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Where am I? (Splendif x Jeufufns)


Jun 2, 2016
Katherine panted as she ran down the street, weaving between the crowds, slipping through the small gaps between people, jumping over those who tried to trip her at the called out instructions of the police officers that were chasing after her. She had spent her whole life living on the streets, so to survive she'd had to learn how to adapt and how to take what she needed. That was why there were several wallets currently in her pockets, not a single one of them hers. Then again, neither was the jacket. The first time she had stolen, it was simply a matter of survival, an unpleasant necessity. Whilst it was still a necessity for her to survive, she had to admit, there was a certain thrill to it all...taking more than she needed, taking things she didn't even need...targeting the hard marks, the riskiest people to steal from. Still, as thrilling as the hunt, and even the chase, were, even she couldn't keep this up forever, her panting breath as much of a sign that she was wearing out as her aching legs were becoming. She knew she couldn't keep running for much longer, and she was already outside of her usual part of town, somewhere she knew the various secret spots.

Fortunately, luck was on her side it seemed. Her somewhat random escape pattern had taken her into the old college campus. It had been shut down years ago, the buildings laying empty and abandoned. A quick glance around and Katherine darted towards the nearest one, slipping through a half boarded up door. Sure the cops had seen her go inside, but she was certain she'd be able to give them the slip inside. The girl moved quickly down the corridors, heading upstairs a few floors and down another corridor, careful not to make her footsteps too heavy. She could hear the cops downstairs now, calling out instructions, one of them was going to guard the door, the other two would be searching the building. Morons, shouting so loudly like that, they couldn't be making this any easier.
With a silent grin Katherine slipped through a half open door, looking around, finding herself in a large room. At first it looked almost like a large supply room, but as she saw a piece of paper half covered in dust she realised it was some kind of club room, the paper signifying this had been a Magic Club, must've been students playing magician. She was about to turn and leave, but then her eyes set on something....and a grin spread across her face. It was a large trunk, decorated with faded stars. She recognised it from the occasional TV show she had seen, the kind of trunk a magician would climb inside, then when it was opened they would be nowhere to be found. There was bound to be some trap door or secret compartment, but it would be perfect for her to hide in. She just had to get inside, hide out in the secret compartment until the cops gave up and left, they were too stupid to realise what was going on after all. It was perfect, she got to hide and rest at the same time.

The girl quickly smirked and opened the trunk slowly, carefully, she couldn't afford to disturb the dust around here and give herself away. She slowly got inside the trunk and closed it inch by inch, then felt around in the darkness until she felt a small catch. "Bingo..." Katherine whispered to herself, tugging it and feeling a false back open up, just enough space for her to slip through into a hidden compartment, another handle on this side to allow her to slip out of the real back if she wanted. "Alright...." She shifted a little to get herself into a comfortable position, then settled down to remain still, she could still hear the muffled footsteps of the officers searching for her, but all she had to do now was stay quiet until they gave up.

How long that took is something Katherine didn't know, she ended up falling asleep whilst in the secret compartment, waking with a gasp after who knew how long had passed. She pulled out a stolen cell phone, wincing as the bright screen blinded her for a moment, before her eyes could adjust and she could check the time, it had been over 12 hours! Damn...she must've been more exhausted than she thought. The cops must've left by now. Katherine grinned as she tucked the phone away, carefully feeling around until she found the catch, tugging it and falling out of the trunk with a yelp as the back of the trunk fell open. "Ow...damnit....who the hell would want to be a magician?" She grumbled, standing up and rubbing her butt before turning to go. She was so pleased with herself she didn't notice that the room was now different, dust free, tidy, almost brand new.
Katherine just walked over to the door with a pleased grin on her face, opening the door and stepping out, walking right into a random college student that happened to be walking past at the time, yelping and falling flat on her butt once again. "What the hell?!" She thought it was one of the cops, quickly glancing around....only to find she was now in the bustling corridor of a busy college building. "What....the....hell....."
The sun shone through the many windows of the room as Katherine awoke, causing the freshly clean floor to glisten with moisture. This building was all but run-down, and the fact that the floor was still a little moist meant that there was actual cleaning staff here, an actual system of people living or simply working here.

The room was clean, recently used. Small details, like a bit of fresh garbage in the bin or a lone drinking package on the windowsill gave its previous inhabitants away. The supplies and boxes that were lying around when Katherine had arrived were gone completely and a lot of fresh decoration was standing around the room, even a vase of flowers on the main desk. The broken windows were repaired as well, and with no dust in sight, the room was almost creepy to look at.

But that wasn't even the weirdest part. The tables and chairs were so far apart, every space was big, the ceiling was ridiculously high. She might have thought she'd shrunk, but the fact that all the objects, like the drinking package, were still the same size was unsettling. Even the door was incredibly big, and gave very easily, like it was made to slam open and mostly survive any kind of bashing without resistance.

The corridor itself was massive. Many times wider and higher than before. It's lenght changed as well, but it was proportionally the same from the distance calculating the doors, like it had simply been lengthened due to the bigger rooms. Everything seemed to have been made for giants, huge giants, it was like she was in an open space with hundreds of meters to go around.

And as soon as she walked out, a massive soft mass of black bumped into her, knocking her to the floor in a near instant. The quivering mass moved past her, slowing down. In the little space she could see through, there were a lot more huge, masses of flesh-like blobs moving past, so many exotic skin-colours, textures and clothing.

Indeed, while the clothing could barely be called such it was clear that these things were clothed. And once the haze of sleep and surprise had settled, one would be able to see that these things had legs, feet, actual human anatomy, even if completely blown out of proportion.

But before she had enough time to completely register what was happening around the, the black mass in front of her lowered, bending over until the face of a young woman came into view. The red eyes, slight robotic-looking features and midnight black skin might seem intimidating, especially if one noticed what the mass of wobbly mass beneath her actually was.

