The New Student (Kolren & Lillythelez)


Jun 24, 2016
Beacon has always been know for its competence in training new hunters and huntresses. Their tight train regimen and experienced professors earned it the place at the top of the academies. But recently a few changes have been implemented in the academy so they could adapt better for various situations. While they always encourages the formation of teams, since teamwork is an important thing when facing the forces of Grimm, they also needed to face that not all persons could give their all when fighting with other, nor a hunter would always have their partners in moments of crisis. This opened the window for a new possibility, a new way of training the protectors of man. Now, besides the groups, another kind of hunter started to be trained in beacon. These hunters would be outstanding individuals, capable of incredible feats without the help of anyone else. They would be trained to horn their powers, so they could use it to face legions of enemies alone, not depending on the help of teammates. These solitary hunters were known as Loners.
Not everyone could be a Loner. For starters, they would need to be amazing fighters, capable of withstanding various enemies at the same time. Their aura also should have an incredible pool, so they could keep going for longer in fights without suffering too much risks. And, most important of all, their semblances should be of a very specific kind. A power capable of devastating feats, so devastating, in fact, that they could be too risky to use near innocents. Few people matched that criteria, and fewer could pass the entrance exams imposed by the school. A Loner train consisted not only of physical aptitude and of the normal classes, but also of extra classes involved in train their minds, so they could have more control over their powers. This was such an incredible hard position to attain, that ever since the spot opened only one person ever managed to pass the tests.
This person was a girl. She quickly captivated every one with her beauty. But also with her abilities and intelligence. This single student that managed to conquer the strongest spot between the students of Beacon, and the new diva that walked it's halls, was Carmen.
A cascade of red hair bobbed up and down. The tight fitting suit hugged the body of this beautiful lone huntress as she walked down the halls of Beacon. The students made way for her, Carmen Cinnamona, a dashingly beautiful girl in her own right, was Beacon's top huntress. To that end she was respected and admired by all she passed by. Walking to the first class of the day, she pushed the classroom doors open and had a seat waiting for it to begin.
Most of the students were already in their places when Carmen arrived. Due to how their position, everyone saw her when she stepped inside. The voices died down as everyone directed their gaze to the gorgeous woman. After a few seconds of contemplation a few voices started to whisper to one another in a rush tone. It was easy to imagine they were talking about Carmen, as they always did when she first arrived anywhere she went. Some of them started to die down as the huntress went for her place in the first rows. Besides her sat one of the most well know teams in Beacon, RWBY. An all-girls team, Carmen took notice of them quickly, since they were always involved in the school events one way or another.
The team leader was Ruby, probably the youngest girl in Beacon, moving up two years. She has a small frame and a dark-red short hair. Her clothes added to her cute nature, using a black dress with red frills and cape. She was a little social awkward, getting jumpy every time someone she didn't knew talked to her.
Also in the team was Yang, Ruby's sister. She was the complete opposite of her sister in many ways. She was taller than her, had long golden hair and had some good curves on her body. She also wasn't ashamed to show a bit of skin, using a short that looked most like boyshorts, having her belly button exposed and a good cleavage. She was also a lot more social than her sister, not being afraid of speaking her mind even in inappropriate moments.
Yang's partner was Blake, the most reserved of the group. Her clothes were simple when compared to the others, using white shorts and shirt, with a black coat in top of it and her most well-known feature, a black lace that she was always wearing. Besides her clothes being reserved, she also used a pair of thigh-high black stockings, what really helped to show off her legs. When talking to others she was gentle and didn't spoke much, preferring to read books. Although Carmen did saw her reading a book with a questionable title before, she seemed to stick to the more romantic ones.
And lastly but not less important was Weiss, Ruby's partner and one of the richest girls in beacon. She was the daughter of the president of one of the biggest dust extractor companies in the world, the Schnee Company. Her white hair and fair skin gave her a very sophisticated look, which her dress augmented, a white piece that gave her a pure, although cold, image. While her appearance was almost on pair with Carmen, her personality worked... poorly. She had a hard time talking with almost anyone due to her princess syndrome and, while she was a good person inside, she usually needed a wake-up call before realizing her mistakes.
But Carmen wasn't the only one noticing them. The girls noticed Carmen back. Ever since she had enrolled and started attending classes the new top student in the academy constantly bested the RWBY team every time. Not only managing to do the work of four people alone, but also doing it even better. Her essays better written, her answers more developed and her combat winning rate in an indisputable one hundred percent. Due the constants match-ups against their team, the girls were the first ones to notice Carmen's abilities, and the ones that felt it the stronger.
