasn't expecting the sudden visceral reaction from Colten Brent. The man seemed to freeze. Did he know the Maatuk? That was the only way he would think Merrill stole something and he had to admit. It did make sense. Having aliens in his house drove him crazy, it wouldn't be far off to have another have the same reaction.
Xanthor snorted as it crossed its arms slowly at the remark that the ideas were forgotten. They weren't quite forgotten from whatever planet they were from, it knew that for sure. It may be a feat to alter the power source of such inventions, but it isn't enough to claim one's own when they had the blueprints at their fingertips. "My theories will have supporting evidence in due time, that I can assure you, Dr. Monroe." It responded in its usually sour tone. It couldn't quite come out and say that it had personally witnessed the different evolutionary paths one could take, that something larger than bacteria could live in the most corrosive acid on Earth given the right conditions in early evolution. Although it often found itself forgetting that it is only very recent that humans began to be open to the idea that life evolves based on its environment and survival needs.

It scowled at the man when it was indirectly called a fraud. Colten Brent was the one that was a weak biologist, but he was tucked away somewhere else, happy and content that he doesn't have to do anything to achieve his dreams besides sleep and be a distant observer at times. Sometimes it could feel his mind stirring, asking questions, seeing what it sees, at least until he is satisfied and slips back into the emptiness of his unconscious. Another thing it had to bite its tongue about. It already slipped once that it was not really human and it wasn't about to do it again. It let Dr. Monroe storm off before returning to its lab. There was always comfort found in the calculated observations of the scientific method. A pity its kind had no use to study to such detail as they all will outlive most if not all lifeforms.

It procured a sample of a desiccated tardigrade that had sat under a lamp for days. It wrote slowly the observations it saw in the tardigrade's state, how it didn't look any different from when it first went through its chemical hibernation. Its handwriting wasn't as fluid as Brent's had been, hell, when it first took control it had trouble learning to stand on its own. It may be able to inhabit the brain but it couldn't directly manipulate and access everything as if it is its own, it got dangerous. Brent had lost a few memories in Xanthor's attempts to use his brain as if it was its own. Apparently, the energy that makes up its being interfered with neuron activity and easily shorts out and damages pathways when manipulated for more than an hour. So everything became passive observation and slowly infusing itself into the very electrical activity being passed through the nervous system and a more physical manipulation of the body. Apparently, using itself to shock muscles into contracting was just fine by the brain, so long as it doesn't delve too deep into the sensitive and vulnerable organ.

Xanthor looked up when Dr. Monroe entered the lab before turning back to its projects. It was about to introduce nutrient rich water to the heated and dried out organism, which demanded its full attention. As it wrote down its final observations, having been muttering to himself the whole time, it felt the muscles on the side of its head painfully and suddenly contract making its ear twitch at the sudden sound of Dr. Monroe speaking. The sensation was bizarre and fascinating as it had to have been left over from a more primitive state, but that wasn't what really caught its attention. It was the language. It heard it before, as it heard thousands, perhaps millions of languages spread about the universe. Although lacking vocal cords, it was able to learn each of them in the same method of energy osmosis that allowed it to gather knowledge from all beings. Someone once said words have power and that person couldn't be any more correct, as far as Xanthor could tell.

Somewhere, a piece of it rang out, excited by the sound of a language that had not been encountered in centuries. It ceased all muscle movement, focused on recalling the information stored within itself to pull out the name of the species. Maatuk. What were they doing here on Earth? Most advanced species chose not to get involved with those that were still barbaric, so why now? Were they here to manipulate the human's technological evolution by providing the landmark achievements early on to speed up the process? That could be dangerous, it saw it happen and fail before.

"Where did you hear that?" Xanthor spoke slowly and quietly. It didn't want to contaminate the human's progress, even with its own studies. That is precisely why it only focused on life on the planet and left everything else that was possible a mere 'theory'. So the last thing it wanted was Dr. Monroe to admit the existence of alien life where others can overhear.
Merrill blinked at his colleague's attention. He cocked his head to the side before sighing, "My house currently has foreign guests. I pick up a little here and there when they choose to. They also help me along with some of my projects since I allow them free room and board...though not all. Their pet has been causing a bit of a stir so I've been designing gadgets to help control the chaos." He fidgeted with his project in front of him a little before continuing. " I take it you know a little about my foreign guests? They can't seem to find transport home." It was the best way that he could put it without being overly obvious. Perhaps he should have been but most of the time he really couldn't believe what his life had become thanks to the aliens that took it over. Of course, it also sounded rather benign so if the man really didn't know about aliens, he wouldn't think overly much about it.

Merrill looked over to where the good doctor had been working, reading his notes absently as he waited for the man to reply. He had no interest in the microscopic lifeforms and wasn't real interested in stealing Doctor Brent's work. However the man's writing had become a rather mess since his sudden rise in academia. He took the writing utinsel that Brent had been using and fixed some of the words and lines that had become jumbled. It rather bothered him how the man's spelling could be off. When he looked back at his colleague he huffed in embarrassment. "I apologize. I used to teach writing when I was first starting out in being a professor. Old habits are hard to break." He leaned back against the table with a look in his coworker's direction. "Have you heard of my foreign guests before?" He asked patiently. It would be a relief to have someone to share this all with, even if it was a fellow sufferer.

However, now that Merrill was really looking, he thought maybe Doctor Brent wasn't a fellow sufferer but one of the aliens himself. Perhaps not Maatuk but Merrill wasn't so foolish to think that there were no other specie out there besides what he knew. However, that didn't make much sense since Brent, as far as he had known was human. It was almost as if the man was a different person- oh. Oh! Merrill reached over and grabbed the man's wrist, perking in interest as he felt a static shock. Humans had low senses compared so some of the other races, he knew but he still felt something off now what he was close enough to touch.

"Are you perhaps, visiting as well? How can that be? Camouflage? No, too crude. Perhaps body snatching? I believer Murk mentioned something of the like in one of his more colorful rants." Merrill was fascinated now and didn't care if the man was an ass or if he sounded mad. He perhaps did but there were too many coincidences to be waved off as imagination or the like.
Xanthor thought for a moment, piecing together everything. The man was purposely being vague with his words and it appreciated it. No one needed to be eavesdropping, although it could still hear out into the hall, which thankfully at this time was empty. The contraption he had just created was no doubt meant to contain a creature of fire and a small one at that. A flampkin in its infancy perhaps. It had forgotten that it needed to formulate a reply when it realized that Dr. Monroe had stood close enough to oversee its notes, correcting its mistakes. Written language was much more difficult to master than verbal. "You shouldn't rely on their assistance, you have so much potential that too much aid will hold you back, especially from a pair." At least now it knew that the aliens weren't there to alter the evolution of the human species on purpose, but more out of boredom or repayment for hospitality. Not that it was any more acceptable in its opinion.

