The Truth of Pokemon Daycare Duties (bigfootman900 x Shikokudarkstar)


Feb 10, 2013
It was a beautiful day in the Daycare. Pokemon hopped and played eagerly as they waited for their trainers to come back. Some of the pokemon had a bit more amorous fun while their trainers were away. One pokemon, an Absol often called Winter by his trainer, was eagerly awaiting his master to come get him. There were some nice pokemon around, an umbreon that he liked to play with but there were a few who he knew would give his trainer issues. There was a Tyranitar who had come through a trade and respected no trainer so far. There was also a Ninetails that seemed to want to keep to himself, even though he was friendly when Winter wanted to play. Of course there was also a Machamp that seemed to find joy with just moving all the boulders from one area to the next.

Winter himself was hoping his trainer would be there soon. He was getting tired of being here, even if his trainer worked here part-time so Winter could be stronger. They had been together for a very long time and had trained very hard but there was just somethings that took time and his trainer needed more experience before they could be the very best. Of course this waiting this was very boring. He wanted his trainer to come back for him. Winter had gained at least five levels, he was stronger now.
Leto James placed his bike on the bike rack outside the pokemon daycare and looked at it with a smile. It had been so long since he had left is little Absol, winter, at the daycare. His eyes sparked as he wondered how many levels the good boy had grown too. It made him smile even more when he thought of how the would down all that stood before him. Quickly before running in, he took a hand and ran it through his jet black hair, trying to fix it from the ride.

As he ran inside he could hear all the pokemon having fun and even saw some playing in the pens. His excitement was building and he could not wait , and then he saw out of the corner of his eye his winter, his might loving pokemon. Without a thought in the world to ask permission to get his Absol, he ran out into the pen excited to give the good boy a hug.
"Absol!" Winter perked, excited as he heard his trainer come into the daycare. He wagged his stubby tail before giving his trainer a kiss. He nuzzled his trainer affectionately before turning his head way. There in another area of the playpen was tyranitaur stalking about, nervous and angry that a trainer was among the pokemon. There was a barrier between Winter's pen and the tyranitaur's but the fence wasn't something that would hold if it was truly fought against. Winter nudged his trainer back into the building before going around the desk back where the workers were.

A older gentlemen came out of the backrooms. "Ahh, young Leto. Are you here to get your Winter back? It will be 500 this time." The older gentleman wasn't ancient by any means, instead his hear was just starting to turn grey and he had been running the daycare since his father had finally retired. "If you wish, we can also find your Winter a suitable breeding partner if you want to have an egg from him. We just got a new shipment in from Goldenrod city. It's amazing what those folks out there come up with. Or if you wish you can do as you have done before and work off a bit of his cost by working here at the Daycare. However we did recently acquire a tyranitaur of which I would advise against getting near. So what will it be Leto?"
Giggling and laughing as he hugged his Absol, he did not notice the large Tyranitaur not liking his presence in the pen. He was just so happy to see his companion once again and thought the nudge of his pokemon was just that of love. "You've gotten so str...." His words were cut off as the older gentleman came up and started talking to him.

As he listened his heart dropped by the cost to get his pal out, it was much higher than before and he had nowhere near that sort of money. He cursed under his breath for buying that luxury ball for Absol, but he would love it so much. Looking at Absol he gave a worried smile and then looked back to the gentleman. "Um...well I definitely do not have the money to get him out, but I can work here if that is alright. I mean I love working with Pokemon, the will get so much joy with all the games and such I know." He smiled happily and did not think about the Tyranitar despite the warning again. "As for breeding could we add that stuff to my tab and let Absol pick his partner...with a bit of help from that shipment perhaps." Speaking kindly he continued to hug and scratch his beloved Winter.
The gentleman laughed, "Of course, young Leto. I'll put it on your tab. As before I will keep a book on how much you owe as I have done before." He wrote down the figures before moving back to the back room and retrieving the bottle. The older gentleman gave Winter the potion before looking back at Leto. "You'll have to give it some time to work but he should be ready to mate soon. As for your work, it will be the same as before. Just work with the pokemon and feed them berries." He shuffled back into his back office to work some more, leaving the two to themselves.

