Queen Of The Sun

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Sophie Jones

Oct 30, 2015
Between vanilla and chocolate sex.
We aren't alone on this planet anymore. Earth has been seeing is fair share of aliens but they aren't exactly what humans interpreted them to be. They don't have big green, comical heads or look like something off of Predator. They actually look quite similar to humans, just a few differences. One major difference being abilities. While most humans seem to hone no special abilities these aliens seem to. For example, the moon people. They have the ability to control water to an extent and the people of Mars have exceptional fighting abilities, making them fierce warriors. Each planet in our solar system has its own human like species and for over 60 years they've all been at war with one another, fighting and killing each other for land and trades. Seeing that the war was not going to end anytime soon the species of the solar system have come together with earth to form a peace treaty. This give all the planets equal rights and fair trade. Every planet has signed it, every planet but the sun. The sun planet is ruled by a resilient and stubborn dictator who doesn't think much about the other planets and doesn't care for its people. Its a very isolated planet so when the Queen herself decided to come down to dear old earth and visit it shocked the whole solar system. Your character has been assigned with the task to be the Queens personal guide. No one knows her reason for coming down to earth but the government has given you a clear objective. Get her to sign the treaty. Make her fall in love with earth. Its a big task for your character and the fate of the solar system lays in his, or her hands.

Hey there! I just thought of this idea on the spot and I REALLY love the idea. The plot is simple at first. The queen of the Sun has came down to earth for an unknown reason and your character has been chosen to be her personal guide, to show her the ropes around earth and house her. Sort of like a foreign exchange student. But the plot will become more deeper as the story goes on and there will be more to it. I don't wanna discuss it because I rather have it be a surprise lol. The story isn't really aimed to be overly sexual so there isn't going to be sex all around the corners, especially between the queen or anyone. Its just something that has to build up.

This rolpelay can be between a female or male character. The character escorting the queen is human, that is intended. Please no one liners. Just please.

I'll probably close the thread once I get two messages. One male, and one female. Probably. It all depends. Hope to get some responses!
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