"I was in a rush to write those down, don't pass judgement on my written skills too harshly." A flat out lie as it took its time writing. "I am familiar with nosey guests that shouldn't be getting too involved with a different species." Oops. There it was again, another slip. Although by the curious look in the man's eyes, it knew that he was suspicious. His energy was practically buzzing with excitement and fascination. However, it didn't expect him to grab its wrist. It's eyes widened for a moment, a look of shock passed its face although there was little reaction from the body. The same slow, steady heartbeat of a sleeping man pulsed before it grasped the courage to pull free from the sudden pressure. It seemed too close, too intimate to feel the energy of another person accompany physical touch. Since the gig was up, Xanthor looked away with a sigh, grateful that humans only see in a single direction before grumbling out a reply.

"I'm not camouflaged. I didn't snatch a body," It snapped as if insulted by the suggestion that it invaded a body, although technically that is precisely what it did. "Colten Brent is still here, in fact, he would have died thanks to your primitive medicine. I keep him sustained enough that he could live, but he simply chooses not to. I suppose he appreciates being a host so long as I give him a name in history." When it felt that Dr. Monroe was getting close again, it jumped to its feet and backed away. "Why do you insist on touching? Just because the.." It lowered its voice so that those that began to walk the halls again couldn't overhear. "...Maatuk pair are very touchy, doesn't mean it is acceptable. Honestly!" He took another step and felt its back hit a wall. Damn physical forms, if it was non-corporal at the moment, it could easily pass through any physical barrier and make its escape, however with Brent still unconscious and refusing to surface, it couldn't make an escape without running the risk of the host's death.
Merrill blinked as he watched the other man back into the wall. It was interesting to watch and though he knew that the alien was indeed inhabiting another person's body he wasn't in the least bit put off. Rather, the alien's protests reminded him of a hissing cat. That was perhaps why he had pressed himself close again to the creature, cornering it in amusement and fascination. It made sense now he supposed, the gloves that Doctor Brent had wore. "I'm not going to hurt you, relax." He gently ran his hands down the alien's sides, trying to get the man used to the sensations without totally overwhelming him. He supposed it wasn't wise to be petting a hissing cat but he really couldn't help himself. He had always been a great lover of felines. He watched as the alien slowly relaxed before continuing, "Now, would you calmly explain to a man of science how it is an alien can borrow another body. And don't give me that look, you are indeed borrowing it since you don't own it yourself. It is obvious that you don't have one of your own. Is it energy? Do you convert your energy and mesh it with that of Colten Brent?"

Merrill pushed himself slightly away from the other man, allowing some space to cool his blood. It had been far too long since he had been pressed up against another even in such a fashion as innocent as just calming a rather odd alien down. A rather odd alien who chose just the right host to get all of Merrill's bodily attention. "Now I'm going to move back if you are done hissing and spitting." He grinned at the reaction he got for that. Now that he wasn't having his intelligence insulted he was rather enjoying this new form of fascination. "And to bring us back to your question, humans are just as tactile as the Maatuk. We just think that it's far more proper to hide our needs away from others. I envy their culture, truly. The pair in my home have no fear of themselves. Honestly it's rather refreshing and somewhat maddening." He leaned back against the table, letting the alien have his breathing room. He hoped that the creature couldn't somehow guess his slight arousal since he was far used to the Maatuk sense of smell. There were no secrets in his household any longer.

"So guest of Doctor Brent, do you have a name? I admit the paradox of your specie distracted me from the more personal aspects of yourself. As for what you said about my skills, I appreciate the compliment but I doubt I am anything extraordinary as you seem to think. I think I am mostly lucky. I have enough skill to do what I wish and a good sounding board at home when I can pry them off of each other long enough to focus. Minus the destruction that their pet is causing, they are not too bad of guests. I just wish I was able to help them get home or find a better way to hide them so that my nosey neighbors don't find out about them."
Xanthor wanted to hid still, especially when it was cornered. It never had that problem before but in a physical form, it could easily begin to understand why many different creatures disliked being in this position. It could feel the warmth of the other man as he touched its sides, the pull of its clothing, the gentle pressure. It could even sense the shift in the man's energy. Being a creature of pure energy, being trapped in a physical form dampened its ability to sense energy. It was much like having perfect vision all your life and then suddenly becoming legally blind. He could still sense the subtle energies of lifeforms around its host, however, it isn't clear until they are touching. It's like feeling you're getting close to something in the dark, but not knowing what it is until you actually walk into it. However, when it is pointed out that it was just borrowing the body, it seemed as if it was just a renter. Another occupant, which although it was, it didn't like it. It wasn't easy adjusting to being addressed as two rather than the assumption that it truly was Colten Brent.

Xanthor let the body relax, slowly adjusting to sensation before giving an answer. It respected the sciences of all species and understood the man's curiosity, choking down any biting remarks it may make. "I am energy. Pure. Energy. There is no need to convert myself to inhabit a body, although it is rather difficult to maneuver. It is more that I evenly disperse myself through the entire body, sharing the same peripheral nervous system as Colten Brent. What he feels, I feel. What he hears, I hear. I cannot fully invade the central nervous system. I can read the messages but not control them. Trying to control the body the way he would was...disastrous. He suffered some damage as in the loss of some memories, but with me taking most control, I allowed his brain to recover the initial damage it incurred before I chose to join with him. So I manipulate the body by using small charges to contract muscles to move and speak. However, unlike my host, I have no filter on what I experience so I smell, hear, taste, and feel everything at all times."

Xanthor let out a sigh of relief when Dr. Monroe backed away from him. The longer they had stood close to each other, the more it began to feel the heart rate pick up. At this point, having been joined with Brent so long, it couldn't tell if it was Brent's reaction, or the host's body responding to its own reaction. However it didn't move any further from the wall. It knew how energies mixed during mating, after all, it had been present at countless mating sessions with countless creatures, not that it was a pervert or anything. Its kind had no need for reproduction so the act was just... interesting. Still, it knew what that shift meant and it didn't know if it wanted to stick around much longer to learn how much restraint the man had or lacked. Although, a part of it wanted to find out.

"I don't have a name, not a proper one at least. We have no need for them, but... I had always liked Xanthor after Xanthor a't Klastkaa serrah. He was like your Alexander the Great. Fascinating being. I enjoyed observing his battles." It narrowed its eyes at the man's self depreciating speak as it began to slowly walk around the room, along the walls, keeping his distance. "I don't like hearing that. I wouldn't have said those words if I didn't mean it. I have been observing the evolution and technological advancement of millions of different species, far longer than the existence of your entire galaxy. I know potential, I read the energy of everything, from creatures to stones and even stars. If I was lying about my abilities, then I suppose I would be wrong in knowing that you are currently in the early stages of sexual arousal."
Merrill blushed hotly giving a glare to the man or really alien creature that had himself inside the body of a man....Xanthor. Xanthor had pointed out his early state of arousal much to his embarrassment. He wasn't overly embarrassed as he supposed he should have been but one always found themselves somewhat in such a state when the object of their arousal points out such things. Of course he had been rude in his fascination and somewhat examination of Xanthor but the man didn't have to point out Merrill's state just to prove a point. Merrill crossed his arms before speaking again to the alien, "Potential is not always what it cuts itself out to be is what I'm saying. Every egg has a potential for life but not all of them hatch alive." It seemed like a fair comparison to what he knew. However if this creature could read all the energy information he supposed it would have a different outlook on things. Really he didn't even know why he was arguing. He should have just taken what the man had said as a complement and moved on but Xathor really brought out the argumentative side in him among other things.