Winter was starting to feel slight edges of the potion. Following his trainer he started to pant and move his eyes around from each pokemon. There wasn't anything that seemed to be a cure for this sudden fever. It was about another half an hour after the potion that Winter felt his cock slip free of the sheath. He smelled all of pokemon around him but none of them tempted. Instead he focused one his trainer and when the man knelt down to pick up a bowl, Winter pushed him over to mount him. There was nothing in the pokemon's mind but mounting. He humped wildly at the man, even though the other's clothing was in the way. The attention of the other pokemon was caught however and that large Tyranitaur sniffed the air before starting to slowly move over to where they were.
Leto gave a big smile and nod to the gentlemen, the thought of having little baby from his Absol made him excited. The baby pokemon were so cute, he wished he could have a large horde of them to play with. The thought stuck with him most of the time as he worked in the pens. It was not hard work just feeding, playing, and bathing them. All the time as he worked he watched over his Winter, it looked like he was struggling to find just the right one. He frowned a couple of times as he watched his companion struggle with need, but he knew his pokemon was special and not just any breed would work for him. So he continued the work mindlessly.

It was only a few hours later as he was bent over helping get a bowl for food, that he felt someone behind him. At first he thought it was just a cuddly pokemon. That was until he was fully on his hands and knees from the agression. Looking over his shoulder he saw him. Winter was in full humping force, trying to tie with him. Leto tried to pull away in confusion, but as he did his belt and sweat soaked pants began to rip loose and come down. This was mad could this really be happening. My Absol chose me?!? he wondered. "Winter stop, I am not a pokemon to breed to!" He cried loudly and in the confusion he had no idea of the larger pokemon coming to him
Winter panted heavily ignoring his trainer's cries as he focused on the one thing that could relieve him of heat. He humped wildly until he finally felt himself strike home and spear deep inside his trainer. The absol's cock was long and pointed with small bumps covering the sides to stimulate it's breeding partner. Although it wasn't big and thick as say, some other pokemon, it certainly was long enough to make an impression. Precum covered the absol's erection, making it slide well into the Leto's tight hole. Winter paused when he was fully seated into his trainer, shaking in shock from pleasure. "Absol!" The pokemon moaned before suddenly desperate for more friction. Thrusts came suddenly and wildly as the pokemon was desperate to free itself from the heat that the potion had put him in.

Luckily the Tyranitaur had paused it's slow lumber, instead looking at the mating pair in interest, its own cock starting to prutrude from the seath. It would have to wait it's turn as there would be no healthy way to part the absol from it's mate anytime soon. Winter's knot was starting to inflate and pushing insistently on Leto's hole. The absol started focusing it's thrusts harder, spearing it's mate as deeply as it could while pushing that large knot in little by little. There would be no escape from the breeding now.
Leto's body shivered and struggled under the relentless thrusts to penetrate him. "Winter, no...nah..stop..." He shouted and hoped his Absol would here. His mind raced, how could this be happening.....What had the gentleman do to my dear Absol?!? He wondered.

"Winter...Please hear me you must stAAAAHHHHHHH!" His frantic yells were cut short as he felt his trusted companion's cock enter into his tight hole. It hurt so bad, but it felt good slightly too. His shouts ended as it was replaced with groaning and a bit of moaning. As Winter increased his pace and entered deeper and deeper into Leto's rump. "Win...ahter....pleas.....ah..sta....dont...stop." The desperate moans of desire shocked him. Dispite knowing this was wrong on so many levels, he was actually liking it. THe feeling of pressure increased and he knew his Absol was knotting. It hurt and made him feel so full, his desired grew more and more with each pounding thrust of his pokemon. The stimulation of his rum caused his on modest cock to grow hard and drip in his underwear that still clung to his body. He worried what would the gentlemen would think, but also wondered what the pokemon around him thought, but the only thing he saw was a haze from his growing lust.
Winter remained focused on his release, thrusting ever rougher until finally he felt the knot pop inside the human's body. Now the pokemon wasn't leaving and his thrusts were starting to grow more irratic. Pushing in closer, the absol used his forepaws to pull the human closer, fucking the man rapidly with each thrust. The pokemon was close. It was his first time and the smell of his trainer's lust was getting to him. He grunted, trying to figure out through the haze how to make the human climax. The absol didn't know much about mating but with one finally thrust, he came deeply inside his mate, knot inflating more to lock them as his hot cum rushed to breed the man even though it wasn't possible. Winter panted as he flopped down on top of his new mate. He licked the back of the man's neck in affection as his cock would periodically flex and flood more cum into the trainer's body.