Hundreds and hundreds of pounds of flesh, that's what it was. Her breasts were massive, only two of them but they were so large that even with their perky shape, they still went down to her knees. It was a true wonder she could even see where she was going, with breasts as big as that stretching out eight feet in front of her. So much flesh now threatening to envelop Katherine, simply by the girl's approach.

And before she could react to the ocean of flesh in front of her, a massive black snake dropped down next to her, followed by another. Ten feet long, they fell in random pattern seemingly limp. Even if they seemed smaller, they were still massive. Additional to their length, they were also around 3 feet thick, which made them look like they could swallow her whole, especially with the opening at the start.

They weren't just limp....things.....they were cocks, massive ones and not just one of them, two of them.

And the woman just ignored them like they were the most natural thing in the world. In fact she was the one looking shocked, staring at Katherine's body with an expression that could only be rated as completely and utter confusion. "Are you alright?" she asked, sounding concerned as she looked over Katherine's body. "So...thin..." she mumbled, swallowing a bit. "Do you need a doctor? I can call an ambulance!"
Katherine had been too groggy to notice the state of the room when she emerged from the trunk. She was still a little tired, her eyes still adjusting to the light, and perhaps she was simply too pleased with herself to be paying all that much attention. As she was knocked to the floor though, looking around, her attention became more focused, but completely split at the same time. What was with this place? Why the hell was the ceiling so high? It hadn't been like that before. Then again it hadn't been clean, illuminated before. It was wider too...wider than a street! And the doors....they were so far apart...and each one of them was so incredibly huge. Thing is, none of that was the strangest part of any of this. No, the strangest part was by far the.....things moving around. At first Katherine couldn't even identify them as people, she had to watch with her mouth hanging open in shock as the giant objects moved, almost bounced, along the corridor, but as they moved to different angles she began to make out familiar overall shapes....people. These....things....were people, or at least sort of people anyway.

She was so mesmerised she didn't notice the person that had come close to her, not at first, but the heat radiating from her body was difficult to miss, especially when the masses of flesh nearly swallowed her whole, and Katherine brought her attention back quickly as what seemed to be two giant black mounds of flesh came towards her at first, but then they moved, and eventually what seemed to be a face came into view...though it wasn't a face Katherine would ever have recognised. Not only was her skin jet black, but her eyes...they were red, almost glowing, virtually unidentifiable as eyes as far as Katherine was aware. It was only their placement that really gave their function away. "Wh-what the?!" Katherine shuffled back quickly to try and get a little distance, only for her hand to stroke up against some giant snake of flesh that had fallen beside her. "Uhhh...." She slowly looked over at it, her hand instinctively moving to start feeling it, squeezing the thick fleshy mass. It was hot to the touch, firm but soft enough that her fingers could sink into it just a little bit. Her other hand brushed up against another one on her other side, Katherine quickly looking over to examine it. What the hell were these things?
Her eyes followed them to their ends....they looked almost....phallic, but they were too huge to be anything like that surely. The more Katherine tried to process this the more confused she became. Was she dreaming? She had fallen asleep in that trunk after all. Then again, the soreness in her behind from where she had fallen would seem to indicate that wasn't a possibility.

"Eh!" Katherine's attention snapped back ahead of her when she heard a voice, quickly turning to face the....'person' and look her in the eye. "I uh...yeah...I'm...fine....." It was about the only response Katherine could really come up with. Physically she was fine at least, mentally she certainly wasn't so sure. "Ah! No no! No ambulance! Really! I'm fine!" Ambulances would almost certainly mean cops and cops would just mean trouble, especially given the half dozen stolen wallets and cell phones she had stashed about her clothing, clothing that it seemed was most certainly the most covering outfit in the building by a significant margin.

"I just...I uh...." Katherine tried to scooch away a little more, her hands once again accidentally brushing up against the two giant fleshy snakes at her sides. "Just a little confused. This is gonna sound weird but I exactly?" She glanced around for anything that might give a clue, eventually she spotted a sign on one of the walls, the name of the was the name of the college where she had been but how was that possible? That place was abandoned, closed down, not to mention it had been nowhere near this big. "College? I' the college?" With shaking legs Katherine began to get to her feet, taking slow breaths to keep herself calm, or at least to keep herself from bursting into hyperventilation.
The woman seemed worried at Katherine's surprise as she tried to get closer, her breasts squishing underneath her arms and against the floor. It was hard to maneuver with such a massive duo of flesh tied to one's chest, causing her to sit quite a bit away from Katherine. She'd never seen anyone so thin before. Usually when people starved themselves and became even half as thin they were near death if not already dead. This woman seemed to have none of the side-effects of any disease or eating disorder that would cause that and was much thinner than any person she'd ever seen before. She didn't even know what to say, this girl was almost alien to her. Looking at her pants, she didn't even look like she had a dick. How was that even possible?

It was just a guess though, maybe it was just as small as the rest of her. But with a dick so small, was it even capable of functioning correctly? Considering the hormones and space she seemed to be missing, she didn't think it would be possible for her to procreate.

But that was only a side thought. For now, she just wanted to make sure the girl was okay. She physically couldn't be okay but she just wanted to know what she could do. she didn't even know what she was dealing with.

"Hey....don't be scared..." she said as Katherine scuffled away. That was even weirder. She was just a regular gal, not that voluptuous either, why was she scared of her. Even as she grasped her cock, it looked like she didn't know what it was or what to do with it. What had happened to this girl?

She blushed a little at the touch to her cock, feeling a tad bit embarrassed. Touching eachother was a completely normal thing, intimacy was the new decency, but they way she looked at it as if it would swallow her whole was a little embarrassing. The way her hand sunk into the firm flesh, teasing it unintentionally was quite pleasant though.

Katherine would be able to feel the blood rushing through the massive phallus, even while flaccid it was still a pulsing beast, ready to smash any virginity in its path. It was a well-known fact blacks had the biggest dicks, but it felt a little weird thinking about that considering the actual size of this thing.