"And you are right. I am aroused. Your host fits my ideas of attractive. However the point is moot considering you are borrowing Mr. Brent's body. It would be almost rape to have any sorts of relations with you without his permission." Merrill frowned at this last words before sighing, "My life has gotten indefinitely more complex when I have to say things like that. A few months ago, all I had to worry about was us getting caught in public for gross misconduct when I would kiss a man outside my home. Now I have to worry about hiding aliens and reminding them about rules and privacy." Merrill growled to himself at that. It was too much like self pity for his tastes. He shouldn't pity himself for things that were out of his control. He did make the choice to help the Maatuk. He often reminded himself that he chose this life. However it was hard to remember what a normal life was like with all this extraordinary happenings around him. Here in front of him was an alien with no body!

He paused and looked up startled at that last thought. That was it! No body. That would help him with his project of a mechanical man. However the alien expressed a firm belief in not meddling in human science but that was what he was doing. Of course this all seemed silly that he was now refocused on research after that hot press of bodies and discussions of arousal. Science did not wait for convenient times however. "Xanthor. Can you only process living bodies?" Merrill walked back over to his tissues before turning back to the man. "For that matter does it have to be a whole body? This is all so fascinating it could help me make a breakthrough with my research. I am looking for a way to make a mechanical man. However I have hit a dead end with this project." Merrill frowned at the alien's look, "I'm not asking you to give me the answers. I'm asking for help to get the right direction. I want to know where I am tripping up at. If you could use your energy to see where the flow is stopping then I would have a good point to focus on." He slid the microscope over gently with the slides of hybrid tissue between Maatuk and Human. "I have found this combination functions best under the stimuli of energy and meshes well with that of mechanical parts. However, as you can see, I did have a bit of donation from foreign help to get to this point. I wouldn't let them help me all the way through however. This is my pet project. One I have dreamed of as a child."
Xanthor hadn't thought that the host needed to be providing his permission for anything that Xanthor chooses to do. The man was being most stubborn in remaining passive. He could have easily pushed Xanthor out of the way, hell, it gave him the opportunity to do something himself each night but Brent decided that he liked being a passenger, not a pilot. "I don't think consent is something that will be a problem." It could still feel the rise in heartbeat and a subtle shift in hormones, but it was subtle, still subdued to the host's sleeplike state. When its help was requested, it decided to venture further from the wall. It walked over to the microscope, watching Dr. Monroe very carefully before it got close enough to look through. At the mention that the current project that he had been doing was a dream from his youth, Xanthor felt... touched. It didn't expect to learn something like that from the man, they were always arguing, but the pursuit of scientific knowledge was much stronger than the need to verbally assault one another.

"Fascinating..." Xanthor muttered as it looked through the microscope. There has been a number of species that had successfully integrated themselves with machines, however, this was different. This was to create an entirely new being, separate from its creator that was infused with mechanics. It has always been either all machine, or machine and the creator species, never this. It was truly impressed, which was precisely what it has been trying to push the man into. Ignoring any protests from Dr. Monroe, it quickly pulled out the small dish that contained the cells and held it in its hand. It could feel the energy mixed within, the odd resonance from the two different species, although it was still dampened through the protective glass. Frowning at the lack of a clearer picture, it opened the container with the sample before pulling his finger into it, pulling away from Dr. Monroe. "Don't. Touch me."

It put all its focus on the energy of the cells, the picture coming much clearer with the physical contact. Although it could possess a body, it cannot do so with two, no matter how partial the second was. Stretching its form to cover multiples was different. That is more like being a blanket, rather than someone's skin. As the image became clearer, it began to see the problem. The Maatuk's DNA was on a different frequency than the Human's. Both are adaptive to the integration of machine, however, like all life forms, the two had their own energy. Carefully sitting down, Xathor began to imperceptivity move from one host to another, getting a deeper feel for the problem. Brent began to sway and slumped on the table for a moment as Xanthor transferred itself to the cells it was in contact with. It could feel the life in them and sense the structure of the hybrid DNA. It spread itself everywhere, gathering the information and momentarily becoming one with the primitive cells before re-entering into Brent through the same finger.

It sat its host body back up and took a deep breath. It was refreshing to be able to go through the motions of breathing, especially when it can display its feelings. "Your problem is that when you created this hybrid, you left out important genes that will allow for better integration. That's the problem with the energy." Xanthor pulled a piece of paper close and grabbed a fountain pen and began to draw two different lines. Both lines were of smooth ups and downs but they were of different sizes, one was more stretched out and the other the ups and downs were closer together. "All life, even stone, has its own unique energy, however, when it comes to species there is a lot of similarity that allows one like me to recognize what it is. The two combined however, are not resonating well. However, not all of the cells are possessing a particular gene that allows its energy to work better. Right now most of those cells are like these two wavelengths. They don't match, but some do. If you can recreate more of those, your problem would be solved."
Everything in Merrill said that he shouldn't allow Xanthor to touch his specimen but he had asked the man for assistance and insight. He didn't understand the mechanics of why the man...alien would need to touch. Merrill gave up after the two rebokes, trying to get an answer out of the alien and instead waited for the creature to finish his examination. What he learned was something he didn't expect but should have.

His hybrid wasn't coordinating well. Xanthor used the talk of energy and wavelengths and Merrill understood. He would need a true hybrid. There was no way with the science that he had that he could get all of the cells to work together naturally. It was amazing that he even go some of them to mesh with his cut and grow method. The two species of cells had fused and worked where they met but not other places. He frowned, the only way he could think of was to have a true hybrid. He would have to find some way to impregnate a woman with Maatuk DNA. Merrill let out a deep sigh. He hadn't discussed Maatuk biology with the mated pair in his home but there was no possible way that he could find a trustworthy woman to have a baby for him. Rubbing his eyes be stared at Xanthor in thought. He supposed he could beg the alien to inhabit a woman but that seemed sketchy.

"What do you know of Maatuk biology?" Merrill asked, leaning against the table in thought, "The only conceivable way I can do what you are suggesting it to make a whole new lifeform and use that tissue. Quite frankly, my guests have been curiously quiet about their biology because they said it would 'offend my sensibilities'. Usually when they use that phrase it means that their biology allows them to do something that is disgusting or impossible in human biology. They already told me that they mate for life but other than that I have no idea."

