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Legend of Zelda RP

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Mar 10, 2010
In front of My computer
Okay so over teh past few months my obsession for the game Hyrule Warriors Legends has become unhealthy, I don't know what it is about that game but i LOVE IT!

Anyway I want to do an RP involving a pair from the series (And while Hyrule warrior is not cannon I will include tat as well.)

I do have a few ideas, though in general they follow the same premise. SO i will write down the pairings and if one strikes your interest let me know. We can discuss and I can give you the plot i have if i have one for said pairing)

There is no paricular order to teh list, but teh ones I am craving wil have an * next to it. In Most cases I will be Playing shadow Link.

-Fi / Link (Given Fi constantly calling Link master, teh plaot i have is rather smut based.

-Lana / Shadow Link *
-Cia / Shadow link *
-Linkle / Shadow Link
-Sheik(Zelda) / Shadow Link *
-(twili)Midna / Shadow Link

-Nabooru / Young link (Aged to 15) *

If interested Shoot me a PM.
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