Monsters ||| Cloverfield role-play [randomname98766789 x Izzy325]

Dec 22, 2014
United States

This is a one x one role-play between myself and Izzy325 based on the Cloverfield fandom.
New York City always bustled late at night and this was no exception. Cars zoomed up and down the city roads beside streets full of people even at midnight. It was a Friday night nonetheless so activity was seriously booming. Parties were plentiful and a particular party drew twenty-five-year old Luke Ross' attention. Luke was a member of the New York Police Department. Currently, he worked petty crimes like parking tickets and traffic violations though he was in route for a promotion pretty soon. Hard worker, honest, and a good ol’ southern boy from Georgia, he was a good man to have around. His parents disowned him after he reached eighteen and came out as gay so after unsuccessful attempts to win their love again, he attended college in New York and decided to try and live the life of his dreams. It was going quite well and he was in a long-term relationship with a nice man named Casey.

He and Casey were rather different. Casey’s family was rich and he basically had everything handed to him while Luke moved to New York City with a broken heart, twenty dollars, and a dream. None of that would matter after tonight, though. Less than two weeks ago their relationship ended. At first, money did not matter and they were happy but Casey’s family did not approve of him dating such a poor fellow. For whatever reason, a family member of Casey’s basically insulted him and Casey just stood there and watched without backing him up. One thing led to another and then Luke just blew up at the family function. That created plenty of tension and after that night Casey refused to answer calls or texts so that’s when Luke sent the official message saying they were finished though it felt like Casey was done with him anyways.

But tonight was going to be about forgetting what happened. He did his best to not sulk too much for the past two weeks but this was his first party since the break-up. A friend of his, Kayla’s, threw a party in her new house to celebrate her first home purchase. She invited her friends for some fun and Luke was planning to go and mingle. It was midnight when he pulled up in an old ford pick-up truck. He might be in New York but he still loved his southern trucks and that would never change. Upon arriving in the massive yard, he could already hear booming music and screaming people throughout the place so he took a deep breath and pushed open the door, ready to meet some new people.


After adjusting his navy blue tie matching his stylish suite, Dean Cole winked at himself. Tonight was a very special occasion because it marked his seventh anniversary with his fiancée Michelle. In less than two months they were set to be married on the beautiful island of Hawaii but tonight they would be dining in the beautiful city of New Orleans. Like a good boyfriend, the twenty-seven-year old male planned for a spectacular night with his soon to be wife. Dean was loved in the New Orleans community, known as the youngest and most successful high school football coach around the area. He played college football at LSU and had been here in Louisiana for his entire life. College was where he met Michelle so quiet and shy but he quickly broke through her shell and they fell in love. Now they owned a nice apartment together, looking to move into something better after their wedding.

Walking into the bathroom, Dean slicked his hair back and checked one final time to ensure he looked sexy and ready for their dinner. Grabbing the car keys, phone, and wallet, he turned on his heel to walk downstairs and find Michelle. He was not in any hurry to finish since it probably would take her a long time to get ready though they did have reservations for eight o’clock. While waiting, he just plopped down onto the couch and turned on the television to watch some baseball. When it was not football season, he loved watching other sports. That was his life, really, other than Michelle. Coaching football and also teaching high school Math were his passion. The money was not incredible but he was slowly getting there, hoping to move into college coaching soon and make even more money.

However, all of his college was free thanks to his football scholarships and between the both of them, Dean and Michelle made enough to support them both. That was not on his mind right now, though. All he wanted to do was show the love of his life a good time and hopefully she enjoyed the night he planned for their anniversary.
New York City is known around the world for various reasons. All of the glitz, glam, creativity, and passion. New York was home to old money. The blue bloods who had no care in the world. Where money literally grew from nothing because everyone had millions sitting in bank accounts. Where the rich, spoiled, and famous gathered to party, dance, gossip and drink. This was the life of a particular yuppie named Casey Forbes. His town car passed by all of the young New Yorkers as they hurried down the city blocks in search of their friends to party the night away. Seated next to him was his sister Caroline Forbes. "Casey.....are you still thinking about him? You have to stop torturing yourself. I know you loved him but Mom and Dad would have never accepted him into our lives. You know that." The young beautiful girl reached out and gently grabbed his hand in a small show of support.