Well he had some idea but he really did not want to consider it. Kutuel had been gaining a weight in increments that ran parallel with a woman and pregnancy. If that were the case then one, he would be having more guests and two that would mean that males and females could have offspring. However Murk had said that females were rather rare so it made sense from an evolutionary stand point. He groaned, "I think that meant that their males can get pregnant. Blasts, I didn't want to think about that. Humans can't do that." Merrill sighed, "Well it would appear I will have to work with only human DNA. That didn't go well last time I tried it but surely I will figure it out eventually."
Xanthor took a moment to readjust himself and to read his host. He may have vacated the body for a short time but that is always a risk because he is no longer suppressing his host's free will. He kept him sleeping while he took control and when he left, there was always that possibility that he would wake up and it will require more efforts to take over, not that it was something to really worry about. Brent was happily asleep as usual, completely undisturbed by the brief absence of his bodymate.

"I do know about their DNA, but not a lot. Our species... never really got along." Xanthor mumbled. He may have been the more curious of his kind, but he certainly wasn't the only one that would interact. He drifted to their planet a while after a couple others had explored before and learned that the Matuuk were more perceptive than others. They were able to recognize them as something and their early histories are filled with myths of his kind, taking over, fueling fear that never seemed to have died. "It is difficult to explain... My kind are like... what's the word?" Xanthor tried to figure out what it is he knew, searching the imprinted memories and knowledge, stored in the very energy that made up his being. When he didn't feel the answer there, there was a slight nudge from Brent, a small moment of perception of what is happening around him. Reaching inward to focus on the neurons firing, immediately decoding and understanding what it was that Brent was thinking. "Boogieman!" he said a little louder and a slightly different tone of voice. After he cleared his throat, a mannerism he had picked up from observing humans, he repeated. "Boogieman. Some species that can sense us often have stories about us that are similar to the boogieman that you tell children about. We never really are around but... they still have the stories."

The revelation made him feel like maybe he was a monster, a creature from beyond that would snatch up helpless victims........ oh wait, he was. That was an unsettling thought but one cannot help but be themselves, or rather, themselves inside another in his case. He waved off any other prying questions to his past. "You wanted to know about their DNA? Yes, their reproductive cycle allows males to host the offspring. They are also... a bit more active than humans in process but I have a feeling that you may already be aware of that fact."
Merrill blinked he didn't know which of the newfound facts disturbed him more. The fact that he had deduced correctly in that fact that was indeed getting more houseguests via a disturbing evolutionary wonder or the fact that he was talking to someone who was seen as a monster in myth and lore. Merrill paused, if the lore of another planet was indeed based on these beings it was cause to wonder what their own lore was based on. Fact of the matter, they had to know that it was another being inhabiting the body of their peers. How had they done that? Merrill cocked his head, if it wasn't for Xanthor's repeated contact with Merrill, and his own prior knowledge about aliens, he would have written the man off as eccentric. "Is that uncommon that specie can sense you?" Merrill asked before pondering on the subject, "It makes one wonder what our own myths and legends are based off if your the basis of many myths yourself." He was digressing however, and looking back at the slide he sighed.

How was he going to get such a hybrid? There was no good way to get such a sample without help. He could wait the months it would take to have such a birth but he had no couple about to have such a hybrid. The ethics alone of asking for a sample of his houseguest's seed sent chills into his stomach. It seemed wrong to intrude on the happy couple's relationship. It was just cells the same as the swabs he had gotten from their cheeks but any hybrid child would be a bastard of Murk's. He couldn't reasonably ask for such a sacrifice without feeling like a monster at the end of the day. His thoughts brought a heavy silence before he startled at the heavy tolls of the Big Ben clock tower. How late was it now? He checked his pocket watch before sighing. It was in fact quitting time. He looked back to the fascinating alien before smiling a little. "Time does seem to fly when you're busy. My house guests are expecting me." He paused, perhaps he was going to regret this offer since the alien had just admitted he was the stuff of Matuuk nightmares but....

"Would you like to meet them? Kutuel would love to cook for someone besides me." It was also nice not to share the burden alone. True Murk and Kutuel were sharing the burden as well but that wasn't the same. At least Xanthor for all of his alien ways came off as almost human and well.... he supposed it was shameful to think but he couldn't get the man's hissing fit earlier out of his head. He almost laughed to think about it was for some reason this "body snatching boogieman" was no more frightening to him than a hissing kitten. He supposed tomorrow he might go back to hating the man but he had always had a weakness for cats. And for all a creature like Xanthor that had no body, his attitude was enough to make a cat proud.

Merrill frowned a moment when a thought struck him. "Pardon my asking this but as a creature without a body do you get sustenance?" He paused, "As energy I would assume you consume or absorb energy? It seems all rather fascinating when one thinks about it. I mean, from the perspective of one who has to have a body to exist. Of course there is the theory of souls that exist but I haven't put too much thought into my immortal soul since the church started spouting about laws of who I should and shouldn't allow into my bedroom." He winced, "Which I should remind my guests once more about the social norms of privacy again." Matuuk seem to have no concept of decency and Merrill was truly puzzled at how not to have them act like heathens. Hopefully with Kutuel's 'nesting' instincts, for that is what the alien had to be doing now that Merrill thought about it, in rearranging his whole house; the place would not be a mess.

Oh well that was for another day.
Xanthor had to search itself to recall just how many species sensed its kind. It wasn't something that was uncommon, but it wasn't common either. It had contact with so many civilizations, mostly as a disembodied observer, it couldn't pinpoint an exact number. That much searching is going to have to take days or months by human standards, after all, time was nothing to it. "It's hard to say, even when a species as a whole cannot sense my kind, there are a few that can. Usually they are a spiritual leader of sorts." That is one thing that it loved about the various religions and spiritual practices of all the different species. The practices and beliefs may all be different but those that are leaders can become in tune with the energies around them and recognize when something is present that they cannot see otherwise.

It watched Merrill as he thought over what they had said, and possibly the experiment he is working on. There was still so much for him to work on and unfortunately, it will be difficult for him to achieve given the current state of the technological advancement of humans. It was certain that they would be able to create artificial organic materials but that is not going to happen in the lifetime of its human peers. However, it didn't expect Merrill to extend an invitation to his home.

When it heard the invitation, it was at a loss. Sure the man is irritating, but he was also brilliant and not that bad as a conversation partner. Did it really want to risk going over to his house and try to get to know the man even better? Into the presence of a species that, without spiritual training, can sense his presence? All it can think is that it will end in disaster, where it is kicked out and bring on the risk of someone being drawn to the scene and discovering the aliens. Every civilization that discovered a foreign species living amongst them reacted with fear and often violence. Not to mention the ramifications of such interactions changing the way their societies function and their goals. The only exception to this is when the society was already advanced, exploring space with the purpose of seeking other life and keeping all their citizens informed of the quest for life.

