A couple of my available characters

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Jul 14, 2013
Heya everyone! Here's a few of my characters that are more or less worked out. I'm open to great suggestions for scenes, but I'm also listening if you've got any compliments, criticisms or comments on my characters! I'll play both through private messages and forum threads, depending on the partner and the story. In general I like to write around three paragraphs, also depending on the partner and the story. I do like to be flexible here though; I'm not going to waste three paragraphs if all my character is to do is answer a simple yes or no question, for instance. Of course, the more you give me, the more you get back. Crap in is crap out. I'm also a grammar nazi (even though English is my second language), so please be able to tell your from you're, etcetera. And please feel free to correct my spelling too - it's the only way I'll be able to improve ^_^

Solara: Teenage Superheroïne

Age: 18
Species: human
Gender: female

The City of New Marseille
Located in the South Eastern United States, and founded by the French when the US were still only a gleam in the Founding Fathers' eyes, New Marseille is a city of extremes. It boasts a rich culture as one of America's number one melting pots, and has a bustling, dazzling nightlife scene. It used to be a prime spring break destination, although its popularity among teenagers and twentysomethings has started to decline over recent years. The city is surrounded by marshy wetlands, and relies on dykes and levies to keep the water out. The quaint and characteristic old French Quarter is contrasted by a downtown business district with skyscrapers, and the city can be reached through its airport, its old central station, various highways, and of course by ferry over water, as the city is one of the bigger fishery ports on the Gulf of Mexico. However, the city has a sinister side; it consistently ranks in the country's top 3 of cities most riddled with organised crime and corruption. In terms of fictional cities, it's like a Gotham with southern charm.

But this isn't fiction, of course. This is the real world.

Managing New Marseille has proven to be a dangerous chess game between the authorities and the crime syndicates. Every so many years, a new and ambitious mayor enters the stage, or a chief of police. Sometimes they win battles, but never the war - which embers on endlessly. More often than not, those ambitious young politicians develop grey hairs at an alarming rate, and get voted out, or simply throw in the towel, without ever making a real change.

Denice Brighton
It's in this city that Denice Brighton grew up. She's an 18 year old college student and athlete. She's a runner and a gymnast who comes out for her school in regional tournaments, and she boasts an impressive physique as a result. But even though she's mostly lean muscle mass, she's retained every last bit of her femininity. She even gives off something of a fragile impression at times.
Her grades are markedly average; Denice is clever and good at thinking on her feet, but her mental capacities are practical and creative, not intellectual. She’s able to fix problems using paperclips and scotch tape, but she isn’t great at exams – which sometimes makes her look naïve or airheaded.

In spite of the fact that she’d seem to possess all necessary qualities to be a popular girl in school, she chooses to play the loner. She doesn’t have many friends, doesn’t open up at all, and as such remains a bit of a mysterious girl to most of her schoolmates. Still, her sex-appeal is strong, and there are rumours as many as boys fantasising about her.

For Denice, this tense but stable status quo at school works just fine. She has enough on her mind not to have to worry about her school’s social ecosystem. She still lives at home, with her mother and 4 years younger sister, Emily. Their parents got divorced just after Emily was born, which has left the family financially wrecked – their mother is working three jobs to keep the roof over their heads. Denice helps out wherever, whenever and however she can, and she’s very protective over her little sister. When Emily brought home boyfriends, Denice has even taken on the role that would normally be played by the big bad father in law.

But those are not the heaviest weights currently resting on the teenager’s shoulders. Denice hides powers that are the result of a unique genetic profile combined with a freak accident that happened when she was little.

A Teenage Superheroïne: Origin Story
Every living being carries recessive, dormant and other unused genes with them. Some of these are very simple, like a recessive gene for blue eyes handed down from one parent, which is superseded by the dominant gene for brown eyes. Some are more complex, and contain the building blocks for organs and body parts that were lost generations ago, over the course of our natural evolution. And some are a little stranger yet. And some of these genes can be activated as a result of trauma.

Denice’s DNA contained two particular dormant mutations: a gene that predisposed her to be able to handle massive electrical currents, and another that enabled her to harness solar radiation. At age 5, Denice had been playing outside at her aunt and uncle’s farm on a sunny day, exposed to the harsh sunlight until her skin had turned bright red without the distracted girl noticing. She was so caught up in her childish games and fantasies that she never noticed how clouds suddenly packed together over her head. She was in the middle of a giant field when lighting struck her for the first time. It didn’t kill her – it didn’t even hurt her, but it did shake her up and sent her running in panic to get to shelter. On her way to safety, lighting struck her a second time.
Even though she went through quite an ordeal, she didn’t have a scratch on her, no trace of trauma, and no evidence that she’d been hit by lighting at all – and the sunburn had disappeared completely. She had shrugged it off and never told anyone, since she felt fine and didn’t want to worry her mother. It didn’t seem to have changed anything in her at all.