She looked worried, her delicate, red lips frowning as she tried to get a little closer to the retreating Katherine, smushing hundreds of pounds of breastmeat against her thin body, practically pinning her against the wall even if the girl didn't intend to do that. It quivered non-stop, so much jiggly flesh on display and a literal canyon of cleavage you'd need to climb through to reach her face.

"Please, you look really sick. I've never seen anyone as thin as you, it can't just be fine!" she said, her voice gaining a slight note of panic. She didn't know what to do with the girl. She lifted her head a little, trying to look by her massive walls of titflesh to see if there was anyone she knew, but she couldn't find any of her friends right now. Sighing, she turned back to Katherine, trying not to get too frustrated about the situation.

"You're in Feltlane college, you couldn't have forgotten that you came in here could you?" She really didn't want this girl's memory to be gone as well but thankfully it just seemed like a side-effect of the shock. A shock she couldn't quite understand, but she tried not to voice her confusion. She tried not to move too quickly as Katherine tried to stand up and push away the titflesh enveloping her for the most part, lifting her hand. "Wait, please, just tell me what's going on. I can help but I need to know what's wrong with you first!"
Don't be scared? That was easier said than done! How was it possible to not be scared of what Katherine suspected may be some kind of alien creature. Sure it was human in shape.....more or less, but that skin colour? Those eyes? And especially those proportions, there was nothing human about those! Not one bit! The closer the girl got the more panicked Katherine got, especially when she ended up finding herself backed up against a wall....damn, this gigantic corridor and she had to find herself up against the only wall within at least 50 feet. This must be the result of pushing her luck so far with her thieving earlier, the luck had finally run out and at the worst possible time. She was beginning to think maybe surrendering to the cops might have been the best option after all.
She jumped a little as she the giant black flesh snakes whilst she touched them. It was like something was flowing through them....almost like...veins? Blood? Wait, these things were a part of this thing's body?! She could feel an almost pounding coming from it, almost like a pulse. Definitely veins, but they must have been huge!

But then, despite getting closer, the girl made no real aggressive moves. She made no threats, and the tone of her was almost like she was the one who was scared, though there was more to it than that. Worry? Concern? Katherine certainly wasn't used to hearing a tone like that used in reference to her. On the street it was everyone for themself and that was it. There was no time or room to worry about other people, that was just a sure fire way to get your ass busted or killed.

"I...look really sick? N-no, I feel fine, really" Katherine laughed nervously, her cheeks had gone slightly pale, but that was more from the shock she was going through than any real sickness..

"Feltlane College?" The name sounded correct, that had been the name of the college where she had hid out, but that place had been abandoned for years, the buildings boarded up and dilapidated. Sure it may have been possible for them to have been cleaned up, but not to be like this in 12 hours. Besides that, it was as if the structure of the building had been scaled up many times over, no way that would've been possible in such a short time. Hell, even if it had been the noise to do so surely would've woken her from her sleep. "Y-yeah...I came into the college...I was-" Katherine cut herself off, it wasn't exactly going to look good for her if she admitted she had been on the run from the police, that was a sure fire way to get this girl to just turn her in.

"I was.....lost...that's all" Normally Katherine was pretty good at telling a convincing lie, but her mental state right now wasn't exactly conducive to making her story sound believable. She could only hope the girl had a bit of gullibility about her. "I....was looking for the registration sign up, y'know?" As the lies flowed from her mouth Katherine managed to start relaxing a bit, the more she got into her story the more she could cling to it for some kind of mental support.

"There's nothing wrong with me, really" She glanced around slightly, though she could barely see over and past the giant mounds of flesh surrounding her, and all she could see were other people who seemed similarly unusual, ridiculously proportioned, though every single person she saw was distinctly female. Wait, female? Were these mounds attached to the girl? Hold on a second, they were attached to her chest?! No way, were these her breasts?! that wasn't possible, it couldn't be possible. Katherine couldn't dwell on that too much though, she had to try and push those thoughts aside for now. Focus on the story, that's what she had to do. "I'm fine, honestly. I just got a little lost on my way to register to study here exchange student" Perhaps she could play the foreign angle, maybe it would help convince the girl she wasn't sick, she was just from somewhere else. "And then I just happened to bump into you, that's all. Um...sorry about that? No hard feelings?"
The girl had to be lying. Her tone wasn't exactly convincing, though that may just be due to her slight panic. But why was she like this anyway, she hadn't been calm during the entire conversation, like she was just about to kill her or something.

"Please, you don't seem to realize just how bad you look." she said, clear worry showing in her face as she spoke. This was clearly not a laughing matter to her. Usually she was chilled but this was serious, or at least she thought it was. This girl could die, she had to do something but this girl was refusing to tell her what was wrong and what she could do.

She nodded as Katherine repeated the name of the college, trying to figure out why it was working her up so much. She seemed really confused as to why she was here, even if she came here. She even admitted that she came here. And she seemed so surprised about pretty much everything around her.

She was lost...yeah right....she looked like she still went to college, looked sickly thin to the point where she shouldn't even be able to talk or even live anymore, and said she simply got lost. She wanted to raise her hand, say something at least, before the girl continued. An exchange student? To be honest, she didn't know much about foreign countries. Maybe there was a country where girls could get so thin and live but the thought was...scary.

And it would make sense if she wanted to register. It would probably be better for her before any more people jumped on her and asked her if she was sicked.

Having swallowed the bait, she got up, taking a step back to free Katherine from her boob prison. Hundreds of pounds of tit slowly retreated from her, the long black cocks being drawn in as the girl casually lifted them through her breasts so they could discretely rest in the crest of her breast. "I'm sorry.." she said, giving Katherine so room as she turned, revealing just how ridiculous her figure was.