Not wanting to give an answer to the invitation since it wasn't sure if it wanted to go just yet, it jumped directly into answering the question on how it functions. It is understandable that as a corporeal being, Merrill cannot comprehend on how a non-corporeal being can live, especially from what corporeal beings consider as "alive." "It is hard to explain. I don't need sustenance like you do, which was something that I had to learn when I took a host. I am made of energy and energy cannot be destroyed, only converted. The energy that makes up what I am, cannot be described by thermodynamics or mechanics. You're species hasn't learned of the other forms of energy that exist, so it is hard put in words. I exist somewhere between being kinetic energy and resting potential. Most of my being is energy that has clustered together and formed a bond through..." It paused when it realized that they didn't have a full understanding of atoms and the very matter that makes up everything in the universe and all the particles that make up the components of that matter. "Well... your kind has yet to discover it. The very matter that makes up everything is free flowing but drawn to the central source which is myself, but are so loosely coordinated that I form no actual body. Since this is through the movement of these energies and their electrical charges that act on their own, I need no sustenance. Sustenance is what is required to provide energy into a cell so that all the organic matter can function. I might seem highly advanced, but living beings like you are the most interesting because of your complexity and all that goes into your existence. As for the soul..." Xanthor tapped its chin in thought. It enjoyed understanding everything but putting it into verbal expression is different and far more difficult than the simple act of knowing.

"I have an understanding on what you may consider the soul. Whether you choose to believe me or not, but information can be stored in the very particles and energy surrounding everything. Your brain and nervous system is all energy, electrical and alive. Which is why I am able to take possession of a body," it explained as it pressed its hands on its chest before cringing realizing that he used the word "possession." "To follow the laws of energy conservation where any kinetic energy will not disappear, but instead become resting potential, when you die, the kinetic energy of your nervous system then is converted, just as the remaining energies of the cells of the body convert to the process of decomposing. The electrical energy that existed within your nervous system will be imprinted with all that you were and then move from the body, something like a smaller version of my kind, but it is more... primitive. I have observed these energies quickly travel and find a newly forming nervous system to integrate itself. Some of your eastern philosophies understand this process and call it reincarnation where your soul, then is reborn into another body. Some people are able to access the stored information in that energy to recall their previous lives and when that energy is disembodied and continues to remain outside a host, can interact with the physical world. I believe you call them ghosts. Those I consider primitive only because many that have attempted to remain outside a physical form slowly or rapidly decay until some or all aspects of itself is gone. The particles that were previously bonded separate and join to any other groups of energy.... but I cannot say what they experience themselves since they are constructed differently."
It was boggling to his mind that the alien said that he needed no sustenance to be alive. If he understood the alien correctly, then the alien literal lived on nothing. Merrill cocked his head before letting out a sigh. Of course the idea that ghosts were just the left-over energy of a life past made some form of twisted sense he supposed. Although, if the alien was correct...the idea of a mechanical man would be best if the parts could be integrated into the nervous system before it was fully formed. That way the two energies would be in sync and the organic matter would be able to adapt to the wavelength of the mechanical. Merrill didn't know if he had the stomach to work with the unborn in such a way. Probably best he gave it up but he couldn't quite give up the idea. Tabling the idea inside his brain he turned his attention back to his companion.

"There are theories that your form is the final form of evolution." Merrill broke away from his thoughts before looking over at the alien. "That we will one day shed our need of bodies and become incorporeal beings." The man paused a moment before sighing, "Sounds rather boring to me. I am rather attached to my body. The thought that we may no longer have them frightens me. As of right now, our identity as a specie is heavily related to our forms. In fact the term hominoid is a form with two arms, two legs and a body similar to ours. The Matuuk by definition are hominoid as are Flampkin. Though from what I have seen the Flampkin are a rather simple specie. Murk claims they become very smart when they are of age but anything that eats the excrement of horses does not have my vote for intellect at the moment." He wondered if Xanthor's specie had once had a body or if they had always been masses of sentient energy. Everything had to have a beginning and so he wondered how the alien's own specie had started. Merrill let out a sigh before looking again at his pocket watch and cringing. "I'm afraid it is time for me to depart. I bid you adieu."

Over the course of the next few days, Merrill worked on other inventions. The idea of a mechanical man was shoved to the side as he started work again on reverse engineering some of the more useful items that Murk and Kutuel had brought with them. Most of the work he did was at his home since the few times he had tried to work on them at work, Xanthor began to set fire to his nerves. However, his house guests as of late were also getting on his nerves and the lesser of two evils had become one belligerent alien as opposed to one nesting one and his mate. He wasn't going to give up reverse engineering. Not, if it would help humanity. It wasn't like he was recreating weapons. He mostly stuck to things that would make a hard life easier. However the way that Xanthor reacted often had him thinking that it didn't matter what he did. Although they had shared good civil conversation in the past. The more recent days seemed to fill with arguing. In fact, there seemed to be a bet as to if they were going to kill each other going around their colleagues. Of course there were different things he would rather be doing to Xanthor but it was hard since the man wasn't in a body that was his. Some days it was hard to remember that.

One such day Merrill found himself tested, he had backed Xanthor into a wall again. Merrill had put his hands on the man's shoulders to do something, probably shake some sense into him when he froze. Colten Brent's body was something from Merrill's dreams. He inhaled startled, feeling the strong shoulders. He also felt the strong body as he was close to the infuriating alien. It took moments for Merrill to settle, slowly removing himself from the other man. He almost hated that he knew Xanthor was not really Colten Brent. He hated that he had to pull himself back physically away from the man. There was no one like Xanthor who turned Merrill's blood into a raging inferno. The man had a feeling the alien would effect him no matter what his body looked like. However, in Brent's body, the alien was a deadly package to Merrill's already shaky composure. Being with another man was frowned upon heavily and while it wasn't a deadly law yet, it looked on it's way to becoming one. Merrill could see the writing on the wall. It wasn't common and it wasn't useful so it was to be feared. Just because Xanthor had no issue with Merrill's gender did not mean that Brent didn't either.

It was an exhausting thought and one he had many times before. Merrill huffed, leaning back against another wall. "Apologies, but I do not believe we will ever see eye to eye on this." His attraction was growing more that he knew the alien. Why was it that even though he wanted to throttle the alien, that he wanted to bed the creature so completely? Did Xanthor have any clue all the havoc that he was creating inside Merrill's mind? Did Xanthor even care? Merrill had always assumed since he fought so much that the alien cared about him in his own abrasive way. Of course it was hard with all the different stressors in Merrill's life to not take the alien's manners personally. Merrill had told Murk and Kutuel about Xanthor as a courtesy and the pair had reacted like he expected. Which really wasn't well but they had grown used to the idea and after much hissing had told him they would behave if and when Xanthor came over. Right now though, Merrill was thinking he needed to get another house just so he wouldn't have to be around any of them. Murk said he just needed to be bedded but since the only 'person' he was interested in was two different people he was rather confused as to what he was going to do with his affection. Perhaps he would have to visit a den of pleasure but the thought nauseated him more than relieved him.
Xanthor had to agree with Merrill that there was something to having a physical form that was better than the one that it has. It never liked the idea that its form was the true way to exist, but such a long existence, especially once one experiences a connection to other creatures, can feel lonely. At least, that believed that was it was experiencing. Not that Xanthor minded the feeling, there was something to be had to mindlessly drift through space and understand the universe on such a deep level that every intelligent being that has existed could only dream of. When Merrill left it, Xanthor just stood in the empty lab, wondering what it is that it should do. It has been found out and nothing bad really came out of it. That is, unless you count the physical contact.