The past few months had been incredibly difficult on Casey. His entire family pressured him when it came to his love life. Luke was the most amazing man Casey had ever come in contact with. He was handsome and charming without seeming fake or overly involved. He made Casey feel loved and protected. He remembered one night a drunk was on his way home from the bar. It was about three am and the pair had just left a club and were headed home. The man who was obviously drunk approached them screaming obscenities and slurs. Luke pushed Casey behind him ready to protect him but the man dropped against a brick wall before collapsing in drunk heap. Casey grabbed onto Luke's arm pulling him away. He could feel the man shaking as he stood there just staring. In that moment Casey knew Luke would be there for him no matter what.

As the city passed by with a blur Casey couldn't help but feel an immense amount of guilt over hat happened over the past couple of weeks. He knew he should have stood up for him...Luke had done it for him plenty of times. The problem is that Casey could never stand up to his family. They had expectations and he never dared stray form what they wanted. That is until Casey and Luke crossed paths. His whole world was turned upside down by that man.

The town car pulled up beside an older apartment building as the driver finally pulled Casey from his thoughts. "We are here Sir...Shall I pick you up around two am? He asked as Caroline nodded her head. "He's in there you know...Kayla invited us but he's in there." Caroline just pulled Casey along as they headed up to the third story walk up. The party was already in full swing as people stumbled in and out of the party drunk and without a care in the world.


The Louisiana air blow through the open window as Michelle Swan readied herself for her anniversary date with her long time boyfriend and soon to be husband Dean. She could hear the TV playing down the hall as he waited for her to finish getting ready. Tonight was special to her for many reasons. With their work schedules and Dean's football schedule it was tough for them to see each other. Michelle hated when they barely saw each other during the week. Seeing his face, feeling his arms around her, and just laying in bed together made her feel as if they could conquer the world. As if nothing could harm her if Dean was around. Not that he would let that happen. Throughout the entire relationship Michelle has relied on Dean. He took care of her like no one else in her life. Growing up she didn't have much and Dean took care of her. He supported her with anything she wanted in life.

Michelle followed Dean to LSU studying photography and Art. Michelle loved the creative process and how each photography captured a moment in history, it told a story about who was there, what happened to them, and what they were feeling. She loved spending her college experience with him. They grew so much together during those four years. She loved him for everything that he had given her. His time, patience, love, and understanding. Once the pair left college Michelle realized how how it was to make it into the Art scene in New Orleans. For a year she could find no work, or even just a place to showcase her work. But Dean stuck through it with her. He supported her finically, emotional, and psychologically. Without Dean Michelle wouldn't know where she would be in life.

Michelle placed the finally touches on her make up and hair. For their seventh year anniversary dinner Michelle decided to wear a beautiful white dress with her hair done up in a causal style. The sot curls cascaded down her back cupping her angelic face. Her dark hair shimmered under the light as she walked out to let Dean know she was ready. "Babe I'm ready." She stated as she grabbed her matching clutch making sure her lip gloss was in there as was her wallet, cellphone, and house keys.
Not being the kind of man to get shitfaced drunk, Luke surprised everyone by downing two shots almost immediately once he entered the party. Any logical being knew that drinking yourself to death was the worst case scenario after a break up but Luke could not help himself. It he had to count the number of times he stood up for Casey, he would need more than only two hands. It was not like he thought Casey owed him anything though. Luke just figured Casey would step up to the plate and stand up to his family because of the bond they shared. Luke was wrong.

The words and slurs his family sent his way were mentally disturbing and Casey just watched. If someone even said one thing to Casey, Luke was ready to shut them down. Luke was actually going to get over it but when he tried to contact Casey, the male would not answer. It was then that Luke knew his family and their privileged, lazy needs were all that mattered. Their reputation meant too much because Luke did not have enough money on his bank account but if they measured him by the amount of love he held, no man was richer.

He tried to take the correct mindset. Too bad for Casey, right? He had the chance to get the man that you can only dream about and he squandered it because of something so pathetic. Whatever happened to standing up for what you believed in or what you believed was right? Whatever happened to standing up for love like they promised each other they would do no matter what bigotry they faced in this damn city. It was a melting pot but not everybody accepted accordingly. Strangely enough, the issue with his family was not even about the subject Luke feared.

Another shot was downed and the hardcore alcohol burned his throat with the nasty aftertaste. Plenty of his friends attempted talking to him, music was blaring loudly, and people were smiling but Luke had this glassy stare on his face. It was no secret that Casey would be here. It was no secret that people knew what happened. In fact, plenty of people saw Casey as the bad guy here and that was deserving if you asked Luke but in reality he wanted people to leave him alone about it. “Casey’s here, Luke.” One of his female friends spoke and nudged him in the side.