Her butt stuck out just as far as her breasts, so big and fat it nearly reached the ground. And the ground was far far away. The girl's legs seemed naked, but they couldn't have been considering there was a heel boosting her height. If she didn't have those stilettos those massive asscheeks might be dragging along the floor. But even then, the girl was ridiculously tall. A rough estimate would be 7 feet, massive thunder thighs and the rest of her long legs and heels making up the bulk of that height. The heel looked kinda weird too. It didn't even look like she was wearing it on a shoe, like it wasn't part of it. She did wear shoes, rather pretty ones too in gold and white, but it seemed like the part around her heel moved occasionally, like it was draped over something.

And her nipples were massive as well, lifting into sight from where they were previously hidden. They were massive, more than a foot thick and even longer. Black in colour, it seemed like you could easily stick your head in. Her full, plump figure in view, she stretched out her hand, taking Katherine's to shake it gently.

"My name's Melanie. I can show you to the principal's office if you like......" She looked to the side a bit, looking quite embarassed as she continued. "And I'm sorry for bumping into you. It's just that over here, people die before they ever reach your slimness, it's usually called a sickness here, so please excuse my behaviour, I assumed your were deathly sick."
For a few moments Katherine was worried the girl wasn't going to believe her story, then again it was flimsy at best, her nervous tone didn't exactly help. She was trying to play it off as shock, but that was only going to go so far. You could only be so shocked from simply bumping into someone after all. Fortunately however, for Katherine at least, the girl seemed to believe her, backing away and relaxing a little, which in turn allowed Katherine to relax a little as well, though she could still feel her heart pounding in her chest. Even if the girl believed her story, that didn't exactly help with this entire situation, with where the hell she was or just what the hell this girl actually was. As the girl apologised Katherine clung to that, using it to convince herself to calm down a little. If nothing else, at least this girl wasn't going to be calling the cops on her....she had to hold onto the little things to have any kind of comfort right now.

As the girl backed away and stood upright Katherine got her first real look at her would be apprehender. "Uhhh...." She had to look up in order to keep her vision on the girls eyes, Katherine herself barely stood 5'5", this girl was nearly a clear 2 feet taller than her! Oh sure she was wearing some kind of heeled shoes, but the heels weren't going to make up anywhere near that kind of a difference. Slowly Katherine lowered her eyes, taking in the rest of the girls form as she turned around, her mouth hanging open for a moment as the other woman's behind came into view....and what a behind it stuck out a good 8 feet! Then again so did her chest! Somehow this girl was standing 7 feet tall and seemed to have a length of just over 16 feet! Just what in the hell was going on here?!
Even worse, the giant mounds of flesh were completely uncovered! Ok, maybe it would be difficult to actually get a decent outfit to cover such proportions but just some kind of covering would've been nice. And yet nobody passing by seemed to be remotely phased by this black skinned naked woman standing here! Though that was probably because many of the other passers by were in similar states of dress, or more precisely undress. Even the ones that could be considered as 'covered' would barely count as such, strings of fabric that could barely be described as loincloth covering very clear nipple bulges.
Finally Katherine looked down, partly to finish examining her new 'friend', partly just to divert her eyes from the sea of almost total nudity all around her. Well, at least the girl was wearing shoes, but there was something very unusual about them. Her heels in particular seemed to be.....moving? must've been her imagination...or maybe whatever the shoes were made of was just so light that even the slightest movement of the body caused it to move around. Yeah, that had to be it right?

"Oh um....Katherine, nice to meet you Melanie" Katherine took Melanie's hand to return the shake. Damn, show her to the principal's office? Katherine's first instinct was to refuse, but her story was on shaky enough grounds as it was. If she refused whilst she had just confessed to being lost then she would most certainly raise Melanie's suspicions again. For now she'd just have to play along, bide her time and wait for a chance to get the hell out of here. "Oh um....don't worry about bumping into me, heh, my fault, really" The sentence allowed Katherine to release a nervous laugh she had been holding back, at least now she could play it off as simply being apologetic. "Uh....die before they reach my slimness?" Katherine looked down at herself. Sure she was a little scrawny, but then again she lived on the streets, sometimes she could go days without food, it was to be expected she wouldn't have much meat on her bones so to speak. "Well where I'm from I guess I am a little scrawny but it's not that bad, there are plenty of people way scrawnier than me....but maybe we can talk about that another time" Katherine realised it may be best to move the conversation along from that for now. The more she talked about her physical condition and where she was from the more she would have to lie about, and the key to a good lie was to keep it short and simple.

"So! The principal's office! Sure...if you could show me where it is that'd be great. Like I said, totally lost and...y'know, don't wanna register too late or anything, don't wanna get stuck with a crappy dorm room or find out it's too late to get the classes I want" Katherine put on her best smile, forcing through as much confidence as she could to overcome the nerves she was still feeling.
Katherine's flimsy argument wasn't an easy one to swallow for Melanie, but Katherine had a great advantage in terms of lies. The fact that others wanted to believe what she said. Her figure was a mystery to them, impossible, old folk's tales of skinny people, so seeing one themselves......there was no way they could handle that without some kind of explanation, no matter how flimsy it was.

And while it was true that the black-skinned girl had little to no clothes other than shoes and small loincloth for her feminine nethers, others had more, but not really that much clothing either. Loincloths and metal chain-connected covers seemed in fashion, with some girls wearing caps or some other accessory. Shoes were probably the only piece of clothing everyone wore.

It was somewhat weird why the girl in front of her was wearing even less clothing than the others. Once she'd get used to the skin colour though, it might have made a little more sense. With black absorbing the most heat from sunlight and the weather being rather hot right now, the girl wasn't going to cover up that much, if you could even call what the other girl's around them wore 'cover up.'

Whatever the reason was, the girl simply replied with a smile as they shook hands, her assets jiggling slightly through the motion. Even if they were quite taut and perky in shape, it would have been wondrous to even stop them from rippling.