The other pokemon were either ignoring the action in blissful ignorance or watching interested in what was going on. Machamp stomped in the background his boulder moving interupted by the fire of an erection set off by the smell of the mating going on. The aloof ninetails sat at a close but still respectful distance, interested in the ongoings now. The tyranitaur was standing somewhat near, erection perking as it seemed to be waiting it's turn. Winter however was growling at them all, not wanting them to be close to his new mate. There wasn't however enough power for him to take on the tyranitaur, much less with a randy Machamp right behind him.

"Absol." Winter nuzzled the human, his knot still locking them even as his testicals finally calmed down. It would be a mess when the pokemon pulled out. All that hot cum had made the human slightly distended as it didn't have anywhere to fertilize. The knot was acting like a cork now but once pulled out all that semen would flow back out onto the ground, with only a little remaining inside. The absol nuzzled the human's neck some more before finally biting down hard enough to scar. This was his mate. All would know it if they looked at him his way.
Leto gasped as he felt the Knot of Winter push in and swell locking them in place. There was no where to run now. They were tied, but Leto was rather content given the situation. Knowing this was wrong seemed to make him all the hotter and wanting to be filled by his Absol. The Knot inside him made him feel fuller and ever, with every pulse it sent waves to his prostate causing more and more pre to leak out of his stiff member and soaking his red underwear.

"Nah WInter...why does this....nah...feel so good...nah...breed friend." He groaned outloud lost in his desires for his Absol. Then he felt his Winter pull him closer and he knew the time had come. Knoto swelling bigger than ever inside him, as the seed rushed into him. It was so hot and so much. THe rapid filling with every pulse actually caused his own cock to spasm and release its load all over his unders and drip through to the ground, but he did not care it felt soo good. He whimpered and moaned louder and louder as he himself panted from the heat of the breeding. It was crazy but it was happening.

A few moments went by and the pressure was building in his lower abdomen causing him to balance on one hand as he rubbed his belly. To his shock he felt his belly had grown slightly from so much seed. It was amazing and he wanted more to his shock. Lifting a heavy head he looked at Absol, who m moved his muzzle and bite his neck hard. Leto had read a bout this behavior of mate claiming and smiled lustfully. He was being claimed and he was alright with this. Their bond was closer than any trainer he knew.

The growl though caught him off guard. "What is it boy?" He asked weak from the action, but as he looked around his mind began to understand why Winter was being so protective.
Winter whined at his mate trying to get him to understand the danger. It wasn't that the other pokemon would hurt him intentionally but his mate was so little and two of the other pokemon were huge. The knot that held them together would deflate soon and then the two larger pokemon would shove Winter out of the way. The aloof ninetails wasn't edging closer out of anything but interest. It seemed fascinated by their mating and though the absol felt that this creature wasn't a threat, the mating was too new for him to feel safe by anyone. He did however focus on the two giants edging closer. The tyranitaur shoved the Machamp out of the way, making it known that he would be the next one breeding.

The absol felt his knot deflate and watched in interest with the other pokemon as the human's bowels emptied all of the semen onto the ground. They all had just a moment of watching the facinating sight before Winter felt himself be backhanded away. The Tyranitaur lifted the human with both hands, arranging the weak and wiggling human to spear down onto his thick pointed cock. It was slow going as the Tyranitaur had a much bigger length than the little absol had. The giant lizard sat down, sliding the human up and down upon it's erection, making sounds in pleasure at the force and friction. Winter tried vainly to get his mate back but was easily brushed aside. He just wasn't powerful enough to get his mate back from the bully. Besides that, as he watched his mate, the man seemed to be enjoying at least a little of the attention. Tyranitaur had even gotten used to the weight and only used on hand to slide the human up and down while the other was trying to find points of pleasure on the man's body. The nubby claws pushed against nipples, worked over skin and somehow was trying to give pleasure to the human.
Leto did not understand the threat till it was too late. Dispite his Pokemon's action,he was still in shock and lusting for the seed that now filled him. His slightly distended belly craved for more, and he even gave a playful whimper when he noticed the cock knot shrinking and was about to pop out. Tieing to his trusted Winter was the best thing he could of imagined and the scare that would form would let all know he was taken.

