The trouble with Asari and Krogan(bigfootman900 x DuxT)


Apr 28, 2015
Rilima Dayma sat in what had to be one of the most sleazy bars in all the citadel. After it's reconstruction and repair after the end of the Reaper war, many new venues had popped up in the vast station. Now designed with all the races in mind, not just the founding council races, the Wards house now an even more varied underbelly than before. This bar in particular, was tailored to Krogan drinks and food specifically so had many, many of the aggressive beasts here.

Why she was here was a long story, but she could summarise it like this. Her boyfriend, a nice budding young man from the alliance had talked her into trying more kinky things. What he really wanted was a threesome, like any man and had practically begged for it. She caved, but on the condition that she got to pick who, when and how, which he had hastily agreed too. She almost felt sorry for the boy, since he wasn't going to be getting the pair of girls riding him like he might be expecting.

Rilima was here to find a partner and no female at that. She was here to find someone to give him a new outlook on what 'kinky' is. She knew full well he was not the sort of man to back down, so this was certainly going to test him. So she spent the night, sitting at a table alone with a drink. She scanned the room, watching for big Krogan who caught her eye, those that took an interest in her anyway. She'd beacon them over and had already turned away a couple who didn't want to fuck a guy, even for the promise of her, but she knew it'd be a matter of time till one showed up.
Trendok Sroyaxe, or just Tren by those who knew him stood at the bar of the sleezy bar. It was a place were he came to release his anger and frustration, which sometimes lead to a brawl with a smaller Krogen. To be honest not many equaled that of Tren he was at least a foot taller than most Krogen and built like a Turian Dreadnought. His reddish tan body was only hidden by his ebony black armored suit. A suit that showed of just how mighty a Krogen he was, all the way down to his exquisite male anatomy.

This night though he was not looking to brawl or anything harmful. He was getting bored with the usual items here at the bar. The drinks, the brawls, and even the women and men who sought his services. Sipping his strong stout he gazed around the bar, expecting nothing that could offer anything interesting.Mostly what he saw was usual here and he was a bout to leave, it was then someone caught his eye.

Over in a booth there was an Asari, not like the others who danced or were just well not to his liking. This one looked on a mission. He had seen her talk to many large and formidable Krogen, but all looked displeased when they left her. The curiosity was growing in him, but he was not one to be small mined and just ask her, he was going to wait here. The thought of what she was doing made him grin and chuckle low. What was she up too, and as he though he glanced over to her stout in hand and giving it a nice swig, but not looking away from her.
Rilima soon noticed Trendok, it really was hard not to. This Krogan was huge, bigger than every other male here for sure, her for sure looked intimidating. When they wrote about Krogans tearing apart Rachni with their bare hands, or ripping through Council space before their near extinction, the tales were always about individuals of such stature.

It was clear that she had gotten his attention, however this one was different. She beckoned him over like the rest, but instead of running up in hopes of getting his quads off, this one stood his ground, grinning. A smile formed over the Asari's face, she liked this one, she just hoped he liked what she had to offer.

Rising from her booth, she sauntered over, carrying her drink. Her hips swayed enticingly, a trick all Asari picked up in their time. It wasn't long before she stood before him and went ahead to take a seat with him. "You look like you're up for a change of pace sir. Perhaps I can interest you with something different from the usual."
Tren watch the Asari for quite awhile long, but then saw the beckoning of her. His smirk grew even wider as he set his drink down slowly and moved toward her. He did not have to rush she was not moving away or impatient, plus he was more than these weak calves she could wait for him. Besides the view of him moving would help sway her mind for him, for his frontal gave the whoel package, minus not being out of his suit.

When he finally approached the table he stood above her a moment getting full view of her from above, almost anaylising her. After a few moments he gave a pleased grunt and took a seat in the booth with her, though not to next to her he was not a mouse in this chase. His facial expression was still with a curious smirk as he spoke, "SO I see your doing interviews and I think you have found a match." His voice playful but with a hint of tact, He had been around for a good while to know how to play the field.
Rilima eyed the Krogan as he approached, certainly getting a good look at his size and prowess. Not all was revealed, she had plenty to imagine, mainly what he looked like under the suit and what he was packing. But she could gauge by his size and strength, it was clear she would not be disappointed in the slightest.