She took a step to widen her stance slightly, the material of her heel bunching up slightly. It looked a little weird, considering it was supposed to be a single entity but somehow the outer material was independent from the heel itself.

But apparently, Katherine was getting the girl a little curious as Melanie's eyes widened once more. "You mean?......even skinnier?" She already thought Katherine's figure was impossible, but even skinnier girls? How would that even work? How could the body function like that? How would it even produce milk or digest properly or anything?

"That's....rather unnerving.." she mumbled, swallowing slightly. She was clearly bothered by the thought, somewhat curious about how it worked. Might be better if Kathrine stopped giving her ideas. "I guess it's easier to reach things that way but I wouldn't know why people would do that......."

At least Katherine's next comment distracted her from the topic. Taking on more of a smile, the girl peaked over to the principal's office before turning back to Katherine. The girl was nice and even if she looked sickly, it wouldn't be a problem. And apparently she was the first Katherine met here so why not get a dorm room together? They had a free spot.

"Yeah I'll show you! Mind if we share a dorm room? We got a free bed, it's even a single one. Might have to share a kitchen with three others though but it's not too bad, and we cna help you get used to things around here." She gave Katherine a smile, trying to be nice. The girl seemed a little confused and lost in this country so why not help her along?
The look on Melanie's face....Katherine knew it. It seemed the girl was still human, or human-like, enough to still have the tell tale signs of mis-trust. Not outright disbelief, but there was definitely scepticism. She really did need to be careful here....anything else suspicious would potentially bring everything crashing back down, and that was almost certainly going to mean a call to the cops. Even if she didn't have the stolen phones and wallets on her, the fact she was seemingly somewhere completely unknown meant that Katherine would likely be arrested as some kind of illegal immigrant. Probably best to not talk about where she was from, Melanie already seemed sceptical about people there being so small and thin. She just had to be vague. The less she lied about, the less she had to remember, the simpler it would all be.

"Share a dorm room?" Damn, another thing she couldn't refuse without seeming suspicious. After all, Katherine was supposedly new in town and looking for help to settle in to life at the college, so what reason did she have to turn down a dorm room offer from someone who had been kind and helpful to her so far? "Sure, I'd love to. Thank you very much for the offer" Katherine managed to keep her voice at a happy and sincere tone. She was settling into the lie now so it helped her to remain calm. "Always good to be around a friendly face right? Well, assuming the principal agrees that is anyway. I mean I still need to register after all"
Maybe something would happen at the registration. Maybe the principal would turn her away, or maybe say there was no room, or perhaps ask for some kind of funding that Katherine just couldn't provide. She'd take any excuse that sounded reasonable, even if it was just something that might delay things, if it was enough for her to get away then it was an opportunity she had to take in order to get some distance and gather her thoughts.
Melanie gave the girl a bit of an awkward smile, trying to look as nice as she was. She still wasn't exactly sure what she was doing, but she tried to limit herself to things where nothing could go wrong from now on. It might not have been the most thought-through decision she's ever made to let this girl stay with her, but she most likely wouldn't regret it.

She was glad she accepted the offer though, even after staring and asking a little awkwardly. The girl was behaving suspicious, but not enough for her to ask. Iy intrigued her though. It was like this girl had some kind of reason why she was so weird, lost and skinny and hid it from her.

"No problem, wouldn't have you running around complete strangers." She mused, looking around a bit. She noticed that the halls were emptying a bit, remembering that lunchbreak was approaching. She really wanted to catch the principal before lunchbreak, otherwise they'd have to find her in a kilometre of cafeteria which was never fun.

"C'mon. I'll get you to the principal. If we catch her before she goes to lunchbreak we'll save ourselves a LOT of walking. You can even hitch a ride on my bitt if you like." She said it as a joke, most likely due to Katherine's miniscule size. Katherine could still do it though, little to no rules of decency or intimacy were established here.


It didn't take too long for them to reach the principal's office, though it was quite the walk. Everything was quite the walk in this world, since there was just so much space for everything. Things like water dispenser still looked like the ones from her world which made them look so lonely. The most amazing thing thoughw as how effortlessly the girls around here carried their weight. It was like they felt no weight at all.

But before Katherine could think too deeply about weight, Melanie opened the door to the principal's office simply by walling through, her gargantuan chest pushing it open. At least that explained why the club-room door from before seemed more blast-resistant than efficient at closing, although this thing was And again, the doors seemed ridiculously big, like two Melanies could walk sideways through it at once. It could barely be called door anymore. Rather than simply swing open though, the door slid into the wall through a mechanism. Odd, but certainly more practical than having such a huge door swing into the room.

The principal was seated at her table, currently filing paperwork. It all seemed normal, right up to the moment you realized her actual size.

Stretching across a massive space, she sat sideways so that she could access her desk and meet students over it while the rest of her bulk spread across the room. The room was massive and still, she nearly filled her part up. Her breasts were ridiculous, comical, beyond any kind of reason. Each one of them was at least 20 feet in length, and most likely in width too. The constantly quivering mammaries could barely be contained in anything, the heat to great to wear anything as they laid naked, not wearing any more than a golden ring on each nipple, squeezing them slightly as to prevent any milk from coming out. Her nipples were absolutely ridiculous, 3 feet thick and just a foot longer. It was a wonder anything even fit on them but those rings seemed custom made.

And that was just the start. Even a single pair of these breasts would have been completely and utterly ridiculous. But this woman didn't just have two, but eight breasts. Eight!

With a massive tower of tit in front, one would expect her rear to be a little tamer but no......just no....

Her cock was completely hidden inside of an endless sea of tit, but her butt had free room to spread where it wanted to. A solid thirty feet of endless, creamy flesh, constantly wobbling, quivering ass that looked like you might disappear in that massive, pulsing crack, never to be seen again. How such a being could exist would be a completely and utter mystery to anyone not of this world, but both Melanie and the principal treated it like it was the most normal thing in the world.