The real effects only started to manifest themselves 10 years later, just after Denice’s 15th birthday.

She had saved up pocket money and done babysitting jobs for months, which had allowed her to save just enough to go on a mini vacation with the one best friend she had. Not too far from home, of course, they barely left the state; they spent a week camping near a town that had recently become popular among New Marseille youngsters, called Bijoux. It was just under two hours away from New Marseille by train, and it had the most perfect sandy beaches, a lot of which was reserved as a nudist beach. The girls didn’t venture onto the nude area, but did do more tanning than either of them had done in years.

When Denice came back home after a week at the beach, her skin was still in perfect condition, even though she hadn’t used sunblock at all. Instead, she felt weirdly energetic. She had dismissed the sensation, thinking she simply felt good after a week of relaxation. She’d gone to bed still feeling weirdly pumped, and tried to think of other things.

Several loud, nearby gunshots shocked Denice out of her sleep that night. She was out of bed before she even knew where she was, until she realised she was safely in her well lit room. As she looked over to the lamp on her night stand, she realised that she’d never switched it on. It was her own left hand that was casting a bright glow into the room.

In the weeks and months that followed, Denice learnt that she had an array of incredible abilities – when exposed to sunlight, her body acted like something of a solar panel, which charged her up. The first thing she discovered was that the energy it gave her allowed her to send electrical charges through her body, and if she accumulated enough of those charges in one spot, she could actually send them shooting out across reasonable distances. The second discovery she made was the fact that she could bend the energy to surround her, which resulted in an almost skin tight electromagnetic force field, which could, as she would learn in time, protect her from all kinds of incoming objects and projectiles. She also learned how to project these force fields onto other locations – in theory, she figured, she could protect other people the same way she protected herself. And finally, last but not least, she discovered something that blew her mind, and changed her life. She couldn’t make sense of it – but she could fly.
Her powers turned out to dissipate when Denice was out of the sun for too long, but in general, she figured out her reserves lasted about a night, if she didn’t get too crazy.

At first, Denice only used her powers to do tiny little things to help her mother and little sister out. Quickly recharge their phones when they were about to run out of juice, ‘turn on the light’ just before they’d trip over an unseen object in the dark, and, using her natural strength combined with her flying ability, help move heavy objects when they weren’t looking. She dreamt of an opportunity to save her mother and Emily from a falling grand piano – but thankfully, no grand piano ever threatened to fall on them.

After several months, Denice had started to become comfortable enough using her powers to go out at night, and not just to fly around and gaze at the stars or the city lights. Wearing a simple, very cheap black spandex bodysuit that covered her entire body save for her eyes, she found out a few things: she could stop robberies and prevent rapes, and very cheap black spandex bodysuits are completely unsuited for the job. After muddling through for a few years with various affordable costumes, she upgraded her wardrobe to high durability black latex, with her signature lightning bolt sign on the chest, when she was 17. She had also adopted a name for her secret alter ego: Solara.

Solara’s newfound powers combined well with her already strong and athletic body and lifestyle. However, she quickly learned that relying on her physical strength was a bad idea, especially when dealing with men twice her age and size. She was very strong, for sure, but she had no martial arts experience, and she wasn’t a powerhouse fighter altogether. However, her powers, when used in ranged combat, combined with her natural agility, speed and flying abilities, made her a formidable opponent.

By the time Denice turned 18, keeping the city safe had become almost a fulltime activity. The mayor and chief of police weren’t entirely happy about the masked vigilante stealing their thunder, but turned a blind eye, simply because they couldn’t afford to stop the one person who succeeded at least at stopping the pettier crimes. As Denice’s powers and reputation as Solara grew, her enemies slowly started to become more powerful, although she hasn’t crossed swords with the bigger baddies just yet. Up till now, she’s fought and won most of the times, dropping her defeated opponents off in prison. She had also lost a few battles, which taught her valuable lessons, and sometimes hurt her, but never truly damaged her.