Luke simply groaned to himself wishing for a night to forget but since Casey was here, it called for another shot and he quietly slipped away from the crowd not wanting to see Casey face-to-face. It was something he was not prepared for because his reaction was still ambiguous. Should he react sadly? Angrily? Furiously? Neutral? All these emotions flooded his mind and were possible answers but Luke was so confused by the question so he just sulked in the corner, hoping nobody else noticed him.


When Michelle appeared downstairs, a loving smile engulfed Dean’s face. His strong arms tightly wrapped around the woman’s smaller form and pulled her into a hug. Upon removing himself from the hug, Dean allowed a quick kiss to be pressed against her lips, allowing him to receive a taste of her lip gloss. Immediately, their hands were linked together and Dean was moving his legs. “You look absolutely fucking gorgeous, Michelle.” Dean commented with his signature wink at the end of his statement while showing he was eager to make the reservations on time and kickoff their night on a good note.

Upon reaching his newer model pickup truck, Dean showed his southern hospitality and held the door open for Michelle so she could easily sit into the seat before he closed the door and quickly joined her inside of the vehicle. Once settled and adjusting the mirrors, Dean turned the key inside of the ignition, being rewarded with the soft hum of the engine. They pulled out of their driveway and he went for her hand again, placing it against his thigh so it would be comfortable for them both even though the drive would take ten minutes at the most.

When they arrived, Dean was pleased to notice they were five minutes ahead of schedule even without him breaking the speed limit. The drive ended up being a peaceful cruise through the humid night. After exiting his truck, Dean escorted Michelle inside and were led to their reservations. As asked, the table had been set with a vase of her favorite flowers along with a box shaped like a heart, full of delectable chocolates. Both chairs were pushed close together because when Dean and Michelle went out to eat, they did not sit across from each other like most “normal” couples. First of all, hardly anything was “normal” or “average” about this soon-to-be husband and wife but Dean had no idea why he would want to sit across from Michelle. How else could he kiss and touch her. Like a true gentleman, Dean held the chair out for her to sit and then he took his own seat, immediately reaching into his pocket and placing a brown envelope in front of the woman. It was their “Happy Anniversary” card filled with a person, loving note from Dean himself as he planted a kiss onto her cheek to end the interaction. “Happy Anniversary, my love.”
Once Casey and his sister walked through the door of the small apartment. Casey noticed all his friends at the party. Many of them knew Luke and gave Casey a knowing look. It seemed as if everyone knew what had occurred between Casey, Luke, and his family. Whispers spread through the party like wildfire. The more people who realized he was there the quieter the party seemed to become. Casey knew this was all in his head as Caroline grabbed his arm and proceed to bring him to the back where the drink would most likely be. "You know they don't know what really happened. I mean hell you didn't even tell Luke what actually happened. If it's making you that sad then go talk to him. I have no doubt he still wants you in his life. I mean you guys were the epitome of gay love." Caroline couldn't help herself and laughed at the last part of her statement. "Look I'll wait here for you why don't you just go find him." Before young Casey could even argue she had already pushed him and was on her way to find her friends.

His heart pounded in his chest as he searched the party for Luke. Would he even want to talk to him or would he just brush him off the way Casey did to Luke? His heart ached a bit at the thought of Luke not wanting to speak to him. But did he understood why Luke wouldn't want too. He should have told him the real reason he never got back in contact with him.

As he made his way through the party he couldn't seem to find Luke anywhere. A group of his colleges spotted Casey dragging him into a game of Kings. As he grew increasingly more drunk he stumbled along until he could look for Luke. Where had the tall man gone off too? He knew he wouldn't have left at least without passing him by.

Finally Casey spotted Luke sulking in a corner of the apartment a scowl on his face. Even though the scowl was most likely meant for him Casey couldn't help but smile softly. Casey took a deep breathe before heading over to Luke. Before Luke could see him he tried to turn around but ended up stumbling into someone else causing a loud crash which ended up with Casey on the floor. Casey looked up embarrassment clear on his face. Was he actually that drunk or did the idea of speaking to Luke after several weeks knock him off his feet. The sad part was that Casey knew it most likely was both factors.

The young drunk socialite looked up to his ex boyfriend who he was sure was now looking at him. With what emotion he couldn't really tell. "C-Could I talk to you?" Casey found himself stuttering in what he knew would be a clear refusal. How could he blame Luke for being upset with him.


Michelle smiled as Dean gave her a quick kiss on the lips. He was always so gentle with least in public. In bed he truly dominated her which didn;t bother Michelle considering it was the only way she could reach an orgasm now. With her hands tied above her head and Dean over her taking what was his. It was a clear peaceful night as the couple made their way to the restaurant. She couldn't have asked for a better way to send her anniversary other than going out to a nice dinner, with clear weather, and a interesting night in bed.