The principal turned her head, smiling slightly as she spotted Melanie. She didn't notice Katherine though which was apparent from her gaze. Watching the girl step closer, she nodded, putting her paperwork aside for a second. "Hello Melanie, what can I do for you?" she said with a slightly hissing voice. Considering the sharp fangs in her mouth and the fact that her eyes and tongue were reptilian, it was safe to assume she didn't do that on purpose.

"I was helping Katherine register here. She's an exchange student." Melanie said, trying to look behind her to see where Katherine was.

"We have an exchange student?" was the surprised reply from the principal, her eyes widening slightly. She had to approve any exchange students and she was pretty sure that there shouldn't be any new ones arriving any time soon. "Where is she?" she said, looking a little confused. The girl could have at least had the decency to bring her along.

"She's here" was all the response she got, causing her to look even more irritated than before. There was noone else here was there? She could only identify Melanie moving around but considering Melanie's and her own size Katherine had managed to stay out of sight through her small stature.
Katherine paused at the sight of the door to the principal's office. Why was it so huge? Even larger than several of the other doors. Yet this just seemed to lead into an exceptionally large office to be sure, but an office all the same. She was so busy looking around that Katherine ended up walking right into Melanie's giant butt when the other girl stopped walking, bouncing off the huge mound of soft flesh and falling to her butt on the floor. "Ow....why does that keep happening to me today...?" Katherine grumbled quietly to herself, slowly getting up and rubbing her sore butt, only to look up and gasp, before her breath was taken away completely, the blood draining from her face as she lay eyes upon the principal....taking time to look her over...and plenty of time was needed.

This was this possible? Not only were her breasts...well, the word 'huge' didn't even begin to cover it. Not only were they such an incredible size though....she had eight of them. Four pairs....all fighting for the space they occupied...all tipped with nipples almost the size of a person...and completely uncovered. Then again, how could you cover those things? The amount of cloth it would take would take enough to make clothes for a dozen women like Katherine!
As Katherine's eyes looked further back she whimpered slightly at seeing what appeared to be the woman's backside....stretching as far as her breasts....this woman....she would need around 50 feet of space just to walk down the street! How the hell she could do the hell she didn't just destroy the world around her Katherine couldn't even begin to comprehend. And yet....she found herself curious too. About just who or what these people were....why they were suddenly here....and if there were even crazier women around out there.

Katherine was so caught in her thoughts she almost missed her name being mentioned, quickly looking up. It was no surprise that the Principal couldn't see her, hidden behind Melanie's flesh. Then again perhaps it was a good thing. This way the principal hadn't been able to see Katherine's look of absolute shock, near horror, the complete draining of blood from her face. That would have raised suspicions again, so the extra time for Katherine to compose herself was a silent blessing.
As the Principal started to get annoyed, Katherine cleared her throat, taking several large steps in order to get out from behind Melanie and bring herself into the Principal's view. "Um, good afternoon mamm. My name is Katherine. Got a little lost on my way to find your office and Melanie was kind enough to show me the way" She gave a confident smile, hoping that the principal wouldn't ask too many questions. More questions meant more lies. More lies meant more chance of being caught out. Now with someone as senior as a college principal it would be even worse if she got caught out now...especially with how gigantic this woman was. All she'd have to do is turn around and those giant breasts or giant ass would easily knock Katherine off her feet, likely knock her out, before she could get anywhere near far enough away.
The principal heard a voice, but couldn't quite see where it was. That was strange, since when was anyone so good at hiding. How flat must someone be to be that effective at hiding. sahe shot an annoyed glance at Melanie who seemed to shrink where stood, trying not to look too embarrassed as she saw Katherine step forward.

The principal was just about to see just how right she was when thinking she was flat. This....girl? was tiny.........tiny!

She had no breasts to speak off. As much as the principal strained her eyes, she couldn't see anything apart from perhaps slight nubs. Her eyes widened, her slitted pupil darting over Katherine's body as she tried to find something normal. But no. And looking at her crotch, the most shocking discovery was still to be made. There was no cock at all. Or there might have been, but it was....not to be seen anywhere. Was she even human?

A question she was seriously asking herself when looking at this girl. She didn't even want to start with that flat thing of a butt. This should and realistically couldn't be possible. This girl should have died months before she managed to get this slim. Was this some kind of illness or birth defect she didn't know of?

Trying not to be so unprofessional, she cleared her throat, closing her eyes for a second before opening again. Their reptilian nature made them somewhat menacing, but her gaze was friendly and she seemed to have no ill-intention. Trying to calm her nerves, she began tapping with her fingers, her nails making light sounds against the wood.

"Good afternoon...." she said with a calm voice, not showing her inner turmoil as she tried to fathom how anyone could look like this. She'd paled at the sheer sight of Katherine, but she hoped the girl wouldn't have noticed. It was hard not to get distracted by this girl's physique though, and focusing on the questions she needed to ask was hard. " start things off, where do you come from? I must at least know which college you've come here." She could at least remember to ask that. She had so many questions for the girl, none of them related with the actual topic at hand, so she had to try and focus.

Melanie looked a little awkward throughout the conversation, stepping from one foot on another. The motion caused her truly massive assets to jiggle, but they'd been doing that without her help as well. She was starting to feel a little stupid, just dragging this girl in front of the principal with no other explanation than the girl's word for it, especially inviting her to move into the dorm room with them. But she couldn't exactly back down now could she?
The look on her face, Katherine recognised had been the exact same expression Melanie had when first laying eyes upon her, one of shock, almost horror. With the principal though there was something different...those eyes...those teeth....and those possibly even more shocking to Melanie than the woman's insanely impossible body. This woman couldn't have been human, she was almost like some kind of snake woman. Melanie half expected to be turned to stone at any second the way the woman was staring at her so intently. When she spoke with such a calm tone it somehow just made things even was definitely rather unsettling....then again the way the principal was staring at her with eyes like that would likely make it somewhat understandable that Katherine seemed nervous, fortunately she could use that to cover up the other causes of her anxiety.