As he sat himself down and spoke up, she gave her own smirk. He was confident for sure, good, once again, she really hoped he'd be the one. "Possibly, not many of your kin have been wanting to do what I seek. Some are scared or too butch to play... both sides as it were." Hinting at what she might want involved. "I have a partner, who is in need of some humbling, something a big strong Krogan like yourself could manage easily I'm sure."
Tren grinned as he heard the Asari speak. She was not dim like other of her kind, thinking all Krogen we mindless brutes. Her confidence intrigued him and he was liking her more and more. As she spoke of her partner and the lack of others willing, he smirked wide and laughed. "Oh those who think mating is just for breeding. Sex is more than that it can also...teach." He gave a witty wink to the Asari giving his willingness to partake. "I think humbling is good in those who need it and...I am the Krogen that can teach such things." He spoke a he opened his legs and put them around the asari gently but showing he was a lot to humble.

Another chuckle escaped him as he moved back to a respectable position and leaned into the Asari. "I am sure you ahve got the package you want. Do you have anything else to say?" He peered at her curiously.
Rilima smiled as the Korgan seemed to accept what she had to say. Not only accept, but played along, he certainly wasn't as bone-headed as most of his kind, this one had some smarts. That wasn't all he head, for he soon demonstrated his other 'assets' to her, the Asari taking a moment to take great pleasure in running her leg along his package, feeling the rough size of it, she was very impressed.

Smiling, Rilima held out a hand. "Names Rilima, when's the soonest I can have you to... help humble my boyfriend." Though how her eyes roamed, it was clear that wasn't all she had planned for the Korgan.
looked at the Asari for a moment and eyeing her up and down, liking her even more. She had the smarts and the looks, a deadly combination, but her words felt true. "Rilima eh? Well my I say this sounds like a contract I am willing to take. I'm called Tren, Trendok Sroyaxe of clan Urdnax, and my SERVICES are opened at your earliest desire." His voiced boomed as he spoke showing all that he was not a whelp like the others in the bar. As he spoke he shifted as well giving the Asari a better glance of her collected specimen.
Smiling, Rilima got another good look at him before rising to her feet. "Well then, how about you accompany me to my apartment. My partner won't be back till late, I'd like to set up a surprise for him." She slowly turned, letting her dress flow, her dress which had been designed to show off her own assets. A full ass and large breasts, beautiful and sexy like all Asari maidens.
Tren gave a low rumble of satisfaction as he watched Rilima walk toward the exit. Her dress did mighty well to get the Krogen's attention. All her luscious attributes were making his body shake with excitement. It had been a few rotations since he had any time to have pleasure. Trying to hide his excitement he rose from his seat and with a slight increase in pace caught up with her. A He stood beside her in as gentle a way a Krogen could he moved an arm around her and with his large hand rested it on her ample rump. "It would do me a great honor to follow you to your living quarters indeed." He smirked playfully at her and then stood up straight to show all he was in charge of the room, besides her of courses.
Rilima smiled as she felt Tren press his hand into her rump, sending a shudder up her spine. She liked this Krogan already, were she single she'd already be trying to get him to ravish her. Heck, her being a relationship did little to quell those thoughts, only make her think to delay them, delay them till after the night of fun where she'll get Tren to ravish the both of them. She could hardly wait...

It didn't take long for them to get to the upper wards, one of the residential area's, fairly upper class too. It was clear that Rilima and her partner had some money, but not enough to live in the inner citadel, or at least not having any political ties to get there. She lead him up to her apartment, heading inside with him in tow. The apartment was well furnished, having a more Asari style to it, suggesting that the place was hers ultimately. Heading over to the kitchen, she pulled out a bottle of wine, pouring herself a glass. "Care for a drink? Oh and make yourself at home, feel free too... get comfortable." Licking her lips as she looked him over.
Walking in the upper wards of the citadel made him smirk. He often came to these areas for different reasons. Some to extort money from those that owed to sexual favors, which he gained credits. As they walked he looked around and often looking down at her and then to her breast. He had made a great deal he thought to himself, she was smart and cunning, but one thing made him wonder. Who was her boyfriend and why did he sound like a whelp to him. Tren shook his head shaking the curiosity as they arrived at her residence.