At school, Denice’s grades suffered slightly, but not too badly, as she reallocated study time to fight crime. Her clothing style did change over the years, as she discovered that the amount of exposed skin greatly impacted on the rate at which her body built up energy reserves. It didn’t take long for her to gain a reputation as an exhibitionist, even if she did actively try to keep the basics covered up – unless she was at Bijoux’ nudist beach of course. Still, even though her appearance caused some rumours, and even though it was an accepted fact that girls who spent more than an average amount of time at the nude beach were ‘asking for it’, Denice managed to keep a relatively low profile at school, and stayed out of the spotlights in general.

Now that she’s 18, she feels more than prepared and experienced enough to start genuinely working her way up the ladder, to bring down bigger crooks, and perhaps even the crime syndicates that still rule New Marseille. She has no idea what she’ll find, nor if there are any people like her out there. Solara’s real adventure is only just beginning.

What I'm looking for
Solara is a character designed to be broken. That does not mean I'll play her as a doormat submissive though. In my mind, Denice is highly sexual, and may even have some subconscious need to submit - but she's still very aware of her responsibilities, and won't ever sacrifice the city just so she can get off. Bring me interesting bad guys and powerful enemies, and lets see how long it'll take them to outmanoeuvre Solara, until the balance of power tips in their favour.

Zaylee Gunn

Age: 15
Species: human
Gender: female

☠ Warning ☠
If you're reading this, and you're not me, I'll find out. Then I'll find you and I'll scratch your eyes out.
And then I'll probably jump off a cliff. So please don't read this!

Dear diary,

Even though we're only halfway through the year, my old diary was completely full, so I had to get a new one. And since I'll be confessing my deepest, darkest secrets to you, well... I've got this little tradition that I introduce myself to my diaries before I really bring the crazy :p My name is Zaylee, and actually my full name is Zaylee Aphrodite Gunn. Yeah, I know, I know, so weird. My parents are major fans of Greek mythology. So much so that it's weird that my first words weren't actually Andra moi ennepe mousa... Anyway...
I'm 15 years old, I have blonde hair, blue eyes... People say I'm kinda skinny, although I don't really see that a lot of the time. I'm kinda small, I think I'm the smallest girl in my class, people often don't believe me when I say I'm 15, which is totally lame. I go to school at Vista High, which is pretty cool I guess. It's not a famous school, actually I don't think anybody's ever heard of it, but it's okay. It's not snobby or anything, but a lot of grads still end up getting into Harvard and Yale and whatnot in the end, so I guess that's something. My grades are usually okay, I think I'm with the top 10% of my class right now.
My mum and dad are okay-ish too I guess, they don't smother me like some of my friends' parents, so... And I have a sister, Elodie. I can't wait till she leaves the house and goes to college, but I also know I'll probably miss her when she's gone...

So, now that you know the basics about me, I guess it's secret time. You see, I'm also a big slut. Almost everyone at school has seen nudes of me, and that turns me on. I'll send nude snaps to anyone who wants them. I've also been with all the boys in school. And I go to parties with a fake ID, where I love it when strangers just touch me and stuff. Actually, that's all a lie. I don't know why it turns me on so much to write down stuff like that about myself though. I guess I sometimes wish that it really was all true. I mean, I'd never behave like a slut at school of course, I've got way too much to lose. My friends, my family, my grades, my reputation - nobody would be cool with me suddenly acting like a whore. And I guess I don't want to act like that either. But it still massively turns me on to think about it. I guess I just want to be someone else sometimes... What is real though is that I'm almost constantly turned on, and I jill off about twice a day I think... Maybe more... I read a lot of erotic stories online, although I don't really like porn. I've been with one boy in real life, I don't know if that's slutty or not... I don't think most of my girlfriends have done stuff already anyway... I dated him for about half a year, and we'd been together for about 4 months before we started really doing stuff, so... That's ages ago though, I was only 14 then. I kinda miss it sometimes ~ I don't miss him, but I miss the things we did. So... I dunno, maybe I am a little bit slutty sometimes? Just on the inside?

Anyways... I'll be embarrassing myself like this to you more often, dear diary. I know I won't find it embarrassing anymore after a few pages, but introducing myself like this always feels a bit like I'm telling a real person about my feelings and fantasies, and that's embarrassing. I'll always write in pink if what I'm writing truly happened, and in cyan blue if it's just a fantasy. As for you, I want you to think of me as a whore and a slut. Just don't ever tell anyone, okay?

Licks and kisses,

❤❤❤ Zaylee ❤❤❤

Meet Zaylee, a 15 year old girl with an IQ of 142, and the sluttiest fantasies that would be more befitting for a little teenage bimbo.