The mark however did not work on all, for as WInter's knot popped out of him, and left a little stream of seed puddle the ground around the, his trusting companion was batted aside like he was a simple caterpie. Leto had little time to register what was going on, because soon he found himself in the air, with his rump directly above a massive pole. Glancing up quickly he saw it was that large formidable Tyranitar. Eyes growing wide, he tried to struggle in the big brute's grasp, but it was know use. With a down motion he found his once tight used hole being expanded by that might pole below. It was huge and it hurt. He gave a despite cry for Absol, but soon that cry turned to a loud moan.

Continuing the onslot the Tyranitar moved him up and down on his thick meat. at the moment not fully going all the way in Leto, but there was a bulge from the cock forming under his smooth belly. Mouth opened and his tongue hanging out, Leto found himself rather enjoying it. His moans were increased when the beast started to mess with his nipple. They were like a button of sensitivity, his weakest spot besides his hole. Waves of sensation rocked through his body and caused his leaking prick to swell hard again and bounce wildly.
Winter was fuming in the background, unable to save his precious human but hating that the man was getting pleasure from other pokemon. The up-until-now aloof ninetails sat beside him and watched in interest as the human was used as a warm cocksleeve. Winter growled even while he was ignored.

The Tyranitaur was amused by the cries and even how they changed as the human was speared on the large lizard cock. Nubby claws flicked the human's nipples as the pokemon moved him up and down on that thick spear of flesh. The pokemon wasn't going to last long and unlike the little absol, the tyranitaur cared not for the human's pleasure other than making him less resistant. However, he was getting close to his climax and started lowering the human down onto his cock further until he had gradually worked the man all the way down onto his cock. The warm heat of Leto's body had worked its magic and the pokemon found himself climaxing deep into the man. Unlike the absol the Tyranitaur didn't knot, instead pulling the human off him and bathing the man in yet more of its cum that didn't fit inside the human. With it's pleasure sated, the giant lizard lumbered off to catch a nap.

Before Winter could react to save his human however, Leto was picked up by yet another randy pokemon. "Machamp." The four armed pokemon cried, picking up Leto under his arms with two hands while using the other hands to hold the human's legs steady. It seemed like there would be no chance to recover as the last of the randy pokemon slid the man onto its own cock.

Machamp's member was built much like a human and didn't have the thick base that tyranitaur had. Instead his cock while thick, remained the same thickness to the base. He held the human tightly thrusting his cock into the human instead of just sliding the man down it. The thrusts were stronger than the other two had done but that bulbous head did wonders of rubbing against the human's prostate. Machamp seemed to be all hands, large hands covering the human's cum soaked body as he thrust, moving the lower two hands the pokemon found the human's unused cock and started stroking it with one hand while the other lower hand pulled a leg up to penetrate a different angle. The human was definately feeling good with all the stimulation that the muscle bound Machamp was doing. However, the machamp seemed to be working towards another goal as he made the human climax repeatedly without once doing so himself.
Leto huffed and whimpered under the onslaught of the Tyranitar's massive member. It was hard for his eyes to stay focused as he was repeatedly shoved lower and lower on that lizard cock. The further down he got the thicker he found his ass had to spread to accommodate. And as he looked down he saw the cock making his once cum filled belly distend with every lower. Dispite the danger, Leto's expression was that of lustful breaking. It was so big and so massive, but it felt too good. His mind was breaking to this new pokemon skill, it was hard for him to even worry about his beloved Winter.