Xanthor made Colten Brent's body sigh deeply. The sensation of the air entering the lungs, the pressure and tension of the lungs inside the chest and the rush of air leaving the body was so... interesting, and oddly comforting. It may just be because everything it experiences is something completely foreign and new, and that is why it enjoyed the small things. It felt Brent's stomach growl, having neglected food even though it had felt the body's autonomic system kick in various reminders and demands for food. It made it way back to Colten's home, feeling the coldness of the late evening air, and the humidity that comes with the incoming rain. Once it was safely in Colten's home, Xanthor laid his host in his bed and vacated. It needed to get away from the sensations that had been too much for it. Surprisingly, Colten woke up, ate, bathed and used the restroom. These were still things that Xanthor did not want to try. If touch was too much, anything with more flavor than bland water felt too much. As if there was nothing else that Colten wanted to do with his free will, he went back to bed. That one certainly enjoyed being a passenger.

The next few days, Xanthor thought it could engage in scientific discussions with Merrill now that they had found some common grounds. If only humans were so easy to deal with! Rather than spend his time trying to figure out how to use the new found information it gave him or discuss other possible routes to accomplish his scientific achievement, he decided to go back to reverse engineering alien technology! Xanthor though it finally got through that fatty muscle inside his skull about his potential for being a great scientist. It seemed like he missed the memo. Irritated with this blatant defiance and postponing of scientific research, Xanthor amped up its harassment. It had originally went to pick up their previous discussion but instead it turned into an even more heated argument. These arguments became so heated that even Brent's body reacted with increased heartrate, faster breathing, and a hormonal surge of norepinephrine, cortisol and adrenaline. Internal prying into Brent's unconscious revealed that even he thought the same as Xanthor. Merrill is being stubborn!

When one of these arguments ended up forcing him against a wall, Brent's nervous system kicked in, its passenger evidently getting caught in the drama. It seemed like the more the two were together, the more integrated they became. Their relationship was becoming more symbiotic than parasitic and it did not like it one bit. When Merrill had put his hands on it, as it feared he would, it could feel a spike in the autonomic functions. Its host's temperature rose, blood flow increased, hormones surged and the hairs rose in an evolutionary throwback response. Xanthor completely froze, not knowing what to do with the stimulation. It felt the hands grab it tightly, feel the heat from the other man's hands seep through his cotton shirt. But most importantly, it could sense his energy, that heated turmoil that came with arousal. It had noticed that whenever it was around, there would be the subtle shifts when it was being perceptive to energies around it, but with such tight contact it was a bit much. When Xanthor was about to eject, the offending hands had been removed.

Trying to minimize the sensations, Xanthor spread its arms out a bit to prevent them from touching the body, body completely tense and unmoving. Its face was unbelievably hot, as if it had been staring up at the sun for a long period of time, absorbing all the heat. There was even the tickle of a drop of sweat trailing down the side of its face while it attempted to intervene in the body's natural system, halting the response Merrill triggered.

"Y-you blackguard! You flagrant! You reprehensible, ill mannered, son of a dog!" Xanthor shouted as it tried to recompose itself. "You take your confounded apology and shove it where the sun doesn't shine! You... Bloody... Touched... Me!" Feeling somewhat desensitized, Xanthor stood straight, only to flinch when its host defied him with a new release of adrenaline and... what endorphins are those? Was the host enjoying this? Traitor. It shook its head and jabbed an accusing finger at Merrill, not caring that their argument had drawn the attention of some of the interns and passing scientists. "You know well why you should never touch me! I told you this before! Yet my attempts to verbally communicate to you my needed boundaries just go in one ear and out the other, completely bypassing that organ in your cranium that you call a brain! Why do you defy me? You were onto something and then you piss it away for another day? You don't even confide in me? Not that I want to be an advisor of yours, but you refuse to even allow the subject to be spoken! Your genius is being retarded by your tinkering on... on this junk!" It gestured towards the machine that Merrill had brought to the lab to work on, what it was, Xanthor didn't care because it wasn't his original work. It even knocked a piece of it on the floor for good measure. It was so furious at the whole exchange, that it felt like leaping into the gas lamps just to overload them and make them shatter.
Merrill jolted at the alien's words, flinching like he had been hit. For something that wasn't human to start with, Xanthor was perfectly able to make verbal hits. Sometimes Merrill if he was really sane to enjoy the alien as much as he had. Of course when the alien was talking about need that lit another fire in Merrill's blood. Like the alien knew anything about needs! He didn't even need anything to just exist! "Your needs? What do you know of needs? What of my needs? If you remember when we were working on my project we discussed the need for more organic matter. A natural organism with the blend that I was creating! I have a need to! You know what that need is? I need to be able to look at myself in the mirror at the end of the day. I refuse to work on the unborn! It makes me sick to even think about the possibility!"

Merrill shook in anger when he watched the alien shoved his project onto the floor. His hands fisted and he found himself thinking of getting into a round of fisticuffs with the other before he caught himself. Looking back he saw some of their colleagues gathering and flinched. He had forgotten for all of a few moments where he was. He couldn't say everything he wanted to without sending himself and Brent into Bedlam. No one could know of aliens. No one could know fully about Merrill's attraction to men. When the witch hunts were going to start, it would be the ones that everyone knew about that they went after. He had forgotten while hanging out with aliens that he needed to take care. After all it wasn't like Xanthor would have to live with the consequences of his actions, it was Colten Brent. Merrill started laughing at that thought. He knew the alien was going to get more infuriated but he couldn't help the dark laugh that left him.

"It is not junk if it helps someone! But you don't care about that! All you care about is what you think I should do with my supposed genius! Have you ever thought that maybe I refuse to talk about it with you because I'm tired of other's dictating how I should be! You, who think you know just how everything should be? Have you ever thought that maybe I just want to be able to breathe? That I just want to be able to help people without being condemned for everything I do? Perhaps that thought never entered your brain? Perhaps you only care for my results and not me as myself." Merrill shook, his body shivering.

Damnation he was so tired of just being the genius. He was tired of just being the eccentric. He was a person too. He wasn't an automation. He wasn't just his brain. Perhaps he was being slightly sensitive about it since it was all that anyone ever cared about him. His parents had shoved him in the best schools and forgotten about it. Now all they cared about was his adding to the family fortune. They wanted him to marry a lady above his station and wasn't that just selfish that he wanted to remain a bachelor?