There's a Latin saying, nomen est omen, the name is a sign. The fact that this girl was named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty and lust, appears to be on par with that adagium. It's not Zaylee's choice - she simply has a libido that is well above the average, even if you'd compensate for the fact that hormones are already wreaking havoc, raging through her body at her current age.

Zaylee's figurative floodgates remain tightly closed, however; she hasn't ever told anyone about her darker, more taboo desires, and she never lets it show. Part of the reason why is that she's really quite determined to make something of herself and do something useful with the world. She's just as talented at and enthusiastic about gymnastics as she is about Model UN's, and with some exceptions, she's practically a straight A student. The other half of it is that she simply doesn't dare to let her inner slut out, no matter how badly she wants, or even needs to sometimes.

The most daring thing she's ever done has been going to school without panties under her jeans.

In fact, Zaylee has been playing down her knowledge about and longing for sex ever since her first sex-ed classes when she was 12. She already knew way more than the class taught, but still feigned almost complete ignorance - while all her classmates were joking, giggling and laughing, she simply pretended not understanding what it was all about, putting on an extremely convincing display of complete innocence. Her teacher would simply smile, and patiently say she'd understand someday.
In reality, Zaylee discovered masturbation accidentally, as a consequence of a way more taboo discovery. Watersports were actually Zaylee's first kink, something she discovered she enjoyed when she was only 9. Basically, she'd hold it in for hours, until she exploded. At first, she'd make sure she'd be on the toilet before she'd explode, but after a little while she stepped her game up and did it in the shower. And then the tub. At some point, she'd felt some irresistible urge to rub herself while she was peeing - and that's when the penny dropped.
So, as a result, by the time she got her first sex-ed, she was already on a steady routine of humping her pillow, or what she'd come to affectionately call jilling off at least once a day.

What I'm looking for
This character may appear like just another good girl who gets turned bad, and there may even be some truth to that, but I don't want to play stories that are quite so superficial.
In essence, there are two options that I can think of right now:

Slice of life scenes - a new boyfriend, a naughty web chat, solo stuff with a narrator player - all sorts of things that make Zaylee's heart race. Zaylee will never be a willing slut right off the bat in these, although she may open up under the right circumstances. I usually enjoy these the best if they're highly realistic, slow burning, detailed long term stories.

Dreams and fantasies - of course it can be awesome to play a more heated, fast paced and short term story where Zaylee can be the slut she longs to be. In fact, sometimes it's just what I need. In her fantasies, Zaylee can and will do things she'd never do - or thinks she'd never do - in real life. Overly slutty, kinky and even dark themes go here - the really good stories will end up in her diary on F-List!

Isaline McKenzie: Teenage Popstar

Age: 19
Species: human
Gender: female


Hot. Popular. Black. Wild and suggestive to the edge of pornographic. Formerly known as Disney star Naomi Nevada*. Isaline, the 18 years old troublemaking teen idol and popstar that everybody loves (to hate).

Isaline was adopted at a very young age, and never got to know her birth parents. Instead, she grew up in a calm suburb to extravert and very musical parents. While she always loved to sing, dance and play pretend when she was young, few people would have imagined she'd turn out the way she did

She's been called "the next Miley Cyrus"; another famous child star with a past in the Disney Company, and just as much a handful as her notorious rolemodel. Isaline, better known in those days as Naomi Nevada*, was the company's latest enfant terrible until she became too difficult to handle and keep under control. Disney let her off with a warning after her first arrest for underage drinking at age 14.
Numerous pictures and videos of the teen getting drunk and kissing whomever she could in the years that followed didn't improve her relationship with her employer. She was already being heavily sexualised by the internet, with her face being photoshopped onto naked bodies, and every once in a while a pantyless upskirt picture showed up with someone claiming it was Isaline.
Disney swallowed the fact that the American Parents Advisory Association named her the Worst Teenage Rolemodel in American history by the time she turned 16, because her ever growing popularity outweighed her bad behaviour.

Finally, Disney gave her three months probation after her second arrest for underage drinking at 16. The final straw however was an interview the teenage starlet gave only a few weeks later. On daytime television, she answered a question from a 13 year old female fan ("My boyfriend wants to have sex, but I'm not ready. What should I do?") with the infamous words "Girls who don't wanna fuck shouldn't date".