His eyes suddenly grew wide as the Tyranitar fully forced the bulbous base of it's cock in and release its seed. It was monstrously larger than that of his Winter. His belly quickly inflated to a point making him look quite pregnant, but there was so much it threatened to make him burst. Luckly the Tyranitar moved him off the massive cock and let the fluids of their mating to splash the ground and around them. Dispite so much Tyranitar managed to spew seed all over Leto causing him to look like he had fallen into a milky pond.

"WInter, please....." He spoke exhausted in a pathetic apology, but that was cut extremely short, for before he even touched the ground a Machomp grabbed him and shoved his human like cock inside him. the feeling made him moan louder in pleasure than with the Tyranitar. It was as if the cock was mad for his hole, hitting his prostate and making his cock explode over and over. At times jetting his seed on the Absol of his. Nipples and angles further manipulated the stimulation of poor Leto. This Machomp must of had experience with others cuz he was hitting Leto right. His cock bulged Leto slightly as it ramed him. It was a wonder more had not heard the trainer with his echoing cries of pleasure.
Machamp did indeed have experience with pleasuring humans and it showed. He focused solely on Leto's pleasure before finally deciding the human had come enough times to satisfy him. With that decision made, he worked the human over with a few more thrusts before cumming deep inside the man. "Machamp." The pokemon sighed happily before plopping the human down on the ground. The pokemon didn't bother to look back as it went back to moving boulders all around the enclosure.

Winter huffed at the human, sitting back a little ways as if weary about what Leto would do now that he was free. The Ninetails was still watching with it's head cocked although it didn't seem to want to have a piece of the human. However both pokemon startled as Leto was suddenly sprayed off with a hose. "My, My. That was quite a show you put on. I didn't think the heat potion would have quite that effect." The older gentleman who ran the Daycare seemed only slightly perturbed by this prospect. "Then again, most people don't let their rutting pokemon follow them like you did." The gentleman turned off the hose before turning back to Leto. "I didn't see the whole thing but it's not hard to piece together what happened." The gentleman put the hose away before humming.

Winter paused and blinked at the caretaker before looking at Leto. The human was clean, if just wet now. He seemed only a little worse for wear. The absol stepped a little closer before nuzzling his mate affectionately. That is until the gentleman sprayed him off with the hose as well. Then he scurried back a safe distance away.
Leto groaned and moaned as his mouth hung wide open gasping and panting from the onslaught of Machomp. His body shook and tingled violently as the pokemon caused him to cum over and over. It was nothing he had felt before and did not resist, and could not. The Machomp was pleasuring him to a point of complete broken desire. As the Machomp yelled and released it's payload into him. He saw his belly round once again, not as much as Tyranitar but large enough to look with child. The seeding caused him to yell out as well in a crazed moan as his own cock spewed it's seed once again.

There was no time to process however as Machiomp tossed his used body down. The seed of them all escaping and pooling around him. His mind was broken and body ravaged, but deep down he still wanted more. A blank lustful facial expression was on him, but his pleasure was brought down as he was hosed off by the gentleman. With a weak turn of his head he looked at the man in confusion. " did this. Its...nash your fault..." He groaned weakly as he looked at the man, but his voice was not full of hate but worry as to why. His hand gently twitched wanting Absol near , but he was in no shape to call for his loving companion.
"Not in the way you think." The gentleman hummed, rolling up the hose he had used. "You see, it isn't a well known fact but when you work in the daycare business you see everything. There are a lot of pokemon who just aren't interested in other pokemon. To some of them, they have been so bonded for so long that they hold no interest in anything but their trainer. I had wondered if your Absol was that way. Usually they don't however move into sexual relations unless pushed. Unfortunately the potion did push your absol over the edge." He nodded to the other pokemon, "As for the others, that Tyranitaur holds contempt for humans and that machamp has a master who loves his attention when he can get it." The gentleman smirked however, "If you want to make a lot of money to pay for your absol, you could film yourself with pokemon. Also you did say that you wanted baby pokemon, there is a way to use that potion and the magic of a ninetails to have pokemon eggs. They would be smarter than the average pokemon but they would still be cute." The gentleman started walking away, "However if you are going to enjoy pokemon like you just learned, please try to do it more quietly or in the back enclosure, where you won't be heard from the front office. Also there is a room set aside if you want to stay there to recuperate."

