Sashie's Request

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Jul 4, 2016
Hello all you wonderful people,

It’s about time I make my own little request thread. I've been lurking around, so now I should step out into the playing field. I currently have room for some extra roleplays. So, I'm excited.

A few fun facts

First things first, I prefer to roleplay through PM and thread. If I started a roleplay with you and did not respond, just shoot me a PM. I'm human and make mistakes.
Secondly, I do not have a F-list. I will make one when I have the time.
Third, I have a life outside. I work, and I am also in school. So, if I do not respond, it’s probably because of those two reasons.
Furthermore, I may respond several times a day or three times a week. It just depends
Lastly, I love talking to my partner. If you don’t like that, then that’s fine. Do not feel pressured into talking to me.

Not up for discussion:
MasterxSlave roleplays. Those are not my cup of tea
Celebrity roleplay or certain television shows. Once again, not my cup of tea.

What I am craving:
Modern romance pairings

Jack the Ripper:
This will take place in a futuristic sci fi version of New York. I would like to mix older technology with newer technology in this case. A new serial killer, inspired by the famous Jack the Ripper murders, has emerged to continue his masters work.

Inspired by the Archis song. As senior year of college comes to an end, a group of friends are still trying to regain their footing after the tragic lose of one of their friends. Each person has a scar and they are trying their best to get over these events. I would like to play out one or more of the characters in this roleplay. Pretty rough, but we can work it out together.

At the moment, I’m pretty open to all ideas. Just run them by me. I am a mood roleplayer, so sometimes I will want to do one genre, but the next day I may not accept those particular requests.

Currently feeling/wondering:
If I should listen to more music for inspiration.

Thank you for taking the time to read my little request thread. Let's roleplay together soon.
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