After Disney cut the cord, it was silent around Isaline for a while, until she was spotted as guest more and more often to parties hosted by Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Katy Perry and Justin Bieber. It didn't come as a surprise to anyone that she finally launched her own singing carreer shortly after her 17th birthday, under the name Izahh. Her voice leant itself well for it, and her vocal qualities have been widely praised by colleagues and critics alike. Her lyrics on the other hand were as 'in your face' sexual as her overall personality. Nobody knows whether she sees it as a sport to exceed Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga in terms of lewdness of her performance, but it's clear that Isaline sees Miley and Gaga as her idols and examples.

On her 18th birthday, she released her second studio album "All grown up", and started her first international tour singing songs of the album. Her performance was as freaky as one would have expected; for the number "Not dad's babygirl" she got up on the stage wearing Goodnites pull-up diapers and a loose pink t-shirt with a Disney princess on, it cut off above her waist and with pierced nipples clearly poking through the fabric. The song "Try and keep me down" featured a leather body harness and cuffs as part of her outfit. On the other hand, for the number "Make me shiver" she appeared on the stage fully dressed in colourful skintight leggings and an overbust leather corset, sitting on a Sybian, singing the song and riding the Sybian till she orgasmed on stage.
Needless to say, she's grown out to be many parents' worst nightmare, especially given how popular she is. All over the world she has fans of all ages, even though she's been faced with the choice of either adapting her show or being banned in 7 US states and 5 countries for her tour.

Infamous quotes and interview blunders

Isaline hasn't always scored goodwill points in or even with the press, although she's definitely made an impact. Here are some of her most notorious quotes:

On dating and sex:
"Girls who don't wanna fuck shouldn't date." ~ Isaline, age 16, in response to a 13 year old female fan's question "My boyfriend wants to have sex, but I'm not ready. What should I do?"

On being black in American music:
"People who keep saying my music isn't 'black enough' should fuck off. What does that even mean, 'not black enough'? You don't have to be a gang-banging, Kanye's dick sucking slut from the hood to be black!" ~ Isaline, age 18

About her concert being rated R in some countries:
"Guess what. Kids grow up fast, and they're gonna learn about sex with or without me. Pussies and dicks are for fucking, Santa Claus isn't real. People should fucking grow up, and see that their kids grow up a lot faster than they do. This isn't 1916." ~Isaline, age 18

Izahh's ratings (Album: All Grown Up)
The Guardian ★★★☆☆
"Izahh's vocal qualities are undeniable. She is one of the stronger female vocalists of her generation, and we're confident that the best is yet to come. However, her music and lyrics need improvement. 'All Grown Up' is a celebration of blatant sexuality more than it is a celebration of music, and we doubt that this was really necessary. Everyone who has watched TV, or been online in the last two years, already knew that Isaline considers herself quite grown up."

Rolling Stone ★★★☆☆
"Isaline is all about raw sexuality, and in that sense, she achieves exactly what she sets out to on her new album. Her voice is impressive as always, and her songs are catchy and easy to like. Sadly though, Isaline offers little that you haven't heard before. They only way 'Izahh' innovates is through more sex. We'll forgive her this time, but we expect more from her next album."

New York Times ★★☆☆☆
"It's hard to say what is more disturbing: the casualness with which Izahh produces audio-based porn, or the rate at which her often young fans eat it up. 'All Grown Up' is not a bad album, but it does not deserve the massive attention, nor the massive sales that it's getting. We had expected more out of the teenage starlet's second studio album, and we're sad that we can't give it more than two stars. Isaline's voice deserves to be put to better use than to describe the wonders of certain body parts to children."

Los Angeles Times ★★★☆☆
"The black girl with the white soul has shown what she can do, and we are impressed. 'All Grown Up' is an album about a girl trying to prove herself and make her mark, and Isaline has certainly managed to do that. Still though, we do have to agree with some of the critics that Isaline does little to nothing to show her descent and heritage, making her music feel 'white' and, frankly, a little bland at times. If it wasn't for the explicitness and graphicness of the teenage star's lyrics and on-stage performances, some songs on the album would probably be a lot less than exciting. Had the album been more balanced in that sense, we would have probably been tempted to award one more star."

What I'm looking for
There are a few things on my wishlist: slice of life stories about encounters with groupies, and creative managers who set up elaborate programs of shows and sex for Isaline. I'd like to find a narrator type partner for the latter. In terms of themes, I'm okay with sexual things that would be every day activities for Isaline, but I'm also open to derailing her career completely if the scene is right.

More to come
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