Carmen liked Ruby and her group for the most part. Even if they were under-trained, and a tad overzealous. The woman would hear the bell ring once class was over. The lunch time bell this one proved to be. The classes at Beacon went by relatively quickly. She made her way to the womens restroom on the way to the Lunch Room. She settled in one of the stalls, and undid her skirt letting it drop as she squatted over the toilet. However as Carmen gazed between her leg, the large dick she had was jutted upward. "Damnit..." She muttered as she went about jerking herself off until the sound of Ruby and her Sister entering the bathroom drew her to stop. 'Oh please don't stay long..' She muttered silently.
The two sisters entered the bathroom without ceremony, ignorant of the girl that found herself in quite a predicament inside of the stalls. It didn't looked like they were planning to stay for long, since they didn't went for the other stalls in the room, but instead for the sinks. It seemed they were in the middle of a conversation, continuing it as they begun opening the taps.
"I mean, she's so pretty. Her hair is good. Her figure is good. And she's so smart! I kinda feel out of place when she's around..." Said Ruby, with her natural jumpy attitude. She sounded excited for most part of it, but a little depressed at her last statement.
"Oh, is my baby sister in love? I'm surprised you found someone so fast." Yang replied. Her tone suggested that she was making a joke out of the situation, pushing Ruby's buttons like she normally did.
"It's not it! It's just that... I like being around her. I wouldn't mind if she stayed more..." And as usual Ruby was walking right into it. She sounded thoughtful, as if remembering the moments she spent with the girls she was talking about.
"Well, then you better up your game. Take too long and I'll have her for myself." Yang sounded a little more serious now. A sound indicated that she had hit Ruby, in her shoulder, probably. But even so, her voiced gave hints of having fun with the situation.
"He-hey! She's not some piece of... something, that you can get just like that, you know?" Ruby replied, trying to sound serious, as her sister closed her tap and started walking again.
"First come, first served baby sister." It was the last thing Yang said as she opened the bathroom door, letting out a satisfied laugh as she let it close behind her. Ruby seemed to get struck pretty hard for that one, because she let a sigh in an even more depressed tone.
"There's no way I can win against sis like that." She said, making a little pause to sigh again after that. "Carmen... I wonder if she thinks about me... Ahhh, I can't make it now. I need to get it off!" She said, sounding a little frustrated. The sound of cloth rubbing against cloth started to feel the bathroom for a few seconds, but stopped after a while "Wait! I can't do it here, someone could come in and I would be a pervert! But I can't wait to get to my room... I know! The stalls!" As she said it her steps rushed towards the stalls, more specifically, the very one Carmen was using. As the door opened abruptly, Ruby, who had one hand going between her thighs, was faced with the vision of Carmen holding her own, well-endowed, cock in her hands.
Well, a lot had just gone down. Carmen listened to the end quietly with her hand around her rather shockingly large member. It was when she heard the talking between sisters turn towards her. Then the scuffling around which had lead Ruby to open the stall Carmen was in, the lock on this one stall was busted so she could just open it easily. Now, with her hand wrapped around her huge lady dick, her cheeks flaired deep red in embarressment. She tried to hide her dick but it was already out there. "I....I can explain." The dick was one thing, but it was extremely well endowed, shockingly so. "Uhhhh come on in... and shut the door..." She muttered shyly.
Ruby had a shocked expression in her face, her mouth handing open as she looked at Carmen, quickly switching between her face and her cock. As she looked, her hand stood still for most of the part, as if she had forgotten that it was there. When Carmen instructed her to come in, she did just that, still flabbergasted at her crush... exotic anatomy. It was only when she was inside the stall, with the door closed, that she remembered where her hand was, and quickly recoiled her, hiding both of her arms behind her as she leaned her back in the stall's door. Her face flushed, as she tried to keep looking at Carmen's face, but with her eyes still wondering to the girl's private.
Carmen looked to Ruby. "So, um you... you like me huh?" She said, and opened her hand to show the girl what she was packing, a good 15 inch cock, with a nice 4 inch thickness. It was amazing she hide it under a skirt. "So, um, you wanna know about it." She blushed and made a pointing notion for Ruby to squat down before her. When Ruby did so, Carmen began "Well, ya see, I was born female, but as I started getting older my clit began to grow larger and larger... then became this.." She flushed, "Does it look bad?"
Ruby looked mesmerized at Carmen, following her instruction without much thinking since she was still in shock with the entire experience. It was only when he girl started to explain the situation that she regained a little of her focus, although her eyes still found hard to focus of Carmen's face without constantly wandering to the throbbing member that she carried between her legs. With was when Carmen finally asked her what she thought about it that she finally jumped, quite literally, back to life.
"Wha-what? No no no no no. It doesn't look bad, not at all. It even looks a little cute... no, it doesn't. It looks vicious." She was even jumpier than usual, her voice sounding very nervous as she shook her arms while tried to explain. Only that by the end of her speech she looked away a little, with a little of depression of her voice, like she normally did when she thought she was acting too strange. She still stole quick glances at Carmen's cock with the side of her eyes.
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