Winter watched the older man walk away before walking over to his mate and trainer. He nuzzled the human before pushing him into a sitting position. The pokemon looked down at the fluids still leaking from his human and huffed.
Leto groaned a little more as he sat up with the help of Absol. His belly was so full and caused his rump to still leak seed all around him despite the wash from the man. His voice kept running in his head. The possibilities of having an Absol and oner that would be smart like him but be also like WInter. Then there was the other thought, the breeding. Despite his knowing of it being abnormal he liked he craved to be used like he had. His need was strong and the need to let Winter be even closer in bond with him.

"Um...Nah...SIr! I...I..would like to do a film with any pokemon you choose. I want to pay my debt, but also I want Winter and I to have an egg...and maybe from the others as well." His eyes blinked did he really say he wanted to have other eggs besides his Winter's? His body shook with excitement and his member grew hard again. "Please help help you I guess is the words? I will be quieter or will move somewhere of your choosing, but please let me breed." As his trembling words stopped he wrapped an arm around Winter and brought him close, almost like a security blanket to his worries.
The gentleman paused his walk and smiled. "Alright young Leto, if that is the path that you wish to take." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a key, "This is to the small cabin out back. It would probably be wise to clean up and air it out. I'll start the process tomorrow for getting your body ready to lay pokemon eggs." He pet the ninetails that had been watching interested in the proceedings without joining in. The older gentleman then walked off. "Report tomorrow morning clean and ready to work."

Winter blinked and pawed at his trainer, "Absol." He nuzzled into his human mate, careful that his blade didn't hurt the man he adored. When his human was ready to walk, he gently guided Leto back to the back cabin. It had once been used for vacationing but since then had rarely been used. It had a small assortment of clothing and dusty furniture. The absol walked around the cabin, peaking out the windows at the 'wild' enclosure that the daycare family had started. It was for pokemon whose owners never came back. The abandoned pokemon who had been left but never found. Some of them, their masters had been on the way back when something happened and some had just been abandoned. Outside, the pokemon watched from a distance at the movement but didn't come any closer. Winter looked back at his mate before looking worriedly at the pokemon, "Absol?" Would his mate be stolen from him again?
"Uh...I will not be...late." His voice quivering with exhaustion and nervousness. What was he thinking? Could he really be agreeing to such breeding? His mind thought for a moment, but the craving of having Winter's pups and feeling the need to be used was overwhelming. His worry was quickly lifted as he heard and felt his companion voice and the nuzzling action. Leto responded with a nuzzle in return, before gently getting up. His cloths were ruined to say the least, so he removed them becoming fully nude except for his hat that somehow stayed on. A groan escaped his lips as he moved with his beloved Absol to the little cabin. As the walked he crattled his slightly still bulging belly and shivered with every step feeling his loose hole seeping seed down his thighs.

Once at the cabin, he found it not in a horrible shape. It could of been worse he thought to himself. The room was spartan, but at least it had the basics and a small amount of cloths he could wear. Getting dressed though was not much on his mind, for he yawned and moved to the twin size bed in the cabin and plopped down. Not even moving for the covers, letting his naked sweaty body exposed. Tiredness in his eyes he looked at Winter and gave a smile, "Time to rest Winter, come sleep with me."
Winter looked at the bed a moment before gracefully hopping beside the human. The Absol hadn't kept his mate safe enough but there was no way he could have won against a high level Tyranitaur or Machamp. He was glad though that he had gotten to breed his human first and none of the other pokemon had bothered them while they had been mating. Winter looked out the window at the forgotten pokemon, their eyes peeking around but not coming near. Winter laid now and snuggled next to his human and relaxed as their scents mixed.

The next morning, Winter awoke to the beams of sunlight coming through the window. The pokemon looked at his human and huffed. The man still smelled like other pokemon and the absol needed to fix that. Winter crawled over top of the human, poking around with his rising cock until he finally hit home. Winter was slow and gentle as he worked his member deeper inside the human, wanting nothing more than to cover all the scents other than his own.
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