Lady Rinne's House of Sinful Stories

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Lady Rinne

Dreaming goddess
Jun 20, 2016
United States
Hello everyone. I'm Lady Rinne, your host here. I also answer to Lady, Rinne, and Ava so you can pick your poison for me. ;) Before we get to the naughty stories you have all been waiting for I just want to tell you all a little bit about me. I've been roleplaying on different forums since I was 13 years old, and having been writing erotic roleplays since the time I turned 18. I like to think I'm pretty experienced and that I can craft both quality stories and quality smut, often at the same time. I'm a law student and so my real life can keep me pretty busy all year round, but I try to post several times a week, and if an rp really gets going sometimes I can binge rp and crank out multiple posts in a day.

I prefer for my stories to have a nice balance of story and smut, with a tendency towards more story on the whole. If I really like an idea I can be swayed in the direction of more smut than story but there always needs to be a compelling narrative to the rp. I will always post at least a paragraph, and very often much much more, I expect the same of my partners. Most roles in my plays have flexible genders and can accommodate both male and female characters by you. I dislike playing male characters as pcs however and if you push me to play a male character you will swiftly find yourself without a partner. :p You have been warned. ;) I do play male characters for non sexual situations, such as npcs and world building.

Major Likes
  • Angels
  • Tentacles
  • Angels+Tentacles (If you are willing to play female tentacle angels you have my instant attention.)
  • Romance
  • High Fantasy Settings
  • Teasing
  • Mind Control/Manipulation
  • Shifting Power Dynamics (Not the one person is always dominant and one is always submissive stuff)
  • Demons
  • Lovecraft Inspired Monsters

Major Dislikes
  • Bodily Waste (This is an immediate no)
  • Piercings
  • Bestiality
  • BDSM (I can be convinced to try light bondage situations but on the whole this isn't my cup of tea.)
  • When people try to derail the story and transition into pure smut.

For more specifics on likes and dislikes please see my F-list

(Last section before the stories I promise)
  1. Be polite.
  2. If you message me tell me which story idea you like, or tell me about your ideas don't make me guess what you want. (Remember I love to hear new ideas!)
  3. If I ever don't post or communicate at all for more than three days please poke me. I almost certainly got lost in a textbook or swamped by exams and the poke reminds me to get my act together.
  4. Tell me if you ever have issues with our rps. I will always try to fix things!
  5. Please share ideas, the whole point is for us both to enjoy it.
  6. Most importantly. HAVE FUN!

Special Lady Rinne Stories!!!
(More to come!)


Conflict is nothing new in the land of Braxia, but lately things have been getting worse rapidly. The times of true dark grow longer by the night, the wards that shield settlements have begun to fail, letting the darkness in, the angelic protectors of humanity have seemingly vanished from the world. And there have been sightings of the old gods, creatures of unimaginable power, long since sealed away beneath the earth but now rising up once more.

It doesn't help that the endless wars still rage between the warlords of the land. The darkness is rising and nobody is doing anything to stop it, so locked into their pursuit of power and glory that they fail to see that Braxia is sinking into the abyss. But perhaps not all hope for the world is lost, for one fateful night a star descends from the heavens, crashing to earth in all its resplendent glory. An angelic messenger and guide, sent down to find a champion to put to rest the old gods and the hungry darkness.

You are the person who finds this angel sent from the heavens, you are the one who is chosen to be the champion and save the world. Together with me, (I'm playing the angel!) you will have an epic fantasy adventure to save an original world created by yours truly. And yes, there will be plenty of sex. :p

Goddess' 'Blessing'


Let's Be Evil!

"I know you've dreamed of taking over the world, of finally crushing all who oppose you. But I hear it's lonely taking over the world and well you really need a kindred spirit for it. Trust me, it was pretty lonely when I did it. So I propose we team up, besides, remember that one time all those years ago, it was fun wasn't it? And think of how easy it will be to deal with those pesky heroes now!"
Aerithia, Queen of the Abyss

This idea is a pretty old one of mine and is very flexible. It also requires that my partner be extra willing to do some world building with me. The premise is that you are an evil overlord yourself of some variety and there can be oh so many. ;) And that your character was once a consort of Aerithia, my character. We'd need to build a history and much of the world up together, and then we would be waging war on it. This supposed to be pretty dark but a compelling story of how even great evils can come together. Plus it's fun to let loose and play the villain now and then!

Remember I LOVE Creative Ideas So If You Have One Shoot Me A PM!
(Especially if you have tentacle angels!)
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