Everybody Lies (Closed to Liva)


Jun 21, 2016

Dr. Darla Crawford walked down the hallway with one hand jammed in her lab coat pocket and the other holding a clipboard with a journal for notes. She had been offered a babysitting job in a hospital and the job was to babysit the best doctor Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital had to offer. Diagnostic medicine would be a very challenging, but very intriguing route that she was willing to take. Dean of Medicine Lisa Cuddy and chairman of the board Vogler had made an executive decision that she was to be assigned to the team, whether Dr. Gregory House wanted her to or not. Crawford was set from the start on not getting emotionally attached to this doctor in any shape or form. No doubt, it was clear from his reputation that he was going to give her trouble, but she grew up with 4 brothers and was as quick as a whip. There was a reason this espionage was being offered to her.

She would also, of course, mean to serve as a functioning part of the team. After all, she was a very well qualified doctor.

Eventually, Darla had reached her destination of Gregory House's office, wondering if he was yet there... there were rumors that he was often late and this was one of the things Vogler would want her to report.

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Wilson trudged down the hallway, his hands in his pockets as he walked back from the restroom. It had been a tough evening last night. His wife and him had another argument and stayed up rather late as a result. Part of him honestly wanted to speak with House about it, but he wasn't sure if he could handle the chance that House might also be an ass to him. However, House wasn't completely out of the question... Wilson felt like if things kept going the way they did, he'd be spending some time on House's couch in his apartment... he hoped it wouldn't have to get that bad, but there hadn't been a peaceful night in a while at the Wilson household. Wilson could usually handle House's sarcastic comments, but no, not today.

After all, at the board meeting the other day, Vogler appointed that a new doctor be added to House's team without his permission to watch over him... and Wilson perceived that that was going to be a little messy at first. Something he definitely didn't want to be around for, if he could help it. Especially if House used it as an opportunity to do his favorite thing; blame Wilson.

Therefore, he was on the search for Dr. Thawne instead, wondering if he could speak with her a bit before the day got a little too crazy- being doctors and all... he didn't intend to talk to her about anything specifically; he just found that being around her was soothing, no matter what they were speaking of.
Lillyofthevall3y said:

Dr. Darla Crawford walked down the hallway with one hand jammed in her lab coat pocket and the other holding a clipboard with a journal for notes. She had been offered a babysitting job in a hospital and the job was to babysit the best doctor Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital had to offer. Diagnostic medicine would be a very challenging, but very intriguing route that she was willing to take. Dean of Medicine Lisa Cuddy and chairman of the board Vogler had made an executive decision that she was to be assigned to the team, whether Dr. Gregory House wanted her to or not. Crawford was set from the start on not getting emotionally attached to this doctor in any shape or form. No doubt, it was clear from his reputation that he was going to give her trouble, but she grew up with 4 brothers and was as quick as a whip. There was a reason this espionage was being offered to her.

She would also, of course, mean to serve as a functioning part of the team. After all, she was a very well qualified doctor.

Eventually, Darla had reached her destination of Gregory House's office, wondering if he was yet there... there were rumors that he was often late and this was one of the things Vogler would want her to report.

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Wilson trudged down the hallway, his hands in his pockets as he walked back from the restroom. It had been a tough evening last night. His wife and him had another argument and stayed up rather late as a result. Part of him honestly wanted to speak with House about it, but he wasn't sure if he could handle the chance that House might also be an ass to him. However, House wasn't completely out of the question... Wilson felt like if things kept going the way they did, he'd be spending some time on House's couch in his apartment... he hoped it wouldn't have to get that bad, but there hadn't been a peaceful night in a while at the Wilson household. Wilson could usually handle House's sarcastic comments, but no, not today.

After all, at the board meeting the other day, Vogler appointed that a new doctor be added to House's team without his permission to watch over him... and Wilson perceived that that was going to be a little messy at first. Something he definitely didn't want to be around for, if he could help it. Especially if House used it as an opportunity to do his favorite thing; blame Wilson.

Therefore, he was on the search for Dr. Thawne instead, wondering if he could speak with her a bit before the day got a little too crazy- being doctors and all... he didn't intend to talk to her about anything specifically; he just found that being around her was soothing, no matter what they were speaking of.