"Dean this look's amazing!" Her eyes watered a bit in happiness as she looked over everything he had done for her. Throughout their entire relationship Dean always made sure Michelle had the best. Particularly when he was taking her out for a special occasion. The purple calla lilies that littered the table brought a smile to her face. One thing she knew she could always count on was Dean and how he was an amazing listener. IF she mentioned off hand that she loved a certain item whether that be flowers, food, music, movies, etc he would go to great lengths to provide it for Michelle. "This was supposed to be a nice quiet dinner. You promised you would keep it low key!" She couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she watched him take his seat next to her.

Michelle took the envelope form Dean as he planted a small loving kiss against her cheek. "Happy Anniversary baby." She opened the letter to reveal a heartfelt note from Dean to her. Professing his love and devotion to her. Granted sine he proposed she hoped he had felt like this but reading the words on paper brought her love for him to astounding heights. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she came to a finish. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have written a letter to you too. That way you could have something too." Michelle leaned close to Dean and whispered "Hopefully what happens tonight will give me a chance to make up for it before I send you your letter."
Trying to figure out what he did wrong was the most confusing puzzle in the world. Luke had no idea why Casey did not stand up to his parents and to his family about Luke. Hell, Luke’s parents did not even talk to him anymore after revealing his sexuality. He chose Casey over everyone else and he was literally on his own, homeless for weeks and now living in some run-down, shitty apartment while trying to get by without any help. Casey got to go home to his rich family’s house and it seemed to not even matter how Luke felt. It was hard enough being gay in this world already, but the damage Casey did made Luke wonder if he should just give up on all of the ideas of finding the perfect man in total. It seemed like a good idea honestly but who knew? Maybe it was merely the alcohol talking to him right now. That was because while he did not speak to any other human beings at the party, Luke had a bright dialogue going around in his mind while he downed drink after drink. Whatever passed him, he took a sip of something and ignored everything else.

However, he did not stumble and trip much like Casey did. Casey was much more of a lightweight than him. Luke could handle more but not much longer behind of him, he watched Casey fall down in front of him. His eyes widened as he debated on whether or not he should help him up or anything like that. Instead, he just decided to watch him and wonder if this was some kind of stupid show he was putting on just to insult him again but when he stood and asked for permission to talk to him. At the time, he decided to want to listen to whatever he had to say even if it was not anything tha the wanted to hear. Luke spent all these weeks wondering why. What did he ever to wrong to Casey? What did he ever do to him or his family that made him act like this? It was so damn confusing and he wanted to just have some kind of answers but he was unsure if he would ever get any answeres but at least he could try and ask and see what the man had to say for himself.

“Sure. You can talk to me. I didn’t realize that you needed permission from a poor, lower class lowlife like myself?” He asked, reusing the words that he heard one of his family members use to describe him. Luke crossed his arms, obviously not happy with the situation but he was there to listen at the very least.


“You give me something every single day Michelle. That is your love. It is more valuable than anything in this world. I truly love you so much and I just wanted to surprise you. You should know by now that I can’t keep any special occasion for us low key.” Dean admitted with a slight chuckle because it was true. If something big was happening, then Dean made sure the presentation matched the accomplishment or the achievement. This anniversary was perfect so far and he hoped their next anniversary would be a wedding anniversary instead. They were set to get married soon and he already felt that close connection with his fiancée. To some people marriage was simply a piece of paper and it meant little but it truly held a deep meaning with Dean. He wanted to marry Michelle and he wanted to marry her soon. Their wedding date could not get here any more quickly to tell the truth. The male was just overcome with her as she had encompassed his entire life for as long as he could remember. He would have it no other way either.

After the reading of the cards and all the fluffy things, he waited for it all to be packed away before the waiter came to get their order. He ordered them both their favorite wines before getting himself something to eat and after Michelle placed her order with the waiter, Dean pressed a quick kiss to her lips again just in case she forgot what his kisses felt like though it had only been a minute at most since their previous kiss.

As usual, Dean did not show any reserve about showing some public displays of affection. That was something else he doubted would ever change. Still looking into her eyes, he allowed their hands to tangle and when the wine arrived he poured them both a glass and immediately went to grab Michelle’s glass, holding it to her lips and letting her sip on the delicious beverage. A buzzed Michelle was a fun Michelle and he really had high hopes for their night. He hoped things would really pick up from here.
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