The living quarters did not disappoint and from the decor he knew she was likely the owner of the place. Listening to her voice he gave a low rumble of pleasure, "The best way I get comfortable is being out of this suit." His eyes eyeing her up and down with desire. Slowly he moved to the couch and sat down a little more gentler than the rest of his race, which would of landed with a thud. Sitting there he moved a hand unclasping his upper suit. It relieving a few scars, but mostly the massive pectorals and abs. This would be a nice place to have fun, but it would be a mess later he thought. "When will your human boyfriend be home? DO I need to do anything for him before hand?" His voice smooth and teasing with every syllable.
Rilima chucked at his comment on how he'd get ready. "Well that was the idea." Smirking wide, she watched him undo the upper plates, letting her eyes trail up and down his muscled form. Licking her lips, she knew he would be perfect for tonight and possibly nights to come if things went well.

Walking over, she handed him a glass of wine, taking a sip of her own. She sat herself down beside him, slowly crossing her legs as she let her eyes roam some more. "An hour, maybe two if he gets held up. My plan is that you should hide yourself to start with, I want to get him a little warmed up before I reveal my little surprise."
Tren looked at Rilima and took the refreshment and gave it a sip, the asari race had a way with their liquor. "Well, this taste rather well, though I feel that you and your man taste even better." His face smirking and he saw the asaris eyes move over him. Knowing what she looked at he moved in a way that showed more over his upper body letting his left pectoral fully slip out. At the same time however his bulge groaned against the trousers he wore, pulsing and growing with excitement and need.

"Oh you wish to hide m eh? Maybe a little hard to do so, but I can go to the bedroom if that would aid such hiding. I do think I can give you both quite a surprise." His body rumbled as he spoke and his heat from it was mighty.
Rilima had to chuckle at the remark, blushing a little to. She was a big girl, she didn't try and deny that her thoughts went straight to the gutter. In particular, she began thinking about the Krogan eating her out before fucking her, similar vision of what he'd do to her boyfriend. She just couldn't wait, luckily she needn't wait long.

"Well then, go to the bedroom and get as comfortable as you like. By the time he comes in, I'll make it so he won't back out." The Asari promised, worst case scenario he freaks out and leaves. Should that happen, Rilima had every intention in enjoying Tren while she had him.
Tren smirked as he listened and watched the expression of Rilima, "Well I guess I will do as you say... as the humans say My Lady." His voice rumbled low as he moved closer to her and gave her a tender kiss on the lips before departing. As he waled away he moved slow with a breeder's knowing and gate. This contract would be very satisfying indeed. The thought caused his massive member to wiggle slightly in his trousers as he entered the bedroom.

With a swipe of his hand he made the door to it shut and casually began to strip. As he removed his battle armor his ripped muscular body glistened in the dim light of the room due to the sweat that speckled his body. When his armor was fully off all he wore was a flimsy dark read thong. IT struggled to contain his massive cock and four orbs that groaned with need. Glancing at the mirror in the room he smirked a little knowing he was a fine specimen. After a moment of gently flexing he moved onto the bed and laid there seductively in a way that showed off his full body.
Rilima shuddered as Tren moved closer, closing her eyes to enjoy the tender kiss. Kissing a Korgan while odd was certainly enjoyable, enough to get her more eager than she already was. Watching him go, Rilima grinned, walking off to make her own preparations.

Time passed and soon Tren would hear noises from the living room, though muffled by the rooms soundproofing. Two voices could be made out, a man's voice distinct against Rilima's smooth, seductive charm. It didn't take long for things to apparently get heated and before long, the door opened, uniting the trio at last.

There a human man stood, naked with his cock gripped by the blue hand of the Asari. He stood shorter than his girlfriend and thus much shorter than Tren. He had very short brown hair, looking like a military or police cut and was decently built... for a human anyway. Like wise his cock was also a fair size... for a human. Said organ twitched in her grip and the man stood frozen, confused by the sight of a Krogan in their bed.

"Honey, this is Tren, he'll be joining us tonight. Tren, this is Mike... ready to show him why you're here?" Rilima draped herself over Mike's shoulder, seeming naked, though covered by the man's body. Her eyes had a subtle glow to them as she spoke as she looked between the two males.
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