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Smutty game idea - GM (me) LF players


Mar 13, 2016
I have come up with a fairly simple idea for a bit of a game. Could go quickly or maybe not so much depending on luck. There is a system, so I feel this is the place for the idea to go. It is not much of a system however and I want to see if there is interest before I move onto fleshing this out further.

Your character is tasked with descending into a dungeon as far as they can go before being rendered unable to continue. The first floor would have a blank room, one trap room and three monsters which are randomly assigned. As we talk about what you want to see creature wise, that would help populate the dungeon with the monsters that your character is likely to go up against.

Characters start with 25 life and 0 lust points. If your life points are reduced to zero then you are stunned for the next turn. You will potentially be able to regain life points through various means throughout the dungeon, however I would not plan on it happening all too often. What is more important is your lust points. Reaching 20 lust points would make your character orgasm and then it becomes a game of russian roulette to see if your character is able to continue. A d6 is rolled and for each orgasm your character has endured, that determines the target number that must be beaten in order to continue. Failure results in a game over.

This is an incomplete idea as of right now and I would be open to discussion as to what may or may not work. Right now I want to do two things. Keep it simple and keep it smutty. Once the game has some play under it's belt then I can look to modify the rules.

Anyone interested in being guinea pigs can either reply here or in a PM to me. I would need to know what your character concept is and what styles of monsters you would like to see more often than not. It is not a guarantee that the monsters will be the only thing you face, but there will be a focus on that type of monster.

Combat against monsters is simple. Players encountering a monster will have the monster roll a die depending on what floor they are on to see how powerful the monster will be. Monsters grow in power for each level the players descend. Combat is fairly simple, the player goes first and rolls a d20 then the monster rolls a d20 to defend. A hit will take one HP away and then the monster will attack assuming that they are still able to do so.

Grappling may occur which is how lust points are acquired. Even in a grappled state players may still freely attack unless they are stunned. If a player is stunned the monster will get a free attack that is guaranteed to hit and then combat will resume as normal with the player having the next attack.

I am probably missing something, so I of course reserve the right to make customized variations of this to fit how each player would like to have their game be played out. I am only going to run this in threads and I am not interested in any way shape or form in playing via pm or any other means, sorry.
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