But he digressed, yes, in his temper he had forgotten that Xanthor wasn't corporeal. He had forgotten that the alien was highly sensitive to touch. Wasn't that just condemning right there? The first time in a long time he found a being he was willing to risk being with and he couldn't even touch them? All the sudden at the turn of his thoughts, hopelessness flooded his senses. What was the point of fighting it all? It wasn't like he was going to change the alien's view? At his unimaginable age, he was surely set in his ways. He couldn't think of any way to help with the over stimulation that the alien was experiencing. Merrill pulled on his coat and ignored the alien before slamming the door behind him.

Another few days passed before he came back into his work. He was looking over slides of cells from growing environment of a fetus. Perhaps if he could not make his mechanical man, he could somehow make a growing environment so he would be able to have a babe without the need of a woman? The very thought of laying with a woman was agonizing and while he searched over the slides he wrote into his journal. Perhaps he could make something similar with the fluids of other creatures. Kutuel had offered some of this odd cells that allowed the growth of a babe but Merrill hadn't taken him up on it yet. He probably would after the babe was born. Merrill sketched his idea into his journal before pausing his work to finally look back Xanthor. Whatever the alien was thinking, he hadn't seemed to care about what Merrill was working on yet. It seemed that as long as he wasn't reverse engineering he was able to breathe.

Perhaps it was time to extend an olive branch. Even if the alien did rile him, the feelings he had of attraction hadn't lessened. Perhaps he was as sick as the churches often claimed. Merrill looked back at the body of Colten Brent before sighing, "Are Matuuk the only specie that allow male breeding?" He supposed that would have to work for an olive branch. Not that he wasn't expecting to be verbally hit again. He found he couldn't always tell with Xanthor what the alien would do.
Xanthor felt it knew a lot more than Merrill, after all, it had watched the rise and fall of countless civilizations. It observed how with the introduction of technology, things quickly became outdated. Once something was created, it would be integrated and modified countless times until eventually, even with its updated form, it would be completely obsolete. The only thing that didn't seem to be as obsolete was the integration into organic life, either as a machine that is highly efficient, or by extending the capabilities of the creature that was fused with it. Such an invention would not only make its inventor well known for millennia, but it will have the greatest impact on his species.

Even though Merrill went back to trying to work on his project, Xanthor was still irritated with him. It had mulled over the possibilities that such a body can do. If it was perfected, then there would be the possibility that it may be able to gain its own body, especially if the cells are a blank slate and there are no other entities within. But that was something that it wasn't willing to talk to him about. It didn't even expect him to speak up and ask him questions when they were sharing a bio lab. Xanthor was peering through a microscope, observing its specimens.

"No." It answered flatly as it looked away from the microscope and began to jot notes. It was by the window, using water to reflect the limited light from the rainy day into the microscope. It could sense that there was no hostility in the question, that the other man was wanted to try to make peace between them. However, it was still mad that it had to yell at him to even get him to go back to his research. That his morals were getting in the way of scientific progress. Then again, maybe it really wasn't fair since Xanthor never had to deal with such things as morals or ethics.

"It may be difficult for you to understand but different species have different reproductive cycles. There are some that are entirely asexual, reproducing a duplicate after it reaches maturity. Others require a third or sometimes a forth member to provide certain biological chemicals to assist in the ability to conceive offspring." It changed the slides, keeping its back to Merrill. "Some lay eggs, some die at the end of the reproductive cycle and one species actually slaughters and feeds on the parents to gain the necessary nutrients to be able to trigger the development of their sexual organs." It held up a slide to look at the label better before placing it in the microscope. "Fascinating how that act would become ritualized and celebrated by their society. Something that looks akin to Mass on Earth. The parent's throats are slit, blood drank by the young, then hoisted in the air where small bits are carved off for the guests to partake while the bulk of body is eaten raw. The white robes are usually stained entirely red afterwards to signify that the child is now an adult. Of course, they often have multiple children at a time, but those that are only children often become great leaders and much more virile. And, much like the Matuuk, there are some where the males bear the young, while a couple have the females get impregnated but the males actually give birth because the developing young is transferred for part of the cycle. I believe it is because both produced important nutrients needed for fetal development and for the child to be healthy, it requires both."
Merrill blinked. He supposed it was hard for him to imagine sentient beings reproducing in a number of those ways. He supposed though if he really put thought into it that it made sense since a lot of earth animals and plants reproduced in many if not all the ways listed. Of course he shuddered at the mere thought of consuming one's parents to become an adult. He could see where Xanthor would relate it to Mass and while he was very uncomfortable with the idea of cannibalism, he knew other animals did it. Merrill fiddled with his journal before sighing, "And your own specie? How do they make more?" It wouldn't help him any with his work but it did help to get a look into the alien's mind. Well, energy? He really couldn't be counted to have a mind since he had no body to speak of. Merrill listened for a while before letting out a sigh, "I'm a bit jealous." He admitted softly, "Humans have to reproduce with a female and the very thought makes me ill. If we could reproduce any other way, I would take it." He wished he could admit other things he was jealous about. Like the simple fact wanting nothing more than to be able to touch and feel the man he had begrudgingly and not so begrudgingly become attracted to. It was strange though to think that the Xanthor he had come to be attracted to wasn't at all attached to the body. The being could leave anytime he wanted and wasn't that just a hard sock to the face. He felt like he had lost a mental game of fisticuffs with a larger opponent.

He shook himself to shake the depressing thoughts off. It was silly of him to be so infatuated with this alien after only a few weeks of getting along. Although he was attracted to the man for months before that. Merrill played with different fluids he had collected from eggs, butchered animals. Sometimes pregnant animals were accidently butchered and his butcher had been kind enough to humor him with some of the fluid off of them. He peered into the microscope before fiddling with the sides some more.

Weeks passed in a frenzy while he worked like mad on the perfect concoction. Xanthor didn't seem to mind being ignored but as Merrill worked he knew the alien was watching. God, could he not get the man...being out of his head? "Is there a way to cut down the stimuli you receive so that it wouldn't be so painful?" He asked, while he moved the crystal and metal incubation chamber into place. He did have some help with it. Murk had helped him with the pastes and wields that held the chamber together but he didn't mention it to Xanthor and the alien didn't seem to notice or care that he had some help. Merrill rubbed his eyes, he hadn't been sleeping well and his thoughts raced and worked. This project had quickly become one of the most important things. It had become an obsession. While he did long for the silence found in sexual intercourse, since that was the only time his mind quieted. He couldn't seem to get past just bouncing around the idea of taking care of it by a visit to a house of pleasure. After all, there wasn't exactly a quirky alien who reminded him of a hissing cat there. Merrill chuckled at the thought. Perhaps Xanthor's people had once looked like cats. With that thought he was pretty sure he was losing his damn mind or God had cursed him. Perhaps it was none of the above and he was sick just as the churches claimed. Maybe aliens were addictive and that was why they stayed away from undeveloped civilizations.

