Fleeting Or Lasting Moments? (Me & HFF)


May 13, 2016
Helios let out a heavy sigh and pushed his shaggy blue hair out of his face. He could not have it spiked up the way he liked it because of having to go to work. He always felt rather uncomfortable when he was around Reid, strange feelings came over the young boy that he had never felt before. Shifting his body he pushed himself out of his seat with his profile in hand and made his way to go find his boss. The boy turned a corner and walked into Reid, a flush taking over his face as he backed up. "I am so sorry Reid, um here is the profile you asked for." he said and handed the file to the older male. He then nodded his head and brushed his hair out of his eyes again and stared about the staff room, wondering if he should get a cup of coffee.

"Better be more careful, he will think I am a clutz like my last boss." he thought to himself. Shaking his head he adjusted his shirt and brought his phone up to his ear as it went off, he answered it then turned hanging it up. "Second time this week that number has phoned me, its from China, that is new." he said allowed as Garcia walked by. "If your looking for help, you don't need one dear. You got a very good profile on the on sub. Reid just showed me, you did well." she said to him as she grabbed some coffee and left. "Uh thanks, I guess." he said before he grabbed his own cup and made his way out the door and headed past Reid's office with out looking inside.

He sat down back at his desk as his headache returned and he let out a sigh. "Alright, time to get going alright!?" came a voice down the hall. "Let me guess, we are going to DC after the information I got?" Helios said as he made his way towards Reid and the others standing in the hall. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets as he made eye contact with the rest of the team. "It seems you might be getting your tenth on sub this year my boy. You are very bright." Leo said, an older male who had joined the team three years before. Helios flushed madly and then smiled, not sure how to respond to the older male though.
"Thank you,Helios.There's no reason to apologize. I wasn't really paying much attention myself." Reid said.Ever since Helios had turned 18,he'd started thinking about the boy in a different light.Sure,he was still a member of BAU,as well as a fellow intellectual.But he was also funny,and beautiful and shy. I can't be feeling like this. It's highly unprofessional.

Whenever Leo was around Helios,Reid felt extremely jealous.The man was a dead ringer for Johnny Depp.Leo was charismatic,and had social skills. "You're right,Helios." He said,setting the file down in front of him before addressing the rest of the team. "Our unsub is a white male between the ages of twenty eight and forty.The victims were all men,and they had gay slurs carved into their skin.We're either dealing with a homophobic individual,or someone who is in the closet himself."

Reid looked at Helios. "I want you to be my partner on this case. Is that alright?" On one hand,Reid wanted to be alone with Helios more than anything.But it wasn't that simple.He had trouble mustering up the courage to order a coffee at Starbucks.His palms would get all sweaty,and he'd stammer like a love-struck teenage boy.So how in the world was he supposed to tell Helios how he felt? Just then,he got an idea.After work,he'd talk to Morgan.Reid would tell him how he felt,and ask for advice about how to proceed. "And that concludes my briefing."

((Great post!!))[/b]
"You forgot that the unsub likes to torture his victims before he carves those things into their backs." Helios said as a frown came across his face. Shaking his head he thought about something else, however when Reid said he wanted Helios to be his partner he went wide eyed, a flush ran over his cheeks for a few seconds. "Sure...I am fine with that." he said crossing his arms after the older man had finished talking. Leo glared at Reid but said nothing as he walked out the door following after Helios who was talking to him about a recent paper he had been working on. They two males would make their way outside and head off towards the corner starbucks for some coffee.

Helios wagged a finger happily at Leo when the men came back coffee in their hands. "I was wondering if your free Saturday night at 9? I want to take you to the movies if that is alright?" Leo asked him. "I am not sure, I will have to wait and see where we have gone with this mission." Helios said a sad look on his face. However you could see that Leo was not happy and smart people would be able to tell that Leo was trying to get his hands on Helios before Reid even had a chance, the poor boy was innocent in these type of things.

Helios yawned and made his way into his office and sat down on a couch. He then pulled a blanket up and over his body and shut his eyes feeling tired. "Damn I feel so warn out, what could be doing that?" he asked and cocked his head to the side. He then rested his head on the pillows and before he knew it he was fast asleep. He began to snore his hair resting in his face, however it didn't seem to be bothering him what so ever. He would sleep for hours on end until someone, maybe Reid found him and woke him up in a good way.
"Yes,you're right.I did." Reid said.He'd probably glanced over it while he was reading.Being around Helios made him pretty nervous,but he wouldn't let that show.Reid saw Leo glare at him,but the smart young man didn't say anything about it.And of course,he was jealous that Leo had the guts to actually talk to Helios.

Reid saw the two of them leave together,and he couldn't help but sigh.Deciding to distract himself instead of moping,he began making preparations for their flight.Information was gathered and put together in an orderly fashion,and the authorities in DC were made aware of the BAU's presence.Reid realized he hadn't seen Helios in quite a while.

Reid made his way to Helios' office,and knocked lightly. "Helios?" No answer.He stepped into the room to find the younger man asleep on a couch. Reid's breath caught in his throat,and he just stared at him. Well,it's now or never. Reid gently brushed the hair out of Helios' face before leaning down to kiss him softly.His heart was pounding,and he was very nervous,but he'd wanted to do this for quite some time.He vaguely hoped Helios wouldn't push him away.
Helios's eyes opened slightly and he stared up at Reid after he felt the older male's lips pressing down on his. His cheeks went bright red as he stared into the older male's eyes but slowly brought his hands up and grasped gently onto Reid's shirt. "You know that was my first kiss you took." he said softly as his flush slowly ebbed away. He however did not push Spencer away, he gently grasped the older male's hand in his own and stared deeply into his eyes. "So that is how you feel about me Spencer? I had a feeling you did." he said gently and touched his lips with his fingers, a smile curved softly onto his lips.

He bit his bottom lip and slowly leaned up and shyly kissed Reid back on the lips, his hands trembled a bit as he pulled away. "I would never thought you to be gay, that is kind of a relief actually. I like you from the start but was far to scared to make it known. I have been emotionally hurt before so I didn't want to go through that again." Helios said sadly. The younger boy slowly looked about before he started down at his watch. "Do you uh want to get a drink or something before we have to go and pack for the flight tomorrow at four pm?" he asked cocking his head to the side wanting to have some fun with Reid.

However he was slightly embarrassed when he looked down to see he was semi hard between the legs. He bit his lip harder as he became embarrassed, his face flushing. "I uh...will grab my things and then we can go." Helios whispered as he stood up and went to grab his bag from his desk. His hands trembling as he resisted the urge to gasp his cock and start stroking himself off. "Damn why do I always get hard when I think about him?" Helios thought to himself as he closed his eyes and took a huge breath in before he slowly let it out.
"I had no idea that was your first." Reid said softly. "Yes,I've had feelings for you ever since you joined the BAU.I look at you,and I see an intelligent,beautiful person that I want to get to know better." And now that Helios was eighteen,he could pursue a relationship with him.

Reid nodded. "I've known since I was about ten.It's not something that many people know about me." It wasn't that he was ashamed,but simply that the topic of his sexuality never came up. "So you...you feel the same way then." He said,fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "I'd love to."

"Take your time.No need to rush." Reid said.The older man could tell that Helios was quite nervous himself. "I can talk to you,and not feel like a total nerd.You understand everything I say.You get me." It was so amazing to be able to talk to someone who understood what he said without him having to put it in lamens terms.Reid felt satisfied that he'd made a move on Helios before Leo had.And he'd done it on his own without needing to talk to someone about the situation first.Reid wasn't much of a drinker,but he really wanted to spend time with Helios.
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