She was fortunate for the excuse too, when the principal asked where she was from Katherine couldn't help looking nervous, then again she had looked nervous already. She had expected that question, but at the same time had been hoping it wouldn't come. Her options here were limited. She had to pick a country where they spoke English, Katherine knew no other language after all. She couldn't make up a country, and she had to just hope that the countries wherever she was had the same names. Well, the college had the same name so it seemed reasonable to assume countries would as well.
"I'm...from England" It was the first thing that popped into Katherine's head, seemed the easiest to remember too. Besides, Americans always viewed the English as a little weird right? Maybe that would help settle them at her supposedly 'unusual' appearance.

"I'd heard some very excellent things about this college so I wanted to come and study here. I certainly hope you'll accept me. Melanie has already kindly offered to let me join her in her dorm room" She was trying to pre-empt some questions, hoping that perhaps it would help the principal forget about a couple she might have wanted to ask. The fewer questions she needed to answer, the better.
The principal stared at Katherine with her slitted pupils, blinking in a rather surprised manner. She was still trying to undertsand what she had before her. Usually she'd have to fill in ridiculous amounts of paperwork now but this girl confused her to such a degree that she completely forgot. That body should not be possible, no matter where she came from. Was it some kind of disease? Perhaps....amputation? It seemed likely, although she would have expected her to look a lot more...disfigured in the latter case.

"England...yes....." she looked like ahe'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar as she snapped out of her trance, hurriedly looking around for some oind of paperwork to throw at her. She saw the form for exchange students, one she usually had to fill out, but she could barely concentrate right now. She'd been to england and she'd never seen people like that there.

But apparently this girl really wanted to come here, raising it. She couldn't really argue with that. Sighing, she grabbed the form, reaching over the desk to hand itnto Katherine. "This is a form for exchange students. Would you be so kind as to fill it out including your regular school. I'm still a little, shocked at tour appearance, if I may say so. "She said that last part a little nervously, like she was expecting Katherine to lash out at her for it. She seemed completely unable to ask any questions and since Katherine seemed to have already settled her living arrangements as a nod from Melanie proved, she had a serious lack of things to say. The form was mostly just general information like name or school, nothing too technical.
The principal's stare felt like daggers stabbing into her....Katherine got the feeling that this was a woman most certainly not to be crossed...but she was already doing just that by lieing...then again she could hardly tell the truth. Of course that was partly because even Katherine herself wasn't entirely sure of what the truth actually was. She had no idea what was going on here. She was in the same place she had been before....and yet somewhere different at the same time. It just didn't make sense and Katherine had no idea how or why.

Fortunately, the principal seemed distracted, off guard, too surprised to think too much on the answers that Katherine was giving to her. Well, at least more than one person in the room was utterly confused and thrown off. Well it was working for well as against her admittedly, but any kind of advantage was good right now.

"Ah, thank you mamm" Katherine took the form that was handed to her, looking over it. It seemed pretty standard...she could fill most of it in without even having to lie. "Oh uh...yeah....I get that a lot since I got here" That much wasn't a lie at least, it was true, she had been getting the shock at her appearance since she got here...wherever here was. Katherine reached over to the desk for a pen, taking one and beginning to fill out the form quickly. The sooner she got it done the sooner she could get out of here, and getting out of here sooner would mean that the principal had less chance to ask questions. "Alright, here we go" She held out the completed form, handing it back to the principal then glancing to Melanie. "So....would it be alright if Melanie showed me where the dorm rooms are mamm?"
Thankfully, the principal seemed a bit too confused to realize Katherine's tricks. She might not realize it at first but her non-existent curves were so unreal, frightening almost to the people of this world that they wouldn't be able to hold anything against her. With Katherine's confusion just as big as the principal's, things had gotten a little awkward.

At least the girl was filling out the form correctly. The principal looked around in a drawer for a bit, scavenging for any documents she might find regarding this student but couldn't come up with anything. She'd have to look into this.......later when this girl's skinny figure wasn't giving her a headache.

The principal wasted no time in giving the document a stamp on before putting it to the side, rubbing her temples a little. She seemed rather stressed as she glanced over at it again, like she was making sure she didn't just stamp anything she shouldn't have before closing her eyes, returning to her little massage session.

"You can go....Melanie can show you your room.....just close the door on your way out..." She seemed somewhat groggy after all this, probably still trying to process what was going on and judging by the harsh headache she seemed to be having, failing in in doing so.

Melanie looked a little awkward, shifting her weight over to one leg which caused her butt to bounce quite a bit. In fact watching the two of them, there didn't seem to be a single second where their assets didn't bounce, even if they were so perky and firm. And while things like the office space must seem normal to them, distance in this new world was a massive obstacle for anyone who wasn't accustomed to it. These women had strong, toned legs with massive thighs that could carry them and their weight over these massive distances, whereas skinny Katherine had to suffer through what felt like and probably was a hundred times the distance she'd need to travel in her own world.

Giving Katherine a friendly bump with her hand, she tried to give her a smile as she turned slowly, trying not to knock Katherine over as she gave her some space to dodge her massive bust.

"Let's go, it's not that far to the dorms." she said, slowly leading Katherine out of the office. She rarely saw the principal so irritated, but she could understand her.

Slowly leading Katherine out of the office, she began to head through the hallways with her, but it took quite a while. The hallways were so excruciatingly long due the people's size, but they seemed to have little to no trouble with it, or at least not beyond what one felt after a stroll.