Merrill sat down heavily in a chair and laid his head on the table. It was probably a sign he should slow down since his houseguests were starting to look rather worried. Hell, his neighbor had asked if he was alright and normally he found humans to be rather lacking in care for his personal health as long as he cranked out work. When had he become so cynical? He sat back up with a heavy sigh. He could totally understand why it was said that geniuses went insane. He was expecting a letter from his family any day now if they heard rumors of him acting 'overly eccentric'. When he went into manic spells like this before they threatened anything from marriage to institution. At least they had before he had his houseguests and they helped him through whatever he was working on. Now he couldn't get that solstice anymore without losing his peace at work. Was this blackmail? Perhaps but it wasn't like there were any dark secrets threatening to be revealed. "I think it will be marriage this time. It has been a while since they threatened that one. Perhaps to that nice young duchess they found. We can have a whole bunch of children while a slowly hate myself and she eventually starts having sexual relations anyone she can find." He twirled his pen, "The formula takes ten parts egg whites and six parts pig gel. It has the same viscosity as human liquid in the womb. Seems to be growing the pig fetus that the butcher gave me. Not that humans are pigs...well some are. In fact I believe we are closer to beasts than anyone wants to admit." Writing down his notes before he lost his train of thought, he sat back and stared at the ceiling. He did not want to go back to his houseguests.
Xanthor had to reflect on its heritage. It had existed since the birth of the universe itself and thus the curiosity of understanding its own nature was something entirely new. "We don't as far as your concept of reproduction goes. At times we merge with each other, sharing any and all our experiences and understandings in a single moment, thus becoming a single being, if you can call us that. Other times, parts of us becomes separated and must absorb other energy into itself if it is too weak. Other times, we split apart and exist as two entirely separate components. There is no sense of giving birth to another being, it is still you but not. Thus we don't really give birth to anything, but then again, we don't really die either." Xanthor left it at that, after all, how do you explain an infinite existence to a finite being? It kept silent and didn't voice its opinion on human reproduction. Although there wasn't a need or point for its kind to reproduce, the concept of species survival was fascinating.

Xanthor kept to its research, focusing on trying to understand the versatility of its subjects. The slow, tedious methods of scientific research and learning was something to be envied. It would look over at Merrill as he focused on his work, utilizing his own knowledge. The lack of conversation and contact was welcomed, after all, Merrill was far too touchy and confrontational for Xanthor's tastes. It nearly didn't catch the question that the man tossed in its direction. A part of it flared up in agitation. Just how simple did he think controlling a body was? It may have been in bodies before but this was a whole other level. It was practically the very muscular and nervous system of a living being, with the perfect balance of control that it doesn't overpower the human host's own autonomic functions. On top of that, it is suppressing the mind, keeping him dormant in a sleep, one that if he truly wanted to wake, Xanthor would leave. It was a difficult balance to maintain, not to mention all the fine movements that it had to learn to control.

Frustrated at Merrill, Xanthor raised to its feet, balling its fists, mimicking the behavior of other humans to convey its feelings properly. It could feel the tightness of the muscles contracting, the nails digging into the palm, every point of contact between the fingers, the muscles tensing in the face, shoulders, neck, arms. Even the host's body began to react with an increased heart rate and breathing, all of which the non-corporeal being was fully aware of. What was even more irritating was that when Xanthor went to answer, Merrill had begun talking about other things as if he wasn't even trying to have a conversation.

"You're right... You humans are animals." Xanthor spoke. "You have no comprehension on what it takes just to move this meat bag. Your species knowledge on your own physiology is laughable, how could I have expected you to even comprehend the complexity of your own brains." It tapped its head to accentuate the point. "Your brains shut out most of the sensory input it receives. I inhabit the same pathways but I do not have that little regulator system that inhibits the extra 'noise' that you do. I receive the same input but I have no filter, that is, unless you want me to fully inhabit the neural center. And if I do that, I can't guarantee that Colten Brent's consciousness will survive, or that my energies won't overload the neurons causing the brain to permanently malfunction." Xanthor narrowed its eyes. "Do you think it was easy to take over this form? I have tried in various species with differing results, some of which are rather unpleasant to recall. So while you worry about whatever future mate's infidelity, I have to maintain proper control off this body, otherwise Brent could be left permanently comatose or worse." That last bit wasn't so much as a threat but a genuine concern. Brent's lack of motivation to awaken had left Xanthor wondering if it had stayed in the body too long, which is another worry all together. This wasn't something that his kind was familiar with and dangerous territory, Xanthor didn't want to have to listen to some dabbling scientist to act as if Xanthor hasn't been working on this. It spend centuries, or was is millennia?, trying to figure out a way to experience what it is like to be corporeal. It was by no means, a simple task.
Merrill stood up and faced Xanthor, tilting his head as the alien started his hissing cat routine. The human growled low in his throat as he listened to the alien vent his frustration at Merrill and his specie's antics. Running his hand through his messy brown hair, the scientist growled right back at this being. "No, I don't know taking over a body because I was born with my own!" Merrill huffed and crossed his arms, listening to how the alien had to take over and how all the sensations weren't dulled. Merrill wanted nothing more than to help the being but damn if he didn't want to choke him sometimes too. Except he would be choking Brent and not Xanthor. "If it is so hard for you to adjust why don't you just leave?! It's not like any of us mean anything to you! We are but a breath compared to the lifetime of your years! Don't act like you care about what happens to me or to Brent Colten! He is just a meat bag for you to puppet for as long as he amuses you!"

That might have been too far. Staring at Xanthor he turned away and rubbed his eyes, "Bloody shit, no one makes me as mad as you." He huffed out a deep sigh, "I'm sorry. I am frustrated and shouldn't have taken it out on you. You see, the mate I really want isn't exactly accepted by society and I lean to the Maatuk way. Males. I love males. However the mate I really want doesn't even have his own fucking body and is inhabiting a rather attractive male at the moment so in my frustration of my inability to touch I took it out on him." Merrill sat down and held his head, "Bloody hell Xanthor, you come into my life, bring in colors to it I've never seen before then you make it very clear you don't have the same wants or needs. I can respect that. Just hard to hear on top of pressure from one's parents that you have to chose a female mate." Merrill paused for a while before speaking again, "Why is Colten letting you pilot if it is so invasive? You would think that you would be pushed out." It was definitely a puzzle though one that he probably shouldn't tap into. Looking over at Xanthor or really Brent since the alien had no body, he wanted to touch him. Well, pet him if he was being totally honest. The alien reminded him too much like a cat to think about much else. He listened to Xanthor speak for a while before waiting for a pause, "I'm sorry this is off topic but do you know what a cat is Xanthor?" He smiled slightly at the man, "You remind me so much of one sometimes it is hard to remember that you aren't a sentient version of one."
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