((Pictures will come soon!))

Dr. Gregory House​

Leaning on his cane as he walked through the front doors of Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital 15 minutes later than he was originally going to meet, he headed straight for his office and hoped to avoid Cuddy in case she would give him the consultation hours that he had to do and would always try to get out of. Once he got there, he could see through the glass walls that the diagnostics team, Cameron, Foreman and Chase were already in there and waiting for him. A sigh with a following groaning voice escaped the doctor before he opened the door to his office to see an unfamiliar person.

"Well, I guess Wilson didn't forget my birthday after all" he said in a sarcastic tone of voice, it was obvious that the woman standing in his office was a new doctor and since she was standing in his office, she either had business with him or Cuddy had sent her, neither rubbed in the right way. "Now, get out or make use of yourself" he spoke as he walked past her and towards his desk where he sat down in his office chair.

He was well aware of his rudeness and never paid attention to people calling him out on it and he was just like that to new colleagues as well.


Dr. Caitlin Thawne​

Caitlin stood in the room of a patient who she was going to give the good news about being in remission. As an oncologist, she specialized in cancer, it was a job with a lot of ups and downs, but being able to give these kinds of good news made it worthwhile. She had worked at another hospital before but was offered a better position and pay at this hospital and thus had worked there for over half a year already. Caitlin had a lot of patients already, but this was one of the very few patients, only the second to be exact, at this hospital to be in remission.

"I'll let you relax for now and a nurse will be with you in a moment for bloodtests, but other than that, you will be discharged soon" Caitlin spoke with a smile, seeing the smiles on the faces of the patient and family made her happy and the smile stayed even after she left the room and had to go check up on another patient, possibly suffering from a tumor and had to have an MRI in an hour.

Her new job and moving to a new city wasn't the only good thing happened to her; at this very hospital worked another doctor who she had become friends with and was able to talk to. Dr. Wilson had been nice to her from the first day they met and she enjoyed talking to him, but busy schedules made it hard to find the time to have conversations not to talk about how Dr. House would interrupt them if they had lunches together and openly tease Wilson about it.
(Okay, cool!)

Dr. Darla Crawford
Darla watched silently as House made his way into the office, standing there for a minute as he made a snide comment at her. She watched as he sat down in his chair before walking over and placing her clipboard down on his desk and looking at him, a firm expression on her face. House's team watched curiously from the conference room.

"My name is Dr. Darla Crawford and I have recently been added to your diagnostics team," she looked at him, waiting for another snide comment. It had basically been the only warning she'd been given since she first started considering this job. "Lisa Cuddy hired me," she said, as she was told not to mention that Vogler had hired her in order to monitor House's conduct.

Darla was not naturally one to rat someone out. However, due to the difficult situation and unexpected move she had to make, she had found this job slot in a desirable area, despite it having certain requirements she wasn't entirely pleased with.

The 5'1 doctor stood before the other, looking fairly young. Her attempt to look older was done with the aid of putting her hair up and wearing glasses. "Before you ask, no, I am not a med student. I worked for four years in neurology and infectious disease in Yale before moving here..." she paused, considering that it was still a sore spot that she had to move at all.

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Dr. James Wilson​

Wilson walked down the hallway, his hands in his pockets, entering the oncology department. He was on pursuit for Thawne. It would mainly be a brief encounter because he had a patient to see in a half hour and though he was prepared, he liked to have a few moments before meeting with a patient, especially since this patient was a child.

He suddenly spotted Thawne walking from around a corner and he picked up the pace, walking towards her, seeing that she somewhere else to go. "Hey," said Wilson suddenly, walking up alongside the other doctor now, "I know you don't have much time, neither do I. But I was wondering if you could meet with me for lunch on the roof today? Just so we can... I dunno... talk and catch up?"

He smiled sardonically before adding, "also, House can't bug us up there. Unless he's feeling really ambitious. He has a new doctor on his team and he will probably want to vent and I think I rather avoid that today."

He looked down at his feet as kept pace with the doctor; it wasn't that he was cheating on his wife or anything. It wasn't anything like that. Just because she was a woman, it didn't mean that he couldn't confide in her, right? He wasn't planning to dump his problems on her, but he wanted some lighthearted, pleasant conversation that would distract his present slump.
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