There weren't that many students around, which gave Katherine a little more time to examine them. There was not a single man around, not one, and from various bulges one could guess that these weren't women either. Multiple breasts, genitals, or weird mixtures of genitals and assets were common, as were racial differences. Not a single person seemed like a 'purebred human'. All had some kind of alien feature to them, like manhoods mounted onto their breasts, different skin-colours, animalistic or just alien features. Especially the whole heel thing. Nearly everyone was walking around in heels with some kind of material strapped over them that ideally didn't move, usually some kind of protective film with decoration and colour. But why would people wear a heel and then wear a shoe with a protective film around the heel?

Melanie seemed to know some of the people she walked by, waving or smiling. It was probably easy for someone as tall as her to spy people over their massive assets, although she seemed to recognize some of them even before their faces came into view. Learning to recognize people by their unique biology and clothing(which was skimpy 99% of the time), would probably be useful in a society where seeing someone's face was a luxury.

Between the college and the dorms was a rather large outside area, a field, a parking lot and a few pathways, but that wasn't the main sight.

One could have guessed that everything was big from inside the hallway, but being outside on regular pathways and grass and then being able to really take a building's size into perspective did a great deal. Everything looked huge. Cars, buildings, nearly everything. Trees were bigger as well, although the grass seemed to be the same size as always. But there were massive skyscrapers, around fifty or a hundred times taller than Katherine would be able to remember. With these massive bulky frames, dimensions were taken to a whole new level in this world.
Katherine was rather glad to be out of there, between the increasing frustration of the Principal and her crazy body that room was getting a little too much. Then again, she quite quickly began to realise being out of the room was no better. Infact, it was almost certainly worse since there were more people around. She did her very best not to stare, but that was asking the impossible. Every single person Katherine saw just made her more and more shocked. It barely registered that none of them were male, Katherine was more pre-occupied by the fact that as far as she was concerned none of the people she was seeing were even human! It wasn't just their proportions, but other features...things that just shouldn't be there...ears...tails...she could swear she saw what looked like folded wings on one person, though the 4 20 foot long breasts on the woman and what appeared to be 4 giant snakes of flesh protruding from her crotch and wrapping around her body would likely indicate the wings would need to be of some considerable size when unfurled to be of any real use.

Eventually Katherine had to resort to forcing herself to look away, not just because of the insanity of these people's bodies but also her own embarrassment. They were all seemingly eager to show off their bodies, with everything out on display in some form or another when you took everyone into account. For them this all seemed so normal, but for Katherine...she'd never felt so embarrassed in all her life. Still, if nothing else she was now more certain than ever that whatever was going on she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. No way her imagination could ever have come up with something like this.

The walk down the hall felt like it took forever, it was less like a corridor and more like a highway. But finally, somehow, the pair emerged through the gigantic doors and stepped outside into the sunlight, a gentle breeze washing over Katherine and causing her to look up, taking a deep breath. She had rather hoped that once she got outside things would maybe be a little more normal, but those hopes were dashed as she looked around. Giant plants, giant (and rather oddly shaped) cars...and the buildings...oh the buildings...some of them were so tall that they went further into the sky than Katherine could see, some skyscrapers literally miles high. "Those are.....some pretty tall buildings. We uh....we don't have them quite that tall back home..."
The girl took a slow, deep breath to calm herself, before continuing to follow Melanie. She didn't want to get too far from the girl right now, for the time being Melanie was the closest thing to a friend she had around here and the only person she could remotely trust. The way some of the other women here looked practically like demons....Katherine honestly wouldn't be surprised if they snatched her up, especially given the odd looks she was getting from the few people that actually noticed her comparatively tiny body.

"So um...I'm looking forward to getting moved in and everything, and then maybe-" Katherine's stomach gave a very loud grumble of hunger before she could finish that sentence. It had been several days since she had last eaten anything, her earlier pickpocketing was supposed to have been to buy herself some food to last another few days, but between the police chase and getting sent here, wherever here was, she hadn't had the chance to even get a snack. "...I don't suppose you have any snacks in your room? Or maybe we can swing by that cafeteria you mentioned on the way there?"
And to Katherine's displeasure, more and more people walked through the college hallways, taking up ludicrous amounts of space. But space seemed to be defined rather differently around here. Everything was made huge to fit these people, rooms even bigger so they had some free room.

And it didn't help Katherine's embarrassment that they kept staring. There were so many different skin-colours, features, most of it complete alien to anyone not of this world. And still she was the odd one. People visibly flinched when they saw her, distancing themselves like they weren't quite sure what she was. Whatever she was, they never stayed for long, moving away rather quickly, like they didn't want to catch her 'disease'.

And perhaps the highway comparison wasn't so far-fetched, in fact it may even be bigger than a highway. Walking along and really realizing just how much space there was, it was probably safe to say that the hallway was much MUCH bigger than a highway.

At least being so big and having such an easily recognizable skin colour, it was nearly impossible to lose Melanie, so she had something to cling to. Although seeing just how much Melanie's various pieces of flesh jiggled and wobbled, it probably wasn't the best thing to hold on if you didn't want to get flung off the trail.

Melanie turned a little as Katherine spoke, using a hand to push down her breast a little so she could see. Thankfully, she slowed down enough for Katherine to walk to her side once more. "I'll help you move in, do you have a suitcase somewhere or something?" she asked, not quite knowing where Katherine kept her luggage. As an exchange student, she must have brought something with her from home.

But apparently, she just wanted to get some food. The rooms were a little more complete thanks to being made for multiple people, so they had a kitchen complete with a fridge and a few cupboards full of stuff to eat. Probably was enough for her. Continuing to approach the dorms, the cool outside air got her mood up a little, a smile returning to her face. The whole situation with Katherine was so strange, but the wind soothed her a little. "We've got a cupboard full of food back in the kitchen, should be enough to last all of us a while."

They were at last approaching the building, the high facade intimidating for anyone who wasn't used to seeing regular buildings these high. The door itself looked more like an entrance to the palace, opened by a button like all the others were as well. "I'm not sure the others are home...want me to introduce you to them later? I hope you're